Chicago Yachad
Chicago Yachad
Thank you to my family for their support
and understanding during my residence at the office
these past few weeks.
Love, Elliot / Abba
Thank you to Dr. Tzivia Jofen and Mr. Ken Saibel
and the professional team from National Yachad
for their support and guidance!
Elliot Chicago Yachad
Thank you to Yachad Chicago
for their heart and hard work on behalf of everyone in our community. Mazel Tov to tonight's Lev Zahav Awardees, our very own
Stan and Mashie Gertz, one of the most indefatigable, driven and
giving couples in our city,
to tonight's Community Service Awardees, Debra and Ira Clair,
for all they do for our community and for Yachad Chicago. From the Rabbanim and Kehilla of Beis Medrash Mikor Hachaim Chicago Yachad
Mazel Tov to Mashie & Stan Gertz,
longtime dedicated leaders and supporters of Yachad.
We thank you for your professionalism, your sage advice
& leadership and your deep commitment to Yachad.
You have be a driving force in the success of Chicago Yachad.
Kol Hakavod to Debra & Ira Clair. You have truly been
hands on in everything that you do
for many years helping Yachad to grow.
It is an honor to pay tribute to you this evening.
We suppose someone else will have to handle
the logistics for tonight.
Chicago Yachad
Thank you to the dedicated group of board members and lay leaders
who helped make tonight possible.
Yasher Koach to Elliot Cohen for all of his effort tonight
and throughout the rest of the year to bring Chicago Yachad to new heights.
We look forward to watching Chicago Yachad continuing to grow to serve
even more individuals and their families in the future.
With much appreciation. Avrohom Adler Ken Saibel Tzivia Jofen International Director Associate Director Director, National
Chicago Yachad
Chicago Yachad
We are pleased to join the community in honoring
Stan and Mashie Gertz for your support of and commitment to Yachad. Having inspired your children with your dedication,
you have made leadership a family affair.
We thank you for all you do for Yachad and Chicago Jewry
and the Brickyard Bank.
Rickey and Gale Rothner
Thank you to the dedicated members
of our Advisory Board.
As we continue to grow our operation,
your guidance, support and advice
are critical, and of course,
always appreciated!
- Elliot Pillar
How well do you really know Stan and Mashie?
The following is a quiz that will show your real understanding of who they are.
1. As a child Mashie was known for
a) Being very shy
b) Being very exuberant c) Being very fastidious when she ate d) Being very kind to her sisters
2. As a child Stan
a) Thought there was a giant pig in the back yard
b) Locked everyone out of the house c) Always cleaned up his room before Shabbos d) Never threatened his sisters with death or destruction
3. Mashie's English name is
a) Melanie b) Meagan c) Michelle d) Maura 4. Stan's full name is a) Sanford (after the sitcom Sanford and Son) b) Sandy (after the beach) c) Stanford (after the university and one of his Zadie's friends) d) Stanley (after Stanley Steemer)
5. Stan and Mashie's first date
a) Was so brief nobody thought they would date again b) Was so long Stan thought they might be engaged by the time it ended c) Was in jeopardy when the Garelicks realized Stan is a Sox fan d) Was at Six Flags, leading to their many family trips there in future years
6. When Mashie came to dinner at the Gertz house the first time
a) She was concerned about whether the pinwheels she was offered were any good
b) She knew the correct answer to "Is 'I mean what I say' the same as 'I say what I mean.'"? c) Wondered what she had gotten herself into d) Thought the Gertz family was quite interesting
7. When Stan and Mashie's kids wake up in the middle of the night
a) They immediately call for Mashie
b) They immediately call for Stan c) They call 911 d) They realize the situation is hopeless and go back to sleep
8. In their spare time
a) Mashie has no spare time! She is raising five kids and teaching full time
b) Stan has no spare time! He is helping to run a demanding business
and studying Torah
c) Mashie reads any novel she can get her hands on d) Stan tries to get some sleep
9. Stan and Mashie are known for
a) Their concern for other people and their generous hospitality
b) Their wonderful dispositions and sense of humor c) Their devotion to their family and friends d) Their contributions to many organizations that are integral
to the welfare of the Jewish community
e) All of the above If you can answer all the questions correctly, we will make you
an honorary family member, but only if you are sure
that is something you want.
We are so very proud of our children.
May they continue to have the strength
to give to others and set an example
for our wonderful grandchildren.
