Head, Heart & Hand Sponsor
Rabbi Silverstein has been a major force for good
in our lives, in the life of our family,
and in our work in Africa.
We are enormously grateful for the blessing
he has been to us, and for the gift of knowing
Rita and Alan. Judy and John Craig
Head, Heart & Hand Sponsor
Rabbi Silverstein -
Your strategic mind, warm heart and personal touch
have forever transformed Congregation Agudath Israel.
We are grateful for your deep devotion
to our community, your friendship
and visionary leadership.
May you go from strength to strength.
Mazel Tov!
The Wieseneck & Shapiro Families
Platinum Sponsor
Rabbi Silverstein,
We will continue
to build upon your legacy
and benefit from your vision.
The Opper Family
Platinum Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
Rachel and Robert Fink
Gold Sponsor
With deep gratitude
and admiration for
Rabbi Silverstein's tireless work
for CAI and Am Yisrael.
Judy & Steven Elbaum
Gold Sponsor
We have been so fortunate to have
Alan Silverstein as our Rabbi and Friend
for over 35 years.
You have made a difference in our lives
and those in the CAI community.
May you and Rita be blessed with many years
of health and happiness.
Burt, Marsha, Marisa, Josh, Ed, Ronen and Eliana Henry
Gold Sponsor
The Percely Family
Rabbi Alan Silverstein
for his distinguished leadership
and notable legacy.
Gold Sponsor
With gratitude to Rabbi Silverstein
for his four decades
of unwavering dedication to the
Heads, Hearts and Hands
of Congregation Agudath Israel
Alison, Stuart, Eli and Noah Rosenthal
Gold Sponsor
Dear Rabbi Silverstein and Rita,
For the past 20 years you have had a special place
in our family ... from our first day at CAI
in September 2001 when you noticed us as newcomers,
through Simchas and Shivas, Siddur Plays
and B'Not Mitzvot and Parsha Classes ...
we will miss you (and already do).
Mazel Tov on reaching this milestone
and best wishes on your continuing journey.
Lisa Hochman, Marc,
Tobi and Hannah Rudoltz
Gold Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
Wendy and Stephen Weinstein
Silver Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years as
a visionary leader at CAI. Elaine and Stuart Berger and Family
Silver Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
Mindy & Evan Blum
Silver Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
Mitch, Shari, Zach and Jordan Broder
Silver Sponsor
Thank you Rabbi Silverstein
for creating an incredible shul community
for our family and countless others.
Our lives are forever enriched by our membership
at CAI. We are grateful for your leadership
and friendship and wish you and Rita
a most fulfilling and enjoyable retirement!
Mazel Tov!
With Love and Friendship,
Susie and Howard Bruch
Jolie and Zach, Zachary and Max
Silver Sponsor
עשה לך רב, וקנה לך חבר
For the extended Taubenfeld family, and in particular,
for our parents, Bea and Nat Taubenfeld (z'l),
Rabbi and Rita Silverstein have been so much more
than Rabbi - They have been family
Much hatzlachah
Much love
Much gratitude
With lasting memories
The Taubenfeld Family
Silver Sponsor
Thank you for all the effort you have spent
over these 42 years
in order to build the warm, welcoming community
that is Congregation Agudath Israel.
We have all benefitted greatly!
With our sincere appreciation,
Shani & Louis Drogin
Silver Sponsor
Thank you Rabbi Silverstein for building
and maintaining a thriving Jewish community
in West Essex for over 40 years.
Your presence, leadership and friendship
has greatly enriched my and my family's lives.
I wish Rita and you many more years
of health and happiness.
Eric Edelstein
Silver Sponsor
Thank you Rabbi Silverstein for helping guide us
to be the Jewish family we are today.
We feel so grateful that you have been a part of
every single one of our lifecycle events
from the highest highs to the lowest lows
imparting your wisdom and comfort along the way.
We are also grateful to be part of the CAI community
that you have built.
We wish you and Rita good health
and happiness always!
Dorie, Seth, Ila, Blake
and Noa Eisenstein
Silver Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
Daryl, Andy, Zachary
& Connor Epstein
Silver Sponsor
With love, respect and admiration,
we are eternally grateful for your ongoing
inspirational presence, guidance, friendship and spiritual leadership.
You will always be a part of who we are
and who we will become as your teachings
have been instrumental to our being
and as a blessing in our life.
With love,
Marjorie and Norman Feinstein
Silver Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
Dana & Doug Friedman
Silver Sponsor
Mazel Tov Rabbi Silverstein
on your 42 years of dedication to CAI!
Our membership at CAI was for 12 years
before we moved 28 years ago to Morristown,
and we have so many wonderful memories.
All the best in your future endeavors.
Bruce and Ilene Jacobs
Silver Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
Elizabeth and Jonathan Liss
Silver Sponsor
Mazal tov,
Rabbi Silverstein!
We are grateful that in addition to
being a wonderful mentor, colleague,
and friend, you've also been our rabbi
since our arrival in the community
three years ago.
