Efrem & Shuli Popel             Susie, Shabsa and Michel Lis         Zahava and Chaim Suss               
Letter from Efrem & Shuli Popel

March 2018 / Nisan 5778
Dear Friends and Family,                                                  

We are excited to invite you to this year's Chicago Yachad Dinner on May 15, 2018, where we will be honored with the Lev v’Nefesh award.
It all started 13 years ago, when we moved back to Chicago. There were no organized, social/recreational, inclusive opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Building upon my wonderful experiences as a Yachad Junior and Rayim Coordinator in New York City, I started a local Yachad chapter in Chicago. We started with 8 Yachad members in fall 2004 and we have since grown to serve nearly 70 families.
Yachad’s mission is to promote and facilitate the inclusion of all children, teenagers, and adults with special needs, allowing them the same opportunities as their typically-developing peers, so that they may experience the full spectrum of Jewish life. We have provided a full array of age-appropriate weekly programming, monthly inclusive shabbatons, a relationship-building social skills course, the Hartman Foundation Midwest Family Shabbaton and so much more! But most importantly, it is because of Yachad’s wide assortment of programming and services, that our members have lifelong friends.
As a family, we have greatly benefited from being a part of the superb organization that is Chicago Yachad. Zev, Shira and Shana have all grown up on Yachad shabbatons. Zev is now helping as kitchen staff on Yachad shabbatons; Shira brings inclusion to life as a peer at Junior Yachad programs; Shana cannot wait until 7th grade, when she too is looking forward to participating in Yachad events. Shuli has been an integral part of the picture, actively involved and supportive from the beginning of our Yachad journey. She has also served on the decorating committee with many of her friends at Yachad’s annual banquets.
Though I have retired from Yachad, I am very proud of the strong foundation that we have built, planting the seeds for the organization’s future growth. Chicago Yachad will always be a part of our lives and the friendships we have made over the years with Yachad members, staff, community professionals, lay leaders and high schoolers will always be close to our hearts.
Shabsa, Susie, Michel and the entire Lis family have partnered with Chicago Yachad since day one. It is our honor to be honored alongside Shabsa and Susie, who have been a bedrock of support.
Please join us in supporting Chicago Yachad, an organization that lives up to its motto of “Because Everyone Belongs.” Make your reservation, place your ad and donate generously today, to support inclusion in our community.
Warm regards,
Efrem & Shuli Popel
Letter from Susie, Shabsa and Michel Lis

March 2018 / Nisan 5778
Dear Family and Friends:

We are excited to be honored by Chicago Yachad, a wonderful organization to whom we owe a great deal of appreciation, at this year’s “Evening with the Stars” gala, on May 15, 2018 at the Bryn Mawr Country Club in Lincolnwood, Illinois. We would like to tell you a little bit about Chicago Yachad - why we feel so strongly about its essential functions and activities, as well as the critical importance of supporting Chicago Yachad and its mission of inclusion.

Chicago Yachad, a chapter of National Yachad / National Jewish Council for Disabilities, is an agency of the Orthodox Union, and provides services to people with disabilities and their mainstream peers. Prior to Yachad coming to Chicago, there were very few social and recreational activities available to those with disabilities and there were limited opportunities for these individuals to participate and integrate within the broader community. With Yachad’s arrival in Chicago that reality changed; it brought a wide range of activities and services that has dramatically altered the character and opportunities of daily living for those with disabilities. At the same time, Yachad’s arrival greatly enhanced the life of adults and teenagers in the community at large. We’ve been fortunate to personally experience Chicago Yachad's pillars of friendship, socialization, inclusiveness and joy.

Chicago Yachad several activities for its members in a given month. They go to hockey games, celebrate holidays, learn Torah with Rabbis and leaders of our community and more. Chicago Yachad holds seven or more Shabbatons per year based at synagogues throughout the Chicago area. There, Yachad members join with high school students and learn and grow together, and at the same time, the shul communities develop friendships with the Yachad members. Each summer, dozens of Chicago Yachad members attend Yachad summer camping programs throughout the United States, Canada and Israel, together with their typically developing peers. This year, Chicago Yachad identified and met a glaring need of the Chicago Jewish community – a day program for those young adults who have finished their schooling and are now interested in strengthening their life skills, finding meaningful work and fully participating in the community. This newly-created day program at the JCC in West Rogers Park is already a tremendous success. These are just some examples of how Yachad is actively guiding and serving the community. 

Of course, all this critical work requires substantial funding. We are kindly requesting that you attend the Annual Dinner and/or take out ads and/or sponsorships to support this vital organization, which has meant so much to our family.

Thank you and a Chag Kosher Ve’Sameach,

Susie, Shabsa and Michel Lis
Letter from Zahava and Chaim Suss

March 2018 / Nisan 5778

Dear Friends,                                                                                                       
Efrem and Shuli Popel were the face of Yachad in Chicago for over 10 years, laying the groundwork for the professional organization that Yachad is today. Efrem has personally helped our family both with our son Shimmy, a Yachad member, as well as our other children as mainstream peers and advisors.
On May 15, 2018, the Popels are being honored by Chicago Yachad with the “Lev v’Nefesh” award for their years of dedication to Yachad and its mission. We are asking you join us in paying tribute to the Popels by generously supporting Yachad’s mission of inclusion in the community, attending the dinner and placing an ad.
New for this year’s dinner, we are expanding our venue space to the beautiful (and local) Bryn Mawr Country Club in Lincolnwood.
We look forward to greeting you at this year’s Evening with the Stars, recognizing our long-time and dear friends. Please pay tribute to Efrem and Shuli by supporting Yachad’s critically important work and mission: the inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in the entire community.
Thank you,
Zahava and Chaim Suss

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