Mara Bader
Woman of Achievement
Plainview Jewish Center
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Mara Bader has been a member of Sisterhood Plainview Jewish Center for almost 20 years. She currently serves as Vice President of Membership on the Sisterhood Board, a position she has held for the past seven years. 
Mara is an active member at Plainview Jewish Center. She has helped at synagogue bazaars, selling Judaica at Sisterhood events, selling refreshments at synagogue shows and preparing Shalach Manot baskets for Purim. 
Mara grew up in Whitestone. Her father was born into an observant Sephardic family. His parents and grandparents were the founders of the Kastorialis Sephardic Synagogue on Malta Street in Brooklyn. Her mother was from an Ashkenazi family from Brooklyn. Growing up, Mara experienced the best of both traditions. 
Mara is a retired New York City school teacher of 27 years. When not volunteering at Plainview Jewish Center, she loves spending time with her four beautiful (…soon to be five!) grandchildren.
Plainview Jewish Center Sisterhood
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