Wishing you continued strength
and blessing.
Rabbi Ari Lucas and Talya Oberfield
Silver Sponsor
40 years ago you won our hearts...
and some things never change!
Thank you for being
a special inspiration to our family!
Sheila and Les Lustbader
Silver Sponsor
Rabbi Silverstein,
Thank you for being a friend, a teacher
and a source of guidance
for three generations of our family
during the past 37 years.
Now that Rita and you are beginning a new journey,
we wish you both many years
of good health and happiness.
With respect and affection,
Marsha and Michael Messer
Silver Sponsor
It has been a blessing to our family
to have you beside us for our many lifecycle events
over the past 36 years.
We have witnessed your passion, your leadership
and your dedication to our Congregation,
to the global Masorti movement
and to creating strong ties
between our synagogue and Israel.
We wish you and your family much joy
and good health as you enter your next chapter.
Scott and Wendy Newman
Silver Sponsor
Thank you Rabbi Silverstein
for all that you have done
to create a center of Jewish life
at Congregation Agudath Israel.
You enriched our lives spiritually,
culturally, educationally and socially.
Mazal Tov to you and Rita.
We wish you much joy and health
in the years ahead.
Victor, Jayne, Ethan & Aliya Nhaisi
Silver Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
Carol and Harris Nydick & Family
Silver Sponsor
Hillel teaches that we should not separate
ourselves from the community.
Pirkei Avot, ch. 2, v. 4.
The Rabbi and Rita have taught us how to lead
a community with grace. Stuart & Debbie Rabner
Silver Sponsor
Rabbi Silverstein, Mazel Tov!
Thank you for all you have done
to build the wonderful community that is CAI!
Wishing you and Rita all the best
for a lifetime of health and happiness!
Debbie, Scott, Eliana and Talia Rosen
Silver Sponsor
With deepest gratitude to
Rabbi Silverstein
for guiding our family's Jewish Journey
through so many life-cycle events
over these past decades.
Mazal Tov!
Paula and David Saginaw
Silver Sponsor
"This is where your life has arrived after all the years
of effort and toil; Look back with graciousness
and thanks on all your great and quiet achievements"
Reflection by John O'Donohue
Mazel Tov Rabbi - Thank you for being a part of
four generations of our family and sharing in
our many lifecycle events. We wish you and Rita
good health and joy as you enter your next chapter.
Best wishes, Margie and Larry Samuels,
Brian Samuels, Eric Frishman,
Rebecca, Eric, Bryn and Ayla Nelson
Silver Sponsor
Rabbi and Rita:
Words are inadequate to express the enormous impact you have had on our lives. Thank-you for awakening our strong Jewish identity. Thank-you for instilling in us our love of Israel. Thank-you for introducing us to some of our closest friends, members of our original chavurah. Thank-you for encouraging us to send our children to Camp Ramah where they made lifelong friendships and where Danielle met her lifetime partner. Thank-you for your Shabbat morning services and our walks home together. We will miss you but will never forget how you changed our lives.
Janice, Barry, Danielle (Adi),
Rachel, and Max Schindler
Silver Sponsor
Thank you Rabbi Silverstein for making CAI
the "Beacon on the hill"
that attracted the best community around.
From marrying us back in 1986 - "Randy and Mary,
you know who I mean" - we are grateful for
the strong support you gave us, whether it be folkdancing
or singing or seders or bringing music programs to CAI.
You've taught us through your sermons and teachings
how to be better Jews and we have learned so much
from your leadership by example.
May you and Rita have the most enjoyable
and rewarding retirement. Mazel tov!
With love and friendship,
Randi and Murray Spiegel
Silver Sponsor
To our dear friend and Rabbi MAZEL TOV
You have been there steadfastly for us for the good,
the bad and everything in between!
We THANK YOU sincerely with our Heads, Hands
and Hearts for always making us feel welcome and at home!!!
You are truly a special person!!!
The Steinberg Family
Silver Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
The Atlas Family
Bronze Sponsor
Dear Rabbi Silverstein,
Thank you for your many years
of support and leadership.
You have been an integral part of our family
through out newlywed phase, baby namings, b'not mitzvah, and Israel experiences.
You have had an indelible impact on our lives.
We wish you a future filled with good health,
and much love. B'ahava,
Stephanie, Alan, Rebecca
and Rachel Bonder
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you, Rabbi Silverstein,
for always being there for our family.
Your kindness, understanding and guidance
will remain in our hearts forever.
With deepest gratitude,
Lynda and Craig Brown
Bronze Sponsor
עשה לך רב, וקנה לך חבר
Get yourself a Rabbi/teacher;
Acquire a friend. - Pirkei Avot 1:6
We have been blessed with both.
