Podcast Sponsor
With gratitude for your immeasurable impact on the Shapell's and MRC community. Wishing you bracha and hatzlacha in your new position and chizuk to continue spreading the light of Torah.
Selig and Rachel Davis
MRC Library Expansion Sponsor
On behalf of the entire Shapell family, we are honored to be one of many to acknowledge and celebrate Rabbi Shurin's dedication and vital accomplishments in helping make Darche Noam the highly respected institution of Jewish education that it is today. We wish you continued success in all your future endeavors.
The David and Fela Shapell Family Foundation
New Office Sponsor
Rabbi Shurin, your influence on the lives of the women you have taught is immeasurable. Mazal Tov on this much-deserved honor!
Janet Fuchs, Oren and Tiferet Rimon
New Office Sponsor
David and Carolyn Schwartz
New Office Sponsor
Dear Rabbi Shurin,
In 1996 you taught Akiva at Mevaseret and made a big impression on him. In 1997 Akiva and I met the first day of freshman year of college. I had to do more learning still, as I was newly observant. After two failed attempts at finding the right seminary - one was too much to the left and the second was too much to the right - I found MRC and it was juuust right.
Akiva and I were not talking while I was off learning in Israel in 98-99 but when I came back and told him about my favorite rabbi from MRC, it turned out that you were his favorite rabbi too! Once we began our life together, you became our rabbi. We are so grateful for your wisdom and seichel - such rarities in the world today - and they have made all the difference in those big moments in our lives when we needed it most and were able to turn to you. In talking with you, we feel like we are connected not only to mesorah - - something every baal teshuva wants to latch onto - but the mesorah that we connect to is of Reb Yaakov - we feel we won the lottery of Mesorahs.
We wish you health, Bracha and arichas yamim. Our gratitude cannot be captured in a short message but please know that it is profound.
Allison, Akiva, Meira, Adina, Reuven, and Rafi Shapiro
Summer Program Sponsor
Dear Rabbi Yitzchak and Rebbetzin Esther Shurin,
We first heard the name Rabbi Shurin 27 years ago from our middle daughter, Allison. She learned in a seminary the summer before she started college, but it was too secular and failed to provide her with sources. She wanted to stay in Israel to continue learning elsewhere and delay her freshman year, but we convinced her to come home by agreeing to her returning after her freshman year if she still felt as strongly about learning at a seminary.
She returned to Israel after her freshman year as agreed, but the second seminary she found was too rigid and also failed to furnish her with the sources she sought. Then she finally happened upon MRC and like Goldie Locks and the Three Bears...MRC was Just Right...
Summer Program Sponsor
...Then 25 years ago my husband, Allen, and I decided to "up" our Torah learning for a few weeks in EY. We also developed a strong bond with Rabbi Shurin, who has been one of our family's "go to" rabbis for our important shylas since he tries never to be too machmir when he poskins. We know if he says "no"...it's really NO!
Rabbi Shurin and his rebbetzin, Esther, have raised 10 amazing children and their growing family of eniklach, K"AH...but they also raised so many more neshamas whom they have influenced with their kindness and inspirational ability to bring so many to Torah observance..
Summer Program Sponsor
We all owe both Rabbi Shurin and his Aishes Chayal such a tremendous debt of gratitude.. HaShem is shepping so much nachas from the special lives they have lived providing a sanctuary for those of us whose neshamas are thirsty for His Wisdom that they impart with so much love and patience.
With Much Love and Gratitude,
Allen and Marlene Josephs, Heather and Yitzchak Moshel, Allison and Akiva Shapiro and Melanie and Howard Levenstein
Summer Program Sponsor
42 years ago (Shapells, pre-MRC!), Rabbi Shurin already had a special ability to connect with students and to convey the excitement of Torah and mesorah. Over the years, we have been blessed to keep the connection and to meet generations of students whose eyes light up when talking about Rabbi Shurin and repeating his stories. Your s'char is incalculable. May you continue to teach and learn and inspire for another 40. With deep admiration,
Mitch & Lita Aeder
Mazal Tov Rabbi Shurin!
Your selfless dedication and investment in your students is boundless.
Our appreciation for your chesed is limitless.
May you and Rebbetzin Shurin be gebentched with many more decades to continue serving the klal and seeing nachas from your family and students!
We thank you and Rebbetzin Shurin from the bottom of our hearts.
