Our warmest congratulations to our dear friends
Diane and Rick Covkin
on the occasion of being honored
with the Rabbi Israel Turner Memorial Award.
Your dedication to your Shul and the Jewish community is truly wonderful and inspiring.
All our Love,
Beverly Sirota and Jonathan Sirota
Gwen Toub
Julie, Louis, Marisa and Lindsay Karchin
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Diane & Rick
and to Adam, Debbie & Avi, and Eva
"A cheerful heart is an unending banquet" - Mishlei 15:15
Thank you for enabling us to publicly offer our Hakarat Hatov
for your assiduity, positivity, creativity and dedication
to our Shul and Klal Yisrael.
Sherry and Henry Stein
In Honor of
Marilyn Bielory
A True Aishet Chayil.
Mazal Tov to all the honorees.
The Wilf Family
Building Materials • Kitchens & Baths • Flooring
Custom Closets • Windows & Doors
200 James St., Lakewood, NJ 08701
Mazal Tov
to all of this year's Honorees
Mazal Tov to our brother and sister-in-law,
Rick and Diane
on your well-deserved honor. 
You are outstanding role models, not only to your family
but to the entire Jewish community.
Your leadership, hard work, generosity and endless devotion to Congregation Israel are an inspiration to all! 
Yasher Koach to all of tonight's honorees!
Barbara and Bob Cohen
Commends all the Honorees at 
Congregation Israel of Springfield's 
46th Annual Tribute Dinner
Marty Statfeld
Senior Vice President
56 Livingston Avenue, Roseland, NJ 07068
(973) 549-1962
We are grateful for all the hours dedicated,
words written, seating organized, funds raised,
envelopes stuffed, programs developed,
members welcomed, services attended, artwork created,
and children guided by all our wonderful honorees.  
Each of you has contributed ceaselessly
and wholeheartedly to our community.  
We honor and thank all the honorees for your devotion
and service to Congregation Israel.
Mazel Tov!
Alisa and Jeffrey Kigner & family
Mazal Tov to our Dear Friends
Diane and Rick
and to all the Honorees

Arlene and Michael Gordon
Rose Schwartz Family Foundation

In honor of
Dr. Lenny & Marilyn Bielory

who have worked tirelessly
on behalf of the Jewish community for several decades
and we are grateful for their efforts.
May the Bielory family and the entire
Congregation Israel of Springfield community
go from strength to strength
in good health and happiness,
Mrs. Gladys Halpern
In memory of

Emmy Hoffer a'h

Although we did not know Emmy well, we've heard many stories
of her constant and boundless love for all those she came in contact. We are inspired
by the way she lived her life and hope that her life serves as a model
that will inspire countless people to follow in her ways.
May Hashem bless the neshamah of Chanah Temah bat Chaim a'h
with an Aliyah in shamayim!
May the Hoffer family and the entire Congregation Israel
of Springfield community go from strength to strength
in good health and happiness.
Mrs. Gladys Halpern
David and Sharon Halpern
Mazel Tov to
Marilyn Bielory
on receiving this much deserved honor!
Marilyn is a true Aishes Chayil whose kindness and impact
extends far beyond the Springfield community.
May Marilyn, Lenny and the entire
Congregation Israel of Springfield community
go from strength to strength in good health and happiness.
Sharon and David Halpern
In honor of
Dr. Lenny Bielory
Lenny is a mensch whose commitment and dedication
to the Jewish community both in
Springfield and beyond is exemplary.
May Marilyn, Lenny and the entire
Congregation Israel of Springfield community
go from strength to strength
in good health and happiness.
Sharon and David Halpern
To our dear friends
Marilyn Bielory
Diane and Rick Covkin
A wonderful recognition of your incredible work!
Robin and Brad Klatt
Abadin Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Manny Abadin
11 Albert Ave., Newark , NJ
(973) 344-2911
Mazal Tov
Marilyn Bielory
on receiving the Aishet Chayil award!
Cheryl and Mark Friedman
In honor of our dear friends
Marilyn, Diane and Rick
on this very well-deserved recognition.
May they all continue to go from strength to strength.
Alice and Jacob Klein
It's been a great partnership over the last 33 years.
Thanks for everything.
Steve Moss
Moss Landscaping, Inc.
1040 Highway 202 S., Branchburg, NJ 08876
Mazal Tov 
Marilyn Bielory
on her well-deserved honor.
May you continue from strength to strength.
Marty Knecht, V.P.
Professional Abstract & Title Agency, Inc.
"Happy are they who are rich in good deed, for they shall be honored in life and be remembered long afterwards for their goodness."
Mazal Tov and best wishes to the Honorees
Diane Osen Covkin & Rick Covkin
Marilyn Bielory
Debbie & Avi Shteingart
Adam Greiss
Eva Gidalowitz
On this well-deserved tribute and acknowledgment of your dedication and extraordinary commitment to Congregation Israel of Springfield as well as the entire Springfield Community and K'lal Israel.
Joe, Lori, Jacob & Robin Feldman
Miram & Guido Subotovsky
Yashar Koach 
to all of tonight's Honorees
and to our friends and family at
Congregation Israel of Springfield
In memory of Emmy Hoffer z"l
Abbi and Jeremy Halpern
Mazal Tov to our good friends
Diane and Rick
and all the Honorees.
And in memory of Emmy Hoffer z"l
Batsheva and Murray Halpern
Mazal Tov to
Marilyn Bielory
Aishet Chayil Honoree
and to all of this year's Honorees!
Lee and Murray Kushner
"We are so fortunate! How good is our portion!
How pleasant is our destiny! How beautiful is our heritage!"
Marilyn Bielory
Debbie and Avi Shteingart
Adam Greiss
Eva Gidalowitz
We thank all of you, and Rabbi Chaim and Lea Marcus, 
for your inspiring example and selfless devotion
to our community and Klal Yisrael 
Rick and Diane Osen Covkin and Family
Dominick DeSantis
DeSantis Construction
P.O. Box 6030, Somerset, NJ 08875
Phone: 732-764-1800
Fax: 732-764-1830 
Email: sales@desantisconstruction.com
Mazal Tov 
to our friends and most-deserving Honorees
Diane and Rick Covkin
and Marilyn Bielory
Congratulations to all our worthy Honorees
Debbie and Avi Shteingart
Adam Greiss
Eva Gidalowitz
Thank you for all you do to make our Shul special.
Mina and David Frank & Family
Mazel Tov to 
Diane Osen Covkin & Rick Covkin
Debbie & Avi Shteingart                      Marilyn Bielory
Adam Greiss & Eva Gidalowitz
on receiving this much deserved honor!!!
CIS is more than our shul, its our home. CIS' members are more than neighbors, they are our family. We thank each and every one of you for helping make CIS the special place it has become to us and so many others. May Hashem bless us to continue to grow and share smachot together for many years!!!!
We would like to recognize and thank the dinner committee for all their work to make the dinner successful. While this is the case every year, they deserve an extra special yasher koach the past two dinners for having to adapt and plan an event in an ever-changing COVID-19 world.

