Robin Segal Skolnik
Forest Hills Jewish Center
About 40 years ago, Robin Skolnik arrived at the Forest Hills Jewish Center as the wife of the “new” Rabbi. This vivacious young woman immediately became part of the shul family while still pursuing a Masters’ Degree at Columbia School of Social Work, having already earned her Bachelor’s Degree at Barnard.
As the Skolnik family began to grow with their first child, Hillel (soon to be followed by Leora, Talya, and Matan), Robin and a few other mothers created a very popular and successful Parent-Child Drop-In Center. It provided a place for parents of infants and toddlers to meet, exchange ideas, and learn Jewish values. Many have become life-long friends and members of our Center family.
Robin, an avid reader, epitomizes a “person of the book.” For the past 24 years she has been the middle school librarian at the Abraham Joshua Heschel School. She, with others, innovated and worked FHJC’s mammoth and financially successful used book sales which attracted local buyers as well as many from the tri-state area.
Sisterhood sponsors several book discussions throughout the year. The most popular is run and researched, and has been for many years, by Robin.
Our gratitude and affection to our 2022 Woman of Achievement!