Estelle a”h and Leonard Glass
Emunah Legacy Award
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Estelle Brier was born on the lower East Side of Manhattan on 6/6/44. She attended Esther Schonfeld High School and later Stern College for Women where she majored in English. Estelle met Lenny Glass while attending Camp Galila in the Catskills and they married on 6/14/64. Estelle’s passion for teaching English began when she started her career teaching in public school, but when she and Lenny moved to New Jersey she was hired by Bruriah High School - where she eventually became the chair of the English department. Estelle taught at Bruriah for over 30 years where she was a beloved teacher and mentor for hundreds of students. Estelle and Lenny moved from Elizabeth to Teaneck NJ in 2001 to be closer to their family. They have 4 married children: Ozi and Shira Glass, Rina and Mo Fuchs , Michael and Lisa Glass and Rachel and Aaron Kopstick, as well as 16 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Many of Estelle’s children and grandchildren have followed in her footsteps and have become teachers and educators.
Leonard (Len) Glass was born and raised in The Bronx. He began his education attending local Yeshivas and Yeshiva University High School for Men. He graduated Yeshiva College, with a BA Cum Laude with a major in Chemistry and New York University with an MS in Organic Chemistry, with additional Management courses at the University of Connecticut.
He began his career as a Research Chemist for a major firm and continued to work as a chemist, specializing in Sales and Marketing positions at several companies. He soon became Vice President at Ameribrom, a subsidiary of Israel Chemicals, Ltd from 1977-1987. After, he left to found MORRE-TEC Industries, Inc. the newly established distributor for the Israeli firm, where he remains today.

The company, celebrating its 37th year of operation, is located in Union, NJ and is a prime manufacturer of ingredients for the skincare, nutritional, functional beverage, and infant nutrition markets. Len remains active in his firm, as well as participating in numerous charitable organizations, both religious and community oriented in US and Israel.

Ericka and Sel Levine
Barbara and Leslie Abrahams
In honor of Estelle a”h and Leonard Glass
David & Susan Rosenbaum
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Matilda and Marvin Anhalt
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Fran and Alan Hirmes
Mazal tov to our dear friends Anne and Jerry on your well-deserved Award! Your commitment to Emunah and strong leadership in Emunah has been an inspiration to all of us. In addition, we owe you a tremendous hakarat hatov for initiating and being the force behing our "On the Path" kidushes and get togethers. These have brought together the entire Bal Harbour community, and we are forever grateful.

To Estelle a"h and Lenny, we wish you a yashar koach for your generosity and support of the children of Emunah. You both have dedicated your lives our children and families, and we are forever grateful.

May Hashem continue to bless all of you and your growing family, and may you continue to have much nachat and joy from your beautiful family!
Debby Stepelman
Sari and Yaakov Sheinfeld
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Marilyn and David Koplon
Marcia Lee Weinblatt
Emunah Brooklyn Region
In Honor of
All Our Most Deserving Honorees.
Harriet Saperstein
Susan Weinstock
Brooklyn Region Vice Presidents
Michelle and Joel Orgel
Steven and Gail Siskind
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Nicole and Jeff Spivak
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
Linda and Mark Gruenbaum
Lenny, You Together with Estelle Z"L, are and will always be, pillars of our community.
May you continue to be an inspiration with your Torah Values and Chesed to all.
Mazal Tov to Anne and Jerry who work tirelessly for Emunah.
Cynthia and Abe Steinberger
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Lisa & Ari Sugarman
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Michael Nussbaum
Helen and Emmanuel Adler
Jackie and Saul Bodenheimer
With great admiration, we celebrate Estelle a”h and Lenny today. Their legacy of unwavering support and shared commitment have made a significant impact both here and in Israel. With heartfelt and warm regards,
Sharon & Gary Hoffman
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Rhonda & Jeff Avner
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Doris Adest
Sora & Eli Grunstein
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Lynn and Joel Mael
Susan and Freddy Koss
What a special way to honor Estelle's Z"L memory and your work YB"L Lenny for Emunah. We treasure Estelle's memory and miss her a lot. Susan and Freddy Koss
Jean and Aaron Rothstein
Alice and Bernard Moss
Toby and Larry Feder
In Honor of Estelle a”h and Lenny Glass on receiving the Emunah Legacy Award
Toby and Larry Feder
Esther and Paul Lerer
Mazel tov
To our dearest friends.
And well deserving Founders Award honorees

Your decades of dedication and leadership to EMUNAH and strong support of advocacy,
Torah values and chesed particularly in Israel have allowed so many worthy institutions to benefit from your good hearts and generosity.

Paul and I admire your dedication and are continuously inspired by your commitment to take action.
We cherish our warm friendship now in its fourth generation between our families.
Each of your kids and spouses have continued this legacy in their own right and we wish you true happiness and nachas from all of them.

We also salute and congratulate
upon receiving the Emunah legacy award.
Your lifelong dedication to the children of EMUNAH speaks volumes of your
beloved Estelle A”H and your combined generous heart for so many Jewish causes.
Best wishes to our wonderful sister CAREENA PARKER , Emunahs fabulous National President for extraodinary success in all she does.

TOGETHER , may we all continue to strengthen Am Yisrael
With great respect and love ,
Marilyn and Joseph Bench
Charles Bacall
Lynn Sugarman and David Wisotsky
Mazel Tov to all the honorees. Their tireless efforts on behalf of the children of Emunah have changed so many lives!
Sherry and Bernie Perlowitz
In honor of Lenny and Estelle a"h Glass
Mindy and Muttie Stein
Berti Herzka
Sheryl and Ernest Elias
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Cynthia and Abraham Hercman
Rachelle Neuman
Esther and Irwin Levenbrown
Mazal Tov to Lenny Glass on this honor, as well as to the memory of Estelle, A"H, for their commitment to Emunah, to Israel and to so many other worthwhile organizations. They were a true team in all their endeavors. May you, Lenny, go from strength to strength, continuing your dedication to Eretz Yisrael and Klal Yisrael, and perpetuating Estelle's memory.
Debbie and Saul Bienenfeld
L. Brian and Hana Katz
In honor of Estelle a”h and Lenny Glass and the Gonotownik Family.
Gila Alpert
Mazal Tov and best wishes to two deserving couples for their dedication and devotion to Emunah and Am Yisrael.
Esther Perl
In loving memory of our beloved friend Estelle a"h
In honor of her loving husband and our friend Lenny
In honor of the Gontownik's
Carole and Jack Forgash
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Evie & Alden Leifer
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
Jennifer & Yaakov Prince-Abdelhak
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Susan and Brett Nadritch
Shari & David Shapiro
Mazel Tov to all the inspiring honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and to all our children, brothers and sisters in Israel. ‎יחד ננצח !‎!עם ישראל חי
Careena and Drew Parker
With great pleasure and respect, we honor our cherished friends, Anne & Jerry Gontownik, whose exceptional leadership and unwavering support of Emunah continuously inspires our community to be dedicated to its success. Your passion for helping others exemplifies the spirit of your ongoing generosity and kindness.

We salute Estelle a"h & Lenny Glass for your continued generosity and thougthful gifts to help the children of Emunah. This tribute honors Estelle's memory and the lifetime of giving that has been the crown achievement of your lives. May Hashem continue to bless you and your growing family with a lifetime of nachas and celebration.

Because of these families and all of our supporters, countless lives have been touched and changed for the better.
Thank you for your extraordinary contributions and for being a beacon of hope and compassion. We are honored to celebrate you today.

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