Buffet Dinner
Mistress of Ceremonies
Bonnie Panzok, BQLI Region Ways & Means Vice President
Processional of Honorees
Musical Accompaniment
Cantor Ofer Barnoy, Temple Beth Sholom
Ghazal Mizrahi, Temple Beth Sholom
Rabbi Cara Weinstein Rosenthal, Temple Beth Sholom
Opening Remarks
Bonnie Panzok, BQLI Region Ways & Means Vice President
Jani Majewski, Woman of Achievement Gala Chair
Message from Women’s League
Julia Loeb, International President
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism
Installation of BQLI Region Board of Directors
Margie Miller, WLCJ Past International President
Barbara Kaplan, BQLI Region President 2021-2024
Installation of BQLI Region President
Grace Schessler, BQLI Region Past President
Teri Fields, BQLI Region President 2024-2026
Woman of Achievement Awards Ceremony
Jani Majewski, Woman of Achievement Gala Chair
Award Presenters
Vivian Leber, BQLI Region Past President
Anise Parnes, BQLI Region Past President
Closing Remarks
Bonnie Panzok, BQLI Region Ways & Means Vice President
Recessional of Honorees
Dessert Buffet
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