Israel Event Sponsor
With great admiration and respect,
we are proud to be among the many hundreds
to honor the tireless devotion
and wonderful achievements of
Rav Hirshfeld
and to express our appreciation
to the entire devoted staff on the occasion of
the 40th anniversary of the David
Shapell College of Jewish Studies
and Midreshet Rachel v'Chaya.
Fela Shapell and Family
Couples Scholarship Sponsor
A Huge Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Shaya Karlinsky
on the 40th Anniversary of Shapell's/ Darché Noam.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for bringing
Torah and Talmud to so many in the extraordinary, loving
and nurturing environment that you provide.
We admire and appreciate all that you have done and are continuing to do
for the Jewish people and the world.
May your efforts continue due to the support of
many people for many years to come.

The Broidy Family
Robin, Elliott, Rachel, Andre, Lauren and Nathaniel

Semester Scholarship Sponsor
In honor of
Rabbi Hirshfeld
this year's honorees,
and the dedicated Rebbeim
of Darché Noam.
Stacy and Brian Ramelson and Family
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
Mazal Tov
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld!

As alumni in the Rosh Yeshiva's home town,
we have enjoyed a special connection
through the common ground
and the regular visits.

From the Chicago alumni,
Thank you for everything you and the Yeshiva
have done for us.
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
אמר ר' יוסי בר חלפתא, מבקש את לראות פני שכינה בעולם הזה
 עסוק בתורה בארץ ישראל

Mazal tov to Rabbi Hirshfeld and the Yeshiva
on its 40 year anniversary.
May they go from strength to strength and inspire
many more generations of talmidim.
Warmest regards,
Josh and Hattie Danziger
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
To Rabbi and Rebetzin Hirshfeld
and to the incredible Rabbonim and Staff,
There could be no replacement for the influence that
the Rosh Yeshiva and the Yeshiva itself had and continue to
have on me, even so many years after I left. The lessons
and core values I learned continues to inspire me towards
a lifelong path of growth. I value our personal relationship
no less than I did when we shared daily interaction,
and will forever be appreciative for the opportunity to
have been close enough to see the Rav as a person.
Thank you for tolerating my growing pains
with trust and love.
Joshua and Zahava Eisenberg and Family
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
Mazal tov to Darche Noam,
its faculty, students and alumni
on forty years
of advancing Jewish learning.
Marilyn and Joseph A. Eisenberg
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
To our beloved Morah Natasha
Whose enthusiasm and warmth greets her students each morning.
Whose professionalism and efficiency enhance her classroom atmosphere.
Whose thirst to learn and drive for chessed is admired
and appreciated by her colleagues and community.
You are a valued and cherished asset of Gan Aliya

Daniel and Lauren Feinberg  
David H. and Carol Feinberg
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
In Honor of Rabbi Hirshfeld, shlit"a
Thank you for teaching me to see
the words of Rashi and Tosefos
As tips of giant icebergs.
For taking me underwater
to discover the fundamental assumptions
that cause clashes we see at the surface.
Daniel J Feinberg and Family
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
It is indeed an absolute privilege to have learned and remain associated with Darché Noam - a Torah institution that has deeply impacted our lives, those of our children, and the lives of thousands of other Jewish men and women around the world.  Darché Noam developed our love for learning and allowed us to access the classical Jewish sources in a deeper and more meaningful way. Our profound appreciation to the Roshei Yeshiva, HaRav Karlinsky and HaRav Hirshfeld, all the other Rabbeiyim (in particular "my" teachers, Rav Silverberg, Rav Kwass, Rav Cohen) and staff at Shapell's
and their respective families.
Bezrat Hashem during the next 40 years, Darché Noam should continue
to be matzliach in being marbitz HaTorah, and developing the spiritual lives
of Jewish men and women around the world.
Peretz, Shelley & Katz family 
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
With Profound Appreciation and Affection
For Rav and Rebbetzyn Hirshfeld.
We can never repay you
for the gifts you gave us.
Leib and Chana Kelemen
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
In honor of Rabbi and Rebetzin Hirshfeld in recognition of
their forty years of educating Clal Yisrael. Mazal Tov on this incredibly well-deserved honor.
Truly special role models in our journey 
of becoming Torah observant, we have a special hakarat hatov
for all that you and the yeshiva
have meant to us over the years. 
Thank you for all the guidance, advice and above else caring
that you have shown and continue to show to our entire family.
May you continue to enrich the lives of all those around you.
Warmest Wishes,
Baruch and Tammy Labinsky
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
and the entire Shapell's/Darché Noam family on reaching
this great milestone. Thank you for your inspiration
of learning Torah that carries us in our lives.
May you continue to teach authentic Torah study
and inspire many more generations of students.
Moshe and Noa Lambert
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
40 years, Rabbi Hirshfeld, ויסעו ויחנו, shouldering the Yeshiva, its challenges
and triumphs, הרואה את הנולד, setting goals, reaching ever higher, ויסעו ויחנו;
we travel with the Yeshiva, from inception in great men's minds, to Tzreif,
to Romema, to Kiryat Moshe and to Beit Hakerem; and the Yeshiva travels
with us, work and play, life and homes, travels that make us unique, looking
to better ourselves and the world, with our portion of 40 years, ויסעו ויחנו,
integrating Eternity intimately because of the Yeshiva, your guidance
and Rabbeim and families. "Thank You" is nice, and we say it. הכרת הטוב
is nice, and we feel it. ושננתם לבניך - we are your children, and you our parents;
yes, we love you. Now that's more like it.
Dovid and Chaya Neiburg and family,
and the hearts, minds and lives of the Darché Noam/ Midreshet Rachel V'Chaya family
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Hirshfeld and Darché Noam on 40 Years of Incredible Service to the Worldwide Jewish Community! Your contributions to the spread of Torah have been immeasurable. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for teaching me Torah, providing me with the most wonderful Rabbis anyone could ever ask for, introducing me to some of my best friends in the world, and finally, for the guidance, love, and support you have provided to me and my family over the years. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Akiva (15 Years Old), Lev (5 Years Old), Tova (3 Years Old), Noam (2 Years Old), and Sara and Laurence Richards
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld 
And with great appreciation for the exemplary way
Rav Hirshfeld has guided the Yeshiva and us individuality
in our quest to come closer to HaShem
Baruch and Miriam Scheinfeldt
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
Mazal tov to Shapell's / Darché Noam - life begins at 40!
Wishing you every success for the next 40 years.
Heartfelt thanks to
Rabbi and Mrs Hirshfeld
for 40 years of devotion to Darché Noam
and for instilling in us a love for Torah with Derech Eretz.
Gershon & Sarah Seymour
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam

Living a life of Torah and Mitzvos every day, and raising
our family to do the same.... this is the greatest aliya
for the neshama of our beloved mother and grandmother
Malka Golda bas Avraham Chaim.
We would like to express our tremendous hakaras hatov to
Rabbi Hirshfeld and all of the Shapell's rebbeim,
for giving us the tools to live a Torah life,
and raise a Torah observant family.
Dr. Simcha and Beth Shapiro and family
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
on the tremendous dedication of guiding the Yeshiva
and its students for 40 years. With deepest gratitude,
we wish to thank Darché Noam and the Rosh Yeshiva
for enriching our lives with a love of Torah
and Eretz Yisrael. We wish to thank Rav Hirshfeld
for his warmth, encouragement and sharing his wisdom.
השם יתן לכם כח להמשיך בדרכיכם הנועמות עוד שנים רבות
בהצלחה ובשמחה ובכל טוב
Peretz and Barbara Silverman
Alumnus 83-84, 02-03
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam
Mazel tov to the alumni honorees and Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld on this well-deserved honor and Yasher Koach to Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky, the Roshei Yeshiva, the Rebbeim, and the Hanhala for 4 decades of dedication to Klal Yisroel. 
Harry and Amy Rothenberg
The Rothenberg Law Firm LLP
New York / Lakewood / Hackensack / Philadelphia / Cherry Hill
Rabbi Hirshfeld Pinat Noam