Cantor Joel & Nancy Caplan
and Family
Bronze Sponsor
"The reward of a thing well done is to have done it"-
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Dear Rabbi Silverstein,
It is with great pride that we celebrate your 42 years
of dedicated service to CAI as religious and spiritual leader,
teacher, counselor, and consoler. You have artfully and lovingly
overseen the expansion of our physical space for gathering,
the growth of our membership, and the enrichment of
the individual lives of countless congregants and families.
For this and much more we say thank you, and we extend
our warmest wishes to you and Rita for your continued sense
of fulfillment and joy during this next phase of your lives.
Karen and Ted Eisenberg
Bronze Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
Seth, Samantha, Abby & Alix Fliegler
Bronze Sponsor
To Rabbi Alan Silverstein,
Our Family Rabbi, Our Synagogue Rabbi, Our World Rabbi
You have been our Rabbi for so many family life cycle events.
From Births & Bnai Mitzvahs to Funerals. Your Chavarah
program enriched our CAI community life. You taught us that observance was not all or nothing but a continuous climb
up the ladder of observance. With our multiple generation participation in the Caldwell Jewish community, we truly appreciate your leadership that has enabled CAI
to grow into the top tier of Conservative Synagogues.
Best wishes on your well-deserved retirement.
Saul z'l & Francis z'l Franklin,
Edward z'l & Helga z'l Franklin
Donna, Arthur, David & Sarah Franklin
Bronze Sponsor
Rabbi Silverstein,
Mazel Tov! You are truly one of a kind.
Thank you for your warm and welcoming heart.
You have touched our hearts in countless ways.
Wishing you and your beautiful family
continued good health, laughter and success.
You will be missed.
Alison and Lee Frost & Family
Bronze Sponsor
Dear Rabbi Silverstein
Thank you for being there with us
all along our Jewish Journey
The Gladstein Family
Bronze Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
Phil and Judy Kruger/Levenstein
Bronze Sponsor
Rabbi Silverstein,
You have been a guidepost in the religious journey
of so many and, for those of us who traveled
more meandering Jewish paths than others,
you have been a beacon.
Thank you for a lifetime of dedicated teaching,
caring, and sound counsel.
With sincere gratitude
and best wishes for your retirement,
Mary, Andrew, Blake & Whitney Messer
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you Rabbi Silverstein
for your leadership and friendship
and for being a part of many family celebrations.
We wish you and Rita an enjoyable retirement.
Mazel tov,
Hilary and Howard Rabner
Lauren (Liam) and Jonathan
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you
for always providing guidance
to our family.
Michele and Larry Raiken
Bronze Sponsor
In honor of Alan Silverstein, our wonderful Rabbi and teacher.
May you go from strength to strength.
Renée and Joel, Beth and Scott,
Ella, Alexandra and Sam Reiser
Bronze Sponsor
In thanking you for your leadership,
inspiration, support, encouragement
and service to our family, CAI
and the local and global community,
we would also like to celebrate our friendship
with you and Rita.
We wish you both good health and spirits,
much nachas, joy, laughter,
and continued love of learning and shared visions.
The Akselrad Family
Bronze Sponsor
We are so honored to call
Rabbi Alan Silverstein our "Rav",
and Rabbi Silverstein and Rita
our Friend and our Family.
Mazel Tov on beginning this new chapter
of your lives.
May you continue to be blessed with health,
happiness and vision. Susan and Joseph Werk
Tzedakah Sponsor
Mazel Tov Rabbi on 42 years!!!
Thank you for your leadership of
our community.
We are so blessed that we were able to have
you officiate at Izzy's zoom bris and our wedding.
Thank you for helping us form our family.
Peri, Blake, Dahlia and Izzy Shapiro/Edelstein
Torah Sponsor
Thank you Rabbi Silverstein for 40 years
of your wonderful leadership
and for always being there
for our family
and celebrating many joyous
occasions with us.
Stephen and Robin Abrams
Torah Sponsor
Rabbi Silverstein,
Thank you for your friendship
and many greatly appreciated services to my family
over the 29 years of our membership in CAI.
My best wishes for Rita's and your
long-continued health
and enjoyment of your family.
Hy Fisher
Torah Sponsor
We salute Rabbi Silverstein's
remarkable accomplishments over the past 42 years
as the leader of the CAI community and as a visionary
in the Jewish world at large.
Together with Rita, the Silversteins have made an indelible
and long lasting impression; Kol HaKavod!
We cherish the relationship which our family has enjoyed with you
throughout this incredible journey, from day one
all the way to the closing act.
We wish you and Rita continued good health
and success in all of your endeavors.
With great admiration,
Kann Family
Torah Sponsor
Dear Rabbi Silverstein:
We join hundreds of congregants in congratulating you
in building Agudath Israel into such a vibrant
community of worship, study and social action
on behalf of Jews and the larger community.
As a leader of the Conservative and Zionist movements,
you have instilled in all of us the love of Israel,
respect for diversity and Jewish community.
May you, your partner Rita and family enjoy
your well deserved retirement.
