Marsha Shlefstein
Woman of Achievement
Shelter Rock Jewish Center
Marsha Shlefstein was born and raised in Brooklyn. Marsha graduated from Brooklyn College where she majored in Psychology. She received her Masters Degree in Mathematics and another Masters in Guidance from Long Island University. Her career in a high school dropout program lasted 31 years, culminating in the position of Assistant Principal.
Marsha started her Jewish Journey at East Midwood Jewish Center (EMJC). The family soon became regular shul goers. Marsha was then asked to be Sisterhood president. She served for two years, at the same time being a trustee on the Synagogue Board of Directors. In 2000, after becoming the first woman president of EMJC, Marsha became the first woman as president of the Metropolitan Region of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. After the death of her husband, she moved to Great Neck, and joined the Shelter Rock Jewish Center, where she shared the Sisterhood presidency in 2014. She is still an integral member of Sisterhood, and has, in conjunction with the Sid Jacobson JCC, introduced Knitzvah to their regular programming. She is the proud mother of Steven and Andrea, Debbie and Steven, and Jeffrey and Julie, and the proud grandparent of Erika, Jakob, Joshua, Rachel, and Sarah. She would like to thank Shelter Rock Jewish Center Sisterhood for choosing her for this honor.
Rina Shamoun
Marsha thank you for all you do for Sisterhood and SRJC. Rina
Susan Pavane
To a true Woman of Achievement in thought and action MAZEL TOV! Susan Pavane
Nancy and Ruth Nancy and Zelman
Barbars Samuels
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. It’s a pleasure knowing you!
Sandra and Richard Cohen and Family
Vivian Leber
Marsha Shlefstein You are a gracious and exemplary volunteer, leader, and role model. Mazal Tov! Vivian Leber
Susan I Think I Belong To the Ny Chapter
Yasher Koach Marsha! You are a woman of words and deeds Just what we need! Susan Pavane
Shelter Rock Jewish Center
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