Mazel Tov to our Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbi Hirshfeld
and Rabbi Karlinsky on the 40th Anniversary of
Shapell's/Darche Noam.
For 40 years you have guided this special institution, creating
a unique place for students to learn and grow. 
Every student is valued for their uniqueness and their potential
and the diverse group of Rabbanim nurture
the development of each student. 
We have tremendous hakarat hatov
to Rav Hirshfeld for his leadership. 
The Samson Family
Summer Scholarship Sponsor
Dear Rabbi Hirshfeld and Chavi עמו''ש:
For over 35 years, you have enriched our lives
in wondrous ways. Your derech ha-limud, your wisdom,
your warmth, your midos, your ענותנות, your chizuk,
your אמונה פשוטה ושלימה, your cholent -- are as fresh
in our minds today as when we first had the זכות
to encounter you. Our continued connection over the years
has been a source of joy, comfort and inspiration.
May you continue to teach and inspire countless others
in good health during your "retirement," בע''ה 
Mitch and Lita Aeder
Summer Scholarship Sponsor
In Memory of Jack E. Gindi z"l
In Honor of Our Dear Friends
Alan and Barbara Gindi 
Barry and Toby Kohn
Summer Scholarship Sponsor
Mazal tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld!
Your inspiring work
is such a zchus for Klal Yisrael.
Daniel and Elizabeth Lieberman 
and family
Summer Scholarship Sponsor
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Hirshfeld
for reaching this amazing milestone! 
For 37 years it has been our honor to remain closely connected
to the Yeshiva. In all that time we have been the beneficiaries
of an endless wellspring of wisdom and committment from you,
along with Rabbi Karlinsky, Rabbi Shurin, and a long list
of wonderful Rebbeim, all of whom seem immune to aging,
fatigue, and discouragement.
May you all continue to go from strength to strength.
Josh and Ronne Penn
Summer Scholarship Sponsor
Mazel Tov and Heartfelt Appreciation
to the Darché Noam Hanhala on 40 Years! 
May the unique, special and needed mission of
Darché Noam continue for decades to come. 
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Hirshfeld and the other deserving
honorees.  Special thanks to Rabbi Karlinsky for his continuing
guidance and friendship. Special thanks to Rabbi Shurin
for his life changing advice in 1993 and his continuing
presence in our lives. Special thanks to Rabbis Isaac
and Silverberg for opening the world of Gemorra study to me. 
Michael and Alison Sage
Summer Scholarship Sponsor
Words can not express our profound Hakaras HaTov to
Shapell's/ Darché  Noam and Midreshet Rachel V'Chaya.
These wonderful institutions
have left an indelible imprint on our lives.
We are truly humbled to be honored at this milestone event.
We wish a Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Hirshfeld
and to all the honorees.
With much appreciation, 
Susie and Matt Schoenfeld
Elul Zman Scholarship Sponsor
With deep, heartfelt,
and unending hakaras hatov to
Rav Hirshfeld
Thank you for the Torah you have taught us,
the guidance you have given us
over the years, and for giving us life.
Daniel and Ilana Baltuch
Elul Zman Scholarship Sponsor
Mazal tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Susan and Sherman Frager; Clearshift
Elul Zman Scholarship Sponsor
Thank you!
Thank you so much Rabbi Hirshfeld
for opening my eyes to the Gemara
for taking all of my concerns about Tosafot seriously
for helping me work things through when I really needed to leave your hashkafa class
for having such wonderful, kind, and wise words to say at our Sheva Brachot
(even though I had forgotten to ask you to speak)
for telling me what you really thought (even when I didn't want to hear it)
for your wonderful Purim seuda, for your joy in Torah
for welcoming me back to the yeshiva every year at Return and Learn
and for a thousand other things
וייטב אלהים למילדות, וירב העם ויעצמו, מאוד
While it's true that Hashem rewarded Shifra and Puah with 'batim,' the first-mentioned
and greater reward was that Hashem made their work successful - and permanent - by making the people
strong and multiply.  We pray that Hashem will repay you the same way that he repaid Shifra and Puah,
by making your people - your talmidim and your Yeshiva, whom you've guided into the world
- strong and multiply.
Selig & Rachel Davis
Elul Zman Scholarship Sponsor
Mazal Tov to Darché Noam
on its 40th anniversary - an amazing achievement!
Yasher koach to Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky
for his tireless efforts on its behalf.
Stanley and Charlott Kandel
Elul Zman Scholarship Sponsor
Mazal Tov to Darche Noam on 40 years
of spreading Torah and Ahavas Yisroel!  
And thank you to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for your outstanding dedication and commitment
to helping us grow and inspiring us to be
the best Jews we can be!
Natasha and Matt Neubauer
Elul Zman Scholarship Sponsor
Elul Zman Scholarship Sponsor
Mazal Tov to Rabbis Hirshfeld, Karlinsky,
and Shurin on this extraordinary milestone. 

Words cannot express the debt of gratitude Cinnamon and I
feel for the Yeshiva. Our brief time within the Yeshiva
so many years ago continues to be an ongoing source
of inspiration and idealism. 

Max and Cinnamon Shenker & Family
Elul Zman Scholarship Sponsor
Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication! 
We want to express our deep thanks
and appreciation for Rabbi Hirshfeld's
amazing shiurim and deep inspiration
for Shapell's talmidim
over so many years.
Daniel and Ariella Stahl
Elul Zman Scholarship Sponsor
In tribute to our distinguished brother in law
Rabbi Yitzchok Hirshfeld Shli'ta
 and his Eishes Chayil Rebbetzin Chavi Hirshfeld
(sister and sister-in-law) for your decades of mesiras nefesh,
compassion and brilliant guidance of your many talmidim 
and talmidos. 
May you go ma'chayil el chayil in your avodas ha'kodesh. 
It is our honor and zechus to have your family
as role models in our mishpacha.

Rabbi Zvi and Miriam Turk
Diamond Page
To the staff of Midreshet Rachel, thank you for the endless inspiration!
A special thank you to Merissa Gross, for your support and opening
your heart to me.
To Rabbi Hirshfeld for his kind and strong guidance in our lives. 
We hope to be able to make him proud...Rabbi Karlinsky
for helping me grow out of my comfort zone...Rabbi Shuster
for his constant concern and advice...Michael Cohen for his patient
accommodation...Rabbi Cohen and Rabbi Haber for their Halachic
guidance...Rabbi Silverberg for building the joy of Torah in me...
Rabbi Kwass for instilling in me the positivity of Judaism...
Rabbi Kamenetsky for tipping my foot into Shapell's... Rabbi Goldschmiedt for his teaching me how to connect to my soul with joy...Rabbi Block for his inspiration...Ronnie for making Shapell's a home.
Gabi and Simcha Asnes Family
Diamond Page
Mazal tov to Shapell's Darché Noam on 40 years!
It our great pleasure and privilege to salute
Rabbi and Mrs Hirshfeld
for their four decades
of exemplary dedication, and to all the incredibly devoted staff.
Yasher kochechem for your tireless Avodat HaShem
and immeasurable impact on klal yisrael. 
May you go from strength to strength
and continue to inspire us all.
Stephane & Audrey Azra
Diamond Page
May the Yeshiva have continued success
and build further on the inspirational
guidance and teaching provided
for 40 years by
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
Family Berenblut
Diamond Page
Mazel tov to Shapell's 
and to the alumni honorees,
Matt and Susie Schoenfeld.
Frona Brown
and Beryl Rosenstein
Diamond Page
Mazal tov
to the alumni honorees!
Howard and Kara Brown
Diamond Page
To Rabbi Hirshfeld...
You are a shining role model who ignites the hearts and souls of the many Jews fortunate enough to enter into your sphere of influence.  We have been blessed to be the beneficiaries of your wisdom, passion, humility and uniqueness in imparting/embodying Torah values & ideas. Thank you for all you do on behalf of Klal Yisrael, and may you and your wonderful Mishpacha (some of whom we've had the pleasure of getting to know better in the years since our Yeshiva stint) be blessed with long lives filled with tremendous nachas and hatzlacha!
To the amazing Darché Noam Institutions...
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the truly substantial role you have played in leading us down our Torah path!  The ways in which the Roshei Yeshiva, Rosh Midrasha, and other Rebbeim learn Torah, teach Torah, and live Torah inspire us to strive for an ever-greater connection to our most precious legacy and gift. One of the life-defining values that we took away from our time at Darché Noam was how absolutely paramount the virtue of Shalom is to the health and success of the Jewish people.  Not only has this ideal transformed our personal attitudes, but it has also helped to shape the core principles of our outreach initiatives. Thank you again for all you have done on our behalf, and may you be blessed with ever-greater success in harbatzos Torah and bringing Kiddush Hashem to the world!
With Love & Appreciation,
Jon & Jessica, Akiva, Dovi, Yonah, Hillel, & Shifra Erlbaum
Diamond Page
Diamond Page
Mazal Tov
on 40 great years
of inspiring Jewish souls,
including ours.
Barbara and Alan Gindi
Diamond Page