With best wishes and much gratitude,
Max and Gail Kleinman
Torah Sponsor
Rabbi Silverstein, Thank you for being a part of our lives. We cherish the memories of celebrating with you during mitzvahs and truly appreciate your counsel and support during times of sickness and uncertainty. Your sermons over the years have been topics of conversations and provided laughter and learning. Your passion and commitment to everything from the CAI community to Israel, has been inspirational. We are going to miss you, your wisdom, candor, and humor. We wish you rest, relaxation, and lots of time to spend with your family. Mazel Tov!
Linda, Mike, Ben, Sadie and Alexandra Lowenthal
Torah Sponsor
Thank you for filling our HEADS with Jewish knowledge,
wisdom, history and context. Thank you for filling our HEARTS
with love for Jewish community, most especially at CAI.
Thank you for filling our HANDS with opportunities
for meaningful, holy work at CAI and beyond.
You have left a lasting impact on our lives
and the Jewish world at large. We are forever grateful.
Wishing you and Rita much joy and health
as you begin this next chapter.
With love and appreciation,
Debbie, David, Sam and Michael Lurie
Torah Sponsor
Congratulations to CAI
for reaching this
Centennial milestone! Julie and Brett Rosen
Torah Sponsor
"Assume for yourself a Rav,
acquire for yourself a friend."
Pirket Avot, chapter 1, verse 6
We have been blessed to have you
and Rita as our Rav and Rebbetzin!
Marianne and Larry Shulman
Torah Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
Jordan, Joseph, Harrison
and Max Shumofsky
Torah Sponsor
Thank you
Rabbi Silverstein,
we are grateful that you have been our spiritual leader
since we first moved to the community.
We truly appreciate all you have done for CAI.
Caryn, Brian, Evan and Lauren Snerson
Torah Sponsor
Thank You to
Rita and Rabbi Alan
for your inspiring 42 years
of leadership at CAI
and for your friendship.
Susan & Elliot Stupak
Torah Sponsor
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader
and for positioning CAI
for the next 100 years.
From strength to strength!
Grace, Gabby, Elly and David Sumka
Torah Sponsor
Thank you Rabbi Silverstein for your
incredible and inspiring spiritual leadership and Israel advocacy.
We're sorry we only caught the final quarter
of your tenure! The Scherzer Family
Tikkun Olam Sponsor
Dear Rabbi Silverstein,
Mazal tov on 42 years of leadership, dedication,
and service to the Jewish people and to our community!
Thank you for immediately welcoming our family
to Congregation Agudath Israel. You have been an inspiration to us
and because of you we strive to be more committed, educated,
dedicated and prouder Jews.
We will miss your warm smile and, of course, your jokes!
Wishing you and Rita a wonderful retirement.
With much love and gratitude,
Alexis, Matt, Sophie and Marley
Tikkun Olam Sponsor
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI
and for building
such a special community.
Tikkun Olam Sponsor
June, 2021 Dear Rabbi Silverstein, Like so many other families at Congregation Agudath Israel, we can not begin to thank you enough for all that you have given us. You have created a warm and welcoming community- a true reflection of you and Rita! We have learned so much from your inspired teaching, and are so appreciative of the vast wealth of knowledge you have generously shared. We have been enriched by your wisdom, and continue to be guided by the dedication to those causes you hold so dear. We hope that when you look back and reflect upon your incredible four decades at CAI, you will see the impact you have had, not only on your congregational family, but on the community at large, and will continue to feel the love and respect we all have for you. May you and Rita be blessed with countless joyous moments with Rebecca and Arlo, David and Lisa and your beautiful grandchildren. We wish you health and joy as you begin this exciting new chapter.
May it be all you hope for and more!
With love and gratitude,
Annie, Beth and Howard Cannon
Tikkun Olam Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
Rachel, Mark, Samantha & Eric Davis
Tikkun Olam Sponsor
Dear Rabbi Silverstein:
Yasher koach on 42 years as our rabbi!
You have been our "pied piper", engaging us in Jewish study, tikkun olam,
in applying Jewish principles to our civic, professional, and social lives,
and being there for each other in caring ways.
You enabled us to learn from speakers from Jewish national and international
organizations, local interfaith and civic communities, and facilitated the creation
of strong friendships, with love of Judaism, the Jewish people, and Israel.
You have been with us through happy and also challenging times
in our personal lives. Wishing you and Rita a wonderful retirement,
good health, more time to be with your beautiful family, and good surprises
in this next phase of your lives!
With love, friendship and respect,
Harriet Sepinwall & Jeffrey Rosenberg
and Family
Tikkun Olam Sponsor
When we came to visit CAI for the very first time
25 years ago, you noticed us standing in the back of the sanctuary
and immediately came down from the bima to greet
and welcome us. From that moment we knew we belonged.
Thank you for making this community our second home
and for your incredible 42 years of visionary leadership.
We are grateful for the wisdom, inspiration and spiritual guidance
that you have provided to our family over the years.
We wish you and Rita good health and much joy
as you begin this exciting new chapter.
