For over 40 years, Rabbi Shurin has generously mentored thousands of Shapell's and Midreshet Rachel v'Chaya students in every aspect of their lives. As Rosh Midrasha of MRC since 1994, he has not only educated young women in Jewish texts and sources, philosophy and practice, but also guided students in their journeys to integrate learning into life. His inimitable warmth and non-judgmental manner, his ‘normal’ approach to Yiddishkeit, his gift of making everyone feel she has important contributions to make, his generosity in sharing the mesorah of his beloved grandfather Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l with generations of students, his friendships that extend beyond his students to their parents, spouses and children, his extraordinary capacity to be nosei b’ol im chaveiro –- carrying a burden with your friend -- are nothing short of exceptional.
In his new role as Rosh Midrasha Emeritus, Rabbi Shurin’s impact on the alumnae of MRC will continue to flourish. With overflowing gratitude, we thank Rabbi Shurin for decades of selfless dedication to MRC and Shapell’s and look forward to many more.