Congregation Beth Sholom
President: Devorah Silverman First Vice President: Leah Nadich Meir Second Vice President: Debbi Bohnen Third Vice President: Simon Goodman Corresponding Secretary: Penina Grossberg Recording Secretary: Elaine Cohen Financial Secretary: Marc Melzer Treasurer: Saul Picker Congregation Beth Sholom
Debbie Berman, Amy Davidson, Jennifer
Dugdale, Mona Fishbane, Louis Flancbaum,
Isaac Fromm, Muriel Jorgensen, Rhonda Kahn,
Simon Klarfeld, Eillene Leistner, Jack Levine,
Deborah Liben, Clark Loffman, Efrem Reis,
Paul Resnick, Lainie Rosen, Marcy Rubin,
Myra Schulman, Hillary Wasserman, Elaine Zeitlin
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
Rabbi Joel Pitkowsky
Cantor Ronit Wolff Hanan, Music Director
Whitney Blom, Director of Family & Youth Services
Yoni Shear, Youth Engagement Coordinator
Abby Rosen Finkel, Synagogue Administrator
Congregation Beth Sholom
Simon Goodman, Chair
Debbie Berman, Matt Halpern, Rhonda Kahn,
Marian Kugelmass, Naama Manahan, Sarah Monchar,
Paul Resnick, Cathy Shepard, Sheri Tendler,
Adam Wall, Abby Rosen Finkel
Congregation Beth Sholom
Joan & Reuben Baron
Leora & Mikhail Brovman
Rochel & Len David
Eleanor & Paul Ellis
Sarah & Bob Goodman
Adina Avery-Grossman & Harman Grossman
Muriel Jorgensen
Rhonda & Richard Kahn
Helen & Robert Levine
Lorna & Mark Pascal
Martha & Paul Resnick
Karen Legman Segal & Eric Segal
Linda & Eddie Zizmor
Congregation Beth Sholom
In recognition of those who have committed to legacy support Anonymous, Adina Avery-Grossman & Harman Grossman, Irene Black, Michael Bye^, Rochel & Len David, Eleanor & Paul Ellis, Debby & Lou Flancbaum, Lyn & Nate Light Geller, Lori Forman-Jacobi & Simcha Jacobi, Jackie & Michael Kates, Karen & Harry Kissileff, Risa & Daniel Levin, Helen & Bob Levine, Michal Telem & Marc Melzer, Ilana & Saul Picker, Renah & Mayer Rabinowitz, Martha & Paul Resnick, Diane & Reuben Romirowsky, Mildred Schwartz, Sherri & Craig Tendler, Debbi Bohnen & Adam Wall, Vicki & Alex Wulwick (^deceased)
For information, please speak to Lou Flancbaum or Paul Resnick
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
What a thrill it is to recognize and thank this year's Gala Honorees,
Adina Avery-Grossman, Cantor Ronit Wolff Hanan,
and Tzipporei Shalom!
It's hard for us to imagine our congregation without Adina and Ronit -
and thankfully, we don't have to. We are fortunate to have hundreds of volunteers in our community, but far fewer personally invest in the ways that they have, maintaining full responsibility for Tzipporei Shalom for 20 years.
The idea to establish a children's choir at Beth Sholom may have led to the launch of Tzipporei Shalom, but over the years, for the hundreds of children who have participated and for the hundreds more who have enjoyed listening to these children, it is clear that Tzipporei Shalom is far more
than just a group of singers.
Congregation Beth Sholom
For the more musical kids, Tzipporei Shalom is a training ground, teaching skills and techniques. For the performers, Tzipporei Shalom offers a venue
to shine. For the participants who are less musical or performance-oriented,
but more about socializing with peers, Tzipporei Shalom provides a safe
and low-key space where they can learn and laugh with friends.
And let's not forget the kids who are ready to go before the shul even opens on Shabbat morning - Tzipporei Shalom is there for them, too, helping them understand that there are lots of ways to connect to their own Jewish identities through music, through friendships, through substantive
and meaningful texts and lyrics, and through laughter -
there's plenty of that in Tzipporei Shalom, as well.
Regardless of what brings the children to Tzipporei Shalom every week, those of us who watch them sing, and who wait for our chance to sing along with them, can feel their pride and joy. And we reflect our own pride
and joy back to them.
Congregation Beth Sholom
Our congregation is truly blessed; the sanctuary is regularly filled with
inspired singing and lively tunes that enhance our prayer experiences.
