Mazel Tov!
With Love,
Naomi Altschul
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
The Altschul Family
Tenafly, New Jersey
The Petkun Family
Maple Glen, Pennsylvania
Aunt Naomi,
We love you and
are so proud of
all you have accomplished.
Keep those birthday cards coming!
The Cohen Family
David, Peter, Jonathan
Ivy, Sherwin, Dara
Jacob, Eli, James, Leo & Lana
Wishing Mazel Tov, Gratitude and Good Health To
Cheryl Haiken
Melville Jewish Center
Woman of Achievement Honoree
And all of the 2024 Strong and Courageous Honorees.
Such well deserving women!  We would not be the
successful organization we are without each of you!
Jani Majewski & Family
Nuha Jewelers
Congratulates the 2024
Women of Achievement
L'Dor V'Dor Honorees
Incoming and Outgoing BQLI Board of Directors
Jewelry for everyday and every occasion
339 S. Oyster Bay Road, Plainview, NY  11803
Mazal Tov to the 2024 BQLI
Women of Achievement
L'Dor V'Dor Honorees
Incoming/Outgoing Board of Directors
Total Wines & More
1230 Old Country Road, Westbury, NY 11590
Yasher Koach To
Naomi C. Altschul
Woman of Achievement
Congregation L'dor V'Dor
We are proud of you.  We are proud of your accomplishments and your continued commitment to Kol Yisrael.
All our love,
Stan, Pam & Robb, Debbie & Dave,
Gabby, Cameron, Max & Ruijing 
To Judy Beizer
Mazal Tov 
For everything you do
for the Jewish Community,
as a nationally renowned pharmacist
and for our family
We love you!
Husband Matt; Kids Dina, Moshe, David and Cara; Grandchildren Jonah and Charlie
East Meadow Beth-El Jewish Center
Proudly honors
Francine Berman, our Woman of Achievement
Sofie Glassman, our L'Dor V'Dor Honoree
Congratulations to
    Laurie Diamond                            Gayle Uffer
  VP Sisterhood Support                    Financial Secretary
  Susan Bernstein                         Ronnie Glicklin
 Sisterhood Support Director             Honorary Board Member
On their installation to the BQLI Region Board of Directors
Mazel Tov to All of the Honorees

Our Special Appreciation to

Mary Greenfield   Susan Blumberg   
Martha Kovel

Love and Admiration for Our
Extraordinary Role Model of Love, MARY
Yasher Koach for All You Do! Much Love,

Steve, Tamara & Sara Greenfield
Mazel Tov to Heidi Kreit
Our Woman of Achievement

Leaders lead by example.  Through your dedication as a volunteer,
at HERJC & in the community, you are an inspiration to us all! 

Yasher Koach to our HERJC Women serving on the BQLI Board!
Barbara Kaplan - Outgoing BQLI President, Incoming VP Torah Fund
Lisa Cohen - Outgoing BQLI Literary Arts Co-Chair
Roberta Sugarman - Incoming BQLI Literary Arts Co-Chair
Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centre Sisterhood
Generation to Generation
Our granddaughter Hannah Rivner
is an active participant in most programs and activities at Midway Jewish Center and a regular at Shabbat services. Our family goes back 5 generations in America and Israel and Hannah is among the next generation to stand up for Jewish values and the Jewish people. We love you and have the
greatest pride in the young woman you have become.
Love always and forever.
Ma and Pop and the entire family.
Am Yisrael Chai
Mazel Tov
Cheryl Haiken
Your stellar accomplishments
continue to raise us to new heights!
Enjoy the moment.
Melville Jewish Center
 "Give her honor for her work;
her life proclaims her praise"
A Woman of Valor, Proverbs 31
Midway Jewish Center's
2024 Woman of Achievement
Sophia Fishlow
L'Dor V'Dor Award Recipient
Hannah Rivner
With our admiration, respect and love
 on these much-deserved honors.
Mazel Tov on receiving this well-deserved honor.
We are very proud of you!
Love from your siblings,  
Marcia, Mark, and Ellen