Ilana and Daniel Baltuch & Daniel Baltuch Elder Law
Mazal Tov and thank you Rabbi Shurin for opening us to the world of the Mussar Movement. It has given us a constant and consistent dose of personal daily development.
Moshe & Noa Lambert
Mazel tov to Rabbi Shurin for your inspirational teaching, guidance and personal example of an איש אמת! Looking forward to many, many more years.
With the greatest appreciation,
Jonathan and Debbie Sassen
Rabbi Shurin, Mazel tov on this tremendous honor!
You have dedicated your life to teaching Torah, helping students grow in their Avodas Hakodesh and providing sagely advice for life's journey. So many among the Jewish people have been positively affected by you over the past 40+years! The ripple effect is constantly reverberating, and the devotion to your life mission is unparalleled. Daniela and I are forever grateful to you for your wisdom, the attention you provided us, your classes, and the warm smile you always shared. Our marriage and family solidified and blossomed with your care and friendship. May Hashem bless you and your family with good health, shefa bracha, and continued success in all of your endeavors until 120! Sending our love, David and Daniela Hermelin and Family
Mazel tov, Rabbi Shurin! May you be zoche to continue to share your Torah, your wisdom, and your eitzah with generations of students for many years to come!
Phil and Karen Americus
Dearest Rav and Reb. Shurin,
Mazal Tov on this momentous occasion. You have impacted the lives of so many students, including our family. We are eternally grateful for your continued guidance and dedication. May you be zoche to continue impacting students in the years to come. Mazal Tov.
Baruch and Tammy Labinsky
Thank you Rabbi and Rebbetzin Shurin for being there for us - always! May Hashem continue giving you both strength to guide and lead us.
With tremendous Hakaras Ha Tov,
Moshe & Shoshana Hamburg
Mazal tov to Rabbi Shurin for
your selfless dedication to Shapell's/MRC for over 40 years! Dovid Lerner
Rabbi Shurin and Esther - Our lives would not be what they are without your leadership and love. Your modeling of avodas Hashem has taught us to live with full integrity and those lessons have become part of us. Throughout life's most important moments we heard your wisdom whispering in our ears, and your presence has been profound.
מה שלנו, שלכם...
And now, working together on behalf of our students has been one of the greatest privileges of my life.
In friendship and gratitude,
Dana & Adam Margolis
Thank you, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Shurin, for your life-changing impact on four generations of the Michaels Family. Since greeting me when I wandered into the yeshiva 36 years ago, you have been a formative influence on my life and the lives of my wife, my parents a"h whom you warmly welcomed into your home, and the next two generations, bli ayin hara.
May you both be zocheh to many more years of good health, nachas from your beautiful family and from all your students, and much strength to continue spreading your insight and Torah.
Daniel & Amy Michaels
Your influence on my life has been profound and consistent over the past 3 decades, and words are not sufficient to express my Hakarat Ha'Tov. Very early in my time at Shapells, I was experiencing doubts about committing fully to a Torah observant life. You told me: "I am not frum because I am intellectually convinced of the truth of Torah-I am frum because I saw Rav Yaakov." Today, after 30 years, I can tell my children and grandchildren: "I am frum because I saw Rav Shurin."
Rabbi Michael & Tzila Cytrin
Dear Rabbi Shurin and Esther, Thank you for everything.
...יְהוֹשֻׁעַ בֶּן פְּרַחְיָה אוֹמֵר, עֲשֵׂה לְךָ רַב
With gratitude and appreciation,
Stuart and Sharon Schnee
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Shurin on your thoroughly
deserved recognition for giving 40 years of excellent education and moral guidance to your students.
Your lessons and sound advice have remained
with us through the years - Thank You! Gershon & Sarah Seymour
Mazal to Rabbi Shurin for your inspiration and selfless dedication to Shapell's/MRC for over 40 years! ישר כח
Peretz and Barbara Silverman
Your simchadik expression of Yiddeshkeit is an inspiration for all of your students.
Zvulun Tecotzky
Thank you for everything you have given to Klal Yisrael and to our family.
