Gabriella Messing
Huntington Jewish Center L'Dor V'Dor Award
Gabriella Messing is an 11th grade honor student at Harborfields High School. Her parents are Keith and Felicia Messing and her siblings are Ben and Ilan.
She has been a regular participant at Huntington Jewish Center (HJC) since the day of her baby naming, through attending services, nursery school, religious school, youth groups, and volunteering. She has a passion for working with children and has led Nitzanim (children’s services), volunteered as a babysitter during Shabbat and holiday services, and as a counselor at the synagogue’s summer camp. 
Through the Jewish Nutrition Network, Gabriella packaged lunches and hundreds of bags of fruits and vegetables for the hungry. She also volunteered at youth events such as the Purim carnival and Hanukkah Happening, and showed support for Israel by regularly marching in the Celebrate Israel Parade since she was three. 
The skills she has gained through her synagogue education have been appreciated by the congregation when she reads Torah or leads services. Hearing her sing Yigdal to close the Sisterhood/Men’s Club Shabbat leaves us with hope in our future generation!
Her artistic talent has been acknowledged through various HJC contests, including the High Holiday card cover, library wall art, and the USCJ calendar. Her work has also been featured in local exhibitions and the art honor society. Gabriella also excels at playing flute and piccolo during All-State solos and is in the school marching band and Music Honor Society. In addition, Gabi enjoys dancing, especially in the Nutty Cracker and on the competition team.
Gabriella thanks Sisterhood for creating and supporting many of the opportunities at our synagogue!
Ed,lauren, Yosef and Sirelle Malkiel
Gabi, we are so proud of you and love you very much. Mazal Tov on being honored. You spread happiness and love.
The Messing, Klarman & Heiberger Families
Gabi: Mazel Tov! You're a gift to your community & family! We Love You! -The Messing, Klarman & Heiberger Families
Keith and Felicia Messing
Gabriella, you bring joy and beauty to the world! Shari, you are a special friend! Mazal Tov! -The Messings
Rosalie the Malkiel & Behr Families
Mazel Tov! We are so proud of you!
Huntington Jewish Center Sisterhood
The Board of Trustees of the Huntington Jewish Center
Mazal Tov to HJC's Woman of Achievement Shari Feibel and Little Sister Gabby Messing. You are both a credit to HJC and our Sisterhood.
Ellen and Jay Steinberg
Mazal Tov to Shari Feibel and Gabriella Messing. HJC is so lucky to have two such amazing dedicated women. Ellen and Jay Steinberg
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