In honor of
Matt and Natasha
And Mazel Tov to
Shapell's/Darché Noam
on its 40th Anniversary
Paul and Lisa Glazer
Diamond Page
Thank you very much,
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld,
for your dedication and determination
in building Shapell's/Darché Noam.
Douglas and BatSheva Goldstein
Diamond Page
In honor of
Rabbi & Mrs. Yitzchak
and Chavi Hirshfeld
for all the work they do for the klal.
May they continue to bring
guidance and knowledge
to the people whose hearts they touched.
Charles Gros
Diamond Page
We honor and pay tribute to
Our dear and close friends and colleagues
Rabbi Yitzchak and Rebbetzin Chavi Hirshfeld
Our partners for forty years 
It has been our privilege to accompany your journey from
idealistic young dreamers in 1978 to builders of an illustrious institution.
Reb Yitzchak, as a dedicated mechanech, inspiring teacher, and wise
and perceptive mentor, you and Chavi have served as living examples
of chessed, shalom bayit and ahavat Yisrael, leaving your mark on hundreds
and hundreds of students.
May HaShem bless you with good health, strength
and many more years of עשיה ברוכה .
Rabbi Shaya and Rebbetzin Ruthie Karlinsky
Diamond Page
Mazal tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam on 40 years!
Mazel tov to the Roshei Yeshivot, Rabbeiyim and Staff of the Darché Noam institutions on reaching its 40th anniversary.
I am proud to be associated with the Yeshiva
through Peter`s involvement with it.
Please G-d you should all continue
in your highly successful ways.
Barry Katz
Diamond Page
With much gratitude to
the Rabbonim and Staff of
Shapell's/Darché Noam.
Mazal tov on reaching this milestone
and with best wishes for the years ahead
Karina and Ashley Katz
Diamond Page
In honor of Rabbi Hirshfeld-
A special and unique individual
who has done so much to increase
ahavas Hashem and ahavas HaTorah.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuven Kaufman
Diamond Page
In all the years since I attended Midreshet Rachel, I never was able to give back financially.
I now am in the bitter-sweet position to make a donation because of an inheritance
my parents left, I would like to THANK Rabbi Shurin, Rabbi Karlinsky, and Midreshet Rachel
for giving me the ability to learn there for two years, part-time while I worked as well,
for a very minimal tuition. I would like to dedicate the rest of this page to my beloved parents,
Theda and Philip Kashin, of blesssed memory. In the merit of the learning I was able to do
in Midreshet Rachel, may their neshamos have a beautiful aliyah in Gan Eden.
Sarah and Robert Klein
Diamond Page
Diamond Page
Mazel Tov to Darche Noam and to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld on 40 years! 
 Mazal tov to my old friends Matt & Susie Schoenfeld
and to all of the honorees!
I'd like to express my deep hakaras hatov to all of my teachers
& the staff at Midreshet Rachel v'Chaya, especially to
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Shurin ...
to Mrs. Lynn Finson, to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Karlinsky, to HaRav Farber,
to Rabbi Fischer, to Mrs. Dina Coopersmith, to Mrs. Deena Nataf
... and gratitude to the whole Midreshet Rachel v' Chaya family;
teachers and alumni.
To try to express Hakaras Hatov for everything you gave and are still giving today is impossible; the endless hours, support, eitza, guidance and love ... it is a great Zechus
to be connected to you as family.  You have raised us up into Torah, we are your offspring;
our children are yours. 
I love you all.
May HaShem give you the strength to continue in your devotion
to the Midreshet Rachel v'Chaya family, may you see nachas
from the entire Darche Noam/Shapell's community and from all of Klal Yisroel.

Sara Leah (Carlye) Lerer & family
Diamond Page
Diamond Page
We have tremendous hakaras hatov to so many at Shapell's.
Even though it's been many years since I learned there,
your influence continues to guide not only my learning
but our overall development.
We wish Rav Hirshfeld success in his new role
and thanks for all he has accomplished
along with the rest of the hanhala and staff over the years.
Phyllis and Stuart Lippman
Diamond Page
Mazal tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 years!
Enrique and Elissa Menasse
Diamond Page
To Our Dear Parents,
Thank you for being fantastic role models
and for supporting us unconditionally
since day 1.

We love you and are so blessed 
to have you as our parents
Natasha & Matt
Diamond Page
Congratulations to Rabbi Hirshfeld and the entire
Darché Noam staff and community on 40 years!
Mazal tov to our our children and alumni honorees,
Matt and Natasha!
We are very proud of you both!
We hope your journey continues with love and good health!
Mom & Dad
Anita and Jeff Neubauer
Diamond Page
Many thanks for two great years
at Shapell's/Darché Noam 
and for the many years of learning
that have followed.
A particular Mazal Tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of quiet leadership
Andrew and Naomi Newman
Diamond Page
It's been 20 years since learning weekly
in its Beit Midrash.
Mazal tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 years.
Looking forward to its next 120 years. 
Marcia & David Nimmer
Diamond Page
With enormous gratitude to Shapell's/Darché Noam
for all they have done for us and Klal Yisrael.
Mazal Tov to Rav and Mrs. Hirshfeld,
together will all faculty past and present, for their unwavering
dedication to the preservation and teaching of authentic Torah.
Sarah and James Proops
Diamond Page
We pay tribute to the outstanding honoree couples:
Baruch and Tammy Labinsky,
Peretz and Shelly Katz,
Matt and Susie Schoenfeld,
Amos and Ellen Levy,
Matt and Natasha Neubauer
representing hundreds of married couples whose lives
have been enriched by the Torah education they
received at Shapell's/Yeshiva Darché Noam and
Midreshet Rachel v'Chaya and who have gone on to enrich the
Jewish communities which they have joined.
Rabbi Shaya and Rebbetzin Ruthie Karlinsky
Diamond Page
Mazal tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 years!
Shoshana and Michael Raff
Diamond Page
Dear Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld,
We attended as a newly married couple and the way
you took us in and treated us like family made
our shana rishona a life defining experience!
We are pleased to know that many other couples
also benefit from your guidance
and the Shapell's learning experience!
Mazel Tov to the David Shapell z"l Memorial
Married Couples Fellowship past recipients
Eric & Lindsay Feldman  and Sean & Seri Ference
Daniel and Edna Ritz,
Alumni 1990-91; Passaic, New Jersey
Diamond Page
With tremendous hakaras hatov to HaRav Hirshfeld, the hanhallah,
and all of the rebbeim at Shapell's/Darché Noam.

Thank you for your dedication to building Klal Yisrael one family at a time. 

We are privileged to enjoy the fruits of your investment every day. 
Thank you for giving us a vibrant mesorah and a love of Torah. 
You have imparted the skills and desire for us to discover
and actualize our unique contributions in Torah and Avodah.

May you enjoy much nachas from the generations of Torah families
that come forth from the four walls of the Beis Medrash.

Shmuel & Menucha Rothenberg
Aryeh, Binyamin, Mordechai, Meir, and Shlomo
Diamond Page

In memory of our dear parents
Max and Belle Karlinsky ז"ל
Albert and Chaya Schild ז"ל
The values we received from them
served as the foundation of 40 years of
Shapell's/Darché Noam and Midreshet Rachel education
Rabbi Shaya & Rebbetzin Ruthie Karlinsky
Diamond Page
Mazal tov to Darché Noam
on their 40th anniversary
with much appreciation to
Rav Hirshfeld
for all of the Torah and guidance
he has given over through the years
David and Dana-lee Salis
Diamond Page
Dear Susie and Matt:
We are proud of you and delighted by the honor
you are receiving from Shapell's/Darché Noam.  
Your year of study there not only solidified your commitment
to each other but also to a Jewish life together enriched
by observance, community service and kindness to all. 
Your three wonderful children- Noam, Sara & Hadasa-
are learning from your example in a fun loving home
where family and friends know the door is always open
and they can count on the welcome within.
Mazal tov and Yashar Koach on this very special occasion!
Mom and Dad
Sandy and Heshy Schoenfeld
Diamond Page
Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Yehoshua & Rachel Seidenfeld
Diamond Page
Mazal tov to all the DN/MRC heads and the entire
Yeshiva staff past and present on this special milestone
of 40 years!
A special Mazal tov and huge "Yishar Kochachem" to
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Hirshfeld!
Your positive impact on our lives cannot be expressed enough.
We wish you both continued good health and only Nachas
from your family and Talmidim and hope
you'll keep on inspiring more students
for many more years to come!
Daniel & Lisa Selig
Diamond Page
Mazal tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 years!
Allison and Akiva Shapiro
Diamond Page
Mazal tov
to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 years!
Mark and Miyuki Shapiro
Diamond Page
Diamond Page
Mazal Tov
to the honoree couple
Natasha and Matt Neubauer
Shira and Adam Sussi
Zachary Nanus

Diamond Page
Mazel tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam on 40 years!
I'm so grateful to have learned in such an amazing school
that has given me an unbelievable foundation! Thank you
to each of you who make this institution one of a kind!
Rabbi Shurin I feel blessed to have kept up a connection
with you and value and appreciate all your help
and direction over all these years!!!!!
Julie Swartz
Diamond Page
In honor of two wonderful friends,
Matthew and Natasha Neubauer
The Torgow Family
Detroit, Michigan
Diamond Page
Mazel tov Shapell's/Darché Noam
and especially to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedicated service to chinuch at Darché Noam.
Thank you for all of your help and to all the dedicated staff
for everything you have done for us and continue to do
for Jewish Education in Israel and beyond!
Danny and Elana Wajnblum
Gold Page
Thanking Alan and Barbara Gindi
for a life changing experience,
making such an impact on our Jewish lives.
the Alumni of
Jack E. Gindi Pathways
and Pathways Plus
Gold Page
In honor of Rabbi Hirshfeld's 40 years of dedication,
in appreciation for the friendship of those special days
1991-94 especially the fabrengens of "the Friday Night Club" and the "dirge" after cholent at the Shabbos
lunches in the yeshiva (you know who you are!),
in recognition of the inspiration of our colleagues some of whom are amongst the alumni honorees,
and in eternal gratitude to the yeshiva/seminary which has given us everything, we want to wish
Rabbi & Mrs. Hirshfeld, DN-MR, and the honorees mazal tov! Not a day goes by that we aren't cognizant of the profound influence
of those precious days! Thank you!
Eli & Adi Feen
Gold Page
Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Ben & Penina Feintuch
Gold Page
Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
And thank you to Rabbi Karlinsky
for 40 years of dedication. 
Jeff Kandel
Gold Page
In 1996 I was first exposed to HaRav Hirshfield.
My memories of the Rosh Yeshiva's teachings and derech eretz
are deeply ingrained and still manage to inspire me
over 20 years later!
May the Rosh Yeshiva continue to have
such a positive Torah influence on so many. 
Bezrat Hashem,  the Rosh Yeshiva and the Rebbitzen
should have good health and nachas
from all their children and grandchildren. 
Peretz, Shelley & Katz family
Gold Page
In honor of my dear chavrusa Matt
and his partner in life Natasha. 

