Brandie Osman
North Shore Jewish Center
Brandie and her husband, Craig, became North Shore Jewish Center (NSJC) members in August 1994. Brandie soon began helping with Friday night Kiddush and became part of the Kiddush Committee for Sisterhood. She joined the Sisterhood Board as Recording Secretary and also joined the Art Auction Committee. She has chaired this annual fundraiser since 2005 and has been assisted by her family every year. Her daughter, Alyssa, has helped co-chair this event for the past several years. 
Brandie has also been Sisterhood Co-President, Vice President of Fundraising, Judaica Shop Bookkeeper, Parliamentarian, Nursery School Liaison, Religious School Liaison, Youth Group Liaison, Beresheet Chair, and helped with the Sederai Committee. She currently is the Sisterhood Membership Chair.
In addition to her involvement in Sisterhood, Brandie has been active on the synagogue Nursery School, Religious School, and Youth Group committees. She has also been a member of the Ritual, Fundraising, Membership, Social Action, Re-Imagine, and Publicity committees. She served on the Board of Trustees from 1996 to 1999 and taught in the NSJC Nursery School for 8 years.
Outside of the synagogue, she has volunteered with her children, Alyssa and Seth, for Birthday Wishes of Long Island. She also was active in the PTA of her children’s schools. Her enthusiasm and commitment to Judaism and family are reflected in her devotion to NSJC, her children, and her husband.  NSJC Sisterhood is pleased to name Brandie to the well-deserved honor of our Woman of Achievement.
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