With much appreciation and gratitude,
Daniella, Ben, Yakira, Maytal, Tzofia & Atara Hoffer
Congratulations to all the Honorees
for their well-deserved honors.
Industrial Cooling Corporation
Metuchen, New Jersey
To Rick & Diane 
Two people who have taken the words of Pirkei Avot
very much to heart:
לא עליך המלאכה לגמור, ולא אתה בן חורין להטל ממנה
(It is not your responsibility to finish the work,
but neither are you free to desist from it.)
We know you will continue the work - with true dedication -
for your family and community.
Congratulations on a well-deserved honor.
Gary & Cindy Osen and Yaffa Osen
Congratulations to all our Honorees
for their well-deserved honors
Beth & Marty Aron
Congratulations to all our Honorees
for their well-deserved honors.
Harvey Bell
Dear Mom,
Mazal Tov on this incredible Honor!
You are a true Aishet Chayil in every sense of the word -
you not only care for us and Savta, but also go
above and beyond for the community. 
We are so proud of you!
Love always,
Brett, Rada, Arabella, Sasha 
and Amy
Mazal Tov
to all of this year's Honorees
Bochner Family
Judaism encourages, and commands, that even though one is to concentrate
on the future, one is never to forget the past. For what happened in the past
to a great degree shapes our future and influences it greatly.
From Torah study, to Chesed, to hospitality, to Covid management,
to youth development, and every aspect of communal life in between,
our Shul's accomplished honorees in 2021 represent the best
of the past, present and future of Congregation Israel.
We are thrilled to join in honoring and acknowledging
our exceptional 2021 honorees from across the years
and generations of Congregation Israel.
Sharon and Avi Borenstein
Proud to support Congregation Israel of Springfield!
Mazal Tov to 
Marilyn Bielory
Best Wishes,
Eli Braha
(Brooklyn / Deal)
Mazal Tov to all of this year's Honorees
Brownstone Abstract and Title LLC
Congratulations to this year's Honorees
Mazal Tov to our beloved parents,
Diane Osen Covkin and Rick Covkin,
and to all of the honorees on your well-deserved awards.
Mom and Dad, thank you for inspiring us
to lead lives of Torah and mitzvot -
for all you've given to us and to the CIS community.
Love you,
Serena Covkin and Adam Pershan
Congratulations to
Congregation Israel's 2021 Honorees
Mike Murray Excavating, Inc.
42 Oceanport Ave.
West Long Branch, NJ 07764
(732) 222-3823
Congratulations to
all of this year's Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
G&V Construction, Inc.
205 Foster St., Hillsborough, NJ 08844
TEL: 908.369.6916

Gary Prato, President
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees
Hannah and Bruce Goldman
to our Esteemed Honorees for their well-deserved recognition and their diversity: relatively new members, the "establishment" and a second-generation member:
Rick and Diane Osen Covkin-It is amazing how you started as part-time Shul and Springfield residents to full-time residents to such integral parts of our Shul community that now we cannot imagine we were ever without you. In so many ways you are the voices of our Shul. Diane with your elegant writing and editing and Rick, while not so eloquent but equally effective, with your seating sign-up entreaties in the name of your WWE cohorts.
Marilyn, you epitomize the award you are receiving-a true Aishet Chayil. You are always quick to the draw to help our young families as well as our older families. Whether to provide guidance on where to find a service or to offer assistance in a blackout.
Adam Greiss-we feel honored to have watched you progress as a member of our Shul, new in so many ways. You are now a mainstay in our daily minyans and have been so even during the pandemic. We also appreciate your music-listening tips.
Debbie and Avi Shteingart- Debbie, we have known you your entire life. You and Avi have done a tremendous job filling the large shoes of your parents, Howie and Sara, who must be enormously proud. Avi, although I thought I had mastered crossing Mountain Avenue, having you whiz by on your scooter to weekday minyans was a bit unnerving!
Eva Gidalowitz-Winning this award is a wonderful reflection not only of your special qualities but of your parents who have given so much in such a short time. 
Edna and David Goodman
who has really found himself
spiritually and religiously.
Andrew H. Graulich, Esq.
Mazal Tov to all of this year's Honorees
Dolores and Sol Greenfield
Mazal Tov to all of the Honorees!
Cheryl and Fred Halpern and Family
Congratulations to all our Honorees
for their well-deserved honors
Sheila and Adam Hanover
Mazal Tov 
Marilyn Bielory!
A true woman of valor
Lisa Chrystal Herzberg & Carl Goldberg and Families
We are most grateful
for the strong partnership between
Congregation Israel and
Jewish Family Service of Central NJ
Tom Beck
Executive Director
Mazel tov to all the honorees
on this well-deserved recognition of everything you do.
We are eternally grateful for all the hard work
you've put in over the years and especially this past year.
May our shul continue to grow and thrive.
The Krausz Family
Mazal Tov to
Rick and Diane Covkin 
 on their well-deserved honor.
       Your commitment and dedication to Klal Yisrael 
   are an inspiration to us all.
Linda and David Lewinter
Mazel tov to our dear friends 
Diane and Rick
Whenever you dedicate yourselves to a cause,
your involvement makes it better and sweeter.
Wishing you continued strength, hatzlacha,
good health and simcha.
Also wishing the best for the entire Springfield community.
Bobbi and Michael Luxenberg
Congratulations to this year's Honorees!
Robert Mulfinger, Operations Manager
OK Sales, Inc.               Kitchen Outlet Inc.
Main Office                    Showroom
175 Hudson St.             375 Blair Road
Hackensack, NJ 07601            Avenel, NJ 07001
(201) 343-3990                  (732) 726-9366
Best Wishes
All the Honorees
Nancy and Larry Pantirer
Mazal Tov to this year's Honorees.
Your dedication to our shul's kehillah is inspiring
and your recognition is well-deserved.
To our dear friends,
Diane and Rick, we thank you for your commitment
to our community, your friendship and all that we learn
from you. You are true role models and an inspiration to us all.
Avi and Debbie, thank you for all that you do
for our community and for the Youth Department.
Ariana and Adam Reich
Diane and Rick 
You lift your hands in holiness every day
through your tireless work on behalf of our community.
In doing so, you bless us all, and you bless HaShem.
You exemplify what it means to be an Aishet Chayil.
מזל טוב  to all the honorees!
Judy and Arthur Sandman
Congratulations to 
Marilyn Bielory
Springfield's Aishet Chayil
and in Memory of 
Avraham ben David Dov, z"l
Henna bat Pinchas HaLevi, z"l
Pinchas ben Shraga Feival HaLevi, z"l
David Schimel
Dear Debbie and Avi,
We are extremely proud of everything
that you have accomplished!
You are an inspiration to your family, your friends,
and your colleagues.
You work very hard and always from the bottom
of your hearts. 
You have excelled in your careers, in raising a beautiful family,
and in your dedication to your wonderful community.
May Hashem grant you a lot of health, strength,
and continuous success in everything that that you do.
Ima and Abba
Mazal Tov
to all of this year's Honorees.
Joel and Jennifer Shulman
Mazal Tov to
Marilyn Bielory
on receiving the Aishet Chayil Award!
Best wishes,
Dr. William (Bill) Silvers
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees!
Brenda and Roy Tanzman
Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer P.A.
Mazal Tov to all of the incredible Honorees!
We are so thankful for your dedication and commitment
to our shul and its well-being.
Your leadership sets a wonderful example for all of us
and our children. 
Daniella and Scott Wittenberg
Congratulations to all our Honorees
for their well-deserved honors.
Rananah, Avraham Moshe,
Liana and Tehilah 
Mazal Tov to
Rick & Diane
Avi & Debbie, Marilyn, Adam, and Eva
You are dedicated leaders and key contributors
who make a difference for your fellow congregants
and friends often with little fanfare or acknowledgment.
Your midot and steadfastness are worthy
of emulation and praise. Therefore we join with the entire Congregation Israel family to honor and celebrate your accomplishments at the 2021 CIS Gala Tribute Dinner. 
Rebecca and Sammy Alexander & Family
Mazal Tov to all the Awardees
Your outstanding contributions
to the CIS Community
make these Honors well-deserved.
Miryam and Amos Alter
Congratulations to
Diane and Rick Covkin
on an honor richly deserved.
Two people who truly understand the meaning of Chesed. 
Mazal Tov to
Marilyn Bielory and all the honorees.
In memory of my father
Elimelech Ben Moshe Hersh z"l
and my mother
Leah Bas Devorah z"l
Sheila Bank
Mazal Tov
on this well-deserved honor
Suzanne and Miles Berger
to all our Honorees
for their well-deserved honors.
Jessica and Avidan Bienenfeld
Mazal Tov Marilyn
on this most-deserved honor.
You personify one who says little and does much.
Your involvement in the Shul and all the behind the scenes work you do on behalf of the Shul is incredible,
and has led to the growth of your Community.
With admiration for all you do,
Andrea and Bryan Bier
Mazal tov, Diane and Rick, tonight's Guests of Honor!
You are a truly deserving couple, and we are so grateful for your dedication to the CIS community! You have been a source of admiration and inspiration for us personally since the first day we met you! You make our shul's life so much richer through everything you do for our congregation! CIS is truly blessed to count you as its members!
Mazal tov, Marilyn! You are a true Aishet Chayil!
Your unwavering devotion to the shul is truly an inspiration! You welcomed us warmly to the community, and we are lucky to count you as our friend! We aspire to follow your example every day! May you go from strength to strength!
Mazal tov to Debbie and Avi Shteingart, the Young Leadership Awards Honorees! 
We are grateful for your commitment and tireless effort to make sure that our Youth Department continues to flourish enriching the lives of CIS youngest members!
Yashar Koach to Adam Greiss, The recipient of Edward Konigsberg Memorial Award! Mazal tov!
Congratulations, Eva! Even though you moved to Springfield quite recently, you quickly proved yourself worthy of the Memorial Joseph Tammam Memorial Youth Community Scholarship Award! We look forward to hearing about your future successes!
Anya and Eyal Bitansky
Mazal Tov to this year's Honorees!
We are so grateful we could celebrate
these well-deserved honors in person!
Ariella and Eric Bloom
Mazal tov to all of this year's
well-deserving honorees!
In these challenging times, its so wonderful
to come together in recognition of all you've done
for our community in the past and currently do
to keep us all connected in the present.
Wishing you all continued nachas and strength
to continue your communal involvement in the future.
Thank you so very much, 
Eytan and Michelle Burstein
We are pleased to support
Congregation Israel of Springfield
118 Burlington Road, Bordentown, NJ  08505
Tel: 609.298.0090
Fax:  609.298.4278

