In honor of the Dinner Chairmen

Careena Parker, Liz Gindea, Anne Gontownik and Elliot and Rena Steigman

I am deeply grateful to you for all your tireless work, ensuring the success of our largest fundraiser. You are bright, devoted, and passionate, and I am so proud to work with you to fulfill our mission of transforming lives. You have enriched my life with your boundless wisdom, energy, dedication and generosity. You put the FUN in fundraising, and I am truly grateful.
The success of this campaign is yours to celebrate.
Ronnie, Shlomo, Eli, Sophia, Mel and Kimmy- The Emunah Dream Team
THANK YOU for all that you do-
we could not do it without all of you!
I hope you recognize that each of you are an integral part of Emunah,
and you share in tonight's success.
With my sincerest appreciation and gratitude,
In Honor of Jessica Major
Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor.
Jessica, you embody the future of Jewish leadership and your positive impact within your community and in Israel is truly inspirational. Your acts of chesed and generosity of spirit have a positive impact on all who know you, and we are profoundly grateful to you for your dedication to Emunah's mission of transforming lives.
Kol HaKavod! I am proud to share this special evening with you.
In Honor of the Teaneck Chapter
Mazal Tov to the exceptional women of the Libby Kolb Chapter in Teaneck.
You all work tirelessly for Emunah's benefit and have raised significant funds to positively impact our nation's most vulnerable populations. I am humbled by all that you have accomplished, and deeply appreciative for instilling in your children and grandchildren the passion you have for Emunah's mission. Kol Hakavod to all of you.
May Hashem grant you and your families good health, happiness, and nachat from your children and grandchildren who have followed in your footsteps, and may you continue your wonderful work of transforming lives.
With my sincerest appreciation and gratitude,
In Honor of Karen and Robert Spitalnick
Mazal Tov to Karen and Robert Spitalnick on this very deserved honor.
Your dedication to many Jewish causes, to improving the lives of our children and families in Israel and to leaving the world a better place is truly inspiring. You tirelessly give of yourselves, generously devoting time and resources to Emunah with purpose and sincerity, exemplifying the true meaning of tzedakah.
Your generosity has instilled hope for a better future for many children, individuals and families who depend on Emunah, and I sincerely hope that you feel the genuine admiration and gratitude that you so richly deserve.
I am honored to share this special evening with you.
In Honor of Johanna and Karen
Johanna and Karen-
Thank you for everything these past three years. Who would have thought that your work as president and chairman of the board would continue way past the end of your terms?
You have been my right hands, helping me throughout my tenure, through the most challenging times beginning with a pandemic and now, unfortunately, with the tragedy of an existential war in Israel. Your steadfast advice and encouragement during my presidency helped our mission surpass its goals and succeed, despite the difficulties we encountered. I will forever be grateful for your guidance and confidence, and I hope you both share in the success of our collective work.
With my sincerest appreciation and respect,
Congratulations to all the honorees
on this wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to
Emunah and the children in Israel.
Leonard Glass
Cecelia and Rubin Margules
Max and Sunny Howard Foundation
Jonas Ehrlich Foundation
Spitalnick and Steigman Families
Barbara and Gerald Schreck
Karen and Robert Spitalnick
Lynn Sugarman

Ari and Lisa Sugarman
Ilan, Doron, Daphna, and Meital Sugarman

Danielle Sugarman and Emma Karesh

Etan and Laura Sugarman
Aaron, Lianna, and Katie Sugarman
Ann Arbesfeld and Family
Emma Laskin and Bart Baum
In honor of our brave Chayalim who are
fighting to protect our Jewish Homeland.
We pray for their safety and for the safe
return of Emunah's Staff who were called up to
serve in the IDF. Mazel tov to all the
honorees on their well deserved tributes.
Michelle and Michael Schwartz
Debbie and Saul Bienenfeld
Reva and Martin Oliner
Careena and Drew Parker
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Shelli and Harvey Dachs
Bonnie and Jack Eizikovitz
Amy and Daniel Gibber
Elizabeth and Josh Gindea
Irene and Andy Goldberg
Anne and Jerry Gontownik
In honor of Karen and Robert Spitalnick
Fran and Alan Hirmes
Heddy and Mendy Klein
In Solidarity of our Evening of Unity to Help our Nation Heal and to
support our brave soldiers, sisters and brothers in Israel 
We SALUTE our dear from friends and visionaries 
Your dedication and leadership to Emunah and strong support for Israel advocacy,
orah values and chesed have allowed EMUNAH & so many institutions
to benefit from your generosity.  

