A Message from our President


Joshua Smilow

I am so excited to be celebrating with you as we join together for Congregation Israel’s 47th Annual Dinner! 
Many, if not all of us have been challenged over these past two years personally and professionally, and have had to grapple with a myriad of issues during the pandemic. While facing numerous uncertainties, the one constant and accessible place in our lives has been our Shul. Under the leadership of Rabbi Chaim Marcus, Congregation Israel of Springfield has been our steadfast anchor and has carried us through with a commitment to ensure that every member of our Kehillah continues to stay connected.  I feel privileged to have witnessed not only our Shul’s stability since 2020, but our ability to thrive and grow and stay strong. Through our minyanim, shiurim, and ongoing adult and children’s programs, our Shul has been there for us. We have welcomed new families and forged new friendships, shared simchas and sorrows, and have overcome our challenges by turning them into opportunities for Torah, Tefillah, Achdut and Chesed.
Tonight, we come together as one dynamic Kehillah to honor Harry Czinn, Chana and Akiva Horowitz, Clara Harelik Mevorah, Les Mandel and Ariella Konigsberg, and to celebrate our Shul’s past, present and future. I thank Hashem for granting us this privilege, and on behalf of the Shul Board, and my co-president Ben Hoffer, I extend a hearty Mazal Tov to all our honorees.
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