Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
In honor of
Rene Garcia
Harold Foster
Thank you for all that you do for us and for our community.
The way you both go above and beyond
to help so many in need, is so appreciated.
Wishing you much success
in all of your future endeavors.
Nick & Tzila Sabo
Corporate Page
Mazel Tov to all of the honorees
for this well deserved honor.
Bikur Cholim is an amazing organization
and your involvement only serves to enhance
our Miami Beach community.
JoD & PK Koenigsberg and family
In honor of the outstanding
Miami Beach Bikur Cholim leadership.
כל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור
באמונה הקב״ה ישלם שכרם
May you always have good health
and happiness.
Gershon & Miriam Fink
Mazel Tov to all the honorees

Continue all your good work till 120
Herman Family
Chesed LLC
Hearty Mazel Tov
to all the esteemed and worthy honorees
A special Yasher Koach,
Hakoras Hatov and Kol Hakovod
to all those who actively fulfill
the mitzvah of Bikur Cholim
Jackie & Robert Weiss
Mazel Tov to all the Honorees!
For your chesed, for your community
and for Helping so many in need.
Our Kehila is most grateful.
Mazel Tov to our future leader
Beth Landesman
who tackles everything and anything with zest,
expertise and love.
We are so very proud of you
Abbey & Helene Berkowitz
Congratulation to
this wonderful organization,
and all the great honorees
Dr. Mauricio and Barbara Bitran
In Honor of
Alex and Ann Lebowitz
- Florida's Finest!!
Bob & Debbie Hartman
In honor of
Gershon and Miriam Fink
for their efforts and contributions
to Bikur Cholim,
the Miami Beach community
and Beyond.
Shaindy & Ari Hollander
Dr. Baruch & Robin Jacobs salute our accomplished honorees
and thank them for all their work on behalf of our community:
Mark Baranek,
Dr. Gershon and Miriam Fink,
Harold W. Foster,
Senator Rene Garcia,
Beth Landesman and
Pearl Shapiro.
It is an honor and privilege to work with my Bikur Cholim
partners: Alice, Ann, Talia & Beth.
May Hashem bless all of you with the strength
to continue your efforts on behalf of Bikur Cholim.
In honor of
Mr. Mark Baranek
Dr.& Mrs. Gerson Fink
Mr. Harold Foster
State Senator Rene Garcia
Mrs. Pearl Shapiro
Mrs. Beth Landesman ( a superstar volunteer)
Whose caring for the health of our community
means caring for the health of each individual person!
Thank you for all you do!!
Ann & Alex Lebowitz
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well deserved honors
  Winnas Ocho Cinco and Esty Jungreis
פיה פתחה בחכמה ותורת חסד על לשונה
In honor of our Mommy and Bubby שתחיה
We continue to be amazed and
learn from your tremendous גמילות חסדים on a daily basis.
May Hashem give you כח and געזונט
together with Tatty שיחיה to continue
your עבודת הקודש and see only נחת
ושמחה from all of us עמו"ש
Mendy & Ruchie Shapiro and Family
We honor some wonderful volunteers who provide extraordinary service
for Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach.
Beth Landesman is behind the scenes doing so much. 
Mrs. Pearl Shapiro helps us when we interact with patients
at Mount Sinai and does chesed 24/7. 
Gershon and Miriam Fink have given so much to our community on so many levels
and Bikor Cholim is indebted to them for all that they do. 
Harold Foster always with a smile always helping anybody in need.
Mark Baranek is always involved in community service and always with passion.
Finally we want to acknowledge Alice, Ann, Robin, and Talia who really do it all.
Bikur Cholim is indeed blessed to have them at the helm.
Matthew & Natalie Turetsky
Congratulations To All The Honorees 
And A Special Thank You To
Mrs. Pearl Shapiro
Who Does Endless Chesed
May They All Be Blessed With Long,
Happy and Healthy Days
Reuven & Fay Weiss
Cong. Bais Menachem
In honor of our dedicated daughter and granddaughter 
Eliana Cohen,
who gives selflessly of her strength and vitality, 
visiting and energizing those who are less fortunate.
May Hakodosh Boruch Hu grant her continued success in all her efforts.
Mommy and Daddy
Nanny and Papa
We also salute and wish continued success to Harold Foster,
Doctor & Mrs Gershon Fink as well as all of the other honorees.
We extend our
congratulations, admiration,
and appreciation to the honorees
and to Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach,
which is a true ornament
to our community.
Ahuva & Gary Epstein and Family
Mazel Tov to the honorees!
Harold Foster,
in admiration of all you do for the
community and its various institutions, Mazel tov!
Yisroel Yehuda and Elena Nevarez
We are so incredibly proud of our friend, BETH
on this well deserved honor!!
Beth, you always rise to the occasion
when anyone needs anything- especially good advice!
May you continue to have the strength
to always do good for the community.
We love you!!
Yael, Yocheved, Micky, Cypy, Batsheva, Ruchie,
Racheli, Ariella, Sara, Chaya, Tehila, Mercedes,
Tova, Joann, Amy, Shana, and Bryna
Congratulations to
Mark Baranek
Rene Garcia,
both great leaders in our community
Irma & Norman Braman
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on their well deserved honors
Judy & Fred Farbman
To a couple that inspires by giving to others so modestly,
We feel blessed to call you mom and dad.
Thank you for all that you do.
For us, for the community, for the world.
Atara, Sara, Menachem, Yehudit, Eitan,
Talia and Oryah Fink
Mazel Tov to
Pearl Shapiro
Harold Foster
Ariel & Lily Furst
In honor of the exemplary honorees
for outstanding service
to the greatest organization honoring
Dr. and Mrs. Gershon Fink
Mrs. Pearl Shapiro
Mr. Harold Foster
Mrs. Beth Landesman
Dr. David & Gita Galbut
רבות בנות עשו חיל ואת עלית על כלנה
"Many daughters have accomplished but you have surpassed them all"
In honor of our outstanding daughter, Beth Landesman,
who accomplishes all with ease, dedication, and love.
In eight short years you have started Miami Beach Shuls and worked on
many chesed projects including the Bikur Cholim Journal.
You have made a wonderful name for yourself in the Miami Beach community.
You are known as the "GO TO" person whenever help is needed. Watching you grow into
a wife, mother, teacher and community leader has been a great source of pride
to our entire family. Beth, you brighten our days and lives and astound us constantly
with your insight, capabilities, smarts and positive energy. May you continue to do
Gimilot Chasadim and help our community with such dignity.
We couldn't be more proud of you and are truly blessed. 
Mom and Dad Spolter
Mom and Dad Landesman
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees

Thank You for all you do
for this Community
and for those in need

You are true Role Models
Lenore and Stanley Weinstein
Congratulations to all the honorees and especially to our good friends

Dr Gershon and Miriam Fink

Mr Harold Foster

State Senator Rene Garcia

We have been personal friends of these three honorees for years.  Throughout our friendship
we have experienced an amazing true Chesed (kindness).  They never understood
the meaning of it cannot be done but rather "how can we help to get it done".
Gershon and Miriam, Harold and Rene, we are truly honored to consider ourselves
your friends.  May God bless you and rewards you with kindness and love
in all your endeavors.
Tzvi & Sara Bogomilsky
Congratulations and best wishes
to all the Honorees.
You inspire us!
The world is a better place because of you.
Thank you for the great work that you do.
We are so happy and proud to support
this wonderful organization.
Moj & Robert Danial
Pearl Shapiro
Dr. Gershon & Miriam Fink
You are in different fields of medicine
but you are all connected in a deep
and fundamental way.
You always give to your communities.
You are "there" to anyone who needs you
and you do it with warmth and caring.
Thank you for being our friends.
Shloime & Riva Denburg
In appreciation and admiration of
Alice Manaster

And all the amazing Mesiras Nefesh she exerts
on behalf of the Miami Beach Community
Tavo Aleichem Brocho!
Yitzchok & Toby Kahn
To our dear Mother and Bubby, Pearl Shapiro,

