Bruce and Nancy Cooper
Jean Hill and Larry Schultis
Joyce and Stuart Newman
Mazal Tov to all of the Honorees
and Kol HaKavod to
the members of the Sisterhood
for the amazing contributions that you make to this community! Dror Bikel & Elisa Marcus
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that
you do for our community! Michael Blumenstein
Charles and Pearl Moerdler
Mazal Tov to the honorees!
Thank you for all you do
to foster a meaningful sense
of community at CSAIR.
Deborah Shapira and Barry Stern
Brad and Sandy The CSAIR Sisterhood What a fitting tribute to you for all that you do for CSAIR
and the Jewish Community.
We are inspired by the range
of your contributions and unceasing commitment.
Thank you. Much love and appreciation, Ephraim and Erica Edelman
Mazal tov to the honorees and
thank you to our Rabbis and Cantor for everything that you do for our community. Eli Uriel & Deborah Smook Uriel
Mazal tov to the honorees!
Thanks for all of your amazing work on behalf of the Shul.
Eric Fisher and Rachel Mesch
Thank you and Mazel Tov
to all the honorees.
Hank and Betty Golomb
Yay Cliff!
Hank and Betty Golomb
Irwin and Leomi Simkin
Isaac Weisfuse & Evelyn Horn
Jeffrey Wechselblatt & Daniella Fuchs
Joshua Berger and Faye Warren
Mazal tov to
Cliff, Sandy and Brad
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you all for all that you do
for our community!
Judith Baumel and Philip Alcabes
Yasher Koach to our friend
Cliff Nerwen.
Thank you to Brad and Sandy Mislow
and the CSAIR Sisterhood
for all you do for our Shul.
Judy and Steve Matthews
Mazel Tov to our dear friend, Cliff,
and to Brad and Sandy
and to CSAIR's remarkable Sisterhood.
In the words of "The Boss":
It takes a leap of faith to get things going.
It takes a leap of faith you gotta show some guts.
It takes a leap of faith to get things going.
In your heart, you must trust.
Mitchell Posilkin and Susan Schwartz
Robert and Susan Schwartz
Shalom and Rachel Kalnicki
With gratitude to
our wonderful community.
Irene & Howard
To our dear friends
Cliff, Sandy & Brad,
We remember when you were the new kids
at CSAIR. Now you are at the core
of our amazing community.
We cherish our friendships and look forward
to celebrating together tonight and many times
in the years ahead.
Mazel Tov!
Irene, Howard and Phil
Ted and Iris Phillips
Victor and Betty Gerstein
Yasher koach to the honorees
for helping to build and strengthen our CSAIR community.
Yoni and Ellen Werlin
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Yood-Deener Family
Kol hakavod to our honorees.
Thank you all for your contributions
to the past, present and future of CSAIR.
May you go from strength to strength!
Congratulations to everyone!
Robert and Sophia Jacobs
CSAIR Board of Trustees wishes heartfelt
congratulations to our deserving honorees Sandy and Brad Mislow, Cliff Nerwen and to Sisterhood.
Your leadership and commitment
are extraordinary.
Mazel tov!
CSAIR Board of Trustees
Mazel Tov to all the the honorees.
Thank you for all your hard work
on behalf of our community.
Debbie and Robert Ezrapour
Mazal Tov and love to Sandy, Brad,
and all of the other honorees
for all that they have contributed
to the CSAIR community.
We are grateful to CSAIR
for providing a family to our children
away from home.
Barbara and Steven Jacobs
Sisterhood is proud and Thankful
to be chosen to receive special recognition
at this years gala.
Sisterhood salutes
Dr. Cliff Nerwen and Sandy and Brad Mislow.
May you go from strength to strength.
