Congratulations to all of the nominees 
Especially our mom, grandmother and great-grandmother
Isabel Albom 
Your example of leadership, learning and tzedakah
is an inspiration to all of us.  
All our love, The Albom Family
Nobody is more deserving of this honor than you.
Your hard work and devotion are extraordinary.
We are so proud of you.
With love,
The Himmel Family
"How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single moment
before starting to improve the world." Anne Frank
I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of the
honorees  and to give a special shout-out to
Linda Weiss
 who not only happens to be my wife, but also an amazing mother and grandmother. your unwavering love and care for others shines through
in everything you do, and your tireless commitment to making the
world a better place is nothing short of awe-inspiring. 
With all of our love, Alex Weiss //Alexandra and
David Lundy-Weiss// Rachel, David and Joey van Deuren
Mazal Tov to my loving wife

Barbara Ehrenpreis
On being honored by the Jericho Jewish Center
Sisterhood as a Woman of Achievement. 
You are a true inspiration to our
children and grandchildren.
May they also continue to follow in the Jewish path.
With much love, 
Your loving husband
Barbara Ehrenpreis
Mazel Tov on receiving well-deserved recognition from your community, celebrating all that we already cherish and admire about you. Your exceptional strength, compassion and dedication to those you hold dear are truly remarkable. Through unwavering love, boundless wisdom, and a commitment  to preserving our traditions and values, you embody the essence
of a loving wife, mother, nana, and friend to all.
We are filled with love and gratitude for you!
Marc, Michael, Julie, Max, Debra, Mark,
Noah & Adina Ehrenpreis
I am so proud to honor my loving daughter
Linda Weiss
Her commitment and many accomplishments have
always been to the benefit of others. She inspires
everybody with her love and care and devotion.
Mazel tov on this special deserved honor.
I am qvelling.
With all my love,
Your Mom
Wishing Mazel Tov, Strength & Good Health To
Michelle Statfeld
Melville Jewish Center Honoree 
And  all honorees of the Strong and Courageous
BQLI Region Women of Achievement 
Such well deserving women.
We would not be the successful organization
we are without each of you!
David & Jani Majewski & Family
Lisa Pollack
Yasher Koach on all of your accomplishments.
Your dedication to so many Jewish causes is admirable.
Your enthusiasm and never ending energy are
comparable to none. We are all very proud of you.
You are certainly a shining star at
Congregation L'Dor V'Dor!

Sisterhood and Men's Club of
Congregation L'Dor V'Dor
East Meadow Beth-El Jewish Center Sisterhood
proudly honors
Levana Lichter
As our 2023 Woman of Achievement for her many contributions to Sisterhood and synagogue programming.
Ilana Goldner
With the L'Dor V'Dor Award for her work with our
Hebrew School and on behalf of the Jewish
community in college and beyond.
With gratitude, admiration, and love, your friends at the
East Meadow Beth-El Jewish Center Sisterhood
Forest Hills Jewish Center
Extends our warmest congratulations
To our dear member
Debbie Bochner
On the occasion of her being honored as our
BQLI Woman of Achievement
Rabbi Gerald Skolnik ~ Hazzan Randall Levin
Romi Narov, President ~ Deborah Gregor, Executive Director
The Sisterhood of the
Forest Hills Jewish Center
Delights in Honoring
Debbie Bochner
So Deserving of this Honor for Her
Dynamism and Dedication
Congratulations on this well-deserved honor!
You have been doing mitzvot for the
community for many years.
You are an inspiration to us all.
Love, Ruth and Elliott Joseph
Mazel Tov to
Ellen Wasserman
On receiving the BQLI Woman of Achievement Award.
Your caring nature, hard work, and dedication to your
family, your synagogue, BQLI, and Lake Success
Shopping Center are an inspiration to all of us.
You are our shining star and we are so proud of you.
With all our love,
Alan & Rob, Lake Success Shopping Center
Yasher Koach!
Lauren Hymowitz
With Best Wishes for
Continued Health, Happiness and Success
The Lerners
Pam, Shea, Noah & Kaylee
Diana & Leonard
Mazel Tov

Michelle Statfeld
BQLI Region
Woman of Achievement
Melville Jewish Center
Merrick Jewish Centre Sisterhood
Congratulates all the 2023 BQLI honorees
On their well-deserved
Woman of Achievement Award
Yasher Koach and Mazel Tov on your
Outstanding accomplishments!
Mazel Tov Ellen Wasserman
On being Temple Gates of Prayer
Woman of Achievement.
A Very Well-Deserved Honor. We love you,
Robin & Lisa (Your Partners in Crime)

