Esty Yeres
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I am born, bred and educated in Toronto, including Eitz Chaim, Bais Yaakov, University of Toronto, Maimonides College and Midrasha Lamorim. By profession I am a dental hygienist specializing in pediatrics. I am the proud Savta of 18 - including 5 Sabras. I have a passion for community work, but the happiest time of my week is Sunday morning zooming with my grandchildren for our 'Baking with Savta' sessions.
When Covid-19 began, our weekly Bikur Cholim Golden Girls program for older senior ladies (in memory of my daughter Batsheva z”l) could not meet to provide a hot meal, divrei torah, entertainment and camaraderie. In order to combat their isolation and loneliness, we developed a virtual online program to take its place.
We trained our older senior ladies and their caregivers in the acquisition of technology skills and usage of laptops and ipads to enable them to participate in our program using the zoom platform. We matched volunteers with individual Golden Girls to assist them in this process and forge personal relationships. Our zoom program became immensely successful. We deliver a hot meal from the Bikur Cholim kitchen, but more than the food; the Golden Girls look forward to seeing the volunteers from the distance, shmoozing and throwing kisses. We crafted a program that bridges the loneliness of our beloved older senior ladies. 
We welcome each member personally as they come on the screen of our zoom program and inquire about their welfare and share mazel tovs. A guest speaker delivers a dvar torah and during a segment called 'Getting to Know You', we highlight a different Golden Girl every time. We provide quality entertainment consisting of live music, a video, an art project, bingo or other fun activities .We also include a segment with exercises and stretches. Despite the challenges of the pandemic's isolation, the Golden Girls look forward to our sessions with great anticipation; they connect with familiar faces and and enjoy the group dynamics. Our volunteers, have created a lasting bond with the Golden Girls. We look forward to getting back together panim el panim, but until then we will continue zooming.
I have been chair of Emunah Shabbat for many years. This past year was our 25th anniversary . Because of Covid-19 we replaced our usual Shabbat afternoon venue, with a virtual weeknight event on the zoom platform. It was so exciting to see participants from Canada join together for this momentous anniversary.
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