Paul and I cherish your warm friendship are inspired by your many charitable actions.  
We also SALUTE and admire JESSICA MAJOR on receiving the young leadership award
and her dedication to EMUNAH.

Congratulations to President Debbie Bienenfeld and chair Johanna Guttman Herskowitz
for their inspirational leadership.  

Finally, our deepest gratitude to benefit cochairs, Elizabeth, Anne, Careena & Rena
on a successful and special evening. We salute our incredible staff who work tirelessly
every day, Ronnie, Mel, Eli, Sophia & Kimmy And our amazing
International Director of Philanthropy Shlomo Kessel 
עם ישראל חי ! 
Esther & Paul Lerer 
Temi and Bernie Monderer
In Honor of Careena Parker, all of the Honorees and
all of the wonderful people helping the children and
families of Emunah.
Naava and Jeffrey Parker
Michelle and Eli Salig
Lisa and Jonathan Schechter
Mazel tov to Jessica Major on this well deserved honor. 
MAZAL TOV to Karen and Robert Spitalnick.
Thanks to your dedication, your tireless efforts
and your generosity, Emunah has been able to
strengthen and support our fellow Jews - both young
and old- throughout Israel, so that they may lead
more meaningful and productive lives.
May Hashem bless you and your families with
many more years of good health, Mazel and
strength so that you can continue your
important work on behalf of Klal Yisroel.
Mindy and Muttie Stein
Beth and Ronald Stern
Susan and Mark Wiesen
Sheryl and Ernest Elias
Marcia Genuth
Johanna Guttmann and Robert Herskowitz
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor.
Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
Karen and Eric Miller
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel Tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Shifra and Dani Bendheim
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Tamara and Joseph Berkowitz
Anna and Alexander Buzik
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Sheera and Kenneth Eckstein
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Bari and Dani Erber
First Izbitzer Benevolent Society
In honor of Mindy and Muttie
Stein, and in honor of the
vital work that Emunah does
in Israel.
Debbie and Tom Furst
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Hammerman, Kessler and Lifshitz Families
Mazel Tov to Karen and Robert on this well
deserved honor.
Your unwavering commitment to the Emunah
children is an inspiration to all.
May Hashem grant you the strength to continue
your essential work for Emunah.
With much Admiration,
Lynn and Joel Mael
Our best wishes to Karen and Robert.
Your support of the children of Israel and Am
Yisrael is ever so important.
Emunah is fortunate to have you.
David and Susan Mandel
Gitta Nagel
Anita and Hal Rosnick
With gratitude to Karen and Robert Spitalnick
and the other wonderful awardees for all that
you have done to help make possible Emunah's
life-changing work for klal yisroel.
Sylvia Schonfeld
Temple Sholom
The Emunah Aliza Chapter
Myrna Zisman
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Sophia Alpert
In honor of the Libby Kolb
a"h Chapter and all their
amazing work for Emunah.
Ellen and Morris Bienenfeld
Shaindy and Daniel Brothman
A very hearty Mazal Tov to Karen and Robert Spitalnick on
this well deserved honor.
Your commitment, determined dedication and unwavering
support has enabled Emunah to provide the crucial and vital services
to countless children and families.
Yasher Koach to you. May you be granted the years and
strength to continue in your acts of chesed.
Best wishes and Mazal Tov to Jessica Major and
the Libby Kolb Emunah Chapter and to all the people who
support and have emunah in Emunah.
Shaynee and Marty Kessler
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Kolatch Family Foundation
With deep gratitude, we salute the IDF and
our chayalim for protecting our
beloved homeland.
We pray for their safety.
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Evie and Alden Leifer
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Karen and Eddie Lifshitz
Mazal tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Mazal tov to Madame President, our mother/ grandmother,
Debbie Bienenfeld
for your tireless dedication and devotion to Emunah.
Your never ending commitment and steadfast support
for Israel is admirable and inspiring.
You are a continuous role model for all of us.
Amanda, Michael, Tori, and Ally Mizrahi
Susan and Brett Nadritch
Marnie and David Nagel
Shari and David Shapiro
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Malky and Jay Spector
The Emunah Brooklyn Region Chapter
The Seligsohn Family Foundation
Phyllis and Mel Zachter
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Murielle and Steve Uretsky
Allied Feather & Down
Myrna and Charles Alpert
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Dave and Avigayil Bakst
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Rena Cole and Ephie Bernstein
In Honor of Karen and Robert Spitalnick.
