Atara Lipson
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My name is Atara Lipson and I am from Toronto. I graduated from Ulpanat Orot High School in 2019. I then spent the following year studying in Israel at Michlelet Mevasaret Yerushalaim (MMY). I am currently doing a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology and Health Sciences at York University and I hope to pursue a future career in the health field.
During the pandemic, I have tried my best to give back to my community. In the summer, I volunteered for Hasc at Home - an incredible program dedicated to spending time with a camper that has special needs. Every week, I ran various programs for my camper including arts and crafts, sing-alongs, and games. Throughout the year, I also volunteer for Yachad Canada. As a Yachad Advisor, I help plan and run activities for the virtual Yachad Shabbatonim. These virtual programs are not only fun and engaging, but they also allow me to maintain the connections that I have made with many Yachad participants over the years. During the pandemic I also volunteer for the Chesed vs. Covid-19 initiative. As a volunteer, I pick up and deliver groceries for the elderly people in my community who are unable to do so due to the pandemic. Growing up in a thriving Jewish community, I have always been surrounded by an unbelievable amount of Chesed. For this reason, it is a true pleasure to give back to the community that has provided me with so many wonderful opportunities. This holds especially true during this pandemic, as it is a crucial time for us to help one another.
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