Ilana Goldner
East Meadow Beth-El
Jewish Center
L'Dor V'Dor Award
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Ilana and her parents, Debra and Fred, joined the East Meadow Jewish Center 21 years ago, at the time of her baby naming! She attended the EMJC Hebrew school from Kindergarten thru Hay and credits her education there for instilling in her a strong foundation in Bible, the Hebrew language, prayer and a zest for Israel. She became a Bat Mitzvah in 2015, but her Jewish learning did not end there. 
Ilana spent many summers at Perlman Sleepaway Camp in Lake Como, PA. The summer that she entered 11th grade, she participated in the Pioneer Program designed to strengthen the camper's knowledge and connection to Judaism and the State of Israel. Three weeks of the summer were spent in Poland and Israel.
As a student at the University of Connecticut, Ilana took an active role in the on-campus Hillel. She also took a leadership position in “Huskies for Israel” an on-campus organization that provides fun as well as educational opportunities relating to Israeli history, current events, politics, and culture to the faculty, staff, and student populations. 
While currently taking a “Gap Year,” she has been a regular attendee at services at EMBEJC most Shabbat mornings. She has joins the Rabbi’s Bible class from time to time and participates in focus groups. She has assisted at the Hebrew school. Currently, she holds a seasonal position at TEVA/Adamah, an immersive nature and Jewish community living experience at Pearlstone in Reisterstown, MD, as an environmental educator for visiting middle school aged Jewish day school students.
Ilana has always enjoyed the traditions of the holidays throughout the year. Being the tree lover that she is, it’s no surprise that Tu B’Shevat is one of her favorite holidays. On Purim, Ilana has crafted original costumes and for eight consecutive years was judged to have the best costume in her age group at the temple’s Megillah reading. One year, she dressed as a walking Seder table! She also takes pleasure in delivering Shalach Manot baskets! On Passover, Ilana relishes her family’s Seder on the second night and assists her father annually in preparing gefilte fish from scratch.
Aside from her great appreciation of Judaism and her family roots, Ilana loves hiking, photography, national parks, vegetarian Kosher cooking, crafts, and doodling.
The Sisterhood of the East Meadow Beth-El Jewish Center is delighted to honor Ilana Goldner as our “Little Sister” of 2023
East Meadow Beth-El Jewish Center Sisterhood
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