Mazal Tov to
this year's honorees
for everything you do for our community.
Sisterhood of Congregation Israel
Mazal Tov to
all of this year's Honorees
Diane and Rick Covkin 
Debbie and Avi Shteingart
Marilyn Bielory
Adam Greiss
Eva Gidalowitz
Ashley, Craig, Talia, Yael & Shmuel Weinstein 
Mazal tov to
Debbie and Avi
on this well-deserved honor. 
We thank you for all your hard work and devotion
to make our community so incredible.
Mazal tov to all of tonight's honorees! 
Brooke and Aryeh Czarka
Mazal tov to all the honorees-!חזקו ואמצו 
We look forward to actually getting to know you over the coming year!
And to those we have gotten to know:
To my erstwhile "Shul neighbor" Rick:
You are the Yehoshua bin Nun of Springfield. And we have seen how both
you and Diane contribute so much time and effort to make CIS
a wonderful place of Torah and T'fillah!
And to Eva: this award comes as no surprise; your exceptional qualities
and accomplishments, coupled with your leadership and dedication
are readily recognized by all who have the pleasure of interacting with you!  !ישר כחך
Esther & David Eisenman
A tremendous Mazal tov
to all of this year's well-deserving honorees!
To Diane and Rick,
your dedication to our kehilla in your modest and gracious way
is truly inspirational! It is a bracha to know you and call you friends. 
Mazal tov Debbie and Avi, and a huge yasher koach and thank you
for all you do on behalf of us and our children!! 
Mazel tov Marilyn, a true Aishet Chayil
who is so deserving of tonight's award! 
Mazel tov Adam on this most deserved honor.
Thank you for continuing to inspire us! 
Mazel tov Eva and wishing you tons of hatzlacha in the upcoming year!!
Elana and Jeremy Erez
Congratulations to all of the Honorees
and special thanks to
Marilyn & Dr. Leonard Bielory
Diane Osen Covkin & Rick Covkin

For their tireless devotion to the Springfield community.

We extend our greatest appreciation to
Rabbi Chaim Marcus & Rebbetzin Leah Marcus
for their outstanding leadership and
dedication to the community.

