Am Eched B’Lev Echad
One nation one heart
“To defend a country, you need an army. But to defend an identity, you need a school.”
- Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Z”L
In the face of the unprecedented challenges today, the imperative for Jewish Day schools has never been more pronounced. The vital role of education extends beyond the classroom, as it becomes our collective responsibility to equip our students with a profound understanding of our history – a knowledge that empowers them to navigate the complexities of the present and articulate a meaningful vision for our future. It is paramount that we instill in them an unwavering pride for our people, our country, and our heritage. By doing so, we fulfill a duty to ensure that our students not only embrace their identity but are also equipped to passionately advocate for, stand up, and defend the rich tapestry of our heritage, history, and future. In cultivating these values, we forge a generation poised to be thoughtful stewards of our history and ready to contribute positively to the global community.
Make a gift to the BMA Annual Dinner and join us to celebrate BMA’s commitment to Torat Yisrael, devotion to Medinat Yisrael and responsibility in shaping the future generations of Am Yisrael.
Please join us this year as we honor Elise & David Askenazi, Guests of Honor. The Federation of Broward County for the Community Impact Recognition Award and Morah Galit Shavit, Teacher of the Year.
The BMA Dinner is taking place on Sunday May 12th at 6.30PM at Temple Beth Emet.