The Board of Sisterhood
Sandy -
We honor you for your dedication and commitment as a founding member of the CSAIR CSS Team. You were instrumental in creating many of our emergency protocols and getting our team off the ground, and you are an exemplary Team Leader. You have also worked tirelessly to ensure that CSAIR balances the need for security and safety with our communal goals of inclusion and openness. For this, and so many other reasons, you fully embody the CSS mission: to protect Jewish Lives and the Jewish way of life. With deepest appreciation, The CSAIR CSS Team
Kol hakavod to our honorees.
Thank you all for your contributions
to the past, present and future of CSAIR.
May you go from strength to strength!
Abrams Gerber Family
We are so grateful for the honor
and to be members of
this committed, caring,
and inspiring Jewish community.
Cliff Nerwen and Shula Lerner,
Renana, Deena and Moshe
Cliff--your dedication and love for CSAIR
and for the Jewish community as a whole
never ceases to amaze us!
Kol hakavod on a well-deserved honor!
Sandy & Brad--thank you for all that you do
for this community!
Mazal tov!
Jennifer, Leah, Yonah, Ari & Elie Fenster
Kol hakavod to our honorees.
Thank you all for your contributions
to the past, present and future of CSAIR.
May you go from strength to strength!
Shirley and Ken Gabel
Kol hakavod to our honorees.
Thank you all for your contributions to the past, present and future of CSAIR. May you go from strength to strength! Charles Goldfischer
We are so excited to join our community
in honoring
Cliff, Sandy, and Brad.
Mazal Tov!
Brad and Sandy, we love you!
Jennifer, Josh, Noah, Lia, and Zoey
Cliff - May you keep
rolling-on for decades to come. Hack Family
To the honorees, todah rabbah
for your vision, leadership and commitment to CSAIR and to the greater world.
Mazal tov!
Rachel and Paul Jacoby Rosenfield
Kol hakavod to all the honorees for your
leadership and commitment to CSAIR. To our dear friend Cliff -- mazal tov on this wonderful honor for your many years of dedication! Richard Kalmin
The Talmud says, "לא סמכינן אניסא" "
We don't rely on miracles!"
(Pesachim 64b)
But Cliff Nerwen, Sandy and Brad Mislow
and our Sisterhood
make miracles every day for CSAIR!
Thank you for everything you do!
Shoshi Talenick and Rabbi Barry Dov Katz
Avital, Shai and Ariel Katz Sponsor
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Liba and Ethan
Yasher Koach to
Dr. Cliff Nerwen and Sandy & Brad Mislow,
for your many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do for our community!
David LaDue, Joel Chaiken,
David Cohen, Marshall Kaminer,
Mark S. Kanter, Jackey Gold
Men's Club
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years
of dedication and leadership
Thank you for all that you do
for our community! Hannah Lipman and James Moloney
Brad, Sandy, Cliff and Sisterhood -
you are role models and inspiration
to the entire community.
We are so grateful for all you have done
and continue to do.
Mazal tov!
Abby, Michael & Family Pitkowsky
Sandy, Brad, and Cliff -
Thank you all for your many meaningful contributions
to CSAIR throughout the years.
Our congregation is so fortunate to count you
among our members and leaders,
and we feel particularly blessed
to have you as our dear friends.
Kol hakavod and best wishes
on these well-deserved honors.
Eric, Sarah, Eliana, Sara,
and Nora Saidel Goldstein
We are thrilled to be celebrating our friends and honorees -
Cliff Nerwen, Sandy and Brad Mislow.
Each person has contributed in significant ways
to our beloved CSAIR community helping to make our shul inclusive, safe, welcoming and fun!
Mazal Tov!
Jessica and Yoni Schwab
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years
of dedication and leadership
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Ronit, Ami, Meirav, and Anat Schwab
Cliff, Mazel tov on this wonderful honor.
You do so many great things - for your family,
the shul and for every child that has been blessed by you caring smile (and bad jokes).
You may be a Canadian fan, but for tonight,
we will not hold that against you.
We are so proud of you!
We love you!!!