Mazel Tov! With Love,
Orna Rappoport, David, Alli and Ben Moses
& the grandparents from Montreal
Tikkun Olam Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
The Lewis Family
Tikkun Olam Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
The Weisleder Family
Tikkun Olam Sponsor
Rabbi Silverstein and Rita,
Wishing you the best in retirement.
What you have meant to the Weilgus crew over
almost the last 40 years cannot be measured in words. From walking to shul together,
to officiating over so many life cycle events,
to always being available to counsel
and offer great wisdom,
as well as being the great leader
of our shul, we thank you 1 million times over.
Stan, Lesley, Andrew, Ava, Sara (Roxin),
and Michael and Courtney Roxin
Chai Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
Liad, Liza, Benjamin
and Abigail Amir
Chai Sponsor
"There are three crowns, The crown of Torah,
the crown of priesthood, and the crown of royalty,
But the crown of a good name exceeds them all"
Thank you Rabbi Silverstein for your 42 years
of leadership, inspiration and friendship in helping
to make Congregation Agudath Israel
such a vibrant community.
May you and Rita enjoy your well deserved retirement.
Mazel Tov!
Love, Greta and Ira Cohen
Chai Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years as
a visionary leader at CAI. Amy, Larry, Ariella and Jonathan Dodyk
Chai Sponsor
We wish you and Rita happiness and good health
in this next chapter of your life -- retirement!
We know that you will continue to provide inspiration
to those around you and our congregation.
Thank you for your leadership and friendship
and all that you have done for the Congregation Agudath Israel,
our community and our family.
Linda and Les Elfenbein
Chai Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years as
a visionary leader at CAI. Eta Gershen & Steven Cohen and Family
Chai Sponsor
Under your care, we grew from a small shul
to a thriving religious institution, and you inspired
us all along the way. If you ever added up every number
of every list you ever thought up for every speech
you gave over these 42 years, it wouldn't come close
to how much you've meant to us.
We wish you and Rita much happiness and good health
on this next part of your life's journey. Mazel Tov!
With love,
The FISHMAN Family
Eileen, Sandy, Adam and David
Chai Sponsor
Thank you, Rabbi Silverstein, for being an integral part of our family's life cycle events.
You have been a source of support and guidance in times of joy and in times of sadness. You officiated at Marisa's bat mitzvah and Jason's bar mitzvah, and years later at the funerals of parents/grandparents Rose Ginsberg and Heinz Ostheimer. You officiated at the wedding (Marisa and Dan), and years later at the bris of son/grandson, Adam.We wish you and Rita all good things during this new phase of your lives.
Marisa, Dan, Ari and Adam Fishman
Laura and David Ostheimer
Chai Sponsor
Dear Rabbi Silverstein:
Thank you for your welcoming presence
during our 35 years at CAI.
Your leadership has inspired us
to try to climb your ladder of commitment.
Best wishes to you and Rita
on your retirement.
Marvin and Phyllis Friedman
Chai Sponsor
Chai Sponsor
Sixteen years ago, we joined CAI with glee
We heard that Rabbi Silverstein made you feel like family
Classic warm services, with a modern touch
Made us love the minion and to daven much
Matt and David, Bar Mitzvah boys
Learned their Hebrew and Jewish joys
They always liked to hear your talk
To be proud as Jews, to walk the walk
Arthur and Norma Daum enjoyed services and programs, they thought you were the best
You treated them with kind respect and laid their souls to rest
All the classes that Fern took
Learning things not in a book
Jewish values, Yiddishkeit
Learn the truth and know what's right
Facts on Israel, our support can't wait
We must stand up for the Jewish state
You helped to shape and hone my views
Not to trust what's in the news
We wish you well in your future endeavors - you will be in our hearts forever
Fern, Mark, Matthew & David Kumar
Chai Sponsor
Dear Rabbi Silverstein,
Wishing you and Rita
health, happiness and all good things
in your retirement.
You leave behind a wonderful legacy.
Best wishes,
Blanche Lerner & Family
Chai Sponsor
Where has 41 years together gone between us?
My husband Manny and I met you when we were
temporarily living with my parents in 1980
after he finished school. Manny was a city boy like you
from Philly, but not planning a life here in "the sticks".
Then we met you and we stayed in the Caldwells
and raised our family along with all our Franklin family.
You helped us with great joys of baby namings,
all the way to end of life with sadness.
I am grateful to have had you with me.