Look no farther than our sanctuary wall to understand how central
music is to our community (Psalms 100:2):
עבדו את ה' בשמחה באו לפניו ברננה Worship God in gladness; come into God's presence with song. We think it's safe to say that no one generates more gladness
or more pure joy through song in our community than Tzipporei Shalom.
Adina and Ronit, we are abundantly grateful to you for cultivating,
nurturing, teaching, guiding, and inspiring our kids, and all of the others
who have participated in Tzipporei Shalom. With the children,
you have, indeed, brought us #20YearsOfShirJoy,
and we can't wait for 20 more!
Joel Pitkowsky, Rabbi, and Devorah Silverman, President
Congregation Beth Sholom
It all started 20 years ago when a congregant approached Ronit Hanan -
singer, cantor's daughter and parent of two young children - and asked if
she would start a children's choir to keep the kids busy while their parents
were in services, and to provide them with a fun, musical experience to boot.
Ronit thought, "YES!" and immediately recruited her friend,
Adina Avery-Grossman (also a parent of small children, singer,
and cantor's daughter) to co-pilot this project.
The rest is history. They started with a name (Tzipporei Shalom, literally Birds of Peace)
and recruited their own four children to join the first group
of about eight. Their goal was simple, and remains the same
20 years later: Make this choir so great that kids will beg their parents
to get to shul on time. It worked!
Congregation Beth Sholom
Now upwards of 30-strong every year, boys and girls in first through
sixth grades meet every Saturday morning for half an hour. They work a cappella (without instrumental accompaniment), singing in Hebrew, English, Yiddish, Ladino, and even in Zulu and Luganda.
They sing old tunes and new ones. They sing in unison, in rounds
and in multiple harmonies. They learn how to stand, breathe, listen
and to blend with others. They master musical terms like crescendo and diminuendo, staccato and legato, forte and piano. They can define a shadow
vowel. They can identify an upbeat and a downbeat. They know to wait
for a count and a pitch before starting to sing and to watch their conductors. They memorize everything.
They grasp the value of teamwork. And through the music, they internalize our Jewish texts, learn about Israel and its musical history, and are exposed to the languages and cultures of Jews around the world.
Congregation Beth Sholom
There have been so many highlights!
Tzipporei Shalom singers appeared with Neil Sedaka on the stage
of Carnegie Hall and sang with the late, great Debbie Friedman.
They have performed at the annual Israel Folk Dance Festival
in New York, at the community-wide Bergen County Junior Choir Festival,
at Teaneck's Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) commemoration, and with Zamir Noded. They have performed with the American-Jewish rock band, Safam, and recorded with renowned cantor
Netanel Hershtik.
They enhance b'nai mitzvah and other special occasions at the synagogue,
and they especially enjoy performing with TAVIM,
the shul's adult a cappella group.
Congregation Beth Sholom
We calculate that over the years, there have been nearly 180 members of Tzipporei Shalom, now singing all over the US and Israel.
Ronit and Adina treat the singers like real professionals. And it shows.
They are loved by everyone -- not just by their parents --
and the program is rated #1 year in and year out in our shul survey.
The real reason? They bring to life the verse emblazoned across the front of
our sanctuary: "Ivdu et HaShem b'simcha, bo'u l'fanav birnana" -
Serve God with joy, come before God with song.
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
Thank you to those who kicked off
the fundraising by making early pledges
to the 2019 Gala!
Adina Avery-Grossman & Harman Grossman
Rochel & Len David
Arline Duker & Bill Werther
Anat & Aviv Efrat
Jessica & Isaac Fromm
Susan Kardos & Guy Baracassa
Dara & Simon Klarfeld
Helen & Bob Levine
Michelle & Jon Lupkin
Karen Misler & Barry Feigenbaum
Marlene & Phil Rhodes
Sheri & Craig Tendler
Cantor Ronit Wolff Hanan
Nesher / Eagle
Our young Birds of Peace
with multi-lingual songs so sweet...
A gift of Shir magic from Adina and Ronit.
Thank you! Todah rabah! Gracias! A dank!
Arline Bill Duker Werther
Nesher / Eagle
You have left your mark on this community in so many ways,
but with Tzipporei Shalom you have done it fortissimo.
Together with Ronit, you've made shul fun for so many kids,
you've instilled a love of Jewish music in all of us,
and you've carried forward the legacy of your parents
in the most beautiful way.
May the joy and music of Tzipporei Shalom
live on for generations!
We love you!
Harman, Zoe, Eli and Brenne
Nesher / Eagle
Yasher koach to Tzipporei Shalom
for 20 joyful years
Michelle and Jonathan Lupkin
Shira, Arielle, Leora and Ilana
Nesher / Eagle
Thank you
to the Gala Committee, to the Development Committee
and to our incredible staff
for all your tireless efforts!