Your dedication, your hasmada, and your passion to learn
and grow in learning never ceases to amaze and inspire me. 

May our chavrusashaft continue with great success
and with many more siyumim in our future. 

With deep admiration 
Ali and Naomi Scharf
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Silver Page
With tremendous Hakarat Hatov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hirshfeld
and mazal tov to the honorees.
We are immeasurably grateful to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hirshfeld, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Karlinsky and all of the teachers at Shapell's. The 14 years that we were a part of
the Yeshiva family shaped and gave meaning to our lives, enabling us to grow personally and to raise our children,
towards Torah and Middot.
We wish you all many more years of health
and success in inspiring Clal Yisrael.
Annette and Yehuda Aaronson
Silver Page
We wish to express our deep hakarat hatov
to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld,
as well as well as all of the rabbeim and staff
at Shapell's/Darché Noam,
for creating such a meaningful yeshiva experience for us
and so many students over the years.
Mazal tov!
Daniel and Yael Abadi
Silver Page
Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
We will never forget our time
at Shapell's/Darché Noam
and your sage advice.
Rich and Maurie Axelbaum
Silver Page
Mazel tov and thank you to
Rabbi Hirshfeld
and all the Rebbeim
and faculty at Darché Noam!
We are so grateful to be part of
this wonderful mosad!
Yonason and Leba/Lauren
(nee Miller) Bub
Silver Page
In honor of Rabbi Hirshfeld,
Rabbi and Mrs Karlinsky
and Ellen and and Amos Levi,
Wishing the yeshiva continued success,
Michael & Yael Buckstein
Silver Page
Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Yisroel and Tamar Choleva
Silver Page
Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Illan and Hadie Cohen
Silver Page
Mazal tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld.
It is truly a privilege to have you as friends and mentors.
May you have nachas from all of us.
Michael & Adina Cohen
Silver Page
Mazal tov to the Darché Noam institutions
on 40 years  of successful chinuch.
Mazal tov to Peter Katz
on being an honouree.
Your South African friends,
David & Sheryl Cohen & family,
Greg & Lisa Ginsberg and family
Silver Page
Mazal tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 years!
David Collins, Architect
Silver Page
Mazal tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld.  
It was a pleasure studying
in Jerusalem with you.
  Thank you for everything you do
for the yeshiva. 
Wishing you much blessing and success
in the coming years.
Cam Erickson
Silver Page
הלומד מחברו פרק אחד או הלכה אחת או פסוק אחד או דיבור אחד
או אפילו אות אחת, צריך לנהוג בו כבוד
And if one learns more, then surely, the proportion of כבוד
must too increase. A tremendous Mazal Tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for this  well deserved honour.
May  they continue to teach, inspire and lead
their students in the דרכי נועם that they themselves epitomize.
Joshua and Sophie Felberg
Silver Page
With hakaros hatov to all the honorees - 
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld​,
For your many years of providing inspiration, guidance
and devotion to your talmidim;
Baruch and Tammy Labinsky​,
We feel blessed to be a part of your lives for so long
and in so many ways;
Peretz and Shelley Katz​,​
Your ​friendship is so important to us​
Ephraim and Zahava Friedman
Silver Page
לעילוי נשמת מרים בת שלמה אלימלך ז״ל
With appreciation and הכרת הטוב
to the yeshiva.
Alex and Sara Gehler
Silver Page
Best wishes from
Julie and Danny Goldberg
Silver Page
In honor of the incredible Rabbeim, Rebbetzins, faculty,
and staff of Midreshet Rachel v'Chaya. Your dedication to
the women who are zoche to pass through your doors
is unparalleled. The 15 months I spent
at Midreshet Rachel v'Chaya not only enabled me to further
my skills and increase my knowledge, but it developed
within me a greater sense of self.
May you all continue to inspire, engage, and encourage countless women
for years to come. Mazal tov on 40 years to the Darche Noam family.
Yasher koach, Rabbi Hirshfeld, and hatzlacha.
Mazal tov to the alumni couples (especially my roommate, Natasha)!
Sharyn Goldrich 5774-5776
Silver Page
A special hakaras hatov
to Rabbi Shurin
for many years of friendship and support.
Ronald and Carol Gonsher
Silver Page
What would life have been without
Rabbi Hirshfeld's
weekly shiur for married men?
With great gratitude, 
A Shapell's alumnus...
and his Midreshet Rachel alumna wife
Silver Page
Congratulations to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld,
the alumni honorees,
and the entire Darché Noam community
on this milestone
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Greenberg
Silver Page
Shoshana and Moshe Halberstadt
are proud and delighted to wish
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
and all the deserving honorees
Mazal Tov on this special occasion.
Silver Page
In honor of Baruch and Tammy Labinsky.
Some of my fondest memories of the summer of 1992
are learning with Baruch b'chavrusa at the yeshiva in Kiryat Moshe.
I had returned to Shapells for that summer after my first year of law school
to learn in a special summer program dedicated to the mitzva
of Yishuv b'Eretz Yisrael. My summer was fabulous and so meaningful
and spiritual in a large way as the result of learning with Baruch.
The dedication of the Labinskys to their community is so inspiring
and no doubt has its origins in the relationship Baruch began
with the yeshiva as a devoted and accomplished talmid.
May their tireless efforts continue to flourish with the sweetest success.
Bradley S. Hames
Silver Page
In Honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hirshfeld.
I remember well siting in the bais medresh in Kiryat Moshe
in August, 1990, at the opening of elul zman. The Rosh Yeshiva
addressed the talmidim to prepare us for what lie ahead
and what we could expect at Shapell's. I will never forget
his words: "If you came to us as a tomato we won't try
to turn you into a cucumber. We will turn you into a better tomato."
Such an unforgettable message, capturing the essence of the yeshiva,
was said, of course, by our beloved Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Hirshfeld.
Why was it unforgettable? Because it was delivered with the clarity,
simple sweetness and truth that are the hallmark of The Rosh Yeshiva's
unparalleled method of delivering Torah and mesorah, a method
instrumental in the growth of the alumni of this blessed institution.
My gratitude to the Rosh Yeshiva is unbounded for the foundation
in learning he laid for me.  
Bradley S. Hames
Silver Page
In honor of Matthew and Natasha Neubauer.
How special and sweet it is to pay tribute to two wonderful friends
and neighbors for their dedication to the yeshiva we love!
As Matthew and I know, there are many young alumni from yeshivas
for the recently observant who populate our community
on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. When Matthew
and I introduced ourselves shortly after the Neubauers' arrived
in the community we were both thrilled to learn of our Darche Noam bond,
a bond that has grown into a wonderful, inspirational
and enriching friendship. I am so proud of Matthew
and Natasha for the shining example they set every day
in their home, in shul, and on the streets we daily walk together.
May you continue to grow in your unending dedication to Torah and chesed.
Bradley S. Hames
Silver Page
We have tremendous gratitude for all that Rav Hirshfeld
and the yeshiva has done for us and,
more generally, for klal yisroel.
The Derech haTorah that we were taught has become
the bedrock of our lives and the foundation for our
continued growth. Rav Hirshfeld has made an indelible
impression on us: his exemplary middos, his deep connection
to Torah and his genuine warmth and love for every talmid.  
We would like to wish Rav Hirshfeld and the yeshiva
continued hatzlacha, and many more years of teaching
and touching talmidim and Klal Yisroel at large.
Yisroel and Shuli Harris
Silver Page
Mazal Tov on 40 years! Midrashet Rachel was just
the right place for me when I was living in Israel in 1997.
I appreciated the dedication of Rabbi Shurin, Lynn Finson,
and so many of the amazing teachers that I was privleged