With love,
Carol Morman
Chai Sponsor
ב''ה ״אין הקב׳׳ה נותן גדולה לאדם אלה לאחר שבודקו בדבר קטן ואחר כך מעלהו לגדולה.״ [שיר השירים רבה, ב]
Rabbi Alan Silverstien has been the embodiment of Tikkun Olam to me; in בכל רמ״ח אבריו ושסה גידיו; Every component of the human soul and every component of the human body correlates to one of the 613 תרי״ג מצוות. Over the past 42 years Rabbi Silverstien's humble, self-sacrificing personality, thirst for knowledge; set direction, offer inspiration and vision to where our growing Agudath Israel Congregation and the Conservative Judaism were headed. Although things were moving fast, and earth-shattering events were happening daily, he had the Integrity and the wisdom to walk that tight rope between the Orthodox, Catholic Church, Secular, and the conservative Community. Demonstrating true Jewish leadership to do the right thing, standing upright before G-d, Torah, and the people of Israel while infusing his Yiddishkeit in all. For 42 years Rita, Rebeca, David, Arlo and Lisa were not in the center of the limelight. Nevertheless, Rita, was just as modest and self-sacrificing standing by her husband the author of many articles, books and the shepheard of a growing congregation. While Rabbi Silverstein was representing the Jewish people on countless arenas, she was the one standing steadfast raising her family, providing unequivocal support to the Rabbi all along being committed to her loved ones and our Congregation. "An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels." Proverbs 31:10-31 ESV Thank You and your family for being with our family through the rollercoaster of life; our good milestones, and some that we had no choice but to face. At any time in our lives, we couldn't ask for a better spiritual leader! We wish you and Rita all the best as you start your journey in your new chapter of your lives together enjoy one another and your family.
With All Our Love, Iris, Duby, Oren, Tal, Emma and Mila Moskowitz
הֵיטִיבָה יְהוָה לַטּוֹבִים וְלִישָׁרִים בְּלִבּוֹתָם. [תהילים קכה, ד] ואתם חזקו ואל ירפו ידיכם כי יש שכר לפעולתכם [דברי הימים ב טו, ז]
Chai Sponsor
Rabbi Silverstein, your spiritual leadership
has left an enduring imprint on our lives.
Your steadfast service to our congregation
and the Conservative Jewish movement
has been a blessing to us all.
Love and happiness to you, Rita, and family!
Deborah & Jeffrey Orens
Rebecca & Miriam Kinburn
Chai Sponsor
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Silverstein!
Thank you for your 42 years
as a visionary leader at CAI.
Judy and Adam Schlesinger
Chai Sponsor
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Alan and Rita Silverstein!
From the Synagogue staff:
Plus the ECC Faculty and Religious School Faculty Mitzvah Sponsor
As you begin the next part of your journey, we wish you and your family much joy and happiness. Carol and Marc Berman and Family
Mazel Tov Rabbi! Thank you for transforming not only CAI, but our entire family as well! Much love and best wishes, Howard, Anne, Matt, Alli & Jillian Burg Mitzvah Sponsor
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein! Thank you for your 42 years as a visionary leader at CAI. Judy Gould & Michael Cavalier Thank you, Rabbi Silverstein, for welcoming us 30 years ago when we arrived from Texas! CAI quickly became our home! Wishing you and Rita a wonderful future! Babette, Jeff, Jared, Joel, Madison and Mira Davis Mitzvah Sponsor
Rabbi, Thank you for your inspiration and your vision in initiating our Jewish film adventure. We are grateful for your leadership and friendship. Mazel Tov Barbara and Michael Erlichman
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein! Thank you for your 42 years as a visionary leader at CAI. Steven and Joyce Fichtenbaum
Mitzvah Sponsor
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein! Your inspiring leadership, warmth and humor have been a cornerstone of our unique and wonderful CAI community. Thank you. Linda, Neil, Jason, Natasha and Jeremy Freeman Thank you Rabbi for being our friend, Our family and our spiritual leader. Helaine & Richard French Lauren, Jeffrey, Dylan & Brett Kohlberg Abby & Rob Ramirez Mitzvah Sponsor
THANK YOU Rabbi Silverstein. Your classes were illuminating and enjoyable. You were always approachable and helpful. BEST WISHES, Susan & Richard Kogan Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein!! Our family salutes you for your vision, leadership, and compassion these past years as the Rabbi of CAÍ!! Alvin and Ronnie Konner & Family Mitzvah Sponsor
