Abby Mayer
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My name is Abby Mayer, I am 12 years old and live in Toronto, Ontario. I enjoy spending time with friends and family, cooking, baking, watching TV, playing basketball and so much more.
Last summer, I was looking forward to Camp Moshava and my Bat Mitzvah. My family and I were planning to go to Israel for my Bat Mitzvah and visit one of Emunah’s Children’s homes in Israel, Neve Michael.  However, due to Covid, camp and my Bat Mitzvah were cancelled. I was wondering how to spend my summer. Since I love cooking and baking, I decided to open a baking business in the GTA. The name of the business is AbbyInTheKitchen and the menu included delicious cookies, brownies, and muffins. I decided to start this baking business as my Bat Mitzvah project and raise the money for the children of Neve Michael, as I know that COVID was especially difficult for them. Over the summer I raised $1,200 for Emunah. I'm still continuing to raise money for Emunah and plan to reopen AbbyInTheKitchen again in late April.
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