to learn from. I not only learned, but I found many role models
at Midrashet Rachel which helped me want to grow
in my Avodos Hashem.
Thank you to the amazing staff and students
that were there in 1997.
Midrashet Rachel, may your staff continue to
inspire women to grow in their Avodos Hashem.
All the Best,
Julie Klein
Silver Page
Mazal tov
to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 years!
Neil & Fran Kritz
Silver Page
When I first arrived at Darché Noam, the Yeshiva was still in its infancy
and I was a post collegiate "Jewish infant."  I had started keeping Shabbat
but I had no idea why. Rabbis Feigenbaum, Hirschfeld and Karlinsky
provided the framework which would guide me to become a Jewish adult
-one who would be enabled to make critical decisions about life.
And Michael Cohen provided the smile and outstretched hand
to make the process a smooth one, and Rav Herczeg had patience.
Rav Hirschfeld and Rav Tabasky helped me understand the "why"s,
Rav Farber opened my eyes and heart to the world of the Ramchal.
Rabbis Yosef and Reuven Kamenetsky and Yitzchak Shurin introduced me
to HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Kamenetsky Zt"l . Rabbi Eli embodied
Religious Zionism. And I was embraced by the menshlichkeit
of the families of the Rebbeim.
Thank  you all, especially Rav Hirshfeld,  for helping me gain the insight to understand my life goal and grow toward it-becoming an Eved Hashem.
David Kronish and family
Silver Page
Mazal tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 years!
Paul and Tamar Malek
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Silver Page
Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Rabbi Aharon and Beverly Simkin
North American Kosher Supervision
Silver Page
Mazel Tov
to Matt & Susie
on this well deserved honor!
Howard & Ann Louise Perlow
Silver Page
Mazal Tov Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 tremendous years at Darché Noam Yeshiva.
Your hospitality, wisdom and personal example have made a huge difference in our lives and have helped build our Torah home. We are forever grateful to you.
Dan and Paula Rand
Silver Page
Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Michael Rosenberg
Silver Page
Thank you to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirsheld
for your lifelong commitment to the Jewish People.
May you continue to go from strength to strength,
and continue your holy work.
David and Adina Samson, and family
Silver Page
Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Jeff and Menorah Schwartz
Silver Page
In honor of our friends and role models,
Susie and Matt
Ahuva and Gershon Seiferas
Silver Page
To our dear friends - Menachem and Susie
Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor. You are special neshamos constantly seeking growth and holiness. Your children emulate your impeccable middos and love of Yiddishkeit. You are pillars of our Shul and our community and we feel truly blessed to have you as part of our Kehilla. It has been a privilege to feel part of your extended family in the years we have been in Baltimore. We look forward to many years of smachot and beracha together.
May you continue to flourish in your Avodas Hashem.
With much love and admiration  
Rabbi Shmuel and Aviva Silber
Silver Page
Mazal tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication! Thank you for the countless hours
of Torah learning that you have shared with the community.
May the Rabbi and Rebbetzin and their entire family be blessed
with continued strength, health, and Torah learning.
May the yeshiva continue from strength to strength.
We would like to give a special thank you to Rabbi Hirshfeld
for being the mesader kiddushin for our wedding in 2005,
as that was a very special day for us!
With gratitude,
Mordechai (Michael) and Kim Solomon
Silver Page
Mazal tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Sam & Rebecca Strasser
Silver Page
Dear Daddy and Mummy,
For the past forty years, you have been opening your hearts and home to scores
of young people who were not privileged to a Torah home. Watching your
constant and unfaltering dedication lovingly leading your students to a life of Torah and mitzvos has taught us responsibility, consistency
and generosity לשם שמים.  You are our role models for Mesirus Nefesh, setting goals, and achieving them.
May you be זוכה to see the fruits of your hard work in the building of another Jewish generation and the building of בית המקדש and Yerushalayim בב"א. 
From your loving children,  
Menachem and Elisheva Schimmel     Yossi and Miri Karlinsky           
Daniel and Tzvia Sapsowitz                Ephraim and Shoshi Karlinsky
Yehuda and Avigail Karlinsky             Binyamin and Rochi Karlinsky
Silver Page
  David Waxman, Enrolled Agent
XPAT Tax Services LTD
Full Page
In recognition of
Rabbi Yitzchok Hirshfeld
A wise and compassionate teacher, mentor and colleague,
A man who exemplifies truth and humility,
To whom I am indebted for the privilege
of having been a faculty member
At Shapell's/Darché Noam,
An enduring experience which impacts
My family and me until today. 
Rabbi Binyomin Adilman
DSC faculty 1999-2012
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In honor of Rabbi Shurin
and my teachers at Midreshet Rachel.
You set the foundation for the rest of my life.
B"H I am a glad mother of children in Miami!
Sarah and Rabbi Yehuda Alber
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Mazal tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Aleksander & Tehila Binson
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Phil and Karen Americus
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In Honor of
Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak Hirshfeld
Mr. Abshalom Meiri and Ms. Beth Popp
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Mazel Tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
on 40 years of true chinuch!
Hashem should help you to continue to be
such a special influence
on growing Bnei Torah!
Ari Aragon
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Mazal tov to our daughter & son-in-law,
Ellen & Amos
on being honored by Darché Noam
on its 40th anniversary.
We are so proud of you both. We love you.
Mom & Dad
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzen Hirshfeld
Makers of lives.
With all our love,
Isa Dovid, Shoshana,
Raphael Yechezkel, Sarah Etie
and Hannah Bracha Balaban
Full Page
Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld on achieving
this amazing milestone. For 40 years you have guided and molded
Talmidim and left an eternal impact on the Jewish nation vibrating
throughout the world. Your unconditional commitment to
the Talmidim at Shapell's/Darché Noam was and continues to be
a beacon of light  shining in so many different Jewish communities.
But perhaps the most valuable asset you have shared and role modeled
is your passion to Torah learning and the thirst for Torah growth that every Talmid emulates and strives to achieve. I echo the thoughts
of so many Talmidim who are eternally grateful.
May Hashem bless you and the Rebbetzin with health, happiness
and Nachat from your immediate and extended family. 
Golan BenLulu
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Adi J. Berard
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Thank you to
Rabbi and Mrs Hirshfeld
and the dedicated staff at Darché Noam, 
An inspiration to us all.
Daniel and Sara Berelowitz
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Dear Matt and Susie,
Mazal tov on this honor.
May you go m'chayil el chayil!
Brian & Dafna Berman
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Mazal Tov Rosh Yeshiva!
From the day I walked into Shapell's, the Rosh Yeshiva has been there for me in every milestone and all the growth along the way.  Every time I've come with two different sides and a tough decision to make, the Rosh Yeshiva has always provided a third position with wisdom, understanding and creativity. 
As a newly married man, I was able to regularly attend the married men's shiur. One week I missed it, and my wife felt the difference in my ability to relate to her. She said, "you missed Rav Hirshfeld's shiur this week didn't you?"  Our connection with the Rosh Yeshiva brings us that much closer to a real tzuras haAdam.
We have unending gratitude for the tireless efforts and and timeless wisdom