Rabbi, a chance meeting with you at the JEA led Barry and I to move to the Caldwells ... Thank you & Rita for all you have done to make CAI our spiritual home! Marjorie Rappaport Rozman Rabbi Silverstein - You have taught by word, deed & example. More than Torah, you have taught us what it means to be a mensch. To thousands of CAI members, you have been a friend in good & bad times. You have been the steady guide on whom we can always rely. You see the best in each of us & you bring out the best in each of us. It has been our זכוּת that you have been our רב and חבר. With love from Rebecca Glass & Derek Fields Mitzvah Sponsor
Rabbi Silverstein, With much appreciation, we honor your great achievements in building a vibrant community of "Living Judaism" in Caldwell which serves the entire MetroWest community AND in vitalizing & connecting Jewish communities & Jews of all ages in Europe, North & South America, Israel, & throughout the world. You are truly a gifted leader & teacher & an inspiration to us all! Wishing you & Rita a healthy, enjoyable, & meaningful retirement - and hoping that you will continue to be a part of our lives. With Highest Regards, Diane and David Reidenberg Mazel Tov Rabbi on your extraordinary work for CAI and worldwide Jewry. You educated and warmly supported our family through life cycle events. Best wishes. Jeanne and Joe Samet Mitzvah Sponsor
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein! Thank you for your 42 years as a visionary leader at CAI. Sue & Seth Udasin We are grateful for your spiritual guidance & friendship for almost 40 years. We wish you & Rita good health & happiness. Mazel Tov! Judy & Harvey Zeller Tradition Sponsor
Rabbi Alan Silverstein has meant a great deal to the Adelberg family. He helped us make the connection between Torah & our lives & he did so with understanding of both. He knows every member of the congregation & cares about each & every one of us. Naomi Adelberg We found a home in this wonderful Kehillah. Thank you for your vision, leadership, and friendship. Jean and Ben Alter Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein! Thank you for your 42 years as a visionary leader at CAI. Hope, Paul, Toren, Ella, Sion and Nadav Aronoff
Mazel Tov! With Love, From the Longest Continuous Chavurah: The Bedells, Cytrons, Elmowitzes, Munds, Pajonks, Reisers, Shufros, Vichnesses, J. Fabricant & Rabbi Saltzman Tradition Sponsor
Alan, Thank you for your friendship, partnership & mentorship to our family and to AIPAC. See you in Israel Nora and Richard Berger Dear Rabbi and Rita, Thank you for building a community for all of us. Fond Memories! Irma, Peter, Jana & Irina Berman There are no words to describe our thanks for 42 years of inspiring, caring, & mostly friendship. We love you! The Fertel Family: Bonnie & Richard, Pamela, Marc & Janie, and Jill & Anton Mazel Tov Rabbi Silverstein! Thank you for 42 years of leadership, scholarship and inspiration. Fran & Jeff Chase Tradition Sponsor
Mazel Tov and Thank You to our Rabbi Silverstein for your leadership. Wishing you and Rita every happiness! Joan Bronspiegel and Stuart Dickman Thank you for your leadership and spiritual guidance. Many blessings ahead as you move forward on your journey. David and Lois Dranikoff Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein! Thank you for your 42 years as a visionary leader at CAI. Diane Edelson Mazel Tov on 42 years of raising the standard for rabbinic leadership! The Shandler Family Tradition Sponsor
With gratitude to Rabbi Alan & Rita Silverstein for building this warm & embracing community. Fondly, The Finkels Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein!! Thank you for all that you have done for CAI and the community! Jodi Friend It's been a privilege to know you, work with you and study with you for 42 years. Mazel Tov. Lee & Joyce Gladstein The Hammerman Family celebrates Rabbi Silverstein's CAI, Conservative/Masorti Movement leadership & his encouragement. Rabbi Richard and Sharon Hammerman & Family Tradition Sponsor
Mazel Tov Alan! From your friends from the Overbrook "shtetl" and the Lamberton "Yard"! Best wishes! Evie and Gary Kabler
Mazel Tov on your long-awaited retirement. Thank you for being part of our family's Jewish history for 3 decades. Therese Lowenthal Thank you for persistent yet soft approach and for being a visionary dedicated to Klal Yisroel. Marc Goldmann & The Saw You at Sinai Team Mazel Tov and thanks for your dedicated, inspiring service at CAI and for the many family mitzvah services. Helaine and Michael Mund & Family
Tradition Sponsor
Dear Rabbi and Rita, Thank you for creating such a wonderful community! Love, Art and Felice Nichols & Family Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein! Thank you for your 42 years as a visionary leader at CAI. Marji Nydick
Rabbi Silverstein - With gratitude for your tremendous partnership with our school! GOA Administration & Board Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein! Thank you for your 42 years as a visionary leader at CAI. Nogah & Bruce Revesz Tradition Sponsor