Brenda & Joel Garboos
תנו לה מפרי ידיה
ויהללויה בשערים מעשיה
Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her works praise her in the gates.
Marilyn Bielory
Recipient of the Aishet Chayil Award
Thank you for everything you do for us
and for the family - as well as for the 
entire CIS community! 
Ruth Gilan
Ethan, Lisa, Eden & Jonah Gilan
The highest form of wisdom is kindness.
Brachot 17a.
Many thanks to the honorees.
Their kindness has kept our community whole.
Bob and Linda Goldberg
Mazal Tov to my CIS friends and co-honorees!
Diane Osen Covkin and Rick Covkin
Marilyn Bielory
Debbie and Avi Steingart
Eva Gidalowitz
Thank you to the CIS Gala Committee
for your hard work, dedication and support.
Thank you Rav Chaim for your leadership,
spiritual guidance and constant inspiration.
Adam and Risa Greiss
In honor of
Avi and Debbie Shteingart
An amazing friend and business partner.
You truly deserve this recognition for all that you do
for the community and for others.
Your tireless efforts, incredible work ethic,
and loving personality are to be admired.
Thank you for all that you do!
Temi and Isaac Hellman
Henderson Lumber Mills
proudly support Congregation Israel of Springfield
in its choice of honorees
Diane & Rick Covkin,
Debbie & Avi Shteingart, Marilyn Bielory, Adam Greiss and Eva Gidalowitz
at your service 5 days a week
Mon - Thu: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm, Fri: 7:30 am - 3:00 pm
195 First Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07302
F: 201 659 8000    T: 201 659 7799
email: hahamhadoor@hendersonlumber.com
My Congratulations
on her well-deserved honor as "Aishet Chayil"  
Marilyn Bielory
Stalwart supporter of
Congregation Israel of Springfield
and devoted wife of my dear friend and colleague,
Dr. Leonard Bielory!
Professor Tim Higenbottam
Wishing a huge Mazal Tov to 
Debbie and Avi Shteingart 
and all of this year's honorees!
Tizku L'mitzvos!
Chana and Akiva Horowitz
Mazal Tov to all of this year's Honorees
From your friends at
Law Offices
Hutt & Shimanowitz, PC
Ronald L. Shimanowitz, Esq.
David M. Hutt, Esq.
Phone: 732-634-6400   Fax:  732-634-0718
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees
May you continue your journey to be a model of inspiration and good deeds for the entire Jewish nation. 
With admiration,
Bernard and Nathan Hammer
ICA Risk Management Consultants 
One International Blvd, Suite 605
Mahwah, NJ 07495
Congratulations to all our Honorees
for their well-deserved honors.
Leah and Noah Kaminer
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Rick and Diane
who always work for their Shul and community
with energy and enthusiasm.
May Hashem grant you many more years and the
strength to continue your Avodat Tzibbur.
Malkie and Teddy Katzenstein
Marilyn Bielory
Dean Konner
Mazal Tov to all our Honorees!!
May you continue to be an example for us all
for many years to come!
Sarah Lachs and Family
Avi and Debbie,
We couldn't think of anyone more deserving of this award.
There aren't many people who could convince us to go out
on a Wednesday night to another shul's dinner
but you guys are worth it! Springfield is lucky to have you!
Mazel tov!
Jon and Ahuva Lamm
We wish a Mazal Tov to all the worthy Honorees
Diane and Rick Covkin
            Adam Greiss       Debbie & Avi Shteingart
Marilyn Bielory         Eva Gidalowitz
"...and all who are involved faithfully in the needs of the community
- may the Holy One...send blessing and success to all their handiwork."
In memory of
Eugene Landa
Dearest Husband, Father, Grandfather and Friend
        Peter Landa            Margit Landa       
Rayna Landa         Miriam Landa
With love from your friends at
LaTorre Construction
In honor of
Rick and Diane Covkin
pioneers and leaders in the Springfield Jewish community.
Your constant striving for growth in Torah or Chessed
is a shining pillar that we all look up to and learn from.
We cherish our friendship.
Meira and Barry Lebovits
Congratulations to all our Honorees
for their well-deserved honors
Libby Lulinski & Family
Pearla and Norman Weisman & Family
A personal 'Thank You' to our friends and Honorees 
Diane and Rick Covkin
Debbie and Avi Shteingart
Marilyn Bielory
Adam Griess
and Eva Gidalowitz
for all of your extraordinary efforts
on behalf of our Shul and community.
With much appreciation,
Rav Chaim and Lea Marcus & Family
Mazal Tov to our friends
Rick and Diane
We admire and respect your lifelong dedication to your Shul especially during this most challenging of years.
May Hashem grant you health and the ability to continue
all the good work that you do.
Zeesh and Shulamis Mayer
Recipients of the Rabbi Israel E. Turner Memorial Award
Recipients of the Young Leadership Award
Recipient of the Aishet Chayil Award
Recipient of the Edward Konigsberg Memorial Award
Recipient of the Joseph Tammam Memorial Youth Community Service Scholarship Award
You are all well deserving of the honors bestowed upon you for your
commitment and dedication to Congregation Israel of Springfield  

Mazal tov to all of the wonderful honorees
and thank you all you do for our community!

Diane Osen Covkin and Rick Covkin
Debbie and Avi Shteingart
Marilyn Bielory
Adam Greiss
Eva Gidalowitz
The Monchar Family
Mazal Tov to all of this year's Honorees.
Dr. Jeffrey and Malka Singer
Morris Psychological Group, PA
Mazal Tov to all our friends and neighbors!
Diane & Rick Covkin
Marilyn Bielory
Debbie & Avi Shteingart
Adam Griess
and Eva Gidalowitz
Your dedication and commitment to our shul, the Jewish community
at large, and Israel are an inspiration for all of us to follow.
May you and your wonderful families have many years
of good health and happiness.
We are honored to share this special simcha with you!
The Ostrow Family
Bobbi, Dana & Seth, Jamie, Rachel & Jonathan 
Congratulations to this year's Honorees
Paulo Matos, P.M. Construction Corp.
to all our Honorees
for their well-deserved honors
Michele and Randy Pearlman
In recognition of this year's Honorees
for your exemplary dedication to our community!
Danielle, Reuven, Emma, Nathan & Noam Pepper
Lynn & Samuel Pepper

Metropolitan Mortgage and Realty, Inc.
(973) 325-1800    rpepper@metropolitan-mortgage.com

Real Estate Financing • Sales • Management   
Investment Real Estate
Licensed New Jersey Real Estate Broker
Photo Services tonight donated by 
Allan Reider Photography
Mazel Tov and Thank you to our Honorees
Diane and Rick Covkin
Debbie and Avi Shteingart
Marilyn Bielory
Adam Greiss
and Eva Gidalowitz
for your extraordinary leadership
and tireless devotion to our Shul and Community!
With much gratitude and best wishes, 
Myra and Aryeh Pirak & Family
Mazal Tov to all of this year's Honorees.
You truly represent the past, present
and future of our community.
Rachel Lohr & Adam Sheps
With thanks to all the Honorees
and with gratitude for
our friendship with 
Marilyn, Diane and Rick
Janet and Sheldon Rosenberg
Mazal Tov to all of this evening's well-deserving honorees
Diane Osen Covkin and Rick Covkin
Debbie and Avi Shteingart
Marilyn Bielory
Adam Greiss
Eva Gidalowitz
Thank you for all of your valuable contributions to our community, especially during these unprecedented times.
May you be bestowed with the blessing from the Shabbos Mussaf liturgy: "All who are involved faithfully in the needs of the community - may the Holy One, Blessed is He, pay their reward...and send blessing and success to all their handiwork."
Debbie and Moshe Rosenwein
Danielle & David, Hannah, Judy & Benjamin
Mazal Tov to all of this year's Honorees
Shulamit and Willie Roth
A well-deserved honor to my business associates
Sherry and Henry Stein
for their active involvement in every charity and good deed. You are a real inspiration!!
and Ben Hoffer
whose wholehearted dedication to the Jewish community
never fails to impress us.
We are awed by you all!!
Danny and Tamara Rottenberg
Congratulations to all the Honorees!
Elizabeth and Marvin Schmelzer
Congratulations to
Marilyn, Diane and Rick
for such well-deserved honors.
Your contribution to the Shul
and Jewish education have been exemplary. 
May you continue in good health and much nachas.
Fran and Arie Schwartz

