Alumni Honorees
Mr. and Mrs. Peretz (Peter) and Shelley Katz (Ramat Beit Shemesh)
In addition to their support of Ahavas Shalom (including their Loan Gemach), Peretz (Peter) and Shelley are first in line to open their homes both to Shapell’s/Darché Noam alumni events and to host Shapell’s and Midreshet Rachel students for Shabbat. He is a qualified lawyer with a masters degree in tax. Over the past 11 years he was the director of the European portfolio of RDI REIT PIc, a FTSE 250 listed property company.  Peter recently left RDI REIT to start his own asset management company.
Mr. and Mrs. Baruch and Tammy Labinsky (Ramat Beit Shemesh)
Baruch and Tammy were the first couple to live in our "married couples apartments" in our Beit haKerem building. They are involved in numerous chesed programs in their community, including Lema’an Achai (fostering financial independence) and Hakshiva Beit Shemesh (assisting teens with their emotional, social, educational and spiritual needs). Baruch his well known for his work with Nefesh B'Nefesh, advising potential and new olim on financial life in Israel.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos and Ellen Levi (Neve Daniel)
Amos and Ellen devote their personal and professional lives to helping Klal Yisrael. Amos is Director for Donor Relations for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and Ellen is the Executive Fundraising Coordinator for MEOR and the Grant Writer for the Israel Free Loan Association.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Natasha Neubauer (Manhattan) 
The Neubauers represent the newest generation of alumni leaders. Natasha teaches at Gan Aliya on the Upper West Side. Matthew is a computer programmer for Bloomberg. They are active in their new community's learning programs, and always find time to help our visiting Roshei Yeshiva and alumni moving to New York. 
Mr.and Dr. Matthew and Susan Schoenfeld (Baltimore)
Matt and Susie are tremendous role models of “Darché Noam,” respecting the many paths in the Torah community while finding what works best for them and their children. They are lay leaders of Suburban Orthodox Toras Chaim and Ohr Chadash Academy, and actively support both Shapell's/Darché Noam alumni events and new alumni in the Baltimore community.
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