Raia Honig
Midway Jewish Center
L'Dor V'Dor Award
Raia Honig is a wonderful young lady. She was born Raia Levy Honig on March 1, 2006. She was named for her maternal great-great grandmother Rose, and her maternal grandmother, whose family name was Levy. Raia beams when she describes her visit to Ellis Island where she found the name of her great-great-grandmother who emigrated from Poland. Raia is the oldest child with 3 younger brothers. She is setting a wonderful example for them on how to live a meaningful Jewish life.
Raia is worthy of this honor due to all the work she does for her synagogue, Midway Jewish Center. She is a 3-year volunteer in the religious school. As a madricha, she works with the students and feels she has learned so much about working with children. She loves to laugh with them and she takes pride in watching them progress on their Jewish journey. She is unsure of her exact future aspiration but is sure that she is a people person and may want to go into teaching.
When asked why she volunteers for the religious school, Raia said that when she graduated, she missed the religious school environment and being in the religious school community.
Raia is an important part of Midway Jewish Center. She reads Torah and haftorah for the congregation on the holidays. She was taught both tropes by her maternal grandmother and treasures the time they spent together to master them. Raia began reading for the congregation after her bat mitzvah and does so at camp as well. Raia is an active member of the Midway Jewish Center’s Hebrew High School. She loves the discussion-based classes that have given her more opportunities to gain experience. 
Raia is a volunteer in many ways. She participates in the synagogue’s Mitzvah Day, helps with the Shalach Manot fundraiser, and participates in the Hadassah fundraising walks.
Outside the Jewish community, Raia still embodies religious values. Along with her involvement in the school Drama Club and an a cappella group, she is an active fundraiser for the Gold Ribbon Riders, a non-profit that raises money to battle childhood cancers. Her involvement began last summer when camp was cancelled and a family friend asked her to babysit their youngest daughter, Sawyer. She learned that Sawyer was diagnosed at 10 months with stage IV neuroblastoma. Raia is thankful that Sawyer is in remission now but knows the stresses her diagnosis put on her family. Sawyer’s mom began this charity and Raia was part of a group of teens that started a teen initiative.
Raia’s favorite tradition is preparing for her family Passover Seders. She said she is unique in that her favorite smell is the oven cleaning for Passover! There is no doubt that Raia will continue this and other traditions in her future. Raia feels most happy in the sanctuary community because it feels like home.  She feels that to ensure the future of Judaism the key is to be connected and help in a way that makes you happy. Raia is a most deserving honoree for the L'dor V’dor Award from Midway Jewish Center and the BQLI Region of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism.
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