Mazal Tov to the 2024 BQLI
Women of Achievement and L'Dor V'Dor Honorees
Incoming and Outgoing Board of Directors
Ben's Kosher Delis
Bayside, Boca Raton, Carle Place, Greenvale, Woodbury
Mazel Tov on this wonderful & well deserved honor.
We love you.
Love, Sharon, Lloyd, Daniel, Benjamin, Rebecca, Brett,
Dayna, Davina, Barbara & Allan

Mazel Tov to
Jill Kaplan
Our Woman of Achievement 2024
Your expertise and kindness speak for your generous spirit!
Sisterhood of Congregation B'nai Sholom-Beth David
Mazel Tov!
Thank you for your kindness, generous spirit &
commitment to our community.
Congregation Beth Tikvah Board of Trustees

Sherry Cohen
Thank you for all you do for CBT!
Honi Paul, Anna Cohen, Estelle Friedman, Linda Katz,
Lucille Wechsler, Sandy Shuchman, Mary Cohen, Selma Stern
The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Tikvah
Congratulates Our 2024 Woman of Achievement
Sherry Cohen
"May You Go from Strength to Strength"
Thank you for all your hard work!

Mazal Tov to Sherry Cohen
Congregation Beth Tikvah's 2024 Woman of Achievement

Cookie Cohen, Carole Friedman, Carole Goldberg,  Elaine Hearns, Doris Joltin, Nell Landman,  Freya Novack, Phyllis Reich, Karen Seltzer, Linda Shumsey,  Suzanne Susswein, Rose Treshan, Susan Wald  
Mazal Tov to the
2024 Women of  Achievement & L'Dor  Honorees
Incoming & Outgoing BQLI Board of Directors
Crest Cleaners 1059 Willis Ave. Albertson, NY  11507

Mazel Tov Sophia
Mom and Grandma
We love you so much!
Jamie, Jeremy, Rachel, Zachary, Jess,
Kendall, Sydney, Ryan and Koda
Hewlett East Rockaway Jewish Centre
Wishes a Mazal Tov to Heidi Kreit
Our 2024 Woman of Achievement
HERJC is lucky to have you! This honor could
not be more well deserved! Thank you for all you do!

Congratulations to Tyna Strenger
HJC's Woman of Achievement for your many
contributions over the years. You are our sunshine!
Huntington Jewish Center
Mazal Tov to
Tyna Strenger
HJC Sisterhood Woman of Achievement
"May you go from strength to splendor"
The Sisterhood of the Huntington Jewish Center

Judy Beizer
You personify an "eishet chayil" and are a wonderful role model for Jewish women. Yasher koach and mazel tov. 
Candace and Carl Koerner
We are proud and honored to celebrate
Heidi Kreit, 2024 Woman of Achievement
You continue to be an inspiration to all. 
Mazel Tov! 
Mom & Dad, Robin & Eileen & their families

Marsha Shlefstein
You are a gracious and exemplary
volunteer, leader, and role model.
Mazal Tov!
Vivian Leber
Congratulations to all the Honorees and
Incoming BQLI Board of Directors
Long Island Music & Entertainment Hall of Fame
97 Main Street, Stony Brook, NY  11790

Mazel Tov to MJC's Honorees
Sophia Fishlow & Hannah Rivner &
Teri Fields, Incoming BQLI Region President
Yasher Koach for all you do
Midway Jewish Center Executive Committee
Yasher Koach
Incoming BQLI Region President Teri Fields
Woman of Achievement Sophia Fishlow
 L'Dor V'Dor Award Recipient Hannah Rivner 
Men's Club of Midway Jewish Center 

North Shore Jewish Center wishes our honorees Mazel Tov!
Anita Sobol - Woman of Achievement
Amelia Neber - L'Dor V'Dor Award Recipient
Rabbi Aaron Benson * Cantor Daniel Kramer * Marcie Platkin Executive Director * Brian Mankuta, President  * Board of Trustees 
Anita Sobol - Woman of Achievement
Amelia Neber - L'Dor V'Dor Award Recipient

Mazel Tov! Thank you for your dedication and
commitment to our synagogue and community. 
North Shore Jewish Center Men's Club