And thank you to all our birdies
--past and present--
for your love, your laughs, your beautiful voices,
your passion, and your commitment.
Adina Avery-Grossman
Ronit Wolff Hanan
Baz / Falcon
Mazal tov to our amazing leader, Ronit, the best conductor in HaZamir!
Because of you, we are better singers, we are always prepared,
and we look forward to our rehearsals each week.
Many thanks to Congregation Beth Sholom for providing us
with our weekly rehearsal space for so many years.
And finally, congratulations to Tzipporei Shalom
(future HaZaBergen singers!) on 20 years of great music.
HaZamir Bergen County Singers 2018-19 Ayelet Abenaim, Chantal Efrat, Aderet Fishbane, Ula Goldstein, Lily Greenberg, Eitan Hiller, Theo Hyman-Bockman, Lucrecia Kleinmann, Penina Krischer, Jenny Kuriloff, Eliana Loffman, Ariella Mann, Ben Mitnick, Na'ama Papier, Jonah Pitkowsky, Dahlia Ramirez, Margy Ramirez, Yair Wall, Ariel Wilk, and our favorite pianist, Janet Montroy Baz / Falcon
As a family who has truly benefited from
the Tzipporei Shalom Experience,
we wish to recognize its leaders,
Ronit and Adina,
for creating something
special and everlasting.
Mazal tov on 20 years!
The Tendler Family
Yanshuf / Owl
Many thanks to
Ronit and Adina
for their vision and devotion
in creating and sustaining
Tzipporei Shalom
whose voices and spirit
uplift our congregation
Rochel & Len David
Yanshuf / Owl
The bimah is alive with the sound of music!
Thank you, Ronit & Adina
for 20 glorious years of Tzipporei Shalom
Karen, Barry, Jeremy & Stephanie
Yanshuf / Owl
Mazal tov to Adina & Ronit!
Thank you for bringing 20 years
of joy, music and celebration to CBS
through your passion and dedication
to Tzipporei Shalom.
Here's to many more.
Kol hakavod,
Dara, Simon
Harry, Isaac, Sophie and Charlie Klarfeld
Yanshuf / Owl
To Ronit and Adina,
Two amazing women with amazing voices
Who have made Tzipporei Shalom
The "Talk of the Town"
(and Bergen County as well.)
Here's to you and your amazing choir
Bob & Helen Levine and Family
Yanshuf / Owl
Mazal tov
Adina Avery-Grossman & Cantor Ronit Wolff Hanan, the entire Tzipporei Shalom Chorus and their alumni Your music fills our sanctuary, our hearts, and our souls Thank you for twenty years of joy! Marlene and Philip Rhodes & Family Chazeh / Robin
Mazal tov to
Tzipporei Shalom
and to Ronit and Adina
on 20 spectacular years!
Tzipporei Shalom has been such a gift
to our family and to our community!
Debbi Bohnen and Adam Wall
Yair and Rafi
Chazeh / Robin
Congratulations to
Ronit and Adina
for their inspiring leadership,
and to Tzipporei Shalom
for 20 years of song.
May they all continue
for many years to come!
Erica Schiffman and Ben Tandowski
Chazeh / Robin
Chazeh / Robin
To our three Birdies
(Jacob, Alex, and Daniella),
Words can't describe the joy and happiness
you have brought to us
and to all of our extended family
with each and every
Tzipporei Shalom performance.
The greatest thanks to Adina and Ronit
for making it possible.
Mazal tov!
Mom and Dad
Chazeh / Robin
תודה רבה
to Ronit and Adina
and all the Tzipporei singers
for blessing us
with years of perfect musical joy.
With much appreciation,
Lainie & Harvey Rosen
Chazeh / Robin
Chazeh / Robin
"Music is the language of the soul."
Adina & Ronit:
Your inspired leadership brings joy and gladness
to our entire congregation
through the exuberant voices
of the children of Tzipporei Shalom!
A heartfelt mazal tov and with deep gratitude,
admiration and appreciation for the many ways
you have enriched our community.
Elaine Shizgal Cohen
Chazeh / Robin
Adina and Ronit,
Thank you for teaching us to sing together.
We will always have these songs in our hearts,
even long after we leave the nest.
We really truly love you!
