Please join us in thanking our special volunteer honorees
for their deep commitment to helping others
(click on honoree photo below to view bio)
By offering all our services without cost to the recipient, we free people to focus on their recovery without additional financial stress. When illness strikes, our community depend on us and we depend on you.
David and Naomi Balto
Manette & Louis Mayberg Mayberg Foundation
Alan and Fran Broder
Dina and Jerry Leener
Rona and Aaron Lerner
Cantor Jeffrey and Gail Nadel
Hope and David Taragin
Gary and Shanna Winters
Naomi & Ori Carmel
Achi & Miriam Guggenheim
Jay & Rhonda Lehman
Debra Reiter Panitch
Audrey and Neil Siegel
Sarah and Buddy Stern
Daniel and Daphna Raskas
Full Page
Am Hatorah Congregation of Bethesda
Sharon Balto, Joan, Ron, and Courtney Hoffman, Lori and Michael, Bailee and Brandon and Shana Barnett, Ron and Karen Balto and family and Joel and Jennifer Denenholtz and family
Richie and Cheryl Broth and family
Chabad of Silver Spring
Charles E. Smith Life Communities
The Men's and Women's Chevra Kadisha of Greater Washington
Sara and Jeff Elikan
Shmuel and Chani Feldman
Gloria, Joyce, Rita, Sharie, and Stephanie
Menachem and Miri Gottlieb
Dean and Devorah Grayson
I Was Supposed to Have a Baby, NechamaComfort and the National Bikur CHolim Conference
Daniel and Sima Jacoby
Pauline and Steve Jaffe
JCRC of Greater Washington
Marsha and Yitz Kasdan
Yitzi and Bassie Katz
Kehilat Pardes
Kehillas Ohr HaTorah
Kemp Mill Synagogue
Kesher Israel
Ellen and Larry Korb
Deborah and Pinchus Laufer
Yitzchok and Barbara Lehmann Siegel
David Lerner and family
Don & Jan Moses
National Bikur Cholim Conference
Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains
Judy & Stuart Rosenthal
Yehoshua and Leah Scheininger
Marilyn & Don Schwartz
Sara Silver
The Lerner Family
Shmuel and Mindy Tolchinsky
Vaad HaRabanim - The Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington
Julie and Dan Vogel
The Walking Group - Minchberg, Karesh, Feldman, Glasner, Meiselman
Yad Yehuda
Young Israel Ezras Israel of Potomac
Young Israel Shomrei Emunah of Greater Washington
Journal Greeting
Ken & Carol Bender-Horowitz
Renana Brooks
Melissa Cohen & Gresser LLP
Drs. Elana Bloom and Jeffrey Garrett
Sahra & Yale Ginsburg
Rachel & Menachem Hamberger
Rabbi Saul and Susan Koss
Lori and Mike, Bailee, brandon and Shana.
Bobbi and Jules Meisler
Jeff and Lea Mendelsohn
Elliot & Carol Mincberg
Belle Negrin Davis
Rebecca Anhang Price and Matthew Price
Ruthie & Bill Konick Ruthie & Bill Konick
Jeremy and Nomi Schnittman