Thank you for helping to start our careers of Jewish service. Mazal tov on your retirement after 42 amazing years. Sharon and Rabbi Michael Safra Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein! Thank you for your 42 years as a visionary leader at CAI. Ronna, Rob, Rachel & Adam Scheckman
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein! Thank you for your 42 years as a visionary leader at CAI. Robert and Nanci Schwartz
Rabbi Silverstein - Thank You for being so important to our family for last 25 years. Love, The Soudry Family Tradition Sponsor
Rabbi Silverstein & Rita, Thank you for 42 yrs of compassion and service to our CAI Community. Arnold & Nina Wasserman
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Silverstein! Thank you for your 42 years as a visionary leader at CAI. Terry Weinshank
Mazel Tov Rabbi Silverstein. Thank you for your 42 years leading CAI and for the classes both of us enjoyed so much. Maxine and Herb Wolf Mazel Tov Sponsor
Phyllis and Barry Bochner and Family
Joanne and Elliot Bramnick
Caplan Kids & Families: Ilan, Anna, Norah, Arden, Simona, Abbaleh, Tal, Yosef & Tamar
Steve and Susan Eisen
Family of Beth and Robert Daniel
Karen and David Frank
Donald and Sally Garson
Mazel Tov Sponsor
Sharon and Aaron Glauberg
Robin and Mark Goldman
Susan and Steven Greenbaum & Family
Cooki and Stan Gulkin
Marcia and David Gurian
Maddy and Hank Heller
Susan and Matthew Horn
Mazel Tov Sponsor
Dara Horn and Brendan Schulman
Reina and Myron Jacobowitz
Abby and Randy Kanter & Family
Madeleine and David Koenig
Seth and Ann Leeb
Janet and Bob Markman
Dahlia and Irving Peyser
Mazel Tov Sponsor
Adina and Dan Podell & Family
Maida and David Richlin
Marian Rothenberg
Jill & Stewart Schneck
Gail and Bruce Shapiro & Family
Richard, Margaret, Marc, Jonathan and Robert Tancer
The Raymond Family
Mazel Tov Sponsor
Sue and Donald Weinberger
Community Sponsor
Alan & Diane Gerberg and Family
Edna and Steve Alberts
Jessica and Omer Amir
Helene, David, Ariel, Shira and Yoni Arzt
Dana, Paulie, Perry, Mike & Gadi Ben-Avi
Arlene & Mel Berkowitz
Aaron Bernstein and Family
Community Sponsor
Debbie & Michael Berwald
Gail and David Black & Family
Ira and Rosanne Bornstein
Selma Brookman
Carrie & Carlos Castro-Halper
Mindy and David Clements
Edith Davidson
Community Sponsor
Rabbi Paula and Jonathan Drill
Esta Edelman
Nina and Alan Egger
Roz Ehrlich
Marvin & Anne Elmowitz
Dooskin Family
Filosa Family
Community Sponsor
The Rubenstein Family
Wertheim Family
Family of Rhoda and Stanley Kagan z
Arnie and Arlene Feinberg
Allan and Deanna Gitlow
Amy and Alex Glickman & Family
Jeff, Christine and Josh Goldberg
Community Sponsor
David Grayson and Arlene Swern
Sue Grossbard
Pia Gutierrez
Harvey & Jeanette Hershkowitz
Jerusalem Restaurant
Rabbi David Saltzman & Judi Fabricant
Julia & Norman Ripps, z'l; Linda, Amy, Vanessa & Danny
Community Sponsor
Leah & Rich Kabrt
Andrea, Steve, Cara and Leia Kessler
Helane Kipnees
Susan LaPoff
Stephan, Myra, Brittany, Samantha and Lawrence Lerman
Daniel & Ariel Levenson
Susan, Ed, Andrew and Marissa Levey
Community Sponsor
Katya, Daniel, Maya and Teddy Levine
Amy and Scott Lewin
Benjamin & Cory Lewis
Stephanie, Michael, Aaron & Rachel Liebowitz
Lisa Pachtman Schlesinger & Mark Lipsy & Family
Lisa, Rachel and Ilana Lissak
Elaine & Arnold Litt
Community Sponsor
Lee, Leslie, Talia & Soren Lloyd
Linda and Israel Majzner
Lisa, Jason, Benji & AJ Marx
Barbara Mayer
Lori, Adam & Lee Meyers
Michelle Zeman, Howard Feiwus, Jessica, Marissa & Ross
Rabbi Clifford and Debby Miller
Community Sponsor
Andrea Ribakove and Mooney General Paper Co.
Randi, Gregg and Ian Moore
Norm and Roberta Mulkowsky
Jessica and Randy Nathan
Sheila Nathanson & Family
Joel & Harriet Notkin
Reiner Group Inc
Community Sponsor
Carol, Rachel, Abby, & Adam Richmond
Marilyn Rose & Family
Ed and Davey Rosenbaum
Jack and Susan Rosenkranz
Loren & Mark Roth
Nancy and Marvin Ruderman
June, Len, Ariel and Philip Rudin
Community Sponsor
Glenn and Laura Sacks & Family
Judith Salomon
Geri Schaeffer
Richard, Harriet, Rob, Jenny, Andrea, Geoff Schenk & Kornberg
Debbie Schwenk
Barbara K Sebiri and Family
Brad, Michele, Daniel and Joshua Shiffman
Community Sponsor
Neil and Stephen Shulman
Rebecca and Arlo Siegal, Rabbi David, Lisa, Noa, Ezra, Ellie and Michal Silverstein
The Grossman, Mangino and Salter Families
The Rettig Family
The Rothman Family
The Vinick Family
Abby and Harry Vine & Family
Community Sponsor
Susan Wallach
Sandy Weintraub
Melissa, David, Hannah and Rachael Weisman
Rabbi Steven & Jody Wernick and Family
Lea Whitney
Lea Whitney and Josh Citrin
Rabbi Marge Wise
Community Sponsor
Judy and Allen Zaks
Lisa and Michael Zeltser