You serve as an example and inspiration of chesed to us
and all that know you.
May Hashem give you the strength to continue to inspire
those around you with your dedication in helping others
for many more happy, healthy years.
We love you!
Dini and Alie Katz and Family, Shifra
and Mayshe Schwartz and Family, Yosi Shapiro
and Family, Dovy and Chaya Shapiro and Family,
Estee and Shua Lurie and Family
Mazel Tov Beth,
on receiving the Young Leadership award. Your entire family is so proud of you
and all of your outstanding charitable efforts. We have seen your growth and involvement
in helping our community grow right from the beginning. With your engagement and work
in seemingly every other organization in our community, and specifically in Bikur Cholim.
You have done all of this altruistically for the simple mission of growing
and connecting everyone in the community together. Your work has been a tremendous success
and we know you will continue to build yourself even further as a leader in your family,
friends, shul, community, city, and everywhere you go.
It is my honor to be able to raise our family with you
as a tremendous and inspiring role model for your children,
friends, and me as a strong and active leader and wish you
Mazel and Hatzlacha for many more years.
Mordy, Ashley, & Hailey
Mazel Tov to this year's honorees
Dorthy Lewis
Mazel Tov to all of the honorees!
Keep up the good work!
Yitzy Rosenblum
On behalf of the Board of Directors and Administration
of Sha'arei Bina Torah Academy for Girls we extend Best Wishes and Yasher Koach To
Dr. Gershon and Mrs. Miriam Fink 
on their being recognized by the Bikur Cholim Foundation for the Rofeh Award.  
We wish Mazal Tov to all the Honorees and extend our sincere appreciation to
the Bikur Cholim Foundation for all of the chesed performed in our community.
You truly represent the concept of כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה. Kol Hakavod! 
Dr. Rochelle Brand  Mrs. Tobi Wolf   Dr. Gary and Elana Rosenbaum, Mr. Michael Bokor 
  Head of School                Principal                           Board of Directors SBTAG                                   
Sha'arei Bina Torah Academy for Girls, 2907 Taylor Street,
Hollywood, Florida 33428 

Mazel Tov to
 Bikur Cholim Rofeh Award 
Chesed Award 
May Hashem bless you with good health and the strength to continue all the good work you do
on behalf of the South Florida Jewish community and Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach. 
Congratulations on your well-deserved honors.
The Capt. Hyman P. Galbut
Jewish Learning Center Chabad
Bais Peretz Synagogue
Mazel Tov to
Gershon and Miriam Fink
And to all the honorees
on your well deserved honor.
May you continue to be able to make
a difference to those that you help.
Dov & Chaya Ungar
On this recognition
of what is just a tiny portion
of all the good you do
for our community

Michael & P'nina Rottman
A well deserved honor!
Mazel Tov!
Joanne & Danny Aronson
Mazal Tov on this prestigious honor-
Its well deserved!
Special Congrats to
Harold Foster
Mark Baranek
The Fink family
Jay & Sharon Beck
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
Especially to our dear
Gershon and Miriam Fink.
Yasher Koach
for the very well deserved award!
The Benalloun Family
Mazel tov and kol hakavod to our dear friend,
Pearl Shapiro,
on a well-deserved honor.
Your continuous acts of chesed and your selfless dedication
to the community are an inspiration and example to all of us.
May Hashem bless you with good health, happiness
and lots of yiddishe nachas from your family.
May you have the koach to continue
your good deeds ad meah v'esrim. 
Frank and Renee Bortunk
חסד ואמת נפגשו צדק ושלום נשקו
(תהילים פ״ה)
To Gershon and Miriam
May Hashem Grant You Continued Success
in All Your Future Endeavours
We Love and are Very Proud of You!
Ima and Marty
Mazel Tov to this year's honorees
  Dori Foster-Morales
Foster-Morales Sockel-Stone, LLC
Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees 
and their amazing contributions
to the community.
May you be blessed
with continued success 
in the future.
Neil & Efrat Friedman
Mark-The best coach who stays in touch
And remembers everything
Gershon/Miriam-Superb Doctor & loving mother
Harold-Makes political connections a holy Commitment
with integrity & honesty
Beth-So talented so young & such a merit
to Her outstanding parents, grandmother, Inlaws and Avraham