Your 2019 Birdies
Netanya, Yael, Yoni, Daniel, Zevi, Amira, Tal, Samuel,
Kobe, Adrian, Rebecca, Naya, Selah, Dafna, Sophie,
Dov, Lev, Aliza M., Reut, Aliza P., Liora, Talia, Ella,
Tova, Nafi, Eliana, Rafi, Noa, Delia, and Jordan
Chazeh / Robin
Dear Ronit and Adina: With profound gratitude for adding sweetness
and song to our children's Shabbatot and lives. You and Tzipporei Shalom
are a gift to our children, our families, and our synagogue.
We will always and forever be grateful.
With infinite love and infinite thanks,
Leah & Ira Zaretsky; Hillary & Josh Wasserman; Debbie Bohnen & Adam Wall; Jennifer Dugdale & Ben Sommer; Michal Raucher & Yoni Shear; Blyth & Mark Roth;
Lauren & Efrem Reis; Ilana & Saul Picker; Rachel Kahn-Troster & Paul Pelavin;
Adina & Jonathan Milgram; Michal Telem & Marc Melzer;
Deborah & Micah Liben; Dara & Simon Klarfeld; Hillary & Joseph Kessler-Godin;
Lauren Peccoralo & David Kessler; Rachelle Gandica & Michael Herzig;
Lauren & Joshua Goldman-Brown; Naomi & Yaron Goldrich; Mae & Fred Fuchs;
Julia Andelman & Eitan Fishbane; Leah & Devin Cohen; Dalya & Jonathan Berger;
Susan Kardos & Guy Baracassa; and Iscah Waldman & Matt Agin
Yonah / Dove
Congratulations to Tzipporei Shalom,
Ronit Wolff Hanan and Adina Avery-Grossman!
Your singing brings us much joy!
Ofra & Adam Backenroth
Yonah / Dove
Adina and Ronit,
Thank you for your dedication
to Beth Sholom, the greater community,
and the broader world
of Jewish choral music.
Joan and Reuben Baron
Yonah / Dove
Mazal tov and todah raba to
Cantor Ronit Wolff Hanan
and Adina Avery-Grossman!
With gratitude for 20 years
of shining your light,
energy, talent & phenomenal music!
You make our birdies & congregation soar!
With deepest appreciation & blessings,
Jennifer, Barry & Asher Ben Bayarin
Yonah / Dove
To honor our wonderful "musicians"
Cantor Ronit Wolff Hanan
& Adina Avery-Grossman
who gave us Tzipporei Shalom
Irene Black
Yonah / Dove
Congratulations to
Adina and Ronit
for their inspiring leadership
Brian & Cindy Blitz
Yonah / Dove
Mazel tov Ronit and Adina,
and happy 20th Tzipporei Shalom!
The Bolton Family is grateful to you
for the profound musical, spiritual, and personal impact
you have had on our children and our family.
Congregation Or Zarua in New York City
thanks you for your musical support.
Rabbi Scott Bolton, Rabbi, Congregation Or Zarua
Rabbi Amy Bolton, Founder and Musical Director, Bir'nana, a cappella group of Congregation Or Zarua
Shuli, Shiya, Ziv & Yonah Bolton,
Tzipporei Shalom and Lunch & Leyn Alumni
Yonah / Dove
Mazal tov,
From your
Brandgenuity family
Yonah / Dove
Reb Nachman teaches that every creation
has its own niggun.
For the past two decades
Tzipporei Shalom, Adina and Ronit
have helped us find ours.
Tizku l'mitzvot.
With gratitude, admiration and love,
Sandee Brawarsky and Barry Lichtenberg
Akiva, Meir and Miriam
Yonah / Dove
Yonah / Dove
Kol Hakavod to our friend and leader
Adina Avery Grossman Vice President of Camp Ramah in the Berkshires An extraordinary presence for any community She blesses with her leadership and friendship
The Board of Trustees and Advisory Council
Camp Ramah in the Berkshires
Rick Atlas, Ari Berman, Joan Bucholtz, Mark Covitt, Richie Friedman,
Diane Gittig, Atara Jacobson, Rebecca Kahn, Alisa Kurshan,
Lani Kustanowitz, David Morris, Cliff Nerwen, Sue Och,
Hugh Pollack, Orlie Prince, Adi Rabinowitz, James Rothman,
Yoni Saposh, Harriet Shaiman, Jay Steinberg, Jeff Teitelbaum,
Adam Wallach, Eric Weinstein, Amy Winiker
Yonah / Dove
In warm appreciation
for Ronit and Adina's leadership
and 20 years of Tzipporei Shalom
Harriet and Michael Finck
Yonah / Dove
How fortunate we are
that Adina and Ronit
built such a beautiful nest
for our "tzipporim" at Beth Sholom.