Diane & Steve, Randi, Jonny, Nati, Devora,
Mia and Avi, Brenah, Pace, Jacob Sponsor
Yasher koach to the honorees
for helping to build and strengthen
our CSAIR community.
Dan and Liz Spevack
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Sarah, Michael, Willie and Zoe Stern
Kol hakavod and thank you to Brad, Sandy,
Cliff and the Sisterhood!
You support and inspire our community and we
are stronger because of you.
Mazal Tov!
Cantor Elizabeth Stevens
Kol hakavod to our honorees.
Thank you all for your contributions
to the past, present and future
May you go from strength to strength!
Yasher koach to the honorees
for helping to build and strengthen
our CSAIR community.
Charles and Vivian Weintraub
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Miriam Westheimer
Mazal tov to CSAIR, and to all of the honorees, especially to Dr. Cliff Nerwen, longtime CRB Board Member and Medical Chair. Thank you to the CSAIR leadership and community for your partnership with, and support of, Ramah Berkshires! With love from CRB Campers, Staff and Alumni
Camp Ramah in the Berkshires
Congratulations to all the honorees
for the well-deserved recognition.
Thank you for all your efforts
on behalf of our community!
Dovelet Shashou & Jonathan Trambert
Kol hakavod to our honorees.
Thank you all for your contributions
to the past, present and future of CSAIR.
May you go from strength to strength!
Dr. and Mrs. Rocker
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Key Food of Skyview
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Cliff: this honor is well deserved.
You encourage us all we are very proud of you
We love you
Mom and Dad
וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי
ציבור באמונה
Congratulations and
Kol Hakavod to our honorees. Carmen and Jerry Ostow
MAZEL TOV to Cliff
for his many years of devoted service
Richie Powers
and The Charlop- Powers Family
Every Shabbat before we put away the Torah we
bless those who "devotedly involved themselves in the needs of the community" Toda Rabba to Cliff, Brad, Sandy and the women of the Sisterhood for devoting yourselves to the needs of CSAIR everyday.
Thank you to everyone at CSAIR for warmly
welcoming us into the community this past year.
Rabbi Katie Greenberg, Matan Glazer, and Maya
To the honorees, todah rabbah
for your vision, leadership and commitment to CSAIR
and to the greater world.
Mazal tov!
Phyllis and Charlie Schulberg
Mazal tov Cliff!
Thank you for all that you do
for our community.
You and Shula make a great team!
Shani & David Schwartz
Mazal tov to Brad and Sandy Mislow, Cliff
Nerwen and the CSAIR Sisterhood on a well-deserved honor!
Thank you for all that you do for
our community.
The families of the Young Children's
Family Program Young Children's Family Program
Mazel Tov Brad and Sandy!
We are all so proud of all you have done
for CSAIR and happy they have been there
for you weekly
and for so many of your simchas!
Much love always!
David, Julie, Amanda
and Mitchell Abes
Kol hakavod from BBYO,
and the Riverdale BBYO
teen-leaders, to our honorees.
Thank you for helping to build
and strengthen our CSAIR community.
May you go from strength to strength!
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Shirley Bender
Mazel Tov Sandy and Brad!
With Love from
Your Aunts and Cousins Aunt Marcia,
Aunt Dale Felice, Richard, Mindy,
Larry, Suzanne, Marti, William,
Susan, Rachel, and Adam
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Brown's Jewelers
Yasher Koach to
Dr. Cliff Nerwen
for his dedication, courage
and leadership to
the Jewish community and larger world
Michelle Friedman of Sacred Spaces
and YCT Rabbinical School
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication and leadership to CSAIR. Thank you for all that you do for our community! Garden Gourmet Market
Yasher Koach to Cliff Nerwen for his
inspirational leadership to CSAIR.
May you go from strength to strength
and bike ride to bike ride.
Steve Goldstein & Marlene Noveck
Kol Hakavod to Cliff Nerwin.
Thank you for all that you do
for the children of our communities.
