Boca Jewish Center
BOCA JEWISH CENTER/SHAARAY TEFILLA Rabbi Yaakov Gibber Morah D'Asrah Dr. Charles Trauring, President Radine Spier, Vice President Joe Sharp, Vice President Eli Lutz, Treasurer Bruce Cohen, Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jerry Barbalatt Dr. Marc Brandriss Dr. Yakov Elefant Gail Fine Raanan Gafri Solon Kandel Alan Linker Candy Neustein Warren Struhl Rachel Yudewitz SISTERHOOD CO-PRESIDENTS Reva Kaiser Barbalatt Margot Weisz Boca Jewish Center
FINANCE COMMITTEE Candy Neustein, Chair Eli Lutz, Treasurer Joel Silverstein Steven Fine
Jerry Barbalatt
RESOLUTION COMMITTEE Sol Kandell, Co-Chair Ari Wirtschafter, Co-Chair Yakov Elefant PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Radine Spier, Chair Yakov Elefant Joe Sharp RITUAL COMMITTEE Rabbi Yaakov Gibber, Chair Uri Yudewitz Bruce Cohen Benjy Kopelman Yoel Goldberg Boca Jewish Center
COMMITTEES Cont. LONG TERM PLANNING COMMITTEE Warren Struhl, Chair Charles Trauring Radine Spier Yakov Elefant Eli Lutz HOUSE - FACILTY COMMITTEE Linda Golden, Chair Jason Kessler SECURITY COMMITTEE Eli Stuart, Chair Marc Brandriss Itzak Grynsztein Benjy Kopelman Jeffrey Mandel YOUTH COMMITTEE Rachel Yudewitz Eli Lutz Boca Jewish Center
The Ahron & Linda Love Golden Youth Department Daily Meseches Sanhedrin Chabura Executive Learning Program (ELP) Growth Through Torah Lecture Series Men's Cholent Shiur Partners in Torah with Yeshiva Tiferes Torah of Boca Raton Saba Joe Neustein Avos Ubanim Program Shabbos Morning Insights into the Weekly Parsha Shabbos Afternoon Fascinating Topics in Contemporary Halacha Sunday Morning Gemara Shiur Women's Rosh Chodesh Lecture Series with Rebbetzin Jennifer Gibber Women's Shiur: Pearls from the Parsha to Answer Judaism's Toughest Questions
The Schwarzman Family Scholar-in-Residence Program
BJC Progams
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Lesli & Jordon
on being the deserved Honorees at our 5th Annual Dinner. BJC has greatly benefited from your involvement. Your smiles and greetings on Shabbat mornings light up many faces. May you continue to be a light For our BJC /ST for many years to come. To Our Dear Friend
Candy Neustein
A more deserving Aishes Chayil could not be found; tireless volunteer, gracious hostess, financial overseer. You, along with Joe (z'l), have been on this journey from day #1. Together we are seeing the fruits of our labors and planning For a bright future. Thank you for being such an integral presence in our shul.
Radine & Bill Spier
Dear Lesli & Dad,
Mazal Tov on this honor!
We are always inspired by everything you have done
and continue to do for the Jewish community.
Your generosity of time and energy and your tzedakah
has taught us our responsibility to help our fellow Jews.
Your positive attitude and sense of humor is legendary.
You're the best!
Love, Leslie, Tom, Beth, Ariel & Joey
Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
Mazal tov on this honor!
We love you so much and we're so proud of everything you do
for your community.
Can't wait to visit you in sunny Florida soon!
Love, Beth, Ariel and Joey
To Lesli and Jordon Ross
On this well deserved honor You both are a showcase of what
involvement in a community should be. Your hard work
has helped build a thriving sisterhood. You are both
an inspiration to the entire community.
To Candy Neustein
As founders, builders and benefactors of our shul,
you (and Joe A"H) have been instrumental
in our "work in progress". But tonight, Candy, it's all about you... Mazel Tov on this most deserving Aishes Chayil honor. Thank you for your tireless hours of devotion and time.
We admire and respect you and your dedication to BJC.
Bari & Yakov Elefant
Lesli and Jordon
Mazal tov on this very special honor! We can't think of anyone more deserving. Thank you for your dedication and tireless efforts on behalf of our shul. You have helped make this community great. Candy We are truly fortunate to have such a wonderful,
selfless individual, a true Aishes Chayil.
