Amelia Neber
L'Dor V'Dor AwardNorth Shore Jewish Center
Amelia is a senior at Newfield High School. She will be moving onto a SUNY school to get her college degree (but is not sure which one yet) after graduation. She has been active in Youth Group since she was in fourth grade and has attended chapter, regional, and national events since sixth grade.
Amelia went on USY’s Israel pilgrimage last summer and had a wonderful experience. Not only did she connect to our homeland but to other Jewish teens from near and far that have already become lifelong friends. Amelia is a kind, nurturing, and a caring person to anyone she meets. She is the youngest of three children with an older brother and an older sister. She is very close to family and attends the same shul that her mother was raised in which makes her a third-generation congregant at the North Shore Jewish Center. She attends shul functions with the community including helping with Purim carnivals, baking with Sisterhood, and helping with the younger youth groups when needed.
Amelia thanks Sisterhood for choosing her to receive the L’Dor V’Dor Award and wishes a mazal tov to all the honorees.
Amelia went on USY’s Israel pilgrimage last summer and had a wonderful experience. Not only did she connect to our homeland but to other Jewish teens from near and far that have already become lifelong friends. Amelia is a kind, nurturing, and a caring person to anyone she meets. She is the youngest of three children with an older brother and an older sister. She is very close to family and attends the same shul that her mother was raised in which makes her a third-generation congregant at the North Shore Jewish Center. She attends shul functions with the community including helping with Purim carnivals, baking with Sisterhood, and helping with the younger youth groups when needed.
Amelia thanks Sisterhood for choosing her to receive the L’Dor V’Dor Award and wishes a mazal tov to all the honorees.
North Shore Jewish Center
North Shore Jewish Center Men\'s Club
North Shore Jewish Center Sisterhood