Blayne Peltzman
Plainview Jewish Center
Blayne Peltzman is the youngest of three children born to Linda and Barry Jacknow. She has an older sister, Dawn, and an older brother, Bret. Blayne grew up first in Seaford, and then the family moved to North Woodmere where she spent her early childhood through high school years.
Blayne graduated from the State University College at Buffalo and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree. She continued her education at Columbia University and received her Master of Social Work degree in 1998. At that time, she moved to her own apartment in Bayside, Queens. Blayne worked at several nursing homes as Director of Social Work and Discharge Planning.
She met her future husband, Len, in February 2004 through an introduction by family friends. They were married at East Meadow Jewish Center in December 2004.
Blayne and Len moved to Plainview in September 2005 where they began to raise their family. Skyla was born in September 2006, and Cody in April 2008. Shortly after Skyla’s birth, they joined Plainview Jewish Center (PJC). Blayne took an active role in both the synagogue and Sisterhood. She served on the Rabbi Search Committee which brought Rabbi Conn to PJC. She served on several other committees including Membership and then was nominated to be Sisterhood President. The family briefly left PJC and joined South Huntington Jewish Center after moving to Melville, but rejoined PJC in time for both kids’ Bat and Bar Mitzvahs.
Volunteer work is a vital part of Blayne’s life. She volunteers in both the Half Hollow Hills School District and PJC. In the school district, she worked on fundraising and served on numerous other committees. Presently, she is Sisterhood’s Program Vice President. This year Blayne volunteered  take over Shalach Manot, which has always been a huge fundraiser for Sisterhood. Her creativity and enthusiasm contributed to the project’s continued success. 
Blayne has proven to be an outstanding asset to the PJC Sisterhood, and we look forward to her continued leadership. We are proud to name her our Woman of Achievement 2022. 
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