From Lesli & Jordon Ross          From Candy Neustein
Message from Lesli & Jordon Ross

Thank you, our dearest family, friends and fellow congregants, for your support and for sharing this occasion with us.
How fortunate we are to be members of Boca Jewish Center/Shaaray Tefilla.  When we made the decision to move north from Aventura about six years ago, in choosing a new home one consideration remained paramount: locating a synagogue that would provide not only a comfortably fitting place to daven and learn, but also a true community, in the broadest, deepest sense of the word.
On a map covering our dining room table, we plotted every shul from north Dade to south Palm Beach, and drew half-mile and mile radii around each--a lot of circles!  Then we set out to explore the options, a long, sometimes taxing process.  But when we entered BJC and met Rabbi Gibber, we knew we had completed our search. 
So above all, we want to convey our heartfelt gratitude to the people who came here before us and devoted substantial time and energy in establishing, maintaining and nurturing our spiritual and social home, those who picked up the pieces of BJC’s forerunner (we have heard the stories. . .),  provided financial support and critical guidance, and created the embracing environment and extensive range of opportunities for personal engagement and growth we enjoy.    Through BJC our religious needs are fulfilled and we have developed enriching friendships, a true gift we never expected at this point in our lives.   To untiring leadership past and present, our exceptional Rabbi and Rebbetzin, the men who have ensured our minyan and the men and women who have contributed in myriad ways to the warm atmosphere and success of our shul--and brought so much to us personally--our deep and abiding thanks. 
It is to their credit that our congregation has experienced tremendous growth, especially during the past year, a development both gratifying and challenging.  With size come the advantages of greater resources--human and financial--and expanded programming.   Yet we pray that as our membership increases, we do not lose the essence of BJC’s appeal: the warmth suffusing the synagogue and interactions between congregants, acceptance of members (and guests) of diverse backgrounds, ages and modes of observance, the palpable and practical support of community in times both joyful and not.  It is up to each one of us to ensure it, by extending ourselves to welcome newcomers, demonstrating tolerance and respect toward all, and by volunteering in some capacity on behalf of our shared endeavor. 
As we look forward to celebrating a festive evening with you, we are especially thrilled to be sharing the honors with Candy Neustein, one of the very first people to welcome us and who with Joe z’l exemplified the values of BJC we so cherish.  Mazal tov, Candy, and thank you again, everyone, for your support for BJC/Shaaray Tefilla.
Message from Candy Neustein

Dear Friends and Family,
I am truly thankful and honored to be this year’s Aishet Chayil along with our dear Honorees Lesli and Jordon Ross.  Lesli and Jordon have been true assets to the community, always willing to assist wherever needed.  I particularly thank Leslie for so graciously assuming the Sisterhood presidency when I stepped down.
Fourteen years ago when Joe z”l and I searched for the perfect vacation home we came across the beautiful Shul by the Grove (now Boca Jewish Center/Shaaray Tefilla).  We immediately knew that this was the ideal place for our family.  However, little did we know that the ruach, friendship and commitment to Torah learning would inspire us to make this our full-time residence just three years later. 
We were so fortunate to witness the growth and prosperity of the community over the years.  The vibrant programming for both children and adults, the growth in membership and the influence of the shul at large has made this one of the most attractive communities in the country.  
This success is a credit to all the hard work and energy our amazing Rabbi and Rebbetzin exude every day.  Their relentless efforts to make everyone in this community feel welcome and special is the ultimate example of lifnim mishurat hadin (going above and beyond). 
I’d also like to thank Radine Spier, Devorah and Yisroel Feder, Hindy and Eli Stuart and Gail and Steven Fine for their many hours of meetings and planning to put this event together. 
To my dear children and grandchildren, I am so delighted that you will be able to share in this evening.  Your support and strength especially over the last few years has made me proud to be your mother and grandmother.  Seeing you participate and find comfort in the Shul when you come visit affirms that we made the right decision fourteen years ago. 
Thank you once again for this honor and I look forward to the exciting future ahead for this community.  
Candy Neustein
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