Judy Beizer
Y'shir koakh for all that you do!
There are not enough words to express my gratitude
for your generosity and friendship!
With love, Roz
Plainview Jewish Sisterhood Congratulates
Mara Bader
Our Woman of Achievement Award Recipient
You are a shining example of dedication to our
Sisterhood, Congregation & Conservative Judaism

Yasher Koach, Judy
You are most definitely a Woman of Achievement.
Enjoy this most well-deserved honor.
Fondly, Gail
Mazal Tov to our dear friend  
Judy Beizer
On this most deserved honor! We thank you, for
Everything you do & for your friendship.
Love - Pauline & Mark Raphael

Sisterhood of Temple Gates of Prayer
Wishes Mazel Tov On Your Installation!
Bonnie Panzok - Vice President
Ellen Wasserman - Treasurer
Robin Belfer - Torah Fund
Heidi Kreit
Mazal Tov on being honored as a
BQLI Woman of Achievement!
Best wishes on this well deserved honor.
Nora and Jack Skiba

Mazel Tov to Tyna Strenger
Huntington Jewish Center Woman of Achievement
It is not possible to begin to list all the things you do for us.
You are our best volunteer. A most deserving choice.
Ellen and Jay Steinberg
Mazal Tov to our Woman of Achievement
Naomi Altschul
A faithful friend is like finding a treasure.
Naomi is a faithful friend and true leader.
Love, Janet and Irwin Tobin

Sisterhood of Whitestone Hebrew Center
Congratulates all the 2024
Woman of  Achievement Honorees
L'Dor V'Dor Honorees
Naomi Altschul
Yasher Koach on this very well deserved honor of
Congregation L'Dor V'Dor's Woman of Achievement!
It is an honor to be your friends.
Rabbi Gordon and Carrie Yaffe

Mazel Tov to Sherri Warshavsky on this well-deserved honor!
Thank you for all that you do for TBS! Rebecca Altman

Mazel Tov to our dear friend Judy Karlin
Katy and Alan Aronoff

Judy: Mazel tov and thank you for all you do
for the community. Bonnie and Keith Chernin

Mazel Tov to MJC'S Teri Fields, Sophia Fishlow, Hannah Rivner. So very proud of you, Ellen Dubinsky
Judy Beizer: Your special talents continue to enrich our
FHJC Sisterhood. Kol Hakavod! Rebekah & Norman Fassler

 Sophia - Your kindness, amazing assistance & terrific work ethic make our Sisterhood shine at Midway. Teri Fields

Hannah - You are our future. Your amazing ideas shine as does your dedication to our faith and Midway JC! Teri Fields

Barbara - Thank you for your guidance, patience, proofreading, friendship, and all you did for our Region. Teri
With thanks and gratitude to Robin, Shirley, Donna, Lauren and Seema for all they did for Torah Fund and me! Teri

MJC Sisterhood Board - An amazing team of creative, supportive, hard-working, intelligent women. Thanks, Teri

Naomi Altschul:  Mazel Tov!
A most deserving honor. Don Forman

Martha Kovel: Mazel Tov on your well-deserved
honor. Thank you for always being there for me. Judy Goldscheider
Yasher Koach Naomi for your dedication to Congregation L'Dor V'Dor!  You're a wonderful person & asset to our Synagogue. Marjorie Goldstein

Mazel Tov Heidi on this wonderful honor.
Lisa & Michael Greenberg

Judy Beizer - Woman of Achievement. A well deserved honor. Mazal Tov. Carol and Norman Guttman

 Kol Hakavod, Dina, for your tireless dedication, authentic leadership, and generous spirit in every endeavor. J.Harmon 
Mazal tov to my dear friend Naomi on this special honor.
Love, Ruby

Mazal tov to Irma Goldman, our 2024 Woman of Achievement honoree. Israel Center of Conservative Judaism Sisterhood

Mazal tov, Faye Rutcofsky, our 2024 Woman of Achievement honoree. Israel Center of Conservative Judaism Sisterhood

Mazal Tov to the BQLI Region Board of Directors
for an inspiring year!  Helene & Howard Jacob
Jericho Jewish Center Sisterhood is proud to be honoring Cathy Baumgarten as our Woman of Achievement 2024.

