Mia Rosenblum
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Hi! My name is Mia Rosenblum and I am from Thornhill.
I attended Ulpanat Orot high school and I  spent a year in Israel at Sha'alvim for Women I currently live in New York, where I attend Stern College for Women. I am studying education, and I hope to get a Masters in Special Ed.
During the pandemic I BH have had many amazing opportunities come my way. I am so fortunate to be an NCSY advisor this year, where I help Jewish teens connect to their past and help inspire their future. I also had the privilege of volunteering for HASC @ Home this summer, where I visited a very special boy for a few weeks. I also had the zchus to be a counselor for Camp Simcha without Borders this summer.  I am also very involved with Friendship Circle. For me, nothing means more than putting a smile on someone's face. COVID hasn't been easy for any of us. Without a doubt, every single person has gone through hardships. But, for me, there are two ways of looking at things. And this is what I have tried to do this past year and what I continue to try to do every single day.  I try to help make a difference and make an impact on the greater Toronto community. In life, instead of looking at situation with the perspective of "?למה" I try my best to look at situations with the perspective of "?ל- מה"
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