Mazal Tov to all this year's honorees!
Avi and Debbie,
Gavriel, Neima & Amiel Shteingart
Mazal Tov to all of this year's Honorees!
Avi and Debbie
We are so proud of you!
You guys are role models for us, especially in your ability
to get involved in your broader community and make a significant difference.
Continue to do your great job.
Miriam and Eli Shteingart
Mazal Tov 
Diane and Rick Covkin          Debbie and Avi Shteingart
Marilyn Bielory             Adam Greiss
and Eva Gidalowitz
on your well-deserved honor.
We appreciate everything you do for our shul community. 
Miryam and Josh Smilow
Kudos to
Marilyn, Diane and Rick
on receiving these well-deserved honors.
The CIS Shul and its members - our parents included -
are so fortunate to have you as shul-mates and close friends.
Much love,
Barry & Michelle Stein
Alyssa & Marc Dannenberg
Mazal Tov
to all of the great & deserving Honorees.
Len and Sandi Strulowitz
Mazal Tov and Best Wishes
to this year's well-deserving Honorees.
Rick Strulowitz
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees.
In loving memory of
our dear beloved husband, father and grandfather
Joseph Tammam zt"l
Your many accomplishments are an inspiration to us all.
You are our pride and joy, our comforter and protector.
You are a hero and a shining star to so many.
We all miss your big smile and goodness,
You will remain forever in our hearts.
May your memory serve as a blessing.
With everlasting love,
Sondra and Family
Mazal Tov to all of this year's Honorees.
The Babich Family
Mazal Tov to all of this year's Honorees
The Larkin Family
We are delighted to honor 
May you continue to be a source of strength
to the Jewish Community.
Robin and Irv Wander
(201) 863-4400
to all of this year's Honorees.
A Special Mazal Tov to
Debbie and Avi Shteingart
on a well-deserved Honor.
Eliana and Ezra Markovic
Congratulations to this year's honorees. 
Christine and Robert Spinner and Family
to all our Honorees
for their well-deserved honors
Lori & David Artman
This is a special recognition of people who are so passionate for
and dedicated to our community,
its growth and its Torah identity.
 שמאי אומר עשה תורתך קבע אמור מעט ועשה הרבה"
 "והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות
 פרקי אבות א:טו - 
Diane & Rick, Debbie & Avi, Marilyn, Adam, & Eva
With utmost humility, you are an inspiration
and have each enhanced our lives
making Springfield the best home for our daughters Liana and Zahava.
!מזל טוב
Rachel and Rabbi Uzi Beer
We would like to express our heartfelt Mazal Tov
on this well-deserved honor.
May you continue in all the wonderful efforts
you do for your Shul and community.
Marlene and Dale Bergman
Congratulations to
Marilyn Bielory
Seth Breitbart
Brooklyn Wellness Group 
is proud to congratulate 
Avi and Debbie Shteingart
on this well-deserved award.
May you continue to succeed in all that you do.
Congratulation to the 2021 Honorees
Builder Services Group INC
100 Lake Drive
East Windsor, NJ 08520
Builder Services Group INC

Marilyn - You are my role model Aishet Chayil!
When I saw your mother I understood how you are who you are!
By following in her footsteps, you get to shine your light on others, which is what we love and adore about you.
It's always an honor and a treat to see you
with your special husband and your lovely mother. 
May you go from strength to strength.
Hindy Gruber, Cafe Bakeristor, Inc.
CBL Fine Art
congratulates all of the Honorees
459 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange  
In honor of the Aishet Chayil
of the most dedicated Doctor!
A well-deserved honor!
Yosef Sourkes
Circuit Electrical Corp.

Mazal Tov on this great Honor!
Randall G. Cohen, DDS
Mazal Tov to all the honorees!
Brad Denning
Dobbs Autobody
A Well-Deserved Recognition
Diane and Rick
Mazel Tov!
Carol, Robin and Joel Eichler
Congratulations to
Mrs. Marilyn Bielory
for this well deserved honor!
Thomas K. John, M.D.
Congratulations to
Marilyn Bielory
on her well-deserved honor!
Best Wishes,
Heidi and Chris Jubok
Mazal Tov to our friends
and most-deserving honorees
Diane Osen Covkin and Rick Covkin
and Marilyn Bielory
Randee and Ken Rubenstein
Congratulations to all of this year's Honorees
for their well-deserved honors.
What's in a Name?
        Kiddush Lovers
                  New Jersey's Finest 
Mazal Tov to my dear friends, Diane and Rick, on your well-deserved honor. Thank you for all you do for CIS and the Jewish community!!
And Mazal Tov to tonight's other honorees!
David Schiffman
In honor of
Marilyn Bielory
A true Aishet Chayil.
Esther and Bill Schulder
Ricky & Diane
Robin and Steve Shapiro
In Honor of our Dear Friends
Diane Osen Covkin and Rick Covkin
With Great Admiration and Affection,
Judy Singer and Family
Congregation Israel, the community and your family
are all graced by your dedication,
your good deeds, and your kindness. 
We are inspired, and are honored to be your friends.
Mazal Tov!
Ellen and Lloyd Sokoloff
Best Wishes to all the Honorees
Spring Irrigation, Co.
George McCarthy
Congratulations and Mazal Tov
to all of this year's most-worthy Honorees
Ellen and Jerry Tarlowe & Family
Mazal Tov to all of this year's Honorees!
Dalia Barness, The Orchid
Congratulations Marilyn!
Mazel Tov Marilyn on receiving this wonderful award!
You are truly a Woman of Valor.
Your AFI Family
Mazal tov to my dear friends
Diane and Rick Covkin
on this well-deserved honor.
I am delighted to share this night with you.
May you continue to be a source of strength
to the Jewish community.
Ellen Arian
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees!
Congratulations Marilyn
and all of this year's Honorees. 
Tory Fernandes
Mazal Tov Marilyn.
This recognition is well-deserved!
Your Cincinnati friends,
Jonathan and Lisa Bernstein
Mazal Tov to all of this year's Honorees!
Your commitment to the shul and community
is inspiring and we look forward to following your lead!
Danielle, Adam, Leah and Eitan Blank
Congratulations & Best Wishes 
on a well-deserved Honor.
Diane Blumenthal
To our friends and neighbors,
Rick and Diane Covkin
Mazal Tov on this most deserved honor.
With many thanks and much appreciation
for your immense contributions to Jewish life.
Lesley and David Brooks
Congratulations to all the Honorees
for their well-deserved recognition!
Capitol Floor Covering, Inc.
In honor of my wonderful niece and her husband
Diane & Rick Covkin
for their service & commitment
to Congregation Israel.  
Alvin Preiser
Larry Preiser & Cathy Preiser Zeewy
Mazal Tov
and Best Wishes to
Marilyn and Dr. Leonard Bielory
and Family
Moe Cohen
Cabinets Made Personal
Wishing Mazal Tov to
Debbie and Avi Shteingart
on this honor!
Levi Baruch
P: 845.290.0222     C: 845.659.9536
E: levi@defasicd.com        W: www.defasicd.com