Pearl-An Eishes Chayil to all needy and to her Fantastic husband/Rebbe
Robert & Rita Galbut
Mazel Tov to all the honorees on their well deserved awards
A special thank you to
Alice Manaster
Rick Turetsky
for their outstanding commitment
to the Miami Beach Bikur Cholim
Mauricio & Vivian Gluck and Family
Congratulations Beth!
What a well deserved honor.
You are continuously inspiring us
to do our best to help others.
We are so proud to be your friends.
Yocheved Gordon, Abby Fox,
Meli Naierman and Jen Chames
"Grandchildren are the crown of the elderly,
and the glory of children are their parents."
(Mishlei 17:6)
Mazal tov to Beth for this richly deserved honor.
Your parents and grandparents have been great role models.
Now you too are a shining example for others to emulate.
Congratulations to all of tonight's honorees.
Sara & Ronnie Gottlieb
We Pay Tribute To The Presidium
Robin Jacobs
Talia Lamet
Ann Lebowitz 
and Alice Manaster
and All of the Honorees
Dr. Eli & Marcia Herschmann
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well deserved honors
Allan & Sandy Jacob
In Honor of 
Harold Foster
A good man
always ready to exert a helping hand
with a smile to anyone in need. 
Yitzchok & Toby Kahn
Mazel Tov to
Beth Landesman

and all this years honorees
on this well deserving honor!
Aharon & Chaya Kibel
Congratulations to all the honorees
Andre and Micky Klein
Mazel Tov to this year's honorees
Dovi & Ilana Lamet
Congratulations to all the honorees on their well deserved honors!!!
thank you for all the hard work you do for bikur cholim
and always available whenever there is a need!
Dr Gershon and Miriam Fink
continue being such role models in our community and thank you
for always helping out whether it's to educate the community
on health benefits or just simply being helpful in any which way possible!
To Alice, Ann and Robin what a team !!!
May we continue to create wonderful dinners
to benefit Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach!!!
Talia & Ari Lamet
Mazel Tov to our good friends
Dr. Gershon and Miriam Fink
Mr. Harold W. Foster
Mrs. Pearl Shapiro
on their well deserved honors
Yair & Bassy Lapciuc
Mazel Tov to Gershon & Miriam
on this great honour.
May you continue your wonderful work for the community
in good health for many years.
So proud of you and you warm our hearts
in the cold north (Toronto).
Compliments of,
Ira & Shirley Marder
Mazel Tov to
Beth Landesman
on your involvement in Bikur Cholim
and other community-wide initiatives.
We are so proud to call you our friend.
May you continue to be a role model for this community
and an example for your children.
Benjy & Dahlia Miller
Mazel Tov 
Best Wishes
To All The Honorees
David & Candy Muhlrad
In Honor of the wonderful Work
Bikur Cholim does in Miami Beach
Myer & Janis Roszler
Mazel Tov to
Gershon and Miriam Fink
Beth Landesman 
Harold Foster
on these wonderful honors
Your friends,
Jonathan & Abby Rubin
Mazel Tov Beth Lanndesman
on a well deserved honor.
You make us all proud on your good name
and accomplishments for Bikur Cholim.
Mazel tov to all!
Ricky & Shari Schechter
Mazel Tov and best wishes
to all the honorees.
May you continue to be
an inspiration to
the entire community.
Rachel & Ari Schuster
Mazel Tov to the accomplished honorees
on their truly deserved honors!
& Recognizing my daughter
Robin Schwartz Jacobs
Her smile always makes me smile.
Her Laugh is infectious.
Her heart is pure and true.
Above all I love that she is my daughter.
Bernice Schwartz
Congratulations to all the honorees
And With admiration to
Alice Manaster and Ricky Turetsky
for all the wonderful things
that you do for Bikur Cholim.
Howard & Resa Sitzer
Mazel tov to our friends  
Beth and Mordy Landesman
and to all the honorees!
Thank you to Bikur Cholim
for all that you do for our community.
Adam & Meirah Weiss
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well deserved honors
Shira Westreich
Here's to our honorees
for their dedication
AND to our dynamic
organization's leadership.
Yashir Koach!!
Gary Yarus
A tribute to
Dr. Gershon and Mrs. Miriam Fink
We thank you for all your involvement in Miami's community affairs and appreciate your dedication to Bikur Cholim.
We wish you and your entire families much health, prosperity,
good mazel, and hatzlacha in your lives.
Our warmest wishes
Leora and Chaim Zwebner
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well deserved honors
Alyssa & Menachem Baumgarten
Mazal Tov to all of this years honorees
on your commitment
to Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach 
and our community.
In special recognition of the tireless
dedication of the pillars of Bikur Cholim,
Anne, Alice, Robin, and Ricky.
May you be blessed with strength
to continue doing Chessed
and helping others in this most special way.
Stevie & Risa Berkowitz
Congratulations to our incredible friend
Beth Landesman
on this most deserving honor.
You are an inspiration to us all
for everything you do for the community.
May Hashem bless you with the continued ability to achieve,
strength to persevere, and may you continue to be
an inspiration to our entire community.
Mazel Tov!
Ben and Elizabeth Berman
In honor of Mark Baranek
- a true mensch!
Arnie and Donna Blaustein
Congratulations and best wishes to My Dear Friend
Pearl Shapiro
For your tireless efforts
on behalf our community.
May you continue to be
a source of strength and Inspiration.
With much admiration, 
Rachel Candiotti &Family
Mazel Tov to the 12th grade honorees:
Eliana Cohen
Michal Goldblatt
Tzili Wasserlauf
Leah Zidell
For all the time and energy you put into doing Bikur Cholim on a weekly basis We are so proud that you have chosen to devote your time to uplifting other people's lives and to bringing happiness and comfort to them
May you be zoche to continue in this worthwhile endeavor and important mitzvah