Sisterhood Beth Shalom of Kingsbay
Wishes to thank our executive board and members for their time and energy throughout our tenure. We also thank the BQLI Region and Women's League for their support. May all of you have the best of health and happiness in the future.
Blessed to celebrate Debbie Bochner (aka Morah/Grammy) and her MANY achievements! Continue making us proud, always in great physical & mental health! Love you, Jeff, Marilyn, Sandy, Nicole, Adam, Jack, Layla, Amy, Jared & Miles; Bochner, Zalbe, Malitz & Newman Families

Congratulations Isabel
On a lifetime of service to
Women's League!
Rabbi Martin S. Cohen and
Cantor Larry B. Goller
Mazel Tov to
Samantha Berman-Melendez  
Our Woman of Achievement
You inspire us with your talents and generosity!
Sisterhood of Congregation B'nai Sholom-Beth David

The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Tikvah
Congratulates Our 2023 Honoree
Ada Marcus
"May You Go From Strength to Strength!" 
Thank you for all your hard work.
Mazel Tov To Ada Marcus
Congregation BethTikvah 2023 Woman of Achievement
Cookie Cohen * Carole Friedman * Carole Goldberg * Doris Joltin Rachel Kleinfeld * Nell Landman * Freya Novack * Phyllis Reich
Linda Shumsey * Suzanne Susswein * Rose Treshan * Susan Wald

Lisa Pollack - Mazel Tov on this Woman of Achievement Award. You are a role model for so many! We are very proud of all of your accomplishments in the Jewish world and beyond! Nadine Rattien, Marjorie Goldstein, Ann Chernys, Nina Wolf, Carrie Yaffe - Congregation L'Dor V'Dor Sisterhood
Mazel Tov  Roberta Sugarman
Our inspirational book club leader.
Syd Osder
Role model for our youth ensuring HERJC's future
Thank You! Naomi & Norman Doctor

Mazal tov Linda!
An honor well deserved. Very proud of you.
Benny & Helen  Farkas
Ari & Miriam Farkas and family
Moshe & Rivky Levy and family
Mazal Tov to
Roberta Sugarman and Syd Osder
We appreciate all that you do for our community!
You are role models and an inspiration to us all.
Your HERJC Family

Mazal Tov to
Woman of Achievement Shari Feibel and
L'Dor V'Dor Gabby Messing
You are both a credit to HJC and our Sisterhood. 
The Board of Trustees of the Huntington Jewish Center
Mazal Tov
Shari Feibel, HJC Sisterhood Woman of Achievement
Gabriella Messing, L'Dor V'Dor Award Honoree
"May you go from strength to splendor"
The Sisterhood of the Huntington Jewish Center

Mazal tov to all the 2023 honorees
You are all dedicated volunteers.
You make us proud
as members of the BQLI Region.
Barbara Kaplan, BQLI Region President
Yasher Koach to Isabel Albom
Role Model, Founder and Leader of Shelter Rock Jewish Center And its Sisterhood. An Eischet Chayil.
With admiration, Vivian Leber

 To our special Sister Barbara Ehrenpreis
Mazal tov!
We are so proud that your achievements in the Jewish community are being recognized. Sending love.
Linda, Jeffrey, Susan, Denise and families
Yasher Koach to
Linda Weiss and  Samantha Graf
We salute your hard work and dedication
on behalf of our congregation.
Men's Club of Midway Jewish Center

Midway Jewish Center Sisterhood honors
Linda Weiss for the years and hours of good deeds she does and L'Dor V'Dor recipient Samantha Graf.
Your presence is our Sisterhood's future. We are impressed
by your many accomplishments.
Linda Weiss
Is our yarn-creating a foundation for stitches & friendships. Her love & devotion instill creativity & collaboration
in our group & in life. Mazel Tov!
Midway Jewish Center Stitch & Kvell Crochet Group

We wish our Woman of Achievement honoree a hearty mazel tov!
Sheryl Roberts
Rabbi Aaron Benson * Cantor Daniel Kramer 
Marcie Platkin, Executive Director * Brian Mankuta, President 
Board of Trustees & entire North Shore Jewish Center Community 
Anita Sobol - Woman of Achievement
Amelia Neber - L'Dor V'Dor Recipient
Mazel Tov! Thank your dedication and
commitment to our synagogue and community. 
North Shore Jewish Center Men's Club