Diane and Rick
Mazal Tov to a most deserving couple.
Hakaras HaTov for teaching us Humility, Selflessness, Courage, Strength, and Grace.
Chaya and Shimshon Deutscher
East Amboy Sprinkler Systems
149 S. Green Street, Nazareth, PA 18064
(610) 759-5107
אשת חיל מי ימצא
A well deserved Honor to
Mrs. Marilyn Bielory
רבות בנות עשו חיל ואת עלית על כלנה
not just an Aishet Chayil, 
but also a great daughter who cares fully for her mother!!
Best Wishes,
Pinchas Kasirer
Elizabeth One Stop Kosher
155 Elmora Ave. in Elizabeth, NJ 
Mazal Tov to our friend 
Marilyn Bielory
on her Aishet Chayil Award.
May HaShem grant her Mazal in all she does!
Bette and Ed Epstein
Yashar Koach
To a wonderful Aishet Chayil
and Friend who is Generous of Heart.
Rhea Feldman
To our dear friends
Marilyn and Lenny
Mazal Tov Marilyn on this well-deserved honor.
You are an inspiration to us all.
Marlene and Eliezer Fox
Best Wishes and Mazal Tov to this year's Honorees
Diane and Rick Covkin
Debbie and Avi Shteingart
Marilyn Bielory
Adam Greiss
Eva Gidalowitz
Viviana and Howard Gluckman
Congratulations Marilyn!
Green Park Lawn Sprinklers
226 Chestnut St., Roselle Park, NJ 07204
Tel: 908.241.8197
Email: contact@greenparkco.com
Mazal Tov
Debbie and Avi Shteingart
and all of this year's Honorees!
With Love,
Dr. Johanna Youner Gutterman
and  Gary Gutterman
Congratulations to all of this year's Honorees
for their well-deserved honors.
Mazal Tov to this year's Honorees
Hedinger & Lawless, LLC
We pay tribute to
Marilyn Bielory
for her tireless efforts on behalf of
Congregation Israel of Springfield
and her well-deserved Aishet Chayil Award.
May you continue from strength to strength.
Dr. Elias and Marcia Herschman
Congratulations to all of this year's Honorees
for their well-deserved honors.
Thomas Miller
Jan Fence Inc.
Congratulations to
Diane & Rick Covkin
To a great Chavruta.
He is an inspiration to all aspiring Mosmidim.
"He shall be like a tree rooted alongside brooks of water
that gives forth fruit in its season and whose leaf never withers
and all that he does will prosper."   (Psalm 1:3)
Best Wishes,
Jeffrey Katz
Mazal Tov to
Marilyn Bielory
on this wonderful recognition
of your dedication to your community
and to Klal Yisrael.
Lani and Allan Kaye & Family
Mazal Tov to
Diane and Rick 
on a well-deserved honor.
You two are amazing and your dedication is unmatched.
Vladimir & Nella Kigel
I am happy to have met them, and I know
The Covkins
are an incredibly wonderful part of your community.
William Klein
75 Eisenhower Parkway, Roseland, New Jersey 07068
Tel: 973-226-2700
Fax: 973-226-0844
In honor of 
Diane Osen Covkin and Rick Covkin
Dave & Mary J LeRoux
Mazal Tov to
Marilyn and Diane
Eileen and David Levitt
Mazal tov to our dear friends
Diane & Rick Covkin
on this well-deserved honor.
Batsheva and Norbert Mehl

I am pleased to support
Congregation Israel of Springfield's
46th Annual Gala Tribute Dinner.
Jeffrey T. Michaels
Congratulations to
Diane and Rick
for their well-deserved recognition.
Mark and Nora Muller
In Honor of
Mrs. Marilyn Bielory
Congratulations on your Aishet Chayil Award.
May you have the koach to continue your chessed
on behalf of Klal Yisroel for many years to come.
Dr. Zev and Susan Munk
Houston, Texas
Congratulations to
Adam Greiss
on being awarded
The Edward Konigsberg Memorial Award
by Congregation Israel of Springfield.
From your colleagues and friends at
Mazal Tov
to all of this year's Honorees.
Dara and David Orbach
Aunt Marilyn
We love you!
!מזל טוב
Eden & Jonah Gilan
Rena Kirsch
Mazel Tov to
Rick and Diane
for this well-deserved honor.
The Salem Family
Audrey Salem, Sondra and Joel Levy, Breina and Joe Lampert,
Abbie and Russell Tigges
and Raphi Salem
Congratulations to this year's Honorees.
Sanitary Construction Company, Inc.
116 Fairfield Road
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Avi and Debbie,
Mazal Tov on your well-deserved honor.
You are incredible people who do so much
for your community and beyond.
May you have continued hatzlacha in all that you do.
Tsvi and Tali Selengut
Mazel Tov and best wishes to
Avi and Debbie Shteingart
Shimmy Feintuch, LCSW CASAC-G
Congratulations and Mazal Tov
on receiving the coveted Aishet Chayil Award
from Congregation Israel of Springfield!
It is our honor to know you and have you on our 
Weichert Short Hills Team!
Mazal Tov to all the worthy
Tova Silberman
,רבי שמעון אומר: שלושה כתרים הן כתר תורה, וכתר כהונה, וכתר מלכות
וכתר שם טוב עולה על גביהן
Every word of this Mishna epitomizes tonight's Honorees to perfection.
Diane and Rick 
You personify the crowns of Torah, priesthood, royalty and above all
the crown of a most beloved name. CIS could not have chosen
a more worthy and fitting couple as the two of you.
Mazal Tov! With friendship, blessings and love,
Chana Devorah and Rabbi Mendel Solomon
on behalf of the entire Solomon/Teitelbaum Families
Congratulations to all the Honorees for their well-deserved honors
Mazal tov to this year's honorees
and to Rabbi Chaim Marcus for your dedication
and contributions to the community.
Stadtmauer and Pianko Families
Mazal Tov
Marilyn Bielory
on this well-deserved honor. 
Ruthie and Eliezer Stavsky
Congratulations to 
Marilyn Bielory
on being chosen for the "Woman of Valor" award.
The Coan Family
Louisville, Kentucky
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees and
Special thanks to Rick for all his help.
Geddy Krul, M.D.
Union Pediatric Associates, P.A.
Congratulations to
Congregation Israel of Springfield
WJH Engineering
Walter Joseph Hopkin, PE, PP, CME
Best Wishes to the Aishet Chayil Honoree
Marilyn Bielory
May you continue your wonderful work for
Klal Yisrael and CIS in the best of health
with much Nachat from your family.
Ruth Wheat and Family
In honor of Rick and Diane Covkin
whose work and efforts on behalf of your Shul 
and community are instrumental in its phenomenal success.
And In honor of Marilyn Bielroy
Whose warmth and sincerity is only surpassed
by her Chesed and sensitivity to all.
Your Shul is truly blessed to have all your honorees working on behalf of Am Yisrael, and Torat Yisrael.
Rabbi Jay and Barbara Marcus and family
Mazal tov to our wonderful slate of honorees 
for their significant contributions to grow and elevate
our shul and community.
Diane and Rick, Marilyn, Avi and Debbie, Adam, Eva -
thank you, and may we continue to build our mikdash me'at with your leadership in good health.
With hakarat hatov,
Noam and Jessica,
Jonah, Max & Elizabeth Zeffren
Congratulations to
Marilyn Bielory
for winning the AISHET CHAYIL AWARD!
All the best for the Bielory family!
Yong Zhang
Debbie and Avi
Congratulation on this well-deserved Honor
Lev Abrams
שתלכו מחיל אל חיל
Dear Richard and Diane 'שיחי,
May the רבש"ע  bless you and your dear family
with great health and נחת  for many years ahead,
you should always be able to do for others.
Wishing you fondly,
Rabbi Leizer and Yospy Igel
Rabbi Pesach and Esther Ringel
Yasher Koach to
Rick and Diane!
Meryl and Fred Arenstein
Mazel Tov to
Adam Greiss
on this well-deserved honor!
Azamra DJ
To my dearest
Avi and Debbie,
In addition to you both being my older siblings,
you are role models to me, to your children, and to your community.
Not only are you hard workers,
but you take the time to give back to your family and your community.
In addition to your demanding careers, raising a beautiful family,
contributing to your community and kehila, not a week goes by
when Avi doesn't call me, at least once.
Your appreciation of family and community values
leaves its mark on me and all those around you.
We love you dearly,
Ofir, Tzippy, and Shalom Pinchas Baruch
Adam Greiss
WE ARE happy that you received
this well-deserved honor.
We wish you continued success.
Mazal Tov!
THE Berkowitz and Beveridge Families 
to our sister-in-law and aunt
Marilyn Bielory
Abe Bielory & Family
In Honor of
Marilyn Bielory
Mazal Tov!
Judy and Kiki Bielory & Family
Congratulations to
Rick and Diane Covkin
for an honor well deserved.
We wish you a Yasher Ko'ach
for all of your dedication and hard work.
Fran and Mark Bogdanoff
Mazel Tov to our dear friends
Avi & Debbie
and Eva
Thank you for helping us guide our Youth Department
so seamlessly for the last five years.
Mazel Tov to all of the Honorees!! 
Ark and Benny Bromberg
Mazal Tov
on receiving the Aishet Chayil Award.
Joan and Harvey Bucholtz
Mazal Tov 
Zivan Cohen
Mazal Tov
Rick and Diane 
Suzanne and Mel Defrin
Rick & Diane
on this well-deserved honor!
Edith and Allan Farkas
Rick and Diane
Congratulations on this well-deserved Honor!
We applaud your efforts on behalf of the Jewish Community.
Best Wishes from your friends,
Eliezer and Raquel Fich & Family
Diane and Rick -
Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor.
Thanks for your tireless devotion to CIS
and the broader Jewish community.
Debbie and Rich Finkelstein
Thank you Marilyn for all you do.
Mazal Tov!
Eileen and Roberto Fischmann
Mazal Tov
on a well-deserved honor!
Nancy and Yale Freiman
Marilyn Bielory!
Galluzzo Brothers Inc.
Carting and Recycling
82-102 East Peddie St., Newark, NJ 07114
(973) 424-9640
Wishing Mazal Tov to
Diane & Rick Covkin
and all of this year's honorees!
We are so happy to share in your celebration and recognition.
Congratulations on this well-deserved honor!
With love, 
Melanie and Andrew Gold
Congratulations to
Diane & Rick Covkin
and to all of this year's honorees!
With love,
Sarah Isaacman and Jeremy Halbout
Mazal Tov 
A well-deserved honor.
The Hendel Family
Mazal Tov to our
Uncle Rick and Aunt Diane
on this much-deserved recognition!
We wish we could be there in person
to celebrate your contributions,
but know we are cheering you on from afar.
All our love,
The Holley Family
Calli, Tim, Ronan & Leila
Mazal Tov to you -
and to all of the honorees!
Renee and Marc Klar
Mazal tov to all of our dear friends being honored!
Rick and Diane, 
We are so proud of your leadership and dedication to Klal Yisrael! 
So well-deserved!
Avi and Debbie, Adam, Eva - Mazal tov!
May you all go from strength to strength
and continue to impact the Jewish people!
We are waiting for our Congregation Israel family to join us in Israel.
Ranit and Ariel, Chaim, Ayelet, Eitan,
Moria, Shira, Talia and Yedidia
Mazal tov and yasher koach
to my high school classmate and long time friend
Marilyn Bielory
on being an honoree!
Best wishes and mazal tov to all the esteemed honorees.
Renee Krul
Best Wishes to
Marilyn Bielory!
Kubick & Kubick
Hearing Aid and Optical Center
393 Millburn Ave
Millburn, NJ 07041
In Honor of 
Avi Shteingart
a good friend and great therapist
and helper of Klal Yisroel.
Simcha Lebowicz
Congratulations to
Marilyn Bielory
Maplecrest Ford Lincoln of Union
2800 Springfield Avenue
Vauxhall, New Jersey 07088
Sales: 888.567.8333
Service: 908.964.7700
Mazal Tov Marilyn!
Images Serving the Imagination
Jacob Jay Lindenthal, Ph.D., DrPH
Professor Emeritus, Rutgers - New Jersey Medical School
770 Anderson Avenue, Cliffside Park, NJ 07010
Congratulations and Best Wishes
to our friends