Noam and Nicole Cohen
Schragie and Gili Goldblatt
Aaron and Ruchie Wasserlauf
Yaakov and Rachel Zidell
A special Mazel Tov to 
Dr. Gershon & Mrs. Miriam Fink 
you are a true inspiration
to all who know you.
Deborah Chames, Esq.
and Rabbi Neil Cohen 
Kluger, Kaplan, Katzen, Silverman and Levine P. L. 
201 S. Biscayne Blvd.
27th Floor
Miami, Florida 33131 
(305) 379-9000
Deborah Chames, Esq. & Rabbi Neil Cohen
In honor of
Beth Landesman
We are so proud that you are continuing the legacy of Tzedekah
established by your parents Sandy and Artie Spolter
and your grandparents Helen and Arnold Meyer.
'What you leave behind is not what is engraved in
stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others "
Hashem should grant you the strength to continue
your wonderful work on behalf of our community till 120.
Much Love, 
Brenda & Jeff Eisner
Mazel Tov to this year's honorees
Howard and Susan Freundlich
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well deserved honors!
Beth, may you continue to inspire us
with your good work!
Tammy and Kenny Goldring
Mazel Tov to the honorees 
on their well deserved honors.
With great admiration and appreciation to,
Mrs. Pearl Shapiro,
who has really been there for us
with her great expertise and kindness.
With gratitude to the entire Bikur Cholim team,
who have encouraged and uplifted us in so many ways.
Greenberg Family
Mazel Tov to Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach on the selection of
Dr. Gershon Fink & Miriam Fink as recipients
of the Rofeh Award and Harold Foster as recipient
of Keter Shem Tov Award.
For decades, Dr. & Mrs. Fink have made our community
the beneficiary of their countless communal
and charitable contributions.
Harold Foster was created in the same mold
and Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach is indeed fortunate
to be the latest recipient of their outstanding efforts.
Elaine & Bob Grover
Congrats Beth!
We're so proud!
Eli & Sara Lidsky
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well deserved honors
Sharona and Avi Litwin
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well deserved honors
Tuvia and Ruchie Peppard
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well deserved honors
Samuel and Ilana Reich
In honor of the
Lamet & Lebowitz families
Thank you for your dedication to 
Klal Yisroel!
Shoshana & Daniel Robbin & Family
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well deserved honors
Israel & Debby Wiznitzer
Dear Gershon and Miriam,
(רודף צדקה וחסד ימצא חיים צדקה וכבוד (משלי כ״א, כ״א
Mazel Tov on receiving this special award! 
Both of you have always been a shining example for us of what it means
to be a בעל חסד, someone who lives for others.
We are continually inspired by the way you continue the acts of chessed
practiced by our previous generations, and by the way you open up
your home and hearts to your family, friends, and community.
May הקב״ה grant you the ability to continue on this path,
along with your beautiful family, and see only nachas and bracha.
With love,
Shimshon, Sari, Eliezer, Chagit, and children
To our dear friends and all of the honorees.
Bikur Cholim is such an integral part of
the Miami Beach community.
Thanks for all your hard work and dedication.
Miriam & Howard Abrahams