Mazal tov to our honorees
but, really, the good fortune is ours.
Fran Ginsburg and Ed Wolf
Yonah / Dove
Mazal tov to
Adina and Ronit
on 20 years of beautiful song.
We look forward to the next 20.
Jeanne and Arthur Freiman
Yonah / Dove
Congratulations to
Adina and Ronit
for their inspiring leadership
Isaac Fromm, Esq.
Yonah / Dove
Thank you to Adina, Ronit
and all of the Tzipporei Shalom
for beautifying and celebrating
our amazing community
Ray and Elana Goldberg
Leor, Ayal, Allon,
Noam and Eitan
Yonah / Dove
Congratulations & thank you
to the kids of Tzipporei Shalom
-- from the littlest ones to the adults --
for all the joy you have brought to our shul over 20 years.
Adina & Ronit,
We salute you for all you have done!
Your dedication and passion are without peer!
Simon, Debbie
Alex, Talia & Maya Goodman
Yonah / Dove
Thank you
Adina, Ronit
and Tzipporei Shalom for bringing so much joy
to our community
with song
Sarah & Bob Goodman
Yonah / Dove
Congratulations to
Adina and Ronit
for their inspiring leadership
Beth and Harvey Gross
Yonah / Dove
!קול" הכבוד"
Thank you for the marvelous gift
to our community.
Penina, Matt, Josh, Aaron
Yonah / Dove
Congratulations and thank you
to this year's honorees
Ronit, Adina
and Tzipporei Shalom.
Curt and Mara Gruskin
Yonah / Dove
There's music in every child.
The teacher's job is to find it and nurture it." (Frances Clark)
Mazal tov to Adina and Ronit
for 20 years of finding and nurturing the music in every child.
What an incredible accomplishment and legacy!
Your vision and dedication to Tzipporei Shalom have brought our community so much joy through the "sound of music" under your energetic and loving direction.
Kol hakavod on this 20 year milestone! Love from
Eytan, Elaine, Brianna & Maya Hanan
and Rachel Rapaport
Hanan & Rapaport
Yonah / Dove
Adina and Ronit,
You have brought such joy and sweetness
to the hundreds of children
you wove together to learn the specialness
of joining voices to create the sounds of community.
The entirety of CBS has kvelled
over these many years.
Thank you!!!
Rozzie and Alan Hantman
Yonah / Dove
Sing to Adonai a new song
Psalm 149
Adina and Ronit,
Thank you for opening new horizons,
building community,
and bringing great joy to our children
and to our kehillah!
Mazal tov! We sing your praises!
Steven Huberman
Frieda Hershman Huberman
Yonah / Dove
to Adina and Ronit
for their inspiring leadership
Susan Israel & Alan Herschenfeld
Yonah / Dove
Mazal tov to Ronit and Adina
on bringing Tzipporei Shalom
to this amazing milestone!
Thank you for your vision
and for your warm and inspirational leadership.
It has been a joy and privilege
to be part of the Tzipporei Shalom experience
for all these years!
Looking forward to many more years of singing together.
Julia Andelman, Eitan Fishbane
Aderet and Tal
Yonah / Dove
Yasher koach to Tzipporei Shalom
for 20 joyful years.
We have enjoyed every note!
Rhonda & Richard Kahn
Yonah / Dove
Yasher koach to Tzipporei Shalom for 20 joyful years
Kaplan Architecture LLC
Yonah / Dove
Ronit & Adina,
Profound gratitude for all that you have done
to put songs on the lips, and music
in the hearts, of our children.
You are a gift to them, to us,
and to the entire Congregation Beth Sholom family.
Susan Kardos & Guy Baracassa
Yael & Yoni
Yonah / Dove
We are grateful to
Ronit and Adina
and all the Song Birds
for enriching our congregation
and our lives with your music
Jackie and Michael Kates
Yonah / Dove
For enriching our sonic pleasure
and reminding us at each and every performance
just how talented and dedicated our community is.
Thank you, Adina and Ronit!
The Kleins
Dennis and Libby
Rachel, Aaron and Dina,
Leah and Josh,
and the next generation - 5 more of us
Yonah / Dove
Thank you to
Adina and Ronit
and Tzipporei Shalom
for lifting our hearts
for all the years
we have been members of Beth Sholom
Mazal tov on 20 years
The Kniaz-Diamond Family
Yonah / Dove
Yasher koach to Tzipporei Shalom
and Adina and Ronit
for 20 years of Sweet Music!
Arthur and Marian Kugelmass
Yonah / Dove
Todah rabah and yasher koach
to Adina and Ronit
for 20 years of the love of music and Judaism
that you have instilled in our children
and our entire kehillah.
