Journal Q&A
Why support the Ad Journal?
Membership dues alone do not cover the expenses of our ongoing programs for youth, holiday celebrations, learning, visiting scholars, assistance to those in need and daily operations. A major portion of our budget and building fund is raised by the Ad Journal, our most important fundraising event of the year. You can make this year’s Journal a success by choosing a generous support category. Please approach your friends, family, colleagues and business associates to solicit ads for the journal. The deadline to submit ads is June, 7, 2019.
Virtual Journal Benefits
  • Ads will be screened at the BBQ
  • The Virtual Journal is available for viewing year round on our website.
  • Sponsors can conveniently submit their ads anytime online
  • Google and other search engines will pick up sponsor ads, increasing sponsor visibility on the web
  • Business ads may be linked directly to your website with a URL.
Ad Specifications  
Size - All ads are sized Full Page. Ad levels are distinguished by category heading.
Camera ready ad graphics should be sized 1000px (width) by 670px (height).  They will reproduce best in a horizontal orientation and should be sent as a .jpg or .gif. or .pdf.
Logos may be included when placing a text ad. Please send the logo electronically if possible.
Business Cards will be treated as camera ready ad graphics. For best quality, please send in electronic format.
Please send all logos and camera ready ads to Shelley Paradis at [email protected]
If necessary, ads may be adapted to fit the virtual journal format.
For more information or assistance, please contact
Alisha Blugrind, Etz Chaim Office: 973.597.1655; [email protected]
Shelley Paradis: [email protected]

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