We love you. Mom and Dad Gertz Chai
To our dear children and grandchildren
(in Bergenfield, Silver Spring,
Yerushalayim and Washington Heights)
We thank you this evening for partnering with us
from before you even understood what we were doing.
Your cooperation and enthusiastic participation
in our various chesed and organizational activities
allowed us to give back to our neighborhood,
schools, shuls, and community.
(continued ...)
We hope that you all will live life to the fullest,
and will continue to grow as Torah-true
and committed bnei- and bnot-Torah.
May Hakadosh Baruch Hu give you the koach
and ability to continue to "get it" as you become and remain
active members of your various communities
and of klal Yisrael, ad me'ah v'esrim shanah,
and may you always be a source of pride
and nachas to our entire family!!
Love, Abba & Ema
In loving tribute to our parents:
Carol Salinger, biz hundred un tzvantzig Leonard Salinger, z"l Esther Clair, a"h Sholem Clair, z"l without whose nurturing, support and guidance
we would never have been able to make the important decisions
we have made in our lives to get us to this point.
We hope that we, our children and grandchildren continue to embody
the lessons we have learned from our parents.
Debra & Ira
To Stan & Mashie
and our colleagues on the Yachad board
We know what it takes to make everything happen
when it should, and as it should,
and that it doesn't happen by itself or by magic.
Yasher kochachem for everything you do
for Yachad. Tizku L'mitzvot!!
Debra & Ira
To Elliot and everyone else involved
in planning and organizing tonight's dinner and ad journal
Your dedication and tireless work on behalf of Yachad is remarkable! You have answered our questions, reassured us,
handled the last minute pressures and produced
an outstanding evening that is a credit to each of you
and to Chicago Yachad and its amazing members.
Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. With deepest appreciation, Debra & Ira
Mazel Tov Stan and Mashie
on this well deserved honor!
Continued Hatzlacha in all the wonderful work
you do on behalf of our community.
Michael & Julie Klein
Stan and Mashie-
Congrats on this well-deserved honor.
You are true Baalei Chesed and the work you do
for Klal Yisrael is unbelievable.
We wish you only continued Nachas
from each other and your entire family!
Joshua and Michal Rosen
Mazal tov to Mashie and Stan
on your well-deserved honor,
and thank for all that you do
for Yachad and for the whole community.
Also, thank you to Mashie for being
such a great 4th and 5th grade teacher!!!
Tami and Shlomo Drapkin
In honor of my wonderful grandson
Michel Lis
May you continue to grow and thrive.
Thank you, Yachad!
Grandma Rachel from Hartford
Mazel Tov to our honorees
Stan & Mashie Gertz
Ira & Debra Clair
for your tireless efforts
on behalf of Yachad.
Susan, Shabsa and Michel Lis
Thank you to our wonderful
Director of Yachad, Elliot Cohen-
your leadership is inspirational.
Hakarat HaTov to our stellar
Yachad Day Program leader,
Sherra Bloomenkranz,
on a great first year of the program.
Susie, Shabsa and Michel Lis
Mazel tov Stan and Mashie! Thank you for all that you do
for Yachad and for
the community in general.
From Noah and Marnina Rosen & Family
Thank you to my colleagues at NCSY!
רבי יוסי אומר: שכן טוב -
ישתדל האדם שיהיה לו שכן טוב שילמד ממנו
מעשים טובים וזה יותר חשוב מחבר טוב
כי החבר נמצא עם האדם רק ביום
והשכן נמצא עמו ביום ובלילה
- Elliot Friend
Mazel Tov to the Gertzes
on this well deserved honor!
Gittie and Moshe Appel
Two things:
1) Ad: To the Gertzes - This honor isn't really deserved,
but mazel tov anyway!
2) Please sit us with the Saltzmans
Ad change:
To the Gertzes - mazel tov on this well undeserved honor.
From the Bassmans
Congratulations to our dear friends
Ira and Debra
on this well-deserved honor!
Best wishes for continued success
to Director Cohen!
Larry & Sharon Chambers
Mazel Tov
to the
well deserved honorees!
Mazel Tov to the Gertzs and the Clairs.
May we all sing B'yachad, The Fensterheims
Mazel Tov to the Gertzes and the Clairs
on being honored by Yachad.
Thank you for all the time and work you put in
for this wonderful organization.
May you both continue your efforts
for this and other organizations in the community.