Yehuda and Annette Aaronson
Adi and I continue to enjoy our memories of Rabbi Shurin punctuating all important messages from all of his shiurim with the requisite bang on the table! : ) We remember a beautiful Shabbos lunch at your family's table, where you duly cautioned Adi and her fellow seminarians that you were not trying to make shidduchim at the table just because the "Shapell's boys" and the "Midreshet Rachel girls" happened to be scheduled to have lunch with you simultaneously! : )
And we remember so well your messages for life that both brought us together as a "DN-MRC" shidduch and infused our marriage and life together with such meaning and depth, under the canopy of Torah and kedushah. We are grateful to you and to the yeshiva/seminary for ALL that we have built together. Our hakaras hatov defies an adequate expression. Thank you for everything!
Eli and Adi Feen
Rabbi Shurin, There really are no words to express the depths of my gratitude and appreciation, but I will attempt an approximation. It is because of you that I understand what it means to embody love in its human form.You have been a foundation stone for all the personal growth I have achieved and the wisdom I have been blessed to absorb. It's been my honor to experience your light during the years I was privileged to work beside you growing and operating MRC.
Finally, after all your hard work, you are semi-retired and honored with a journal and a gala! You deserve the best.
Baruch and I send so much love to you and your family.
Amy & Baruch Gitlin
Mazal tov to Rabbi Shurin שליט"א on this
well deserved honor!
Your devotion, dedication and love are
justly legenday.
May you continue to have much nachat from your
students, alumni and your wonderful family. Rabbi Shmuel and Rebecca Jablon
We and our entire family owe a deep debt of gratitude to Rabbi and Mrs. Shurin on their many years of sensitive, thoughtful, and caring leadership and Torah education. Rabbi Shurin's combination of deep knowledge combined with a courageous approach to saying what he truly believes makes him a trustworthy and authentic leader. זכינו!
Amos and Ellen Levi
Highly respected and beloved Rabbi Shurin and Rebbitsin Esther ad 120, You gave me my Life and enable us, with G'd's help, to raise our Family in Torah, Chuppah and Good Deeds, B"H! We are you eternally grateful! May you be successful in all your endeavours with Great Shalom Bayit and lots of Nachas from your Children, Grand and Great Grand Children. Lots of Love from Avraham, Edith Rivka and Family!
Avraham and Rebecca Levitt Family
Mazal tov to Rabbi Shurin for your selfless dedication to Shapell's/MRC for over 40 years! Your guidance and caring have made a critical difference to our lives and the lives of so many others. May you and the Rebbetzin go from strength to strength and continue to be a welcoming light to searching souls.
Miryam & David Noll
RYS, Working with you and learning from you at MRC remains today as one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. I am grateful for your years of leadership and friendship. Z
We wish you and your beloved wife, Esther, continued good health and nachat from your immediate family as well as your extended family of students all over the world. Mazal Tov!
Zia and Michael Rose
Mazel tov to Rabbi Shurin on this milestone! A special Yasher koach to Mrs. Shurin for all her years of support. The Darchei Noam community has benefitted so much from your teachings of halacha, sharing stories about your grandfather and your travels to other communities to visit alumnae. We appreciate your wise and levelheaded approach that you share with Baalei Teshuva.
Guy and Devorah Saban
I will never forget when at the young age of 19, I met you, and took me seriously. You answered my questions, and convinced me that MRC was the perfect school for me. Then you met with my parents and even woke up at the crack of dawn to speak with my parents in Colordao. I loved how you and your rebbetzin (and kids) came on the tiyulim and let us see how you live the Torah you teach.. You modeled how to treat our bus drivers, tour guides, security guards, and janitors. You invited us for Shabbos and helped in the kitchen. When I needed a summer camp job, you helped me. When my parents insisted that I go to college, you convinced me (and them) to go to Stern. You guided me through the dating process and didn't stop believing in me. You visited me in Silver Spring after I had my first child. You reminded me about the importance of staying close to my non-frum family and their essential role as grandparents. I feel so blessed to be building a Torah home on the foundation that began at Midreshet Rachel. Thank you, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Shurin! May you have tremendous bracha, nachas, koyach, and good health to continue to teach.
Leah, Yehoshua, Nechama Liva, Yaakov, Tova, Yehudis, Akiva Scheininger
Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Shurin. May you both continue to spread Torah and Chessed for many decades.
Yehoshua and Rachel Seidenfeld
In honor and appreciation of Rabbi Shurin
May you continue to go מחיל אל חיל in all your endeavors
And have unbounded נחת from your family.
