BIKUR CHOLIM OF GREATER WASHINGTON: Since 1997, Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington (BCGW) has brought the healing comfort of community support to the sick and ailing in the Jewish Community in and around Washington, D.C. by sending meals to patients and caregivers,  providing transportation to medical appointments, loaning medical equipment, sending friendly visitors to the sick and the aged and supporting Mier L' Olam kosher hospital pantries located in four area hospitals: Children's National Medical Center, Adventist White Oak Medical Center, Shady Grove Medical Center and Holy Cross Silver Spring and the Children's Inn at NIH.  The BCGW SmileMakers program dedicated in memory of Rabbi Yosef Samberg strengthens the connection between volunteers and families through special activities, outings and personalized support.  In 2016, BCGW opened the doors of the Bernard Creeger Bikur Cholim House across the street from The National Institutes of Health. This home offers life-saving support and Jewish fellowship to people grappling with severe illness.
By offering all our services without cost to the recipient, we free people to focus on their recovery without additional financial stress. When illness strikes, our community depends on us and we depend on you.
Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington is a 501(c) (3) non-profit, Jewish volunteer based service organization that provides assistance to people facing medical and related challenges.
Thankfully, we are very happy to announce that this years Hope and Healing Gala will be an in-person event and look forward to this reunion with all of us gathered together. We have learned a great deal over the past year and a half about what it means to support people under ever-changing circumstances and through unchartered territory. Thanks to our many volunteers and supporters, we are stronger and up to the mission we have chosen to embrace.
This gala will be a celebration of our work as well as an appeal to all of you to continue to support BCGW and make sure that the Greater Washington area continues to have a robust, inclusive bikur cholim organization for years to come.
Thank you for your support. 


Debi Factor
Ruth Konick
Joan Lehrhaupt
Hon. Paul Lieberman
Joan Neugroschl
Ginger Pinchot
Helene Zeltser

Past Honorees

Bill Kominers
Jill Goldwater
Ari Shapiro
Miriam Weiss
Sid Diamond
Arlene Groner
Marcia Kerchner
Betty Kramer
Judi Kranz
Max Rudmann
David Zierler
Eve Farber
Sylvia Goldberg
Rabbi Barry Greengart
Nancy Weisman
Heidi Lamar
Larry Korb
Deedee Rosenfeld
Fran Kritz
Judy and Jerry Frank
Gary Winters
David Abrams
Sharon Dekelbaum
Dr. Leo and Sharona Rozmaryn
Linda and Arturo Israel Garzon
Melissa Miller
Aviva Werner
Dr. Kurt Newman
Dr. Roger Packer
Miriam Friedman
Sara Glashofer
Lori Greenberg Tolchin
Irit Rasooly Goldman
Edward Snyder
Shirlee Franco
The Minyan at NIH
Hon. Paul Lieberman
Sahra Ginsburg
Yeshiva of Greater Washington Girls Division
Ginger Pinchot
Lisa Mellman
Debi Wildman Factor
Rikki Reifer
Anne Merzel
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