Gregory Frank
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Gregory Frank is a social entrepreneur.  He believes that for education to be relevant to high school students they have to understand how to apply their education in the real world. His desire to help improve the education system led him to create E2 Adventures in 2016. This non-profit organizes large scale field trips for teenagers that connect what they learn in the classroom with the real world.
His vision for this company was to make education experiential and he recognized that to do that, sometimes students need to leave the classroom. His mission is to help teenagers understand how the world works and how it is evolving; to inspire their pursuit of knowledge and skills; to enable them to make a lasting and impactful difference: to become tomorrow's changemakers.
Gregory gets this spirit of Tikun Olam in part from his family.  His grandmother, Lilly Ronn z’l was a long time, steadfast, dedicated member of Emunah. She would be very proud to know that her grandson is continuing to try to improve lives.
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