Your tireless commitment to our community,
and all you do for us, has been an inspiration.
וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה, הקדוש ברוך הוא ישלם שכרם
Congratulations to our Honorees
May you go
From Strength to Strength
Linda Love Golden
Mazal Tov
Lesli & Jordon Ross and Candy Neustein
Thank you for being community leaders
that are so easy to learn from. Your involvement in the Shul
is inspiring on so many levels.
May Hashem continue to grant you the resources
and strength to teach others what it means
to be true leaders.
The Lutz Gang
Candy is as amiable as her confectionary label,
Befitting the charm of this endearing damsel. Korea with Joe and 'fam' for a travel adventure, Then years in Texas where everything's BIGGER! Boca's community won with their subsequent move; A strong, united couple with a positive groove. While Joe sadly has passed on to the olam haba, Candy shines on as dedicated shul aficionada. Shul board of directors, dinner co-chair for years, Skilled mahjong player, budding
'pickleballer' extraordinaire.
The superb practice - its significance more than an iota; Candy always returns to her 'family' in Boca. Mom, 'Gaga', friend - thoughtful and wise, As honor recipient, you're dearly prized. Congrats 'Aishes Chayil' on this auspicious honor, A highly deserved credit, we greatly concur.
Caryl and Jay
In honor of
Lesli and Jordon Ross
Candy Neustein
Mazel Tov
on this well deserved honor.
Thank you for your dedication
to the Boca Jewish Center.
Robin and Warren Struhl
In honor of our children
Rabbi and Rebbetzin
Yaakov Gibber
We are so proud of you!
Debbie and Elliot Gibber
Mazel Tov
Boca Jewish Center
and the honorees
David & Devorah Goldwasser
Lesli and Jordon,
"There is no better exercise
for your heart
than reaching down
and helping to lift someone up."
- Bernard Meltzer
Thank you for your years of positive,
uplifting & inspirational contributions toward the growth of the Boca Jewish Center shul and community.
Mazel tov on this notable honor.
Caryl and Jay
Rabbi and Rebbitzen Gibber,
we are so
thankful for your friendships
and dedication to the shul
and community.
Mazel Tov Mrs. Candy Neustein
on the Aishes Chayit Award!
A well-deserved honor and tribute
to a wonderful person!
The Light Family
עשה לך רב וקנה לך חבר והוי דן את כל האדם לכף זכות
"Make for yourself a mentor, acquire for yourself a friend
and judge every person as meritorious." - (Pirkei Avot 1:6)
Thank you Rabbi and Rebbetzin Gibber for your leadership
Lesli and Jordon Ross for your friendship
and invaluable contributions to this community.
Candy Neustein
As We Honor
Candy Neustein
for her many invaluable contributions to
the vibrant life of BJC
We Thank
All the Members of Boca Jewish Center Shaaray Tefilla
for the warmth and support that make our congregation a community
and our shul a special place of gathering for davening, learning and sharing.
We are blessed and tremendously grateful to be in your company.
Lesli & Jordon Ross
Kol HaKavod to the honorees
on their well deserved honor
Grandma and Grandpa
Neil, Matt, Ilana, Jonathan
Mazal Tov to the honorees
on this special night.
Your many contributions
are greatly appreciated.
Lois & Joel Silverstein
Congratulations to this year's
outstanding honorees who have given
so much of their time
and resources
to our incredible community.
Your efforts inspire others
to do more and to follow your example.
Mazel Tov!
The Wirtschafter Family
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Mazel tov to tonight's honorees,
Lesli & Jordon Ross
Candy Neustein
for your years of outstanding dedication
to Boca Jewish Center and our community
May your sincere efforts on behalf of the klal
propel you mi'chayil el chayil
Reva & Jerry Barbalatt and family
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Mazel tov to our southern belle
Aishes Chayil
Candy Neustein
Fun & loving hostess
of the Neustein Inn & Resort
Alice & Bob Sam, Sara, Uri, Kira,
Gabriella & Philip
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Mazel tov to our honorees,
Jordon & Lesli Ross and Candy Neustein on their incredible contributions to Boca Jewish Center Lesli, For three years, you led the Sisterhood with finesse and outstanding dedication.