Jeremy and Irit Block
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Mazel Tov to our dear friends Matt and Susie Schoenfeld on this well-deserved honor. You are both examples of what a tremendous impact individuals can have on an entire community. Your love and passion for your fellow Jew is evident in everything you both do. May Hashem grant you continued strength and good health for many years to come! 
Jacob and Julie Blumenfeld
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Thank you Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hirshfeld
for your devotion to bringing the light of Torah to so many. Your love for Hashem and for the Jewish People
are an inspiration to your students and alumni.
We remain your students, always.
Rabbi Yonah & Rachel Bookstein
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Mazal tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 years!
Emma Brandt
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It is with great emotion and tremendous HaKaras HaTov that we celebrate
the 40th anniversary of Shapell's/Darché Noam.  In particular, we honor
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld who deeply influenced our family in addition to hundreds
of others.  May HaKadosh Baruch Hu always bless you with the gifts necessary
to continue your important work, to serve as role models for your families and your students, to remain committed to building Am Yisroel, one family at a time. 
We also extend a joyous Mazel Tov the Alumni Families who represent all the alumni. 
May you cherish your connections to the yeshiva and incorporate the lessons learned there into your daily lives. 
In particular we want to wish Mazel Tov to our dear friends
Baruch and Tammy Labinsky.  
May HaKadosh Baruch Hu shower you with His blessings always.
Moshe and Marla Braun
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Gershon Burstyn
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Mazal tov to
Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 years!
Aaron & Leah Cypess
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You both are shining examples to all of us on so many levels....          
Your Chessed and kindness to others is overwhelming yet understanding..    
The way in which you embody your family, friendships and the community is incredible...  
But the most remarkable trait that you both possess is the humbleness, humility amd dignity that accompanies everything you both do
each and every day...
May all of your efforts and involvement be an inspiration to us and to others as we try to follow in your ways...   Continued success in the future!!
Uncle Mike Holzman        Heshy Schoenfeld     
Aaron Shiller    Andrew Wohlberg            Ari Lerner    
& Rabbi Shmuel Silber
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Daniel Baltuch, Elder Law
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Rav and Mrs Hirshfeld, Congratulations.
You have been an inspiration to so many talmidim and have had
a major influence on countless families over the span of four decades.
My family is proud to be one of those families, I was fortunate to
have benefited from your teachings, your humility, your open door,
your unique approach to Torah and Avodat Hashem, and your sense
of humor. A particular memory that stands out for me was being at
your Purim seudah my first year at Shapell's. I recall the pure
simchah as we danced and sang and shared words of Torah
together around your table.
May you go from strength to strength
and continue to impact Am Yisrael, 
Yonah & Leiba Chaya David
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Dear Matt and Susie,
Mazel Tov - we are so proud of you!
We are so blessed to have the most caring, dedicated and giving neighbors.  
Looking forward to sharing
in many more Bonfield simchas and memories with you.
Andy, Lisa, Kira, Kayla, Mason and Nala Diamond
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To our dear friends Matt and Susie Schoenfeld:
Congratulations on this well deserved honor.
We are inspired by your continuous dedication and support 
for family, community, and Klal Yisrael.
Mazal tov!
Gali and Avron Elbaum
Jennifer and Jonathan Kaplan
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Aaron Epstein
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Mazal tov to Darché Noam on 40 years and to all the honorees for this recognition. To Matt and Susie, special friends and role models of chesed, mazal tov on this well-deserved honor.
Derek and Lauren Fine
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Mazal tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 years!
Rabbi Mark and Dr. Sarah Fishman
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Yasher koach to Shapell's/Darché Noam for 40 years
of teaching students to deepen their service of
Hakadosh Baruch Hu in emunah and yediyah -
by learning, by developing their middos,
by building families and communities.
A special thank-you to Rabbis Hirshfeld and Karlinsky
for their foresight, insight and inspiration, their unfaltering
dedication to their mission and their mesirus nefesh.
May their impact continue to be felt in Klal Yisrael, le'tovah,
for generations to come. Mazal tov, mazal tov.
Yissachar and Riki Fried
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Mazal Tov to
Natasha and Matt
May the journey continue!
Janie & Adam Frieman
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We have tremendous Hakaras HaTov to Darché Noam for the amazing foundation in learning and life we received during our year there in 1990-91. We are very grateful to the Hanhala, Rebbeim and Teachers for making our year so successful.
Seth especially appreciated his relationship with Rabbi Hirshfeld and we wish Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hirshfeld continued health and much nachas
from your tremendous efforts in Harbotzas Torah.
May Darché Noam enjoy many more years
of teaching the Torah's pleasantness.
Seth and Tanya Gerstman
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!!!
Although its been 37 years since I learned
at Shapell's/Darché Noam, I'll never forget the warmth
and the energy of the entire staff!!!!
Moshe Chaim & Ruth Goetz
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With tremendous gratitude for everything
Rav Hirshfeld
and all at Darché Noam have given us
  Michael, Dina, Yael
and Ariella Goldberg
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Thank you for your support and wisdom,
and for helping to make our wedding
so memorable!
Reuven and Nava Goldberg
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Yasher Koach to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for all you have done
for Darche Noam and its talmidim.
With deep hakaras hatov
for all you have done for us.
We will always look up to you.
Daniel and Beth Gordon
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Mazel Tov to Matt and Susie Schoenfeld
on their much deserved honor.
Baltimore is lucky to have you guys
serve as pillars of the community.
Aryeh & Goldie Gross
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Mazal tov to all the honorees for all they do
for the yeshiva and within their own communities.
And a special  hakaras hatov to Rabbi Hirshfeld
for all you have done for the yeshiva.
Think about the amount of Torah  you've taught. 
Then think about the amount of Torah your talmidim
have learned with their children, chevrusas and communities!
Andy and Shira Gryll
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Thank you and Mazal Tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication and hard work!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Moshe & Shoshana Hamburg
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To Rabbi Hirshfeld,
An amazing teacher and inspirational figure in our family's life. Thank you for giving us the love of Torah and passion for G-d Almighty that enables us to serve Him with true simcha.
Herschel and Raiza Malka Hartz
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Mazal Tov Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld!
Thank you Rabbi Hirshfeld
for opening up the depth and beauty of the Gemora to us
and so many talmidim over the years!
Rabbi David Jaffe and Rabbi Dr. Ariel Burger and families
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Mazal tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 years!
Zev Hoffman
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Mazal tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
and to Matt and Susie Schoenfeld
on the occasion of their being recognized
for their many contributions to Darché Noam
and beyond (including Baltimore!).
Best wishes,
Iris and Ed Miller
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To our beloved Rosh HaYeshivah, whose dedication to a Toras Emes continues to be a shining example for so many talmidim.
Daniel & Naomi Israel
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In Honor of
The Devoted Faculty and Staff of
Shapell's/Darché Noam
and Midreshet Rachel v'Chaya
With tefillot for many, many more
successful decades
of strengthening Torah and Ahavat Yisrael!
Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Jablon
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Congratulations to The Neubauer Family
For Their Dedication and Support
To an Amazing Yeshiva
That Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld Successfully Built
With The Help of HaKadosh Borchu,
Alumni, Teachers, and Philanthropists!
Together We Are Stronger.
The Kazakoff Family Delivery Mobile Apps
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With tremendous hakarat hatov to
the entire staff of Shapell's/Darché Noam.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld for
40 years of dedication to the Yeshiva
and to the alumni honorees.
Melissa, David, Tali & Yonatan Kessler
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With much appreciation to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for everything you have done for us. 
Ze'ev and Monika Landau
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Dear Rabbi Hirshfeld,
Thank you for welcoming me into the Shapell's/Darché Noam family.
I will always be grateful for your warmth, care, guidance
and support over the years. 
Wishing you and the Yeshiva continued Hatzlacha, lots of Naches
from all your Talmidim and Mazel Tov!
Yossi Lanton
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
David Lantos
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Shmuel and Leslie Laskin
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Mazal Tov to our dear friends Matt and Susie.
Your chesed knows no borders, and your kindness no bounds. May Hashem always give you both the ability and desire to further His holy work here on earth.
All our love, 
Ari and Shoshana Lerner
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With Hakaros Hatov to
our Chosson Kallah teachers
May we have continued simchas together.
Dovid and Shoshi Lerner
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With sincere appreciation to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
and the entire Darché Noam staff for your tireless dedication
to spreading a uniquely inclusive approach to Torah
and Jewish life. You have helped us and thousands
of others build a strong Jewish foundation for ourselves
and our families.
Thank you and Mazal Tov.
Amos & Ellen Levi
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Mazal tov to the alumni honorees!
Elsa and Elliott Levi
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Mazal tov to
Natasha and Matt Neubauer
on being great leaders!
Mazal tov to Shapells on 40 years!
Wishing you many more years of success.
Jenna (Shweitzer)
and Justin Maio
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With tremendous gratitude to
Rosh Yeshiva and Mrs. Hirshfeld,
Mazel Tov for your dedicated service to such a noble cause.
Our lives are all richer for having benefited from your
unwavering commitment to Torah values and Jewish literacy.
Mazel Tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam on 40 years of success,
to all the Rabbis and staff for steering the ship
in a most inspiring direction, and to the alumni honourees
for representing us with utmost refinement.
Evan Malach
AFY Real Estate, Toronto
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Rabbi Anthony & Sarah Manning 
are proud to be associated with
Shapell's/Darché Noam
and Midreshet Rachel V'Chaya.
Wishing much Bracha to
Rabbi & Mrs Hirshfeld
in appreciation of their dedication
to Talmud Torah.
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In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld -
Your warm demeanor melted away my challenges of the truth
of Torah. Your inspiring Shabbos table did the same
for my parents. Your devoted leadership of the Yeshiva
provided years of support and guidance.  May you be blessed
with many years of nachas from your family,
biological and ideological. 
In honor of Baruch and Tammy Labinsky -
Your dedication to Klal Yisrael is just remarkable!
May we be blessed to share many smachot together.
Ben Mansheim
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Jonathan and Wendy Margolin
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Mazel Tov to our niece and nephew,
Susie and Matt Schoenfeld,
for this wonderful recognition of
their commitment to Jewish values.
Judy and Bernard Schoenfeld and families
Marilyn and Josef Rosenblatt and families
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Mazal Tov to the Rosh HaYeshiva,
HaRav Yitzchak Hirshfeld,
for this richly deserved honor on the occasion of his "retirement".
Rabbi Hirschfeld, 
You made a difference on the first day that we walked into Darché Noam, as you gently and wisely drew us in by showing the wisdom of Darché Noam's derech
You were a rich source of support and a Magid Shiur who challenged talmidim to learn more deeply during the extremely special year and a half that we spent at the Yeshiva. You have continued to be a gentle and wise mashpia on us in the 25 plus years since we left the portals of the Yeshiva. We are deeply indebted for all that you have done for us and for
the hadracha bestowed.
May Hashem enable you to continue to fulfill your deep passion for learning and teaching Torah, and may He grant you and your mishpocho much b'rocho, hatzlocho v'nachas.
With deep Hakaras hatov, 
Melech and Judith Lensky
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Darche Noam 5750-5751/1989-1991


