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I am a Public Health specialist physician based in Toronto. I am also an assistant professor and the Program Director of the Public Health and Preventive Medicine Residency program at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, and the Global Health Lead for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Medical Education at the University of Toronto. 
I practice clinically in emergency medicine and primary care in northern Ontario, as well as being a mohel. I have experience working globally, in Northern and indigenous communities, and in local and territorial public health, as well as at the World Health Organization – I have led  work on pandemic ethics frameworks, incorporating halachic perspectives into the global response.  My recent public health leadership roles include Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health in Nunavut, and Associate Medical Officer of Health in Middlesex London Health Unit and Halton Region. 
Throughout the pandemic I have been leading elements of the response within public health agencies, as well as using my academic role to advocate at various levels for policies that would keep the community safe. I have also been providing guidance to individuals, community leaders and organizations (schools, camps, shuls, educational institutions, etc...) relating to covid. I have also been liaising with different elements of the community, helping draft guidance for the community, and helping lead KolHaCOVID.
Dr. Pakes and his wife Dr. Brenda Weitzner, and their 5 daughters, live in the Clanton Park neighbourhood.
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