Through your tireless commitment to the BJC Sisterhood, you welcomed and invested in
new ideas, events and lecture themes, bringing our community closer together and inspiring us to join in and continue your efforts. You set a high bar for anyone to follow, which is why
it takes two of us to do the job you did alone!
Thank you for paving the way and setting a wonderful example for us to follow. Mazel Tov! Reva Barbalatt & Margot Weisz BJCST Sisterhood Co-Presidents
* * *
BJCST Sisterhood Our Mission: To nurture a sense of community within our congregation
through camaraderie, support, chesed and inspiration.
Our Team: Nancy Eisenberg, Gail Fine, Jennifer Gibber,
Chanie Kirschner, Nechama Kopelman
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Boca Raton Synagogue extends a warm
Mazal Tov to Boca Jewish Center/Shaaray Tefilla on your 5th Annual Gala Dinner
and Tribute Journal.
Sincere best wishes to honorees,
Lesli & Jordon Ross and to Candy Neustein
on receiving the Aishes Chayil Award.
We truly cherish the close relationship between our two shuls. You are all so deserving of your honor
and your commitment to the Jewish Community is exemplary.
May you all continue from strength to strength.
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Marah D'Asrah Rabbi Philip Moskowitz, Associate Rabbi Rabbi Rael Blumenthal, BRS West Rabbi Rabbi Dr. David Shabtai, Sephardic Rabbi Rabbi Simmy Shabtai, Rosh Beis Medrash Dr. David Kay, President Matthew Hocherman, Executive Director Full Page
Lady Gaga (Mom), Mazal Tov!
We are extremely proud of you on this well deserved honor. You are a great mother,
grandmother, a devoted wife and community
member. We are among the many who look to you for your advice and expertise. Thank you
for being an inspiration to your children, grandchildren and members of the community.
We cherish our special bond and look forward
to many more visits
to your beautiful BJC community.
Our warmest congratulations to
Lesli and Jordon Ross on this special night!
Adina, Simon, Cooper
and Charlotte Brief
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Mazal Tov
Honorees and Boca Jewish Center.
May you continue to grow
from strength to strength.
Dr. & Mrs. Irving Friedman
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Mazal Tov
to our Friends Lesli and Jordon Ross
on This Well-Deserved Honor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kol Hakavod
to our Dear Neighbor Candy Neustein for All That You Do For The Shul
Hashem Should Reward All Your Efforts With Manifold Blessings
and Nachas from Your Children and Grandchildren
Our Sincerest Thanks and Appreciation
Barbara and Larry Ellberger, Eytan, Ruven,
Aliza, Maya Rose, Liana Sarit, Caleb Ephraim, Shai, and Maddy
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Candy Neustein,
Our Kind, Caring, Smart
and Elegant Neighbor
Eugene & Hinda Farber
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To Lesli & Jordon Ross
Mazel Tov on a well deserved honor
To Candy Neustein
We thank you for your many good deeds
for our BJC community.
But mostly, we thank you
for your friendship.
You have truly made us feel welcome
both at Shul and in your home.
Dianne & Simeon Fensterheim
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Mazel Tov
Lesli and Jordon Ross
on this wonderful honor.
Mazel Tov Candy (Gaga).
We can not think of a more deserving person for this honor and are thrilled
to be here with you
for this special evening.
Wishing the Boca Jewish Center
much continued success.
May you go from strength to strength.
מחיל אל חיל
Aryeh, Asher, Dahlia, Shira & David Fishman
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A Heartfelt Mazel Tov to this evening's Guests of Honor
Jordon and Lesli Ross
In recognition of your deep devotion, tireless efforts,
and unwavering commitment to
our Boca Jewish Center/Shaaray Tefilla community
May the Almighty reward you with good health,
happiness and much Nachas.
With deep appreciation and close friendship,
Rabbi Yaakov and Rebbetzin Jennifer Gibber and Family
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With Heartfelt Mazel Tov and Deep Appreciation
to Aishes Chayil Award Honoree
Candy Neustein
To a true Aishes Chayil, in recognition of a most deserved honor
for your tremendous and untiring dedication
and steadfast commitment to
our Boca Jewish Center/Shaaray Tefilla community.