Steven and Linda Lavenda
Mazel Tov
to the honorees
and to
Chicago Yachad!
Sruli & Naomi Lopin
Mazal Tov
Stan and Mashie
on this well-deserved honor!
Dan & Tova Rubin
Mazel Tov
Stan and Mashie!
A well deserved honor,
you are the best!
(We miss
being your neighbors)
Ilana, Adam, Mia, Eli and Liam
In honor of the Gertz and Clair families
for all they do for our children. May they have much nachas from their children.
With much appreciation to
Sherra Bloomenkranz
and her devoted staff
of the Yachad day program.
With much appreciation,
Rabbi Moshe and Debra Soloveichik
Mazel Tov to the honorees
and to Chicago Yachad
Leonard and Jessica Weiss
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To Stan,
May you continue to be able to devote your time and energy
to Yachad and the Greater Chicago jewish community as well,
for G-d Willing many, many more years to come!
Mazal Tov on such a well deserved honor.
As the saying goes, "Behind every man
is an incredible woman," so as far as we are concerned,
this honor is truly deserved by Mashie as well!
Full Page
To our sister,
You are an incredibly kind and caring individual
who knows how to brighten a room with your positive energy.
You deserve to be recognized for being so hard working,
and devoted to your family and community at large.
Most of all, you deserve a medal for standing behind Stan. With all our love, Stacey and Avi & Sheila and Jonathan
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Mazel Tov to Stan and Mashie
on this well deserved award!
You are both an inspiration
for all of your hard work
and dedication to
the Chicago Jewish Community.
May you have mazel, brachah
and hatzlacha in everything you do!
Uncle Fred and Aunt Rina
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Stan & Mashie
Mazel Tov
on your well deserved honor!
Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ira
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Mazel Tov
Stan & Mashie Gertz
Yitzchok & Esti Blisko
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In honor of
Debra and Ira Clair
And Mashie and Stan Gertz May Hashem grant you the abilities and will to continue doing so much for "Am Yisrael." With great admiration, Yishai and Bluma Broner
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Dear Stan & Mashie,
Thank you for being my friends. Your hearts are true,
you're pals and confidants. And if you threw a party,
invited everyone you knew, you would see the biggest gift
would be from me and the card attached would say,
"thank you for being my friends."
Love, Elliot Full Page
Dear Ira & Debra,
Thank you for your hard work and dedication
for so many years! It's an honor to know you.
Thank you for the tremendous example
that you provide for the community and klal yisroel!
With admiration and appreciation, Elliot Full Page
In honor of
Stan and Mashie Gertz
Shuie and Elana Davis
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Dear Mom and Dad,
You are the greatest parents that a kid could have.
All that children really need is love and care
from their mom and dad. You have given us
that our entire lives.
You began by teaching us the ABC's and the Aleph, Beis
along with those things that nurture a child and give him
a foundation for learning the rest of his life.
You helped us to take our first steps. You cared for us when we were sick (or pretending to be sick). You took us on family trips that were fun
and exciting and exhausting.
(continued...) Full Page
You encouraged us, and you showed us right from wrong.
You have taught us the beauty of a life filled with Torah
and Mitzvot and giving to others.
You have shown that family life
should be treasured and appreciated.
You have demonstrated and continue to demonstrate
what makes for a good life.
We feel every day the deep love that you have shared with us.
Mazel tov on this well-deserved honor. Your Loving Children,
Eli, Ari, Rochel, Huvi and Penina
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Congratulations Debra and Ira Thanks for all you do! Joseph and Cathy Gluck
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In honor of
Stan and Mashie Gertz
Ben and Esther Harris
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Mazel Tov to our dear friends,
Debra and Ira, who give so much
to our community
and are so deserving of this recognition.
Randi and Michael Loskove
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We are pleased to join
in this well deserved tribute
to the Gertzes and Clairs
and recognize the great work
of Yachad!
May you all continue
to serve the community well.
Malka and Steve Miretzky
Full Page
In honor of Debra & Ira Clair,
Worthy community service awardees.
May they and their family
be blessed with much
Mazal, B'racha, Hatzlacha, B'riut,
Simcha V'Nachat always!
Mimi & Sam Seleski and family
Full Page
In honor of
Stan and Mashie Gertz
For all you do for the Chicago community.
Mazel tov on receiving the Lev Zahav Award! Yehuda, Sarah, Dalia and Daniel Wolper
Half Page
In Honor of Mashie and Stan,
The one who hates to be the center of attention
is again called to sit at the front.
