Changemaker Kids
Leah Buzik, Age 7, Greenwich, CT
Nathan Buzik Age 8, Greenwich, CT
Giving back is very important for the Buzik family and you are never too young to start.  Leah and her brother Nathan picked out and packed toys for a Chanukah gift-giving chesed project for all the children in the Emunah Afula home. The Buzik's are active members at Temple Sholom.
Sophie Bistritzky, Age 11, Teaneck, NJ
Katie Weiss, Age  11, Teaneck, NJ
Sophie and Katie created unique and decorative mask chains to be sold during the pandemic with proceeds benefitting the Alana Karp a”h Memorial Fund at Emunah of America. 
Ben Chesner, Age 13, Teaneck, NJ
In 2019, Ben visited the Emunah Achuzat Sarah home in Bnai Brak. This positive experience inspired Ben to organize a car wash in the Teaneck community, in addition to raising money to buy school supplies and backpacks for the kids in Achuzat Sarah. 
Avigayil Berkowitz, Age 12, Teaneck, NJ
Abigail Chesner, Age 12, Teaneck, NJ
Abigail and Avigayil are  carrying the Emunah legacy torch.  They organized a fabulous Shavout Bake Sale, with all proceeds going to Emunah Achuzat Sarah.
Yonaton Faber Age 13, Teaneck, NJ
Yonaton combined his love for basketball and for chesed and organized a 3 on 3 basketball tournament.  Yonaton organized 12 teams with players from 4 different schools and was able to raise significant funds to support Emunah Bet Elazraki home.
Erin Nathan, Age 12, Hewlett, NY
Erin created customized mask chains during the pandemic for her Bat Mitzvah project. Erin was in charge of her online advertising and sales. The significant funds from the sale of Erin's masks were sent to Emunah Bet Elazraki.
Aviva Neumann, Age 12, Lower Merion Township, PA
Aviva is passionate about chessed. For her Bat Mitzvah project, she started a GO Fund Me page for Emunah and raised thousands of dollars to help children her age living in residential homes in Israel. 
Ava Orgel, Age 13,  New Rochelle, NY
For Ava’s Bat Mitzvah, she created a dance routine and taught it via videos to the girls her age at Emunah Achuzat Sarah. In addition, Ava raised money for Emunah Achuzat Sarah by donating a portion of her Bat Mitzvah gifts towards the renovation of a dance room. In February 2020, Ava and her family visited Achuzat Sarah and Ava got to dance in person and celebrate with the girls she had taught the dance. It was such a special and meaningful experience.
Dalya Septimus, Age 12, North Woodmere, NY
Dalya celebrated her Bat Mitzvah this year and requested guests donate to Emunah Bet Elazraki in lieu of gifts. She raised over $10,000 for the children and was able to help provide the children with special summer activities. She also learned Pirkei Avot with 4 girls from Bet Elazraki who were also having their Bat Mitzvah on Zoom. At the party Dalya and her friends packed summer fun packages for all the children of Bet Elazraki and sent it to Israel for them to enjoy.
Ilan Sugarman, Age 13, Teaneck, NJ
Ilan is an avid runner and created a running event for his Bar Mitzvah project. Ilan raised significant funds for brand new running program in the Emunah Achuzat Sarah home in Bnai Brak in memory of his late great-grandmother, Past National Emunah President, Shirley Billet a''h.
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