Your dedication to our community
continues to inspire us all.
May you go from strength to strength.
Susan & Howard Lazar
Yonah / Dove
Mazal tov to Ronit and Adina
for their pioneering efforts
in creating a choir of hummingbirds
and seeding the next generation of nightingales!
Tzipporei Shalom singers
have enriched HaZamir Bergen County
and the Greater HaZamir Community
with the training and love for Jewish music
that these two masters have engendered.
With our great respect and love,
Vivian and Mati Lazar
Yonah / Dove
Mazal tov to Tzipporei Shalom
and to Adina and Ronit!
Thank you for making our congregation
so wonderful and inspiring!!
Daniel Levin & Risa Agin Levin
Yonah / Dove
"If you cannot teach me to fly, teach me to sing."
J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
Thank you,
Adina and Ronit
for teaching us to fly
on the wings of our children.
Janice & Norman Levin
Yonah / Dove
Kol hakavod
to Tzipporei Shalom
and their inspiring, dedicated leaders,
Adina and Ronit
Im harbei brachot,
Judith and Jonathan Levin
Yonah / Dove
Adina and Ronit:
Thank you for bringing song
into our synagogue community
and into our Jewish life.
Yasher Koach!
Congratulations for your inspiring leadership.
The Loffman Family
Yonah / Dove
Thank you
Adina and Ronit
for inspiring our children
and thank you
Tzipporei Shalom
for filling our shul with music.
Keep soaring!
Lyn, Nate and Ariana Light Geller
Yonah / Dove
We are so grateful
that all of our children
had the amazing opportunity
to sing in Tzipporei Shalom.
Adina and Ronit
Thank you so much for all of you have taught us
and beautiful music you have brought into our family
and our whole community's life.
Aliza and Benjamin Mann
Yonah / Dove
Mazal tov to
Adina & Ronit
Thank you for being you.
Martz Family
Joseph, Cindy
Eric, Noah, Elaine, Nettie z"l"
Yonah / Dove
Yonah / Dove
Music is said to be
the speech of the Angels.
You are our Angels.
Congratulations to our Honorees
Harriet & Mel Mechanic
Yonah / Dove
Yonah / Dove
With much thanks and gratitude
to Tzipporei Shalom, Adina, Ronit
and the Beth Shalom community
for fulfilling Reut every Shabbat
with your music and warmth.
Adina, Jonathan, Maayan, Ari, Tiferet, Reut, Yarden and Stav Milgram
Yonah / Dove
Congratulations to
Adina and Ronit
for their inspiring leadership
Sheryl and Julian Millstein
Yonah / Dove
Congratulations to
Adina and Ronit
for their inspiring leadership
Tina and Eli Murad
Yonah / Dove
Mazal tov!
Thank you for bringing much joy
and beautiful music
to Congregation Beth Sholom
Mark and Lorna Pascal
Yonah / Dove
To Ronit and Adina,
Thanks for bringing the joy of shirah
to our children.
To all the tzipporim,
Thanks for bringing the joy
and beauty of shirah
to Beth Sholom
Judy and Lee Paskind
Yonah / Dove
Tzipporei Shalom,
Your sounds and your smiles
Fill the room with joy and hope!
Thank you to Ronit and Adina
for making it happen on a weekly basis
for 20 years!
Rachel, Paul,
Liora, and Aliza Pelavin Kahn-Troster
Yonah / Dove
Mazal tov to
Adina and Ronit
and Tzipporei Shalom!
May the birdies never stop chirping!
Thank you for everything
We love you!
The Pickers
Yonah / Dove
Mazal tov
Ronit and Adina
for your inspiring leadership.
Together with Tzipporei Shalom members and alumni
you have helped to make our services and our community
more warm, caring, and meaningful through music.
Judi and Jerry Pitkowsky
Yonah / Dove
Yishar koach to Tzipporei Shalom
for 20 wonderful years.
Congratulations to Adina and Ronit
for their inspiring leadership
and for everything you have done
for our family and our community.
Pitkowsky/Goldfein Family
Yonah / Dove
Kol hakavod to Adina & Ronit
for growing & enhancing
the Beth Sholom Teaneck community
through their extraordinary musical leadership
Mazal tov to our dear and treasured friend Adina
We are inspired by your leadership
and blessed by your friendship
Hugh & Martha Pollack
Deborah & Gabe David & Lindsey
Yonah / Dove
Yasher koach to Tzipporei Shalom
for 20 joyful years
Michael and Debra Popkin
Yonah / Dove
עבדו את ה' בשמחה באו לפניו ברננה
Worship God with gladness,
approach The Divine Presence with joyous song.