Models of a Multi-Generational Emunah Family,
Karen and Robert Embrace and Continue Their
Family's Traditions of Leadership, Tzedakah,
and Love of the People and Land of Israel,
While Effectively and Passionately
Transmitting those Values To Their Children
and Grandchildren.
Rabbi Richard and Lois Bieler
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Cheryl and Evan Borenstein
Lynda and Ben Brafman
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Miri and Mordechai Faber
Thalia and Danny Federbush
Surella and Joseph Feit
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Carole and Jack Forgash
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Tova and Shai Gerson
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Ruth Gilad
Ilana and Stuart Goldberg
Helena and Marvin Goldstein
Irene and Robert Gottesman
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Adrienne and David Greenblatt
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Chanie and Alan Greif
Aviva and Paul Gross
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Katie Parker and Josh Gruenbaum
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Sora and Eli Grunstein
Suzanne and Barry Gurvitch
עם ישראל חי.
Mazal tov to all the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
And to our dear friends Liz and Josh Gindea
on a job well done.
Dina and Michael Kollander
Cheryl and Lee Lasher
Susan and Joel Lichtenstein
Chani and Simon Lichtiger
Mazal Tov to our good friends, Karen and Robert Spitalnick on
your well-deserved tribute.
Your dedication to Emunah, as well as your family, friends and
Klal Yisrael set an amazing example for all of us.
Congratulations as well to Jessica Major and the other honorees.
In recognition of the hard work of our good friend,
Debbie Bienenfeld.
Especially during this most difficult time, may you all continue
your vital work on behalf of Emunah and the entire
Jewish community.
Iris and Shalom Maidenbaum
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor.
Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
MeiraT Designs
In honor of Careena Parker
Cheryl and Ron Nagel
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Odit and Zach Oliner
Mazel Tov to all of our
Honorees May you continue to
go from strength to strength
through your dedication and
unwavering support for Emunah
and our beloved Israel.
Elana and Rony Oved
Elizabeth and Michael Pinewski
Yasher koach to all the
honorees for their outstanding
dedication to Emunah at this
life-threatening time for the
Jewish people and Israel.
Lisa and Yaron Reich
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Harriet and Heshe Seif
Mazel tov to our dear parents Karen and
Robert Spitalnick on the recognition of your
unwavering dedication to Emunah's mission and
the State of Israel.
We are so proud to be your children.
Nadine and Josh Shatzkes
Jennifer and Shlomo Shenker
Esther Sorscher
Congratulations on this well
deserved award.
May you go from strength
to strength.
Allen Steigman
In honor of Liz and Josh Gindea
Joy and Mark Sultan
Mazel Tov Karen and Robert on this well deserved award!
We admire your leadership, tireless efforts, and passionate
commitment to Emunah and the entire community.
You both have touched the lives of many, and
we are grateful to have been part of their journey.
With your continued acts of chesed, we are confident that the impact
will be felt far and wide, making a lasting difference for the children
and families in Israel and all of Klal Yisrael.
Wishing all the honorees, Board, and staff
continued success during this difficult time.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Laurie & Harry Szenicer
In Honor of National President Debbie
Beinenfeld, Saul and Family.
May you and your great works continue being an
inspiration to the world.
Jake and Rochel Walden
Walsh and Gilad TLLC
So proud of our Jessica!!
Xoxo, Bettina, Spencer, Sara
& Jeremy, Alec, Nat
Cathy and Allan Weiss
Debbie and Aron Zanger
Lisa and David Zaslowsky
Susan and Michael Alon
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Debbie and Michael Alpert
Tamar and Ethan Benovitz
Sharon and Benjamin Berger
In honor of Sophia Alpert - we are inspired by you each day. Thank you for your tireless commitment to the children of Emunah and Am Yisrael.
In memory of Alana Karp a"h - there is no Emunah event where we don't feel your presence. We miss you.
Mazal Tov to Jessica Major and all the well deserving honorees. May you continue to have the strength to do Hashem's work for many years to come.
With admiration, Rachel and Jacob Best
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Jules and Leora Bienenfeld
Debbie and Michael Blumenthal
Brenda and Alan Rubin
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Anna and Alexander Buzik
Barbara and Melvyn Ciment
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Eileen and Steven David
Congratulations to all the
honorees on this
wonderful honor.