Mazal tov to the 2024 Honorees! You are dedicated volunteers and make us proud as members of BQLI. Barbara Kaplan

Mazal tov to Teri and all the members of the 2024-2026 BQLI Region Board of Directors - Barbara Kaplan

Todah rabah to the Board of Directors. It has been a honor to serve as Region President 2021-2024. Barbara Kaplan
Our dear friend Judy - A Woman of Achievement
in all she does! Mazal tov and love, Barbara and Jerry

Judy - Congratulations for all you do for your family, profession & our synagogue.   Monica & Ezra Lagnado

Yasher koach, Naomi, on your well-deserved honor! Mazel tov for being a Woman of Achievement! xoxo Marcia & Bruce

Mazal Tov Judy on this well-deserved honor for all
your hard work at Temple Gates of Prayer. Love, Joanne
Mazel Tov to our honoree Martha Kovel for her hard work and dedication! Manetto Hill Jewish Center Sisterhood

Mazel tov Woman of Achievement Marsha. Thank you for all you do for the SRJC Sisterhood & synagogue. Love, Nancy & Ruth

Irma - Mazal tov on this well-deserved honor.
Thank you for all that you do for Sisterhood! Anise

Faye - Mazal tov on this well deserved honor.
Thank you for all that you do for Sisterhood! Anise
Todah rabah, Barbara. May you go from strength to
strength as your Women's League journey continues! Anise

Mazal tov, Teri, on becoming BQLI Region President.
Wishing you a meaningful journey! Anise

Yasher Koach Marsha! You are a woman of words
and deeds. Just what we need! Susan Pavane

Marsha: To a true Woman of Achievement in thought
and action. MAZEL TOV! Susan Pavane
Mazel Tov, Naomi Altschul, on your well deserved honor! Thank you for all that you do! Love, Lisa Pollack

Mazel tov Hannah! We are so proud of all your accomplishments. With love from Atlanta Peter, Missy, George, Dov & Shmuel

Naomi - Congratulations on this well-deserved honor!
Mindy and Rich Rosenfeld

Marsha Shlefstein: Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.
It's a pleasure knowing you!  Barbara Samuels
Thank you, Marsha, for your friendship and your guidance. This is a most deserved award. Sandra & Richard Cohen

So proud of you! Love Mom

Marsha: Thank you for all you do for Sisterhood and
Shelter Rock Jewish Center. Rina

Mazel Tov to Sherri Warshavsky for leading Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood for 4 amazing years! Miriam Silverman
Mazal Tov to Judy Karlin. Thanks for all you do for
Temple Gates of Prayer. Susan Smith

Sherry Cohen: Mazel Tov! Yasher Koach on this well-deserved honor.  Beth, Harold and Jonathon Stern 

Congratulations to the BQLI 2024 Honorees & Board
Stew Leonard's

Congratulations Naomi Altschul
So proud of you, my friend! Sandy Wald
Dear Judy: Y'shar Koach to an amazing role model and "Woman of Achievement!" Namaste! L & W

Mazel tov to my dear friend Judy Karlin
on this well-deserved honor! Love, Ellen Wasserman

Yashar Ko'ach Barbara Kaplan & the 21-24 Exec Board. It was a pleasure working with you all! Love, Ellen Wasserman

Best of luck Teri Fields & the 24-26 Exec Board. I look forward to working with all of you. Love, Ellen Wasserman
Mazel Tov to Judy Beizer - A True Woman of Many Achievements! You are a great friend & role model Debra & Gary

To my fellow Gala Committee Ladies, Thank you for all your hard work & for letting me join the team! Dina

Teri & the Incoming Board
I'm looking forward to working with you! Dina Yakar

Mazal Tov to JUDY KARLIN and all the honorees!
Helene and Norman Zipkin
Judy Beizer  Mazel Tov on this achievement - well deserved.
Judy and David Zipkowitz