- Psalm 100:2
Thank you, Ronit and Adina
for creating and sustaining
Tzipporei Shalom, whose music and spirit
bring us closer to The Divine Presence.
Renah and Mayer Rabinowitz
Adi & Heather Rabinowitz
Dalya & Jonathan Berger
Ayelet & Jeff Teitelbaum
Yonah / Dove
Mazal tov to our friends
Adina and Ronit
for all you have done and continue to do,
for our amazing kehillah
Tziporei Shalom is loved
by a 5-year-old and 95-year-old!
Kol hakavod
Martha & Paul Resnick
Yonah / Dove
Dear Adina, Ronit and all the children of Tzipporei Shalom,
Thank you for the music, the songs you're singing.
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing.
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty.
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music,
For giving it to me!
Yasher koach
for 20 years of filling our hearts with song!
Deborah Rivel
Yonah / Dove
To Ronit and Adina,
Thank you for the soaring voices of our children
who can dream the words of the songs they sing.
"Hold fast to dreams,
for if dreams die,
life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly"
Langston Hughes
The Romirowsky Family
Yonah / Dove
Dear Tzipporei Shalom, Adina and Ronit,
Thank you for making Beth Sholom
a kehillah where our children learned
to love singing.
Kol hakavod on making us
a "singing" community!
Amy Roth, Noam Marans
Daniel, Ilan, Aaron (alum), Allie,
and Yael (alum)
Yonah / Dove
Yonah / Dove
Congratulations to
Adina and Ronit
for their inspiring leadership
Myra and Kenneth Schulman
Yonah / Dove
Kol hakavod to
Adina and Ronit
and the generations of Tzipporei Shalom
that have brightened our lives with song
Charlene & Myron Schulman & Family
Yonah / Dove
Mazal tov
to Adina and Ronit
for two decades
of your amazing musical contribution
to Beth Sholom.
You and Tzipporei Shalom
are truly inspirational.
With great admiration
Karen and Eric and the Segal Clan
Yonah / Dove
Yonah / Dove
Adina and Ronit
Mazal tov! You have brought music
to our kids, and our kids to music.
Beth Sholom is so lucky.
Your vision for, and dedication to,
Tzipporei Shalom
has enriched our congregation!
Kol hakavod, and rav todot,
Devorah, Reuben, Zachary,
Dalia and Maya
Yonah / Dove
You are so deserving of this honor.
We are so blessed to have you
in our congregation.
Sisterhood of
Congregation Beth Sholom
Yonah / Dove
Adina and Ronit-
"So we say thank you for the music.
For giving it to us."
Jayne and Avi Skoff
Yonah / Dove
Kol hakavod to Adina
and Tzipporei Shalom
From her friends at
"Sippurei" Shalom (aka The Book Club) Yonah / Dove
Mazal tov to
Adina Avery-Grossman
on the well deserved honor.
You are an inspiration to all of us.
Mazal tov to the other honorees, too!
The Leventhal Kauderer Family
Yonah / Dove
Tzipporei Shalom*
The singers and their leaders
Bringing music to our shul,
So we won't forget
What they did for love, what they did for love.
Wherever we may roam
And the kids grow up like cedars
Your gift is that our hearts are full
And we won't forget what you did for love
What you did for love.
(*Sung to the tune "What I Did for Love")
The Silow-Carrolls
Yonah / Dove
Congratulations to
Tzipporei Shalom
for the years of enjoyment
you have brought to the congregation
and to Adina and Ronit
for your dedicated service in leading them
Barbara & David Waldman
Yonah / Dove
To Adina and Ronit
and to all the Tzipporei Shalom members,
past, present, and future, this is dedicated to you.
(Sung to the tune of "Rockin' Robin", from 1956)
They rock on the bima when services are done
It's great to see all the children havin' such fun
All the tzipporim at CBS know Adina and Ronit are the best
Rockin' robin, tweet, tweet,
Rockin' robin, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet.