A special thank you to Debbie
Bienenfeld for her leadership.
Naomi and Aryeh Davis
Charisse and Jay Dolitsky
In honor of Karen and Robert
Spitalnick and all they do for
the community at large.
Yael and Ben Englander
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Sarah and Yossi Faber
In Honor of Event Chairs Careena Parker &
Anne Gontownik So proud of all you
consistently do for Emunah.
Your commitment is unwavering and
always inspiring!
Eve and Heshy Feldman
Naomi and Daniel Feuer
In admiration of the volunteers and staff
here and in Israel that work tirelessly to
ensure a better future for Emunah's children
and families.
Kol Hakavod!
Carol and Harold Finkel
In honor of Karen and Robert Spitalnick
Janie and Robert Fisher
Rebecca and James Gelfand
Mazel Tov Jessica!!!
We are so incredibly proud of your dedication
to the children of Kol Hanearim and Emunah!
May you continue to find the strength to be
the thoughtful and special girl you are.
We love you!
Lital Berger and Micah Gill
Mindy and Daniel Gindea
Tamar and Michael Gindea
In honor of Johanna
Herskowitz, Careena Parker and
Jessica Major.
Tizku L'mitzvot!
Shari and Maurice Gluckstadt
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Beth and Mark Goldman
Deborah and Adrian Goldstein
Mazel Tov to all the honorees!
We'd like to extend a special Mazel Tov to
Debbie Bienenfeld, National President, on her
dedication and tireless work for Emunah!
We'd also like to acknowledge Kimmy Warner's
competence and hard work as Controller
of Emunah!
Annie and Hymie Goldstoff
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Talia and Sol Goldwyn & Family
Mazal Tov to all of the
honorees and a big
Yasher Koach to
Elizabeth & Joshua Gindea.
Brian and Renee Greenspan
Mazel Tov to all the honorees for your hard
work and dedication to Emunah Kol Ha'Kavod to
Careena Parker and the committee on their
tireless dedication to making this dinner
a success.
Linda and Mark Gruenbaum
Judy and Marty Grumet
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Helaine and Jake Harman
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Sharon and Matthew Herenstein
Abby and Scott Herschmann
Malka and Menachem Husarky
Elaine and Bob Jacobs
Esther and Mitchell Kaplan
Congratulations on this well
deserved award.
May you go from strength
to strength.
Steven and Marjorie Kellner
Mazel Tov to
Karen and Robert Spitalnick
and all of the
other Honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Sydelle and Robert Knepper
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah
and the children in Israel.
 Yael and Moshe / Miriam and Ryan Kolb / Morgan
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Debbi and Lee Krantzow
Millie and Larry Magid
Gabriella Major
Congratulations to all the honorees.
Dear Jessica- we are the proudest aunt and uncle!
Rochelle and Eugene Major
Mazel Tov To Michelle and Michael Schwartz
on this wonderful honor.
You provide ongoing inspiration to all your friends.
Judy and Howie Hahn | Lenore and Ephraim Hecht |
Muriel Klein | Chayie and Kenny Mittel |
Jennifer and Jay Nadelbach |
Leah and Akiva Weichselbaum |
Toby and Mitch Weiss
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Janine and Cal Nathan
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Toni and Reuben Nayowitz
Reva and Martin Oliner
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Beth and Gary Orbach
Matthew Parker
Mindy and Alan Peyser
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Tali & Justin Pines
Rabbi Dale and Ellen Polakoff
Anna and Morris Propp
Mazel Tov Jessica on this well deserved honor!
Your steadfast dedication to Emunah and the
Kol Hanearim program is inspirational.
We are very proud of you!
Robyn, Ari, Gabriel, Hannah, Ben and Sheri Lee
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Joyce and Stanley Raskas
Mazel Tov Jessica Major and
to all the honorees!
We love you!
Rachel and Jonah Raskas
Sharon and David Rauch
Congratulations on this well deserved award.
May you go from strength to strength.
Diane and David Rein
In Honor of ALL THE BRAVE CHAYALIM who are fighting
to protect Our Beloved Homeland and The People of Israel.
We Pray For Your Safety.
Mazal Tov to all the deserving Honorees!
Harriet and Paul Saperstein
Mazel Tov on this very well deserved honor.
Your commitment to Emunah is very much appreciated.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children and families in Israel.
Melodie and Martin Scharf
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Tamar and Robert Scharf
Mazal tov to Karen and Robert
on this well deserved honor.
We are proud to be your friends!
