For fifty years Dynamite Youth Center has been committed to helping adolescents and young adults turn their lives around in our program that is designed specifically for them. Once completed, our young people return to society as healthy, contributing members. Throughout these trying times, DYC has continued to focus and stay true to our mission with the endless help of our staff, parents, Board of Directors and Friends of Dynamite and, of course, the young members of our program.
On December 17th, the CDC issued a press release stating that “over 81,000 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in the 12 months ending in May 2020, the highest number of overdose deaths ever recorded in a 12-month period”.
While much of the world has changed and COVID has affected so many lives, DYC remains committed to saving the lives of young people. We are asking for your participation and support.
As all of our in-person events have been cancelled, throughout the duration of the next year we will be organizing a variety of virtual fundraising events with the theme of “Building a Bridge” to our 50th Anniversary Gala in April 2022! We can’t wait to celebrate with you! With this idea in mind, we will be starting our virtual “Building a Bridge” Gratitude Journal now.
We thank you for being a part of our community. We are very grateful for our friends who continually provide the encouragement and support that helps make us successful. It is our hope that you will please fill out the enclosed journal form with your personal message or business ad that will appear on the website for a year. Our members are urged to patronize our sponsors and your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Our doors are open and will always be open to anyone that needs us and we will continue to provide the same quality services as we have for the past fifty years.
Stay safe.

The Board of Directors
Dynamic Youth Community, Inc. Board of Directors
The Fusco Family
The Smertenko Family
Upgrade Services
Flushing Bank
Mutual of America
Joe & Judy Dazzo
The Hanlon Family
Brian Cunningham, LLP
Barclay Damon, LLP
Zache Desire & Company CPAs
John S. Lichtenstein, M.D.
Clarks House of Flowers
The Lanstein Family
The Petriello Family
Damian Family Care Centers, Inc.
Samaritan Daytop Village, Inc.
Full Page
Zorn Sunshine ~ 51st Wave
Mario and Susan Mellone
Upstate Parents Association
Aunt Theresa and Uncle Dan
Eddy & Anna Kenney
The Burke Family
Tom & Mary Wieboldt and Family
The Marchiano Family
The Scarnati Family
Phase II Members
Anthony J. Croce, C.P.A.
Kosenko & Associates CPA'S PLLC
Frank LoPizzo
Dairy Maid
Brenman's Prime Meat Market
Rende Contracting Corporation
AF Signature Home Renovations
Hirschen, Singer & Epstein LLP
Skyler Design
Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz
Ira Taranow
The Portuesi Family
Half Page
Kevin Armington, M.D. (DYC Medical Director 2006-2016)
The Crowley Family
The Venticinque Family
Jean Garcia & Family
Paul Hartnett
Neil Kiperman
Larissa Sarabeeva
Margie Loughlin
Mittelman's Food Center
Joseph Mure Jr. & Associates
Noble Coffee Roasters
Loconsolo Paints
Family Dentistry ~ Aldona Pyrchla, DDS
Rez-Bear Propane
FL S Auto, Inc.
Kaback Service, Inc.
LiGreci's Staaten Caterers
J & J Grocery Store
Sullivan Fire Protection Corp.
Catskill Veterinary Services, PLLC
Quarter Page
Sheryl Stein berg
Joseph Bridda
Andy Concilio
Cookie Zacchino
Debbie & Rick Culotta-Rondinaro
The Bencivenga Family
The West Family
Feinstein/Friedman Family
Alfred French
Lynn & Larry Gold
Dagny Classical Healing Arts, LLC
Bekir Uzunlu I.T. Consultant
Brothers II Auto Body
Joseph Bottega
Kristt Co.
Lawrence F. Gallo
Fallsburg Lumber Co.
Marine Park Hardware
John A. Darin - NADAP, Inc.
Rabbi Abraham B. Eckstein
Ross Electric
All H.V.A.C. Service Co., Inc.
2 in 1 Tire & Auto Center
Tops Restaurant & Bar Supplies
Cross Fire Wood
AAA - Z Automotive Repair LLC
Name Listing
Nicolette Alario
John Coppola
Gail McCormack
Mary Ellen and Tony Orlando
Elyce Kiperman-Gordon, The Feeling Expert