Tanya Zbili-Katz
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Tanya is a self taught artist based in Toronto. Tanya specializes in Acrylic painting and is currently working on her Judaic collection and specializes in custom commissioned portrait work. For the past six years Tanya has been leading paint night workshops where she teaches people with no artistic experience how to paint a piece of art from start to finish in one session. 
After six long months of lockdown and no in-person gatherings in sight, I felt a need to turn my paint nights virtual.  I was apprehensive at first about the challenges that might arise from teaching painting over zoom, especially to those who had never painted before, and considering that some of the groups were over 100 people.  But I saw how much those in my community missed events (myself included!), so I mobilized my resources as best I could and took the plunge.  I’m glad I did because I immediately saw how much happiness my clients were getting from reconnecting with family members and how valuable it was for them to not just see each other but do an activity together.  Helping to bring together parents and grandparents and children who had been separated for months – and seeing them laugh and paint together –  is a joy like no other.   I now teach people all around the world and have even had the opportunity to offer events as far as Israel and Hong Kong!  Watching people reunite with friends, colleagues and loved ones for a fun night and introducing them to the joy of painting at the same time are some of the best parts of my job.
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