Lensky Melech and Judy
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld 
for 40 years of dedication!
Cheston & Lara Mizel
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In honor of a dear friend and Talmid 
R' Peter Katz
who I have known for 30 years. 
He has consistently shown integrity, exemplary midos, and hakaras hatov. 

From the moment he went to learn at Shapell's, Peter developed a love of Torah learning and huge respect for Talmidei Chachomim.

He shared this message and made a significant difference where ever he was in the world: Johannesburg, Perth, Ramat Beit Shemesh 

May he and his wife, Shelley, be blessed with 
Brocha and Nachos from their special family 
With love and admiration, 

Shmuel, Lieba, and the whole Moffson family
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Rabbi Hirshfeld, Besides being my first Rosh Yeshivah, and caring about me, I want to thank the Rav for something else. The Rav was the unofficial shadchan in my meeting with the mother of my children. It was the Rav who said to go forward with the shidduch and approved my traveling to the US to meet her. From this came my three wonderful children and I will always be grateful for this. My children say 'thank you' as well. May Hashem continue blessing Rav Hirshfeld in everything he does and may he be blessed with health and a long life and continue spreading Torah to the four corners of the earth.
With deep appreciation,
Akiva Murguia
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To the Rav and Rebbetzin Hirshfeld, kol hakavod for co-founding Darché Noam and bringing your unique style of Torah to the world.  My wife and I are rich beneficiaries of Darche Noam and Midreshet Rachel v'Chava.  We spent our first year of marriage living in the downstairs couple apartment, forging strong relationships with the Rav and the other amazing Rebbeim and staff and building lifelong friendships that we still enjoy today 20 years later.  You should both have a lot of nachas from all that you've built and continue to have success in gashmiyus and ruchniyus.

To Baruch and Tammy Labinsky, Peretz and Shelley Katz, Matthew and Susan Schoenfeld, Amos and Ellen Levi and Matthew and Natsasha Neubauer, yesher koach and mazel tov on being honored by the yeshiva.  You should all go from strength to strength.

Avraham and Yocheved Nadell and family (1997-1999)
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To Natasha and Matt Neubauer!
We wish you all the health and happiness in the world!

Cassandra, Alex, Skyy, and Odie
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Mazel Tov to
Matt and Susie Schoenfeld
on their well-deserved honor.
Best wishes, 
Yehuda and Chani Neuberger
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Mazel tov Matt and Natasha!
Thank you for being great friends and integral parts of our UWS community. We are so proud of you!
Jon and Michelle Newman
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Mazel Tov to Matt and Susie,
you are true leaders of Klal Yisroel.
Thank you for your dedication and love.
This is a well deserved kavod.
With much respect for the both of you,
Ohr Chadash Board of Directors
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Thank you Rabbi Hirshfeld
for your caring support
and guidance in difficult times,
thoughtful answers,  meaningful questions,
timely jokes, consistently excellent teaching,
and beautiful davening at the Kotel!
On Behalf of your Russian Talmidim
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Mazal tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam and the Hirshfelds
for 40 incredible years of building up the Jewish People.
The bedrock of my Jewish identity and connection to Torah
was developed and nurtured by the talented, loving,
and hard-working teachers and administrators
of this wonderful organization. I could not have imagined
a more exquisite experience. It is an honor to call myself
your student. I am forever grateful. 
Sammy Oziel
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Mazal Tov to
Rabbi and Mrs Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedicated work at Shapell's!
Warmest wishes,
Stephen & Cheryl Pack and family 
ר' שמואל חיים יעקב בן אליעזר  (Stephen Pack)
ר' הלל יהונתן בן שמואל חיים יעקב (Anthony Pack)
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Mazal tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
We are so grateful for our time
at Shapell's and Midreshet Rachel.
Our family continues to benefit from our time with you.
May you be blessed through all you do for Clal Yisrael.
Baruch and Shayndel Plotkin
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How I love your Torah! All day it is my conversation.
Psalms 119:97
Rabbi Eleazar said, Were it not for the Torah, heaven and earth would not endure, as it is said (Jeremiah 33:25), "So says The Almighty, 'If not for My covenant (with) day and night, I would not have placed the statutes of heaven and earth.' "
Pesachim 68b
"...he loved her so much, it seemed like no more than a few days."
Genesis 29:20
In honor of Rabbi Yitzchok Hirshfeld, who personifies the love of studying and teaching Torah.
Deepest thanks to you, Rabbi Karlinsky and Rabbi Feigenbaum for creating the Darché Noam Institutions, where, for 40 years, Jewish men and women who sincerely seek God find Him, in His holy city, Jerusalem.
Thank you for all you taught me, during three wonderful years
of living and learning Torah in Israel. 
Shmuel and Elana Plotsker and family
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Mazal to our friends
Matt and Susie Schoenfeld
on becoming dinner honorees
and thank you to the wonderful staff of
Shapell's/Darché Noam for leading us
on our path of Torah observance.
Avi and Leah Politzer
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Mazel Tov to Matt & Suzie,
It is a tribute to your background at Shapell's to see two people who appreciate Torah and its values as much as the two of you.
May you only have the strength to continue. 
Chaim & Toby Pollack
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In Honor of
Rav Yitzchak Hirshfeld Shlit"a
for decades of Torah Leadership
and Teaching
Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim Pollock
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Mazal Tov Rabbi Hirshfeld on 40 years .. of developing a Torah true institution like Shapell's that its truly transformative. Thanks to you and your vision for this amazing yeshiva, I am so lucky to have grown in my learning Gemara, and hashkafos. I will never forget our Ivrit class where we studied the Rambam and many primary sources in Lashon Hakodesh. I was so lucky to get to know the Rosh Yeshiva and our relationship has grown so much over the years. May you and your Rebbitzen be zoche to see much Bracha V'Hatzlacha from all of your family and your talmidim for many years to come. We hope that you will continue to visit us for many more annual visits to Chicago, where Zevy looks forward to seeing Abba's Rosh Yeshiva!
Efrem, Shuli, Zev, Shira and Shana Popel
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לכבוד ראש הישיבה, מו"ר הרב הירשפלד, שליט"א
Dear Rav Hirshfeld, shlita, our beloved Rosh Yeshiva,
We take this opportunity to share some words of הערכה and הכרת הטוב for 40 years of leadership,
educational pioneering, and service to Klal Yisrael. We stand in awe at the
בית גדול of תורה and תפילה, of תשובה and דרך ארץ, that, with tremendous סייעתא דשמיא,
you and your partners built in ירושלים עיר הקודש. 
יישר כחך for fulfilling העמידו תלמידים הרבה, bringing the mesorah of Torah, Gemara, Lomdus, and Tikkun Hamidos to thousands of Jews beginning Talmud Torah as adults. As rebbeim and talmidim, we benefited and continue to benefit from the rare combinations you have cultivated within yourself - giving guidance and direction while fostering independence, preserving the mesorah with a refreshing open-mindedness, living with deep humility as well as powerful conviction and presence. A serious approach was always tempered with good humor. Your calm demeanor and purposeful leadership proved invaluable in times of upheaval. And your love of growth pushed us to constantly refine, reshape, and improve.
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Your love of Torah is contagious. We thank you for sharing with us the joy of a true chiddush, of a clear and deep analysis of a machlokes Rashi and Tosafos that sings out from their words. The sound of your tefillah on the Yamim Noraim and at the כותל המערבי inspired כוונה through נגינה. You are a role model of integrity and a living example of one who takes upon himself responsibility.  We bless you and your family with long years of health and happiness, of nachas from all of your descendants and all of your talmidim. We pray that you can continue for many years, learning and teaching Torah in the Beis Medresh you so love, and with talmidim you so love.
 בברכות התורה מרבני הישיבה
Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker, Rabbi Fyvel Shuster, Rabbi Mendel Farber, Rabbi Joel Cohen, Rabbi Avraham Fischer, Rabbi Aryeh Goldschmiedt, Rabbi Yakov Haber, Rabbi Meshulam Isaac, Rabbi Reuven Kamenetsky, Rabbi Ephraim Karlinsky, Rabbi Yonatan Kohn, Rabbi Eliezer Kwass, Rabbi Yitzchak Lerner, Rabbi Avraham Nissim, Rabbi Gidon Schneider, Rabbi Gidon Shoshan, Rabbi Elie Silverberg, Rabbi Binyamin Wolff

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We want to wish the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Hirshfeld
much continued Hatzlacha in helping to teach and inspire
more Jews with his Torah wisdom in the loving
and compassionate way he has done for us. Thank you for all
you have done for both of our families in guiding us
and setting an example of how to become a true ben Torah. 
May you go from strength to strength in your new role. 
Best wishes from,
Rabbi Marc and Lisa Levene and family
Rabbi Ben and Vicki Rosen and family 