Jen Temchine Kaweblum
Dear Rabbi and Rebbetzin Shurin, Thank you for everything you've done for us and the MRC/ Darche Noam family! Marna and Yaakov Becker
Thank you Rabbi Shurin for all that you do! Our lives have been enriched by your Torah and example. We love you! Golda and Tuvia Bitterli
With huge gratitude & appreciation for all that we've gained from your sterling example, your guidance and support! Yaakov and Hadas Boxer
Expressing my admiration and wishing you all the best, עד מאה ועשרים. Edward Breuer
Our home has grown on the blocks you gave me. Forever appreciate you and our connection. Be blessed. Beverly Chimes
With tremendous hakaras hatov for everything Rabbi Shurin has done for MRC and our family! MazaI tov! Hershel and Yiskah Fantl
From Dolhynev to the present day, thank you for being the bridge. With much gratitude, Avraham & Gail Gundle
Hakarat Hatov for your friendship and guidance from the Heavenrich Family. Elana Heavenrich
We thank you deeply for your caring, your authenticity, your guidance and your presence in our lives. Leibish and Dena Hundert
A well deserved honor! Thank you for guiding us and for always being a grounding voice in our lives. Brachot! Kara and Yehoshua Jacobson
I will never forget Rabbi Shurin's advice before an emergency visit to my parents. It allowed me special memories. Ester Katz Silvers
Miles & Margaret Kerr-Jarrett
Mazal to you & the Rebbetzin. Thank you for your friendship, direction & wisdom. Shefa brachot! Kol tuv. Eliezer & Shuly Kwass
Mazal tov to Rabbi Shurin to your selfless dedication to Shapell's/MRC for over 40 years! Ben and Shoshana Madsen
It's been 30 years, and I am still grateful for the opportunity to learn from you! Mazal Tov! Paul Malek
Thank you R' Shurin for always being there for us in good times and not such good times. We very much appreciate it. Gayle and Jeff Mandin
For all of the support and guidance that you and your wife have given our family over the last 30 years, THANK YOU! Binyomin and Sari Mansheim
To a beloved Rav, teacher, and mentor for the past 41 years. Deena is proud to be your first chasidusta. Biz 120, R. Francis and Deena Nataf
Eternally grateful for all the Rav has done for our family and for setting a real example of healthy Yiddishkeit! Margalit and Reb Adam Yitzchak Polinovskiy
Despite the fact that about 20 years have passed since I learned full time at Darche Noam, the powerful impressions left by your Torah insights, derech eretz, and positive outlook are as fresh as ever. Fred (Shraga Feivel) Pulver
Your lessons of mussar remain with us -- and our family -- to this day. David & Adina Samson
Endless blessings to an ageless legend! Thank you for so many years of dedication, care, and friendship! Gidon and Miriam Shoshan
Mazal tov to Rabbi Shurin for your selfless dedication to Shapell's/MRC for over 40 years! Emma & Dovid Skversky
May you and Esther go from strength to strength. Thank you for all you have done for me and for countless others. The Litt-Halperns in Be'er Sheva
Thank you Rav Shurin for making Shapells so special.The years I learned there were truly golden and unforgettable. Jeff Weisberg
In acknowledgment of all the years we had the zchut to work for you and with you. You have shown us endless kindness and understanding. You have guided us through the ups and downs of life, both personally and professionally. Your ability to laugh at the absurdities of life made coming to work every day a breath of fresh air. From a pandemic to a war and everything in between, experiencing these things with you at the helm left us wiser and more inspired. We are incredibly grateful for the gift of being on your team. Looking forward to many more years to come. Humbly, Atara and Yaffa Atara and Yaffa
Mazel Tov
Monica Avellino Uzan
David & Kerry Bar-Cohn
Azarya and Charnie Berzon
Chana Esther and Eli Bloch
Ari and Elissa Ciment
Zahava Friedman a
Mazel Tov
Reuvan & Aviva Goodman
Rabbi Yakov Haber
Leora and Aaron Levitats
Goldie and Aaron Morgan
Justin and Rebecca Myrowitz
Jimmy and Miriam Reichman
Dalit Rosin
Mazel Tov
Gary and Rachel Roth Eye Clinic
Evan Steele
Fonda-Fayga, Yitzchak-Andy, Chava, Sarah & Avraham Weiss Family