Susan Blumberg
Woman of Achievement
Merrick Jewish Centre
Susan, by nature, is a very giving and nurturing individual who is always looking to be helpful. When she joined the Merrick Jewish Centre, she wanted to do something that would be beneficial to the synagogue and would serve to bring people together in a positive way. That led her to create Bubby’s Bakers. The women who participate are given the opportunity to bake delicious goodies for each Shabbat Kiddush, as well as hamentashen for Purim. The hamentashen are used in the Sisterhood Shalach Manot baskets which serve as a fundraiser that enables Sisterhood to support the efforts of the Merrick Jewish Centre in different ways.

In addition, Susan also uses her baking skills to work with the children of the Hebrew School. This includes baking festive cookies for Hanukkah and hamantaschen for Purim. Susan is always ready to lend a hand and she does so readily while serving on the synagogue’s Chesed committee. She can also often be found in the synagogue kitchen helping to keep it organized so that scheduled events can run smoothly.

Susan is the proud mother of three adult children as well as the bubbe of four grandchildren. Besides spending time with family and friends and taking walks, she enjoys playing pickleball, canasta and bridge, which she actually learned from fellow synagogue members at a weekly game day.

Susan’s participation in Sisterhood has afforded her the opportunity to make intergenerational connections with people at the Merrick Jewish Centre. She has been able to bring the joy of Shabbat and the chaggim to children through her love of cooking and baking and this brings her closer to the synagogue and gives her much satisfaction. She hopes that her continued efforts will serve to bring joy and a sense of accomplishment to the future students in our Hebrew School as well as her fellow Sisterhood members and the Merrick Jewish Centre.
Susan Blumberg. Mary Greenfield Merrickjewish Centre
Family of Susan Blumberg
Susan, Mazel Tov on this wonderful & well deserved honor. We love you. Love, Sharon, Lloyd, Daniel, Benjamin, Rebecca, Brett, Dayna, Davina, Barbara & Allan
Steven, Tamara and Sara Greenfield
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