Who has worked tirelessly for Sisterhood and the 
Shelter Rock Jewish Center for many happy and creative years.
Your special friends and admirers:
Sally Magid   Joy Perla   Marsha Shlefstein   Rina Shamoun 
Mazel Tov to our well deserved honorees
Judy Dorosin, Woman of Achievement     
Lauren Hymowitz, L'Dor V'Dor
You are both the sparks that have ignited our success.
Sisterhood Plainview Jewish Center

Mazel Tov BQLI Women of Achievement
Debbie Bochner (Forest Hills Jewish Center) and
Levana Lichter (East Meadow Beth-El Jewish Center)
and the other honorees!
Gail S. Port
"If you want something done, ask a busy person."
Mazal Tov Debbie
On this most deserved honor!  
With love & friendship, 
Pauline & Mark Raphael

Your big heart and commitment to making life better for all who are touched by your many kindnesses inspires all who know you to do better. Love, The Russos
Yasher Koach to Linda Weiss!
It is our pleasure to honor one who does so much good for so many!
Mazal Tov to Samantha Graf!
It's been a pleasure to watch you become the beautiful young woman you are!
With admiration, Grace and Saul Schessler

In honor of our very dear friend and dedicated member of the FHJC. She and Jeff and their wonderful family inspire us all! Mazal Tov Debbie!
Rabbi Gerald and Robin Skolnik
You have been a cornerstone in the community
for decades and it's with the great pleasure that
we officially recognize your dedication!
Love, Karen & Henry

Mazal Tov to
Shari Feibel and Gabriella Messing
HJC is so lucky to have two such
amazing and dedicated women.
Ellen and Jay Steinberg
Ellen Wasserman
A recognition well deserved
for her commitment and consistent dedication
to our synagogue and BQLI.
Men's Club, Temple Gates of Prayer

Lisa Pollack
Mazel Tov Woman of Achievement
on your Jewish Community work and Neve Hanna!
Yasher Koach! May you go from strength to strength!
With Love, Janet and Irwin
Sisterhood of Whitestone Hebrew Centre
Congratulates all the
2023 Women of Achievement and
L'Dor V'Dor Honorees

Mazal Tov, Ellen! Thank you for all you do for BQLI, TGP & K'lal Yisrael. All Best, Deborah & Arne Abramowitz

Mazal Tov to Debbie Bochner and thank you for all
you do for our FHJC community! Ilana and Bill Altman

Mazal Tov to Debbie Bochner! You are definitely a
woman of achievement! Judy & Matt Beizer

Mazel Tov, Levana on a well-deserved honor! You have a heart of gold, always helping others. Thanks for all you do! Diana Berkowitz
Mazel tov Isabel.
You deserve it! Jerry Berkson

Mazel Tov to Ellen Wasserman on this well deserved honor!
Janice Bigler and Robert Lisch

Mazel Tov to Debbie Bochner on this well deserved honor! Yasher Koach! Denise and Stuart Birbach

Mazel Tov Linda Weiss and Samantha Graf. Thanks
for all you do for Midway & Sisterhood. Love, Erica Dorf
Mazel Tov & Congratulations Lauren Hymowitz
Sherry & Bruce Elowsky

Linda: You inspire us all to do much good. Thank you for the help you give to our community. Teri Fields, MJC Sisterhood

Levana: You are such a good & learned person. Thank you
for all you have taught me. Mazel Tov! Teri Fields

Samantha: Thanks for all you do for us and the world.
Teri Fields, MJC Sisterhood
Judi, Wendy, Sheryl, & Ellen: Congratulations on
your honor. Mazel tov! Teri Fields

With admiration & affection, we honor Debbie Bochner. 
May you go from strength to strength.  Diane & Lenny

Levana: Congratulations on this well-deserved honor.
Mazal tov! Terri Frankenberg

Mazel tov Linda on this well-deserved honor.
We are so proud of you. Love, Nadene & Stan Fuchs
Linda Weiss
A well deserved honor to a wonderful friend. Fern Gottleib

Congratulations to Linda Weiss for her accomplishments that she has selflessly dedicated herself. Steven & Clara Greenberg

Mazal Tov to our dear friend Ellen Wasserman!! May you continue to go from strength to strength! Deb, Barry & David

Ellen: A most deserving honoree who does so much for Temple Gates of Prayer & Women's League Fanny & Shelly Handel
 !כל הכבוד לאסתר זלדה רוברטס !מזל טוב ויישר כחך ,באהבה חנה ודוד
Ann Helfgott

Sisterhood of ICCJ wishes to congratulate our Treasurer Joan Sauber for her outstanding and phenomenal service.