May the Almighty reward your incredible love
and commitment to our community, by showering upon you
good health, happiness and much Nachas from your entire family.
With deep appreciation and close friendship,
Rabbi Yaakov and Rebbetzin Jennifer Gibber and Family
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Message From our Journal Chairs
It has been our privilege to chair the 5th annual Journal and Gala Dinner. We are delighted to work
together for our shul community led by our revered Rabbi and Rebbetzen Gibber, who give so much
of themselves to our community and beyond on a daily basis. This year, as you know, we are using an online reservation and ad journal which has been fun to implement and we have learned a lot.
Thank you Radine for organizing our meetings, along with the dinner chairs the Feder's, at your home
always providing us drinks, snacks and most importantly...... cashew nuts. We are grateful
for your guidance and constant support in the process to bringing this event to fruition.
With admiration to our honorees and award recipients Lesli and Jordon Ross, and Candy Neustein
for your generosity and constant support of our shul and community. Your grace, commitment,
and attention to detail show in everything you do. Always giving of yourselves with a smile, helping out
wherever needed. You display kindness and support to all who work with you.
Mazel Tov on this befitting honor!!
As chairs of the Ad Journal we have enjoyed representing the Boca Jewish Center community as well as the teamwork and friendship we developed. We appreciate the opportunity this has given us and look forward to many more future events. Gail and Steven Fine & Hindy and Eli Stuart Full Page
דבר אל בני ישראל ויקחו לי תרומה מאת כל איש אשר ידבנו לבו תקחו את תרומתי
Tell the Israelite people to bring Me gifts; you shall accept gifts for Me
from every person whose heart so moves him. (Exodus 25:2)
Mom, You have been in the community building business for over 40 years. After arriving in El Paso
in the late 70's you immediately got to work strengthening the Jewish institutions including the Federation, Shuls, and schools for Jews across the religious spectrum (all while raising
5 children and managing Dad's growing Orthopedic practice). Upon arriving "part time"
in Boca, you took the same approach to help make the community and Shul welcoming to many
who would not have thought twice of this strip mall on Powerline. In both of these
community-building efforts, you have truly been "nediv lev" - giving your time, sweat,
and expertise to create a true "mikdash me'at"- a Temple in miniature (all while planning
5 weddings and managing Boca activities for your growing roster of grandchildren).
Mazal tov on this great honor- your and SabaJoe's dedication to both the Shul and your family
reflects the mitzvah in parashat Trumah. Your hearts are moved,
and because of that, our hearts are moved.
With great admiration and love, Alana, Seth, Jordan, Jacob, Jonathan, & Juliette Isenberg Alana & Seth Isenberg
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Mazel Tov Mom!
From Texas to Florida, you and Dad (z.l)
have always been dedicated to enriching the Jewish community.
At home you have always been a source of strength
and comfort for the whole family.
We can't imagine anyone more deserving
of this Eishet Chayil honor.
Tara, Zach, and Jacqueline Neustein
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Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Lesli and Jordon - Your extensive contributions to K'lal Yisrael and so many Jewish organizations
are a gift for all. We at BJC are especially thankful to have benefitted
from your experience and dedication. Lesli, the endless hours you spent
as Sisterhood president have elevated this organization to a new level
capable of serving and enhancing our growing membership.
From all your BJC friends, thank you for all of your efforts.
Candy -
You and Joe (Z'L) were instrumental in making BJC a success from the moment
you joined the Kehilla. With your warmth and generosity you've made numerous contributions, always accomplished with a quiet dedication to the growth and success
of our community. Thank you for your friendship, to our family and so many others.
May we all continue to work together with Lesli, Jordon and Candy
in making BJC a valuable center of Jewish life for all of our members.
Vivian and Sol Kandel Full Page
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We pay tribute to our dear friend,
Candy Neustein,
on receiving the Aishes Chayil Award
at this year's Annual Gala.
May you continue to serve as a role model
for your family and friends in support of
Boca Jewish Center and Torah Learning initiatives.
May you go from strength to strength.
Donna and Jeff Lawrence
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Mazel Tov
Lesli and Jordon
on your well deserved honor!
Our very best to you both.
