Charney Greenberg
Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centre
Charney was born in Brooklyn, received her BA from Hunter College and her MS  from Brooklyn College. Charney was a teacher in Brooklyn from 1969-1974 and 1979-2004. After retiring from teaching, she became the Coordinator of New York State Exams, Grades 3-8, in the same school she retired from.
Charney’s mother, Lillian Zuckerberg, was her biggest supporter. Charney was told by her mother how crucial it was for a woman to be educated and have her own career. She lived with Charney in her own apartment in their two-family house in Brooklyn for 24 years and in Oceanside for an additional 21 years. Charney’s parents loved helping to raise the children, making it easy for Charney to complete her education and then teach.
Just as Charney has a unique name, she is one of a kind. She is caring and reaches out to check on others and will go out of her way for you. Charney has many circles of friends who continue to keep in touch. 
Charney has been married to Chuck since 1967. He loves to tell jokes while she is more serious. They are dedicated to each other and make a wonderful team.
Charney’s son, David, lives in Brooklyn in a Young Adult Institute (YAI) Group Home. Both Charney and Chuck have been actively involved in the YAI Family Advisory Council and various other organizations for people with developmental disabilities for close to 50 years.
Their daughter Lisa and grandchildren Keith and Tracy live in Reston, Virginia. Charney is looking forward to Keith’s Bar Mitzvah in September.
Charney and Chuck moved from Brooklyn to Oceanside in 1996 and joined HERJC in 1999. After joining Sisterhood, Charney became involved in helping to register members for Sisterhood events. Charney even modeled in a fashion show one year. She has helped to organize, pack, and deliver Shalach Manot bags. Charney has served as Recording Secretary for several years. Since Zoom, Charney participates whether she is on Long Island, in upstate New York, or in Florida to fulfill her responsibilities.
Charney, who at first did not know how to read Hebrew, had her adult Bat Mitzvah in May 2018. Charney leins Torah beautifully and clearly. Her Torah reading is from Parashat Emor which she also chants on certain yom tov
Charney’s second visit to Israel will be in May 2022; this is her first visit since October 2017 when her trip had to be shortened when Charney’s mother passed away at 100 years of age.
Charney is an asset to both HERJC and Sisterhood. All the members of Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centre are very proud of Charney for her dedication and accomplishments.
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