Carol and Alan Schechter
In honor of Fran Hirmes and
her indefatigable efforts on
behalf of Emunah's children
and families in Israel.
Shavy and Mark Schlossberg
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Sara and Richie Schlussel
Tammy and Richard Shatz
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Jessica and Evan Shusterman
Malkie and Nachum Silberman
Congratulations Robert and Karen on all your
extraordinary achievements.
We celebrate you for al your accomplishments,
We are inspired by your actions.
We are proud to call you family, With much
Melissa and Arthur Spitalnick
In honor of our dear friends, Ronnie and Albie Faber.
Ruthie and Eliezer Stavsky
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Amanda Parker and Scott Stiefel
Zahava and Moshael Straus
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Kimmy and AJ Warner
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Weichselbaum and Family
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Fran and Jerry Weinberg
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Estelle and Leo Weiner
Susan and Uri Weinstock
Esther and Dov Zeidman
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Joyce Austein
Congratulations on this well
deserved award.
May you go from strength
to strength.
Randi Barenholtz
My dearest Jessica, Mazel Tov on this incredible honor.
The commitment and impact that you have had on
Emunah has been spectacular.
Your consistency in wanting to help others and making this world a
better place is just a small part of what makes you so special.
May you continue in your dedication to Emunah and the
children of Israel for many years to come!
Mazel tov on this well
deserved honor.
Your commitment to Emunah
is admirable.
Amy and Michael Berger
Zelda Berger
In honor of
Mindy and Muttin Stein on behalf of their
tireless work for Emunah's
children and families.
Brenda and Darren Blackstein and Family
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Seth and Chani Chesner
In honor of Esther Lerer.
You are fortunate to have such a dedicated advocate.
We wish you much success.
Dr. Esther and Dr. Ben Chouake
Mazel Tov to
Karen and Rober Spitalnick
on this well
deserved honor
Miriam and Gil Ellenberg
To Shaindy, Amy and Shifra
You guys rock!
Congrats and all the power to you in the future
Love, Cindy Forgash
Joyce and Gerald Fruchter
In memory of my beautiful parents Zahava bas Yecheskel z"l and Yecheskel ben Yishai Koppel z"l
In memory of my Bubby Bessie Furer Basya bas Yecheskel z"l who was an ima and savta for Emunah at luncheons and emphasized how important organization Emunah was to her and my zeide, Yishai Koppel Ben Shalom z"l
Joy Furer
Congratulations on this well deserved award.
May you go from strength to strength.
Stacy Futterman-LaVictoire
Florie and Irwin Gasner
In tribute to Mindy Stein
Judith Golowa
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel Tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Doris Hirsch
In honor of Debbie Bienenfeld
Doba and Kalman Isaacs
Janney Montgomery Scott
In honor of Mindy Stein and
her incredible efforts on
behalf of Emunah.
Dana and Erik Kessler
Mazel Tov to our cousin
Jessica and all the honorees
on this well deserved honor.
Tiki and Simcha Lyons
Patrick Maas
Fran and Bernie Mermelstein
Mazal tov to Karen and Robert Spitalnick!
Robert and Hinda Mizrahi
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Michelle Mosberg
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Rho Muller
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Victor and Frieda Oelbaum
Mazel tov Karen and Robert on this well
deserved honor.
May you and all the honorees go from strength
to strength during this extraordinary time.
Bonnie and Michael Orbach
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Sarrah Ottensoser
Congratulations on this well
deserved award.
May you go from strength
to strength.
Toby Parker
Vera Perlman
In honor of Johanna Guttmann
Esther Schnitzer and Anton Weiss
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Suzanne and Robert Segal
Rama and Reuben Seltzer
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Florin and Howard Silberstein
We would like to wish a
hearty Mazel tov to all the
honorees on this well
deserved honor.
Cynthia and Abe Steinberger
Michelle and Scott Sulzberger
Congratulations on this well
deserved award.
May you go from strength
to strength.
Brett Vetensky
Ariane Vitale
Raffaele Vitale
In honor of Liz Gindea
David Weinstock
Roslyn Weitzner
Miriam and Dan Yunis
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Sophie Herskowitz
Mazal tov to all the honorees, especially my
roomie Jess who is beautiful inside and out!
So proud to know you and to love you!
Eva Ingber
Mazal tov to all the honorees staff who worked so hard to put this together.
May you continue you your dedication to Emunah and the children of Israel.