Tobi and Nathan Lewinger
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Kol HaKavod to the worthy Honorees
Lesli & Jordon Ross
Candy Neustein
May they go
from strength to strength
Adria & Jeffrey Mandel
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With heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to
Rabbi Yaakov and Rabbanit Jennifer Gibber
In esteem for the leadership & dedication of our President & First Lady,
Dr. Charles and Sharon Trauring
With haKarat haTov and in tribute to our Honorees;
Lesli and Jordon Ross
With admiration for the devotion of our
Aishes Chayil
Candy Neustein
Congratulations and Best Wishes,
Nancy Eisenberg & Marc Brandriss
Nancy Eisenberg & Marc Brandriss
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Mazel Tov Mom!
We are so proud of all that you and Dad (z.l.)
have accomplished over the years both in El Paso and Boca.
From various shul committees to school boards, you have set
a wonderful example of how to build and enrich
Jewish communities that we hope to emulate in our lives.
We are so fortunate to have you as our mom and our children
are lucky to have you as their Gaga. You are so deserving
of this Eishet Chayil honor and we look forward
to celebrating with you in Boca!
Sarah, Michael, James and Lexie Neustein
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To Our Balabusta in Boca
Aunt Candy Thanks for all you do
for the family and community.
Mazal Tov
Paul Hirsch Ariana Mia Sigal Donny Morgan Harrison Full Page
It's Hard To Find Words to Adequately Describe
Rabbi & Rebetzin Gibber, as well as All Our Newfound Neighbors, with such a Warm Welcome,
Such Great Company & exciting events.
It's no surprise we feel one of the gang. The words
"NEVER A DULL MOMENT" comes to mind, Thank You
All at BJC Shaarei Tfilah for making us feel so LOVED!
With Much appreciation,
Sol & Surie Schlesinger
Polymeric Resources Corp.
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Thank you to the
Rabbi and Rebbetzin,
Charlie and Sharon,
the board, staff
and volunteers for making
Boca Jewish Center
such a warm
and inspiring home.
Ezra & Jessica Roth
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To New Friends
Lesli and Jordon,
Your presence drew us here
where we have found a new beginning.
Your dedication and hard work is an inspiration.
Mazel Tov!
Your smarts, grace and tireless
efforts are the personification of an Eishet Chayil!
Thank you for your leadership and commitment.
May You All Go From Strength to Strength
Jayne & Sid Sayovitz
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Kol HaKavod
to the honorees
on their well deserved honor Dr. David Scott
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With affection, admiration
and gratitude, we wish Mazal Tov
to our dear friend Candy Neustein
on a well-deserved honor.
We salute Lesli and Jordon Ross
for their tireless efforts
on behalf of Boca Jewish Center
Smadar and David Seinfeld
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We are pleased to join
the congregation in honoring
Lesli & Jordon Ross
together with
Candy Neustein
With gratitude, affection, and respect.
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Kol HaKavod
and sincere gratitude
to all the honorees
for all the hard work
and dedication.
May your efforts
be an inspiration
for generations to come.
Susan Sullivan & Jonathan Spier
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In Honor of
Boca Jewish Center / Shaaray Tefilla Rabbi Yaakov & Rebbetzin Jennifer Gibber & The Lay Leadership Upon this Fifth Journal Gala Dinner Mazel Tov to The Honorees Lesli & Jordon Ross and Candy Neustein May you and the entire congregation go From strength to strength In the service of our community Young Israel of Boca Raton Rabbi Eliyahu & Rebbetzin Ruth Rabovsky
Simcha David, President
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Mazal Tov to the honorees
Lesli and Jordon Ross
Candy Neustein
on this well-deserved honor.
Yoni and Toba Auerbach
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Mazel Tov to Boca Jewish Center
And their wonderful Rav & Rebbetzin
on their Fifth Annual Journal & Gala Dinner.
Mazel Tov to Lesli & Jordon Ross
and Candy Neustein on this well-deserved honor.
East Boca Kehilla
Rabbi Noach Light
Mara D'Asra
Half Page
Candy, who with Joe (z.l.),
have been an inspiration to us all
as to what it means to be gracious
and involved meaningfully
in one's community.
We are proud to be family.