Marilyn Bielory
Diane & Rick Covkin

on your well-deserved awards!
Martha & Ailon Maik
Congratulations to all the Honorees.
Best Wishes,
Gregory Oman, President
Menlo Engineering Assoc., Inc.
Congratulations to
and all the Honorees
Julie and Mark Miller
With great appreciation to
Diane and Rick
and all of the other honorees
for all you do to make CIS a very special place.
Mazal tov!
Ruth and Phil Miller
Congratulations to
Adam Greiss
our colleague, friend and teacher.
Your  Morgan Stanley family celebrates with you today!
Melissa and the Team
Mazal Tov to our brother and sister-in-law
Rick and Diane
on this wonderful honor!
Sharon and Larry Mudge
Congratulations to all our Honorees
for their well-deserved honors
Lori and Andrew Nusbaum
Kol Hakavod
Jacob Offenberger, MD
Mazal Tov
Rick and Diane!
Janet and Ben Paniri
In honor of our longtime and dear friend
Marilyn  עמו"ש
for all you have done (and do) for
Congregation Israel of Springfield over many years.
May הקב"ה  grant you and Lenny עמו"ש
many ברכות  and much נחת  till 120!
Ofra and Steve Parmett
Congratulations from
Professional Stone, Stucco & Siding Applicators
Paul Tahan
518 East 36th Street, Paterson, NJ 07504 
(973) 694-1705
Mazal Tov
to our beautiful niece
on this special honor We are so proud of you!
Aunt Sandi, Uncle Steve,
Jake & Daniel
Realty One Group Legend
Paint the State Gold with us!
Youssef Genid, President
Clifton, NJ
Mazal tov
Diane and Rick
upon this well-deserved honor
May you ascend m'chayil l'chayil
With great esteem, 
Tzippy and Don Respler
Mazal Tov to
Marilyn Bielory
for this wonderful honor!
Jonathan and Chaviva Rosenbluth
Susan and Richard Rosenbluth
Mazal Tov
Susan & Allan Horen
Ruth & Michael Dickerman
Ruth Gilan and Cheryl Slansky
New York (5T) Licensed Real Estate Broker
(516) 655-3636 
Please mention this ad and 10% of the commission
will be given as a donation to CIS.
Debbie and Avi
Mazal Tov to a very deserving couple!
Emma and Dovid Saidou
Mazal Tov Marilyn!
Schultz & Blaustein
516 Millburn Ave.
Short Hills, NJ 07078
Mazal Tov
Sharon and Jimmy Schwarz
Mazal Tov 

Diane and Rick 
and thank you for all you do for our Kehila,
especially behind-the-scenes.

Mazel Tov to all of this year's honorees!