Daniella and Isaac Inkeles
Biggest Mazal Tov to an extremely strong and kindhearted leader, Jessica a true JEM!!
The care and warmth you give to all those around you and especially with Emunah and Kol Hanearim is truly inspiring.
The love that you give to your Talp KHids shines an everlasting light in their lives. This list can go on and on which just shows how fitting and true to who you are this award is.
Endlessly proud of you Jessica MAZAL TOV!!!
Much love, Raf
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Brian Nathan
Congratulations to all the honorees on this
wonderful honor.
May you continue your dedication to Emunah and
the children in Israel.
Gary Orbach
Wishing the most heartfelt Mazel Tov to
you Jess!
Your generosity knows no end.
May you continue to provide the world with
your amazing gift of kindness and
bright light.
I am so proud of you!
Jenna Parker
Mazel tov on this well
deserved honor.
Your commitment to Emunah
is admirable.
Miriam Rosen
Mazal tov Seeka!!! We are so proud of you!!
Isaac and Jacqueline Shapiro
Mazel tov on this well
deserved honor.
Your commitment to Emunah
is admirable.
Rebecca Tauber
Congratulations on this well
deserved award.
May you go from strength
to strength.
Dana Waitman
Helga Allweiss
Judy Becker
Nancy and Sully Bemak
Nettie and Nathan Berenholtz
Helene Berkowitz
Susan Bernstein
Hadassah and Marvin Bienenfeld
Benjamin Blumenthal
Robyn and Steven Blumner
Judy and Martin Braun
Sylvia Brill
Linda and Mark Bunim
Dr. Jeremy and Sheila Chess
Judith Cogen
Raquel and Ari Cohen
Adele and Larry Diener
Ezra and Ilana Dweck
Eeta Pinewski
Dena and Abie Feigenbaum
Jamie and David Feit
Debbie and Rich Finkelstein
Robert Fisher
Hannah Frank
Fran and Phil Friedman
Joyce and David Friedman
Miriam and Michael Gartenberg
Carol and Irving Gertel
Dena and Bernie Goldblatt
Elaine Goldman
Gail and Joseph Goldman
Lorraine and Steve Goldsmith
Anne Goldstein
Yitzchak Goldstein
Caren and Michael Graber
Jane and Josh Grauer
Steven and Sandi Grodko
Jane Gural-Senders
Hedy and Jay Richman
Jacqui and Steven Herman
Johanon Hirsch
Meryl and Gary Hoffman
Irwin Hollander
Myra Honig
Hornblass Family
Lilly and David Icikson
Debra and Jonathan Joels
Susan and Samuel Joffe
Leora and Ben Kahan
Rochelle Kane
Eileen and Michael Kantrowitz
Josh, Leslie, Jolie and Marshall Kaplan
Wendy and Ron Kaplan
Leah and Phillip Kazlow
Sherry and Jaime Kelstein
Alana Kessler
Sarah Kimmel
Chani Klein
Chavie Kahn and Heshy Kofman
Micole and Oren Koslowe
Koyfman Family Foundation
Alicia and Mark Levin
Ericka and Selwyn Levine
Jean Levine
Susan and Irwin Liberman
Randi and Arthur Luxenberg
Autumn and Bruce Mael
Cara and Cal Major
Karen and Alan Mazurek
Sharon and Sol Merkin
Ruth Mirvis
Michelle and Joel Orgel
Esther and Harold Perl
Francine and Arnold Rochwarger
Ronda and Robert Rogovin
Ayelet and Brian Rosen
Susan and David Rosenbaum
Elaine Rosengarten
Phyllis and Gil Rubin
S.F. Golombeck
Anne and Raymond Sander
Rita Saphirstein
Mimi and Ari Schreier
Candis and Henry Schwartz
Daniel and Lindsay Setton
Pearl and Emmanuel Shaps
Arlene Silverstein
Sherri and Howard Slochowsky
Judy and Abe Soleimani
Spirgel Family
Janet and Sholom Spitz
Sarita and Daniel Sragow
Bracha and Isidore Steiner
Howard and Amy Stiefel
Blimie and Joel Strauss
Erica and Ronald Strauss
Abbey Taub
Paul and Yael Weinberg
Marcia and Lee Weinblatt
Abigail and Seth Weiss
Dorothy Weiss
Cynthia and Jeffrey Wiesenfeld
Kenneth and Marleen Wolf
Wolf Family Foundation
Deena and Harvey Wrubel
Heidi and Glenn Zuckerman