Rina and Sherwin Isenberg (Los Angeles)
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Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Yaakov & Rebbetzin Jennifer Gibber
and to the
and to the entire
Boca Jewish Center Family
Ken & Bernice Klein
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Mazel tov to the honorees
and yasher koach for all you do
for the community. Judy, Mike and Mira Rubin
Half Page
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Lesli & Jordon Ross,
Candy Neustein
and to our
Rabbi and Jennifer Gibber.
Continued success
to the Boca Jewish Center
in all its endeavors
Cookie Weil
Quarter Page
We pay tribute to
Rabbi & Rebbitzin Gibber
and the Board and Gabbaim of BJC.
We are grateful.
Chaskel & Simi Bennett
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Mazel Tov
Lesli and Jordon
on this wonderful honor.
We love you guys!
Gerry and Debbie Damsky
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Dear Lesli and Jordon,
Mazal Tov on being honored
for your continued support
of your Jewish community,
education and tzadekah.
You make your family proud.
Drs. Connie & Lee Koppelman,
Dr. Claudia & Jack,
Laurel, Keith
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov
to our honorees
Lesli & Jordon Ross
Candy Neustein
Lauren & Russel Glaun
& Family
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Best wishes to the Honorees,
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Gibber
and the BJC Kehilla.
Ben and Elinda Hendin
Quarter Page
In honor of
Lesli & Jordon Ross
A very Special Couple
The Kogan Family
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Lesli & Jordon and Candy
Deborah Rudmann & Phyllis Gutmann, Co-Chairs.
Jack Rosenbaum, Director.
March of the Living Southern Region
at the Jewish Federation of S. Palm Beach County
Quarter Page
For Candy -
a true Aishes Chayil -
A well deserved
and fitting honor
for a truly gracious,
thoughtful and most
wonderful lifelong friend.
Elaine Pines
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Dear Lesli and Jordon,
on this well-deserved honor.
Best Wishes,
Bernie & Pat Pomeranc
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Kol HaKavod to the honorees
on their well deserved honor Eliane and Joseph Rackman
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Thank you to board, staff
and volunteers for making
Boca Jewish Center
such a warm
and inspiring home.
Rebecca, Reny, and Steve Sager
Quarter Page
To my Dear Friends,
Jordon and Lesli Ross,
& to the Aishes Chayil, Candy Neustein,
Mazel Tov on the Well-Deserved Honor!
Evelyn Solomon
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Congratulations to
This Year's Honorees
Your leadership and effort on behalf of
our Shul are always infused
with energy and inspiration.
This Honor is well deserved Mazel Tov!
Elaine Trachtenberg
Journal Entry
Kol HaKavod to the honorees
on their well deserved honor Michael & Eva Bock
Journal Entry
Mazel Tov on this wonderful honor.
El Paso misses you!
Walter & Theresa
Journal Entry
Lesli & Jordon,
Mazal Tov on your well-deserved honor!
Debbie & Ken Duchin
Journal Entry
In honor of
Rabbi and Mrs. Gibber
for their Extraordinary warmth
and dedication.
In Admiration of the Honorees
and our dedicated President
Dr. Charlie Trauring
Yussie and Esther Fingerer
and Family
Journal Entry
Kol HaKavod to
Candy Neustein
for a well deserved honor Dr. Paul and Susie Fishman
Journal Entry
You're truly a woman of valor
for all the many special qualities
that you possess.
Mazel Tov on this award!
Linda, Larry, Lauren and Jonathan
Fluger/Fassberg Family
Journal Entry
Mazal Tov to "cousin"
Lesli and Jordon Ross
and Candy Neustein
on this well deserved honor.
Thank you for your dedication
to the Shul to make it the warm
and inspiring home we all love.
Benjamin and Nechama Kopelman
Journal Entry
Mazel Tov to
my wonderful cousin
With Love,
Leslie Lafayette Journal Entry
Generous Contributions were made by the following
in honor of
Lesli & Jordon Ross and Candy Neustein
Debbie Duchin
Eric Eisenstein
Barbara Ribakove
Andrea Weiner
Mona Gubow
Melissa Burger
Nina Sherman
Matthew Kessler
Journal Entry
"It's not how much or how little you have
that makes you great or small,
but how much or how little you are
with what you have." -Samson Raphael Hirsch
I love and admire you, Lesli & Jordon.
Mazal tov!
Caren Schnur Neile |