You lead by example and are an inspiration
to everyone you meet.
It's no wonder that you are being honored. Congratulations! We love you, Leorah, Avrumi and Co
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Stan and Mashie-
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor
Gary and Rochel Barron
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Dear Stan & Mashie,
Thank you for your unwavering commitment to Yachad.
You've been wonderful ambassadors and supporters
for so many years. You've stepped up whenever needed.
And what a treat it is for me to work with your kids
to further our mission of Inclusion!
Love, Elliot Half Page
Welcome Dina!
You're a great addition to Chicago Yachad!
- Your colleagues in Chicago & beyond
Thank you to Sherra Bloomenkranz
and the professional staff at
Chicago Yachad Day Services.
Your dedication to our clients
and members is legendary!
Elliot Half Page
Mazel Tov to
Debra & Ira Clair and Mashie & Stan Gertz Your selfless contribution to the community
over the years is an inspiration to all of us.
May you and your families be blessed with
health and peace.
Aron Routman & Sora Faier-Routman
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Mazal Tov to Ira and Debra Clair on your well deserved honor. Thank you for all you do in our community. Your friends at Maot Chitim
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In honor of Stan and Mashie Gertz who give so much of themselves to make our community a much better place.
Our friendship with you and your family spans decades and we join with so many others to recognize the time and energy you give so freely to everything you do. We love you, Rosi Lennon and Elaine Rothner
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In honor of Stan and Mashie Gertz
The Winner Family
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In honor of Stan and Mashie Gertz
David Zuckerman
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In honor of Ira and Debra Clair on being recognized by Chicago Yachad as the Community Service awardees.
Sidney and Dale Amdur
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To the Gertzes:
Mazel Tov! You guys are awesome.
Rabbi Phil & Rachie Karesh and family
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Mazel Tov Debbie and Ira Clair on the Community Service Award!
Mike, Kathy, Steve, Julie, Karli, Ari, Ali, Jeremy, Maia and Jenny
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Mazel Tov to Stan & Mashie Gertz on your well earned honor.
David Aronin
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Mazal tov to Ira and Debra on this well-deserved honor.
You set a wonderful example of chesed and community for your children, grandchildren, and everyone who knows you.
Chazak v'amatz!
Biranit and Jonathan Cohen
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Quarter Page
Mazal tov to the well-deserved honorees,
Stan & Mashie Gertz
Ira & Debra Clair
Wishing you continued success in helping the community.
Dr. Avy and Yisraela Dachman
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to Stan & Mashie Gertz.
We feel so privileged to be your friends. Your endless
dedication to so many great causes in
Chicago is truly inspiring.
May Hashem grant you and your family health and happiness
to continue being the great leaders and role models
that you are!
Love, The Dragons
Quarter Page
In honor of Stan and Mashie Gertz
Mort Einhorn
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In honor of the Gertzes
Sharon & Fred Frankel
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In honor of Debra & Ira Clair, who actively seek out opportunities to help others rather than waiting to be asked.
Their selflessness, dedication and commitment to community service are unparalleled and are truly inspiring. May Hashem reward them for all that they do to make the lives of others better. Elyssa & Robert Herzfeld Robbin & Dorron Katzin Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to the honorees
and to Chicago Yachad
Naftali Tzvi and Bina Levin
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Mazel Tov to the honorees
and to Chicago Yachad!
The Mayefskys
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Mazel Tov to the honorees
and to Chicago Yachad
Jay Meystel
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In honor of Ira and Debra Clair
Devoted to Family and Community Your dedication to family, friends, the Jewish people,
and humanity, both in a professional and
personal capacity, is an inspiration.
May Hakadosh Boruch Hu grant you and your family
good health, joy, and nachas.
Your good friends, Yochanan & Fraida Nathan and Noson & Menucha Robeson
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Mazel Tov to Debra and Ira Clair!
From your friends at Park Plaza Retirement Community.
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Mazel tov Mashie and Stan!
We are so proud of you!
Chavie & Sruly Russell
and Roni & Yudi Berkovits
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Mazel Tov to Stan and Mashie on this well deserved honor Yasher Koach Steve and Bobbie Schayer
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Thank you for your dedication to Yachad.
Ruth Wilk
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Mazel tov on your recognition from Yachad!
Thank you for being great friends for so many years! Menachem & Batya Wolf