With appreciation,

Shari Stein
Congratulations to all CIS Honorees
ShopRite of Springfield
Congratulations to this year's Honorees
J. W. Shuster & Son, Inc.
Quality Garage Doors
1007 South Ave.
Plainfield, NJ 07062
Mazal Tov to our good friends
Diane and Rick
and all the Honorees
Leah and Joel Spielman
Mazal Tov
Marilyn Bielory
on receiving the Aishet Chayil Award
Katie & Michael Steinberg
You are a true Aishet Chayil!!
A great friend and person.
We love you!!
Fannie and Sarah Strasser
Mazal Tov to
Marilyn Bielory
and all the Honorees!
Anna and Sion Suffir
Congratulations to
Congregation Israel of Springfield
and all of tonight's Honorees
Rosa and Carmine Tarantino
Congratulations to
Marilyn Bielory
True & Associates
Insurance and Surety
325 N. Avenue East, Westfield, NJ 07090
Rob Schielke
Avi and Debbie
Thank you for being wonderful friends
and sorry we can't join you tonight in person.
Chazak V'ematz!
Joshua and Tamar Vogel
Mazal Tov to all honorees
and most especially to
Marilyn Bielory
who (together with her beloved husband Len)
continues to dedicate her life to Congregation Israel.
The Reverend Robert and Patricia Wagenseil
Mazel Tov to
Diane and Rick Covkin
who are giving, talented and loyal leaders,
whom we are fortunate to have as friends.
Pinky and Hadasa Weinberger
To the Aishet Chayil, the Bielory Family, 
and the wonderful Shul.
Thank You!
With love,
The Weitz Family
in Israel
Mazal Tov to 
and the other honorees
Mimi and Jack Werbler
Mazal Tov to all of this year's Honorees.
Isaac and Melanie Wind
In honor of
Marilyn Bielory
Ruth and Gary Zelman
Mazal Tov to all of this year's Honorees.
Shmuel Zhubrak & Co.
Accounting, Tax and QuickBooks Consulting
Friend Page
Arthur J. Poleyeff
Aunt Bea and Uncle Richard
Elisheva Bielory
Kraemer Burns, P.A.
Carol & Allan Gingold
Michele and Mark Cooper
Dr. James and Lelia Sublett
George B. Elia
Wendy and Lee Fishman
Friend Page
Judy and Larry Frohman
Richard & Beth Goldfarb
Alan Goldsobel
Mark Halliday, GP Systems, Inc.
Dr. Chaim and Stacey Gross
Debbie and Peter Hercky
Jackie and Robert Michelson
David Matthew, Jerusalem Restaurant
Marilyn and Howard Korman
David and Marjory Lang
Friend Page
Andrey Leonov
Jan and Gerri Lewis
Shlomo Moskovits
Jessica and Robert Naclerio
Diana and Charles Naggar
Rabbi Teddy and Sara Newman
8 Minute Oil Change
Janet Osen
James Pepe
Debbie and Marc Pershan
Friend Page
Renee and Barry Pollack
Samantha Pozner, MD
Anne Rosenberg
Tova and Shmuel Schachter
Peter Szewzek
Tokyo Hibachi
Roger Turbin
Eduardo Urdaneta
Dan Weiss, Weiss Distributors
In loving memory of
Barry Mark Bielory z"l
Beloved son, brother, grandson & uncle!
Always in our hearts!
Marilyn & Len Bielory
Amy Bielory
Rada, Brett, Arabella & Sasha Bielory
Ruth Gilan
In memory of
Gohar Hakakian z"l, mother
Hodadad Hakaian,z"l, father
Ruby Goodman z"l, mother
Edward Goodman z"l, father
Minnie Goodman z"l, grandmother
David Goodman z"l, grandfather
Jessie Leder z"l, grandmother
Max Leder z"l, grandfather
Sidney Goodman z"l, uncle
Sandra LoGuidice z"l, aunt
Edna and David Goodman
In memory of our dear friend and neighbor
Emmy Hoffer z"l
Leora & Shmuel Babich                   Donna & Michael Karp
Rachel & Uzi Beer                               Sarah Lachs & Family
Marilyn & Len Bielory                Michele & Randy Pearlman
Ricci & Michael Bochner                     Susie Prawer & Family
Edna & David Goodman                   Shifra & Aron Srolovitz
Rachayl & Howard Weizenfeld 
In Loving Memory of
Our Dear Friend
Emmy Hoffer z"l
And CIS Matriarch
Rachel Pirak z"l
May their legacy be a blessing always
To their families and our Kehillah

In Memory of our Beloved Cousin
Ira Goldberg z"l
Whose warmth we will always treasure
Rick and Diane Osen Covkin
In loving memory of
Marla Joy Lerner z"l
born June 16, 1959
Beloved daughter, sister, aunt!!
Always in our hearts!
Renee and Brian Lerner
Kay and Howard Lerner Irving Lerner
Alex Lerner
Maura Lerner
In loving memory
of our beloved parents and grandparents
Good, kind, loving, sweet, honest, smart, charitable, funny and friendly people. Above all - dedicated to their family. They were the best! They also dedicated themselves to Congregation Israel of Springfield and many Jewish organizations.
We love them, are grateful for our time together with them and will miss them everyday for the rest of our lives.
They will remain forever in our hearts and memories.
Clara, Jay, Cole, Michael & Cayla
In Memory of our Mentor
and Friend 
We all Miss you Dearly!
May His Memory be Blessed
Rob Mulfinger and Everyone at
In loving memory of
Eva and Arie Halpern z"l
Shifra and Dr. Morris Epstein z"l
Bernard Stein z"l

Matilda and Isaac Goldflies z"l
Isaac Krenkel z"l
Sam Halpern z"l
Sara Traina and R' Chuna Herschfus z"l
Dr. Leon and Raye Herschfus z"l
Dr. Jechiel and Reva Herschfus z"l
Rabbi Israel E. Turner z"l
Sherry and Henry Stein & Family
In Loving Memory of
Norman Stier
Beloved Husband
Devoted Father and Zayde
Craig Stier
Beloved Husband
Devoted Father
Loving Son and Brother
You will always be in our hearts
Phylis Stier & Family
In memory of our beloved
Emmy Hoffer a'h
Emmy was a special soul whose light not only brightened the CIS community and the lives of its members during the decades she lived in Springfield, but continues to do so beyond her untimely passing. We hope and pray that her sincere warmth and genuine care and concern for her community and its members will be a guiding light for us all for many years to come. If we can do this, then the pure love that was experienced by everyone and anyone who met Emmy will continue to be the experience of those who come to Springfield for the first time in the future. 
May Hashem bless Chanah Temah bas Chaim a'h with an aliyas nishmasah.
We would also like to thank the community for their incredible love and support. Community has always been family to us but that was never felt so deeply as during this difficult ordeal. 
With much love, appreciation and gratitude,

Daniella, Ben, Yakira, Maytal, Tzofia & Atara Hoffer
& David Hoffer
In Loving Memory of
מאיר ברוך בן דב
October 9, 2019        י"א תשרי תש"פ
The memory of his deeds on earth will remain
for all generations to come.
His spirit will live on in those he loved
and the lives he touched.
Always In Our Hearts,
Dana, Seth, Zoe, Abby, Ethan,
Jamie, Minna, Rachel, Jonathan, Sydney & Eli