Sisterhood of ICCJ is happy to congratulate Judy Cohen for her many years of dedication as Corresponding Secretary.

Janet, Roz Louise, Ellen & Deborah
Jericho Jewish Center Sisterhood congratulates
Barbara Ehrenpreis on this well deserved WOA honor! 

Mazel Tov to Shelter Rock Woman of Achievement Isabel Albom. Thank you for all of your good deeds & caring️. Arlene & Bob Kagan

Congratulations, Ellen You have enriched TGP with
your years of support and devotion. Julian Kaplan

Ellen Wasserman Mazel Tov as Sisterhood of Temple Gates of Prayer 2023 Woman of Achievement.  Judy Karlin
Ellen Wasserman: It is a tree of life to those who grasp her & whoever holds on to her is happy. Barbara & Steve Kasavana

Dear Ellen-May you go from strength to strength as you
have given strength to so many others others. Rabbi Herbert Kavon

Achievement is something Debbie does best - for her family and her community. Mazal and Love, Barbara and Jerry 

Gabi, So proud of you & love you very much. Mazal Tov on being honored. You spread happiness & love.  Ed, Lauren, Yosef & Sirelle Malkiel
Mazel Tov Sue Halfen for your hard work and dedication. Yasher Koach to all the honorees Manetto Hill JC Sisterhood

Mazel tov to our dear friend Debbie Bochner
for this well deserved honor. Love, Risa and Rob

Gabriella, you bring joy and beauty to the world!
Shari, you are a special friend! Mazal Tov! The Messings

To our dear friend Ellen who deserves this & so much more.
Your mom would be so proud. Love, Susan & Jennifer Monheit
Dear Ellen, You TRULY are a Woman of Achievement! What would Sisterhood & Temple Gates do without you? Love, Bonnie & Ron

Joan - Thank you for all that you do for Sisterhood! Mazal tov on being a 2023 Woman of Achievement! Anise Parnes

Judy -  Thank you for all that you do for Sisterhood. Mazal tov on being a 2023 Woman of Achievement! Anise Parnes

Mazal-Tov Lauren Hymowitz. So proud of you & your hard work and dedication to PJC Sisterhood! With Love, The Peltzman Family
Mazel Tov all recipients of the Woman of Achievement!
May you go from strength to strength, Lisa Pollack

Mazal Tov, Lisa Pollack on your well deserved honor!
I am so proud of you, sis! Love, Michael Pollack

Mazel Tov to Barbara Ehrenpreis on being honored as Jericho Jewish Center Woman of Achievement! Sandy & Jacob Rad

Congratulations to Lisa Pollack on this well deserved honor!
We thank you for all you do. Mindy Rosenfeld
Mazel Tov to Isabel Albom and all the other honorees!
It is well deserved! Barbara Samuels

Isabel Albom: A woman who cares. An Aishes Chayil.  Mazel Tov on this honor. Phyllis & Mike, Judi & Yael, Judith & Bob

Mazal Tov to Ellen Wasserman
Susan and Barry Smith

Mazel tov, Karen! We're proud of your dedication to Hillcrest & the Jewish community. L'dor v'dor. Love, The Solovs
Mazel Tov to a Most Deserving & Outstanding Woman of Achievement Barbara Ehrenpreis With love, Lois & Jay Stein

TBE of Patchogue Sisterhood congratulates ALL recipients of this year's Women of Achievement award. Mazel Tov!

Gabriella: Mazel Tov! We are so proud of you!
The Malkiel and Behr Families

Gabi: Mazel Tov! You're a gift to your community & family! We Love You! The Messing, Klarman & Heiberger Families
Y'shar Koach to Debbie Bochner A well- deserved honor 4 all you do! May you go from strength to strength! xo L & W

Mazel Tov Debbie on this well deserved honor. So proud to honor my "early morning" phone buddy! Debra & Gary Weil

Lisa Pollack:  Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. 
Lois & Stan Wirtheim

Isabel -Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor! Thank you on behalf of SRJC Sisterhood! Ruth Zelman & Nancy Goldstein
Mazel tov to Temple Gates of Prayer's honoree 
Ellen Wasserman! Love, Helene & Norman Zipkin

Mazel tov to Hillcrest Jewish Center honoree
Karen Rothman. Love, Helene & Norman Zipkin

Mazel Tov to Debbie Bochner
As FHJC's Women of Achievement Judy Zipkowitz