Hannah Rivner
L'Dor V'Dor Award
Midway Jewish Center
Hannah Rivner is a sophomore honor roll student at Syosset High School. She is a varsity student athlete and the youngest member of the New York United Synagogue Youth (USY) Regional Executive Board. She is extremely passionate about USY and currently holds the position of Membership and Programming Vice President. In this role, Hannah has almost doubled the USY membership throughout New York and has worked to expand and rebuild USY across Long Island. Hannah is compassionate, driven, and creative. She is always willing to lend a helping hand when needed.
Hannah loves to travel. She has visited more than 30 of America’s states and is looking forward to going back to Israel this summer. Hannah has always played an active role in her Jewish community. She attends weekly Saturday morning Shabbat services with her family, is vocal in speaking up for Israel in her community and leads youth engagement initiatives across New York and New Jersey. 
Hannah is a member of the Syosset High School Varsity Track and Field Team where she is a sprinter and pole vaulter. She recently reached a personal record by clearing a 6’ 6” on pole vault. Hannah also likes to make jewelry and bake and wants a career as an orthodontist. She looks forward to remaining engaged with her Jewish identity and community.
Midway Jewish Center Sisterhood
Peter, Missy, George, Dov, and Shmuel Rivner
Mazel tov Hannah! We are so proud of all your accomplishments. With love from Atlanta
Ma and Pop - Rachel - Jen - Michael - Harrison - Charlie Marks Family
Generation to Generation. Our granddaughter Hannah has been a sense of pride to her friends and family throughout her entire life. She is loving, considerate, kind and helpful regarding most things. Growing up Hannah has become involved in sports at school, become a highly active participant in most programs and activities at Midway Jewish Center and a regular at Shabbat services. The young woman she has become has taken on a significant commitment to a broader Jewish life both here in America and Israel.
Our family goes back here in America 5 generations never losing our faith, connection to our synagogues and involvement in our Jewish world. To see Hannah carry forward this commitment has brought our 5th generation into keeping our family steadfast in standing for Hashem, synagogue involvement and supporting the People Israel.
Throughout time The Jewish people have always faced adversity, antisemitism, conflict, and evil foes. Today sadly is no different, but today they are here in America. Our Hannah is among the next generation to stand up for Jewish values and the Jewish people.
We love you and have the greatest pride in the young woman you have become.
Love always and forever.
Ma And Pop and the entire family.
Am Yisrael Chai
Mjc Executive Committee
Mazel Tov to MJC’s Honorees Sophia Fishlow & Hannah Rivner & Teri Fields Incoming BQLI Region President Yasher Koach for all you do MJC Executive Committee
Midway Jewish Center Men's Club
Teri Fields
Hannah You are our future. Your amazing ideas shine as does your dedication to our faith and Midway JC! Teri Fields
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