In honor of Mark Baranek
BB & Rachel Brecher
In honor of Harold Foster
BB & Rachel Brecher

Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well deserved honors
Rabbi & Mrs. Dulitz
Mazel tov to
Beth Landesman

Mazel tov to
Gershon and Miriam
Mazel tov to this year's honorees
on their well deserved honors!
Marlene & Eliezer Fox

Mazel Tov to this year's honorees
Aryeh & Brocha Holzer
In Honor of
Beth Landesman
who rises to the occasion time
and time again.
We are all thankful for
your hard work and dedication.
Yehuda & Leah Lifshitz

Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well deserved honors
Alexander & Susan Lurie
We honor our dear, Beth
We have seen you grow up and mature
into such a accomplished young woman! We couldn't be prouder!
Mazel Tov to you, your husband, daughters,
and your dear parents and grandmother.
Fred and Aliva Mingel
Bob and Bobbi Shapiro 

Congratulations to
Mark Baranek
on your deserved
Community Service Award and
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
for your compassionate work
Elena & Lee Salomon
Mazel Tov to
Gershon and Miriam
on the Rofeh Award.
Thank you for being
such good neighbors and friends.
Sara, Chaim, & Ateret

Pearl, I can never thank you
enough for all the help,
healing, support, and comfort
to my family!
This honor is so well deserved.
Barbara Dahav

In Memory of Rabbi Simeon Schreiber
Max Dekelbaum
Mazel Tov, Mark!
With love,
Adriana, Glenn, Louis and Sabrina Dryfoos

In honor of
Beth Landesman
Debbie & Steve Hamburg
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on their well deserved honors
Ann Ruth Himelstein

Mazel Tov Pearl
on this well deserved honor.
Your warmth, kindness, spirit, and care
is an inspiration to us all
Francine Katz
Congratulations Beth
on your Award!
We wish you continued success
in all that you do!
Max, Shlomie, and Rivi Landesman

In Honor of
Alice Manaster
for true 'Tzadeikis'!
Miriam Lehrfield
Mazal Tov to
on this well deserved honor
All our love, 
Aunt Essie, Eana and Max, Jason and Lauren

In honor of 
Ann and Alex Lebowitz
for their tremendous
charitable efforts on behalf
of Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach
Penny Miller
Mazal Tov to the honorees.
Thank you for all that you do
for us and for our community.
Warren and Tali Newfield

Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well deserved honors.
Your efforts
are an inspiration to us all.
  Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Y.
& Rochel Niman
Mazel Tov
Beth Landesman
on her well deserved honor
Congratulations to all the honorees
Lenny and Norma Reiz

מזל טוב
Mark Baranek
We are honored to call you our friend!
Karen and Marc Rivo
In tribute to all of the dedicated honorees
Barbara Shapiro

Mazal Tov to
Mrs. Beth Landesman.
Thank you for all your hard
work and dedication to
Bikur Cholim of Miami Beach.
Tracy & Dovie Spitz
In recognition of
Mark Baranack
for his fine character 
& many contributions to our community.
David & Pam Weiss

Mazel Tov to this year's honorees
Lisi & Daniel Wolfson
Mazel Tov to our colleague Beth Landesman 
on this well deserved honor.
Your friends at Hebrew Academy RASG
Reena Rabovsky, Anat Moyal, Sheva Schochet,
Judy Scurz, Rachel Leubitz, Rachel Benzaquen,
Elena Holand, Dassie Richler, Avi Weberman,
Abigael Nagler, Jen Roffman and Elana Szafranski

Fellig Family - Coconut Grove
Jonathan & Shelley Groff
Nicole & Jordan Kavana
Scott and Samantha Spolter
Robin & Robert Waldman