Mazal Tov,
Shira Gordon and Josh Shaw
Mazal Tov Cliff Nerwen!
Haver Tov Vive Les Canadiens!
Toujours Les Glorieux!
Rabbi Eliot Malomet
Highland Park Conservative Temple
Cliff, Bogrim '85, Nevonim '87 - from Ramah
Palmer and beyond you have served as a דגמא exemplifying dedication and leadership!
Mazal Tov!!
Jennie Goldress, Andrew Eisenberger and Family
Jennie Goldress, Andrew Eisenberger and Family Jennie Goldress, Andrew Eisenberger and Family
It is a pleasure to recognize Cliff, the
Mislows and Sisterhood for the indelible good they do for our Shul and the greater community.
Jo-Ann and Marshall Kanter, Greg Kanter and
Arianne DeCerb Jo-Ann and Marshall, Greg and Arianne Kanter and DeCerb
Thank you, CSAIR, for this honor!
We are truly humbled.
It has been a pleasure and a joy to be part of
your warm and vibrant community for 20 years.
We are very excited to celebrate
this mitzvah with you!
All our love,
Sandy and Brad
In honor of Erica Edelman,
Chair person.
Nancy and Moshe
Kol Hakavod to
Dr. Cliff Nerwen
for his superb leadership of CSAIR
We are Inspired by your Leadership
& Blessed by your Friendship
Dr. Hugh & Martha Pollack
Yasher koach to our friends
Cliff and Shula,
two warm-hearted, dedicated
and humble Jewish leaders,
and mazal tov to
the entire CSAIR community.
Adele and Elliott Rabin
Mazal Tov Cliff!
You are a dear friend
and an inspirational leader!
Aleh v'hatzalh!!!
Rogoff Family
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Roos Aviv Family
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Betty Rothenberg
Mazal tov Cliff
and thank you for your hard work
to make our communities sacred spaces!
Sacred Spaces
For your leadership, for your work
in the nitty-gritty of our synagogue life,
for all that you bring to CSAIR
in your dedication and devotion,
we are so grateful.
May you go mi-hayil el hayil,
from strength to strength.
Joel & Aviva Schwab
To the honorees, todah rabbah
for your vision, leadership and commitment to CSAIR
and to the greater world.
Mazal tov!
Ellie Schweber
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Carrie and Peter Shapiro
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Sheila Reinhold and Richard Sacks
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Skyview Wines and Spirits
Mazal tov!
Steinmetz-Silber Family
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their many years of dedication
and leadership to CSAIR.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Fran Turitz
Much love to
Sandy and Brad
Richard Vogel
Lauren Abes
Aunt Betty and Jo-Lee
Howard Blas
Camp Ramah Medical Committee
Carole & Jan Jackson
Ed and Estelle Cohen
Mitch and Cari Cohen Cohen
David and Susan Cohen and Family
Yolande Dreyfuss
Anita and Ed Finkel
Ramon & Jody Franco
Ben and Susanne Fruchter
Charles Hall
Kohlhagen Neiman & Company
Amy and Bill Leveen and Yaggy
Terri Levine
Lewis Polishook and Susan Sapiro
Sheldon M. Lindenfeld, D.D.S
Marilyn Laves & Bill Wiesman
Moshe/Judith Meirovich/Weinroth
Anon Y. Mouse
Nadine Cohen & Maddie
Rabbi Fredda Cohen and Eric Nussbaum
Daniel and Mia Diamond Padwa
Christine Reilly
Jessica Rosenblum
Elsie Ruzal
Gus and Liz Scheer
Shalom Holtz and Leebie Mallin
Aunt Eileen, Uncle Milton, Marc, Jill, Gideon, Nathan, Ryan, Rachel, Harry, & Mollie Silberstein, Cohen, and Weber Families
Stephanie and Marshall abes
Yaakov Taitz
Sharon and Dan Taub
The Isaacsons
Vivian Kasen
Robin Weinstein
Debrah and David Yasinsky/Kalb