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It is with great honour that I congratulate and thank
Rabbi & Mrs. Hirshfeld
for all that they have done for me and my fellow alumni.
I have personally benefited and grown from your efforts
and dedication to Shapell's/Darché Noam and the talmidim.
Congratulations as well to
Matt and Natasha Neubauer
on being honoured. You serve as an inspiration to all of us
who are fortunate to know and learn from you.
Yisroel Ragosin
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Mazal tov to our dear friends,
Matt & Susie Schoenfeld
on the well deserved honor.
You are both amazing contributors to the klal.
We all benefit from your efforts.
Meir & Sarah Raskas
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With appreciation to Rav Hirschfeld
and all of the Shapell's family
For helping to shape and guide our Talmud Torah.
You should be blessed
with much Hatzlacha in the years to come.
Yisroel & Rina Reich
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Congratulations to Darché Noam, its Rosh Yeshiva
and its worthy alumni honorees,
on the occasion of Darché Noam's 40th Anniversary.
In the words of the Purim Megillah, may we
and the Jewish people continue to experience happiness, joy
and honor, from your sacred work in spreading Torah learning
and supporting the Jewish community.
Yasher koach and much love!
Robin Nichinsky and Seth Schafler, and Cindy and Randy Heller
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Mazal tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Thank you for being a part of the light
we are inspired to share in the world!
Rabbi Baruch and Rebbetzin Carina Rock & Family
Orot HaCarmel - San Diego, CA
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Mazal Tov to Susie & Matt on this special honor.
We are very happy to see you be recipients of this well-deserved recognition of the time and dedication you have given to Shapell's/Darché Noam.
Leslie and Adam Rosen
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Mazal tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 years!
Zane and Keri Roth
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Mazal tov to the Hirshfelds
on this well-deserved honor!
Your Chicago cousins,
Daniel & Tova Rubin
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Mazel Tov to Alumni Honorees
Natasha and Matthew Neubauer!
Sarene Shanus and Harold Treiber
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Rabbi and Mrs Hirshfeld,
Thank you for all the teaching, chizuk and hospitality
you gave us while we were in Yeshiva & Sem 20 years ago.
And to say how much we appreciate
our continued connection and learning.
Mazal Tov and much Bracha on reaching
this special landmark.
Caroline and Perry Saul
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Mazal tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 outstanding years!
Rabbi Shaanan and Emma Scherer
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Thank you
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hirshfeld
for all you have done
to make Darché  Noam what it is today!
Mazal Tov to the Labinskys
and all of the honorees.
Stuart and Sharon Schnee
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Reuven & Linda Segall
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Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Yitzchak & Mrs. Chavi Hirschfeld
in commemoration of 40 years of leadership and dedication
to Shapell's/Darché Noam and Torah Education.
May they and their family be blessed with much Mazal,
Beracha, Hatzlacha, B'riut V'Nachat always.
The Seleski Family
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In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzen Hirshfeld

וכל המקיים נפש אחת מישראל מעלה עליו הכתוב כאלו קיים עולם מלא-
סנהדרין פרק ד משנה ה
Thank you so much for all you have done for us and for the eternal influence you have had on our lives and the lives of so many                                                                                                                                                                                                                  בהודאה נצחית
Yehoshua and Daphna Shaneson
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Mazal Tov
Matt and Susie
The way you live your life is an inspiration
to your friends;
yet you are still fun to hang out with...
I don't know how you do it!!
We love you guys,
Dee-Dee & Aaron Shiller
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With warmest wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld שליט"א
and to all of the deserving honorees. The many years
of our association with Shapell's/Darché Noam have blessed
our family with endless uplifting experiences,
wonderful friends, and cherished memories. Thank you
to the roshei yeshiva,faculty,  the Shapell family,
and the innumerable donors and friends that have made
the last 40 years possible and the coming 40 years
so promising. And thank you to the students who continue
to build homes of Torah, Yiras Shamayim, and Ahavas Yisrael.
You are all an inspiration! 
Gidon and Miriam Shoshan
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
and Shapell's/Darche Noam
on 40 years!
Rabbi Hirshfeld - Your dedication to leading the yeshiva, teaching Torah and and being a model of derech eretz has impacted our lives and the lives of our family forever. Yasher koach and thank you! 
Brett and Nurit Siegal
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Rabbi & Mrs. Hirshfeld,
Mazel tov on the Yeshiva's 40th anniversary!
Rachel and I feel truly privileged to have been a part of the yeshiva's extraordinary journey. Under your guidance, the impact the yeshiva had and continues to have on our lives is immeasurable. We also feel grateful for the time we spent with you two personally. The special example you set gave us an incredible model to follow and the lessons we learned from you continue to guide us.
Wishing you many more years of hatzlacha in all you do!
Todd & Rachel Siegal
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Congratulations on
the 40th Anniversary of the Darché Noam Institutions.
Mazel Tov to Natasha and Matt
for being selected as Alumni Honorees.
May you continue to be an inspiration
to the entire community.
We are so proud of you and your contributions.
With Love,
The Silverman Family (Iris & Co.)
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Mazal tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Hirshfeld
and to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on this special milestone.
May you continue your avodas hakodesh
and go from strength to strength.
Niva & Benjamin Taylor
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Mazal tov to
Shapell's/Darché Noam on 40 years, 
Matt and Susie Schoenfeld, 
All of the Rebbeim and teachers for their dedication, 
To their students and alumni.
May you continue to go from strength to strength!
Chaim and Jen (Temchine) Kaweblum
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In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld, the alumni honorees,
and all the outstanding alumni from the past 40 years
at Shapell's and Midreshet Rachel.
We are honored to be a part of this unique, special institution
and to play a small role in the huge impact that
it has made on so many individuals, families and Klal Yisrael.
יהי רצון שכל מעשי ידינו יצמיחו פירות לדורי דורות
The Administrative Staff of
Shapell's/Darché Noam
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In Honor of Rabbi and Mrs Hirshfeld for your dedication to the students at Shapell's/Darché Noam and in particular your dedication to the University of Michigan students of the past decade. Thank you for taking great students and making them even greater!!
In Honor of two of those great students Matt and Natasha Neubauer. Words cannot do justice as to how proud we all are for all you have accomplished. Hashem should continue to give you the strength to be the Holiest Jews you could be!! 
The Bausk Family and JRC Students
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Mazal Tov to Shapell's / Darché Noam for 40 amazing years. We are all endlessly grateful for everything you have done, and continue to do, for us. A huge thank you to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hirshfeld for your amazing commitment and dedication to the yeshiva and its students. And a special Mazal Tov to alumni honorees Matt and Natasha Neubauer. You are a true inspiration and we are so proud to be your friends. We wish you continued growth, health and simcha!
The Beltsers, Chernobelskiys, Feldmans, Sami Fishbein, Millers, Perilsteins, Seidmans, Spinkas, and Zisholtz's
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Mazel Tov to 
Natasha and Matt!
The Ezrapour, Glustoff
and Podair Families
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
The Kelners
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
The Steele Family
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In Tribute to our Dear Brother-In-Law and Sister
Rabbi Yitzchak & Rebbetzin Chavie Hirshfeld
for forty years of incredible mesiras nefesh
establishing and guiding the growth of 
Yeshiva Darche Noam into such an impressive Makom Torah.
We, and our family, join their many hundreds of talmidim  
in expressing gratitude for
their abundant chesed and inspiration. 
Moshe and Sheva Turk & Family
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Mazal tov to Shapell's/Darché Noam
on 40 years!
Ilana Wachs
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I want to express the tremendous hakarat hatov to the Hirshfelds
for helping to shape my future here in Eretz Yisroel.

I remember first meeting you,Rav Hirschfeld in 1994 in my NY office 
and trying to figure things for myself.How to approach
my learning in Israel if i was to just pick up and leave New York.
Your level headedness and calm approach really spoke to me.
Gave me a sense of belonging.

Throughout the years you've always made yourself available
for personal and family decisions that were on the horizon
and it is so much appreciated.
Bracha, hatzlacha,and success in all your future endeavors.

Thank you
Jeff and Rivi Weisberg
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Daniel Wiseman
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Rabbi Hirshfeld Shlita:

Thank you for your decades of dedication.
Your patience and insight have helped me greatly many times.
May you continue to have hashpaos tovos on your talmidim. 
I wish you a hearty Yashar Koach!

Gavriel Witkin
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Mazel tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of leading,
inspiring, and teaching thousands of students
at Shapell's/Darché Noam.
We all would not be where we are today
without their tremendous efforts.
Thank you.
Rafi Wolfe
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Thank you so much to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Shuster
for your tremendous support, warmth, wisdom, hospitality,
and dedication to your Darché Noam students.
Our family is deeply enriched by learning from you
and accepting your guidance. We really appreciate
that you made us feel like a part of your family
during our time at Shapell's!
Yaakov and Leah Ahuva Zaytsev
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Thank you so much,
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Karlinsky,
for your dedication and inspiring guidance!
We appreciate your sensitivity, caring, and brilliance.
You are such a beautiful example of living Torah values
and Emes. We are blessed to have been able to learn from you!
Yaakov and Leah Ahuva Zaytsev
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With tremendous הכרת הטוב to all that Rav Hirshfeld has done for us both in teaching us Torah and in teaching by example---May Hashem help the Rosh Yeshiva go מחיל אל חיל and see much nachas from all the fruits of his labor.
Miriam and Yaakov Karten and family
Serena and Elan Karten and family
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In honor of
Amos and Ellen Levi
Jack Zager
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Mazal Tov to the Hirshfelds! Rabbi Hirshfeld, you have been such a tremendous influence and teacher to both of us, and given us both an incredible sense of warm, belonging, purpose, and motivation during our year at Shapell's/MRC. Your inspiration will carry through many generations and beyond, and certainly for the rest of our lives in our avodah to build a Torah home. Thank you for all you have done for us and for all the talmidim of Darché Noam! 
Yaakov and Leah Ahuva Zaytsev
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We have so much hakaras hatov for Rabbi and Rebbetzin Shurin's dedication to the students of Midreshet Rachel and for their warmth, love, wisdom, and guidance toward us!
Thank you for inspiring us and bringing up the spiritual level of our family.
Zaytsev Family
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Mazal tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Hirshfeld
for 40 years of dedication!
Misha Zubarev