Alex and Vicki Wulwick
Yonah / Dove
וקול התור נשמע בארצנו
The voice of the turtle dove
is heard in our land
(Song of Songs 2:12)
Mazal tov to Ronit, Adina
and Tzipporei Shalom
for a job well done
Linda & Eddie Zizmor
Zamir / Nightingale
שיר חדש אשירה לך With thanks to Ronit, Adina, and all of the members of Tzipporei Shalom over the years, for all of the joy you have given to the Beth Sholom community. Rabbi Kenneth & Cheryl Berger
Mazal tov and kudos to Adina and Ronit, and to Tzipporei Shalom! And gratitude to the Beth Sholom community! Mona & Michael Fishbane
Zamir / Nightingale
Dear Ronit, Adina and Tzipporei Shalom, Thank you for lifting the kehillah up to spiritual places through your inspiring music. Mazal tov! Susan and Eric Goldman
To Ronit and Adina, with gratitude and admiration. To Kobe, for being exactly who you are. To Tzipporei Shalom, for your smiling faces and soaring voices. Lois Goldrich
Zamir / Nightingale
Thank you for years of joy, wonder and friendship. With love, The Greenspans To Ronit and Adina: "It's a Grand Night For Singing!" Hazak
Zamir / Nightingale
Congratulations to Adina & Ronit for their inspiring leadership and for bringing music into the lives of so many. Muriel Jorgensen
Congratulations to Tzipporei Shalom for 20 years full of joyful music! Jacob, Tamara, Ethan, and Lexi Kerr-Murad Zamir / Nightingale
Yasher koach to Tzipporei Shalom for 20 joyful years The Kessler Family Ronit, Adina and Tzipporei Shalom Thank you for 20 years of joy and beautiful music! Charles & Teddi Krauthamer
Zamir / Nightingale
Congratulations to Adina and Ronit for their inspiring leadership Fran & Jack Levine
Congratulations Ronit and Adina for reaching this momentous occasion! Thank your for helping Dov, Lev and all of the tzipporim spread their wings. Mazal tov! Micah and Deborah Liben
Zamir / Nightingale
We celebrate and appreciate Tzippporei Shalom, Adina Avery-Grossman and Cantor Ronit Hanan Thanks for 20 years of joy! Eva Liebmann
Tzipporei Shalom, Ronit and Adina: Rav todot for 20 years of song and joy! Leah and Aryeh Meir
Zamir / Nightingale
Your lovely voices bring peace and serenity to us. Thank you for all that you do. June & Harvey Pearlman
Thank you, Adina & Ronit. May the sound of music forever ring throughout Beth Sholom! Janice & Gerald I. Rosen
Zamir / Nightingale
Ye'asher kochechem to Tzipporei Shalom for 20 years of song and joyfulness. Kol hakavod to Adina and Hazzanit Ronit for your devoted and dedicated leadership. Linda Holof-Saposh and Stuart Saposh Mazal tov to Tzipporei Shalom, Adina and Ronit! Thank you for 20 years of sweet and wonderful music. Cathy and Glenn Shepard
Zamir / Nightingale
Siman tov u'mazel tov, u'mazel tov ve'siman tov! To Adina, Ronit & Tzipporei Shalom, with love & admiration The Spielman Family Mazal tov to Adina and Ronit on this wonderful honor Many thanks for nurturing choral music in Teaneck and beyond! Rena and Elliot Steigman
Zamir / Nightingale
Mazal tov to Ronit and Adina for their vision, their extraordinary efforts, and their generosity of spirit in the Jewish youth choral sphere. Cheryl and Dan Troy
כל הכבוד לעדינה ורונית ולכל הציפורים ''שם צפרים יקננו חסידה ברושים ביתה'' בנימין זומר וג'ניפר דוגדייל
Dror / Sparrow
Mazal tov Ronit & Adina on being honored as leaders in supporting quality Jewish music. Cantor Nancy Abramson Congratulations to Adina and Ronit for their inspiring leadership Maris & Bob Appelbaum
Yaasher koach to Adina and Ronit! If only every congregation had inspiring leaders like you both! Lisa and Alan Avery-Peck
Dror / Sparrow
Congratulations to Adina and Ronit for their inspiring leadership B. Dinelli for Hair
Mazal tov to the well-deserving honorees Helene & Peter Bence
Yasher koach to Tzipporei Shalom for 20 joyful years James and Whitney Blom
Dror / Sparrow
Thank you Ronit and Adina for passing on your loveof Jewish choral music to the next generation. Freddie Brooks
Mazal tov to Ronit and Adina on 20 years with your marvelous choir! To many more in good health! Bobbie Sue Daitch
Thank you, Adina and Ronit for starting our youngest singers on the path to musical excellence. Marsha Bryan Edelman
Dror / Sparrow
Congratulations to Adina and Ronit for their inspiring leadership Rabbi Daniel Freelander
Mazal tov to a beautiful group! Gloria Glattstein
Adina: Mazal tov and thank you for all you do for CBS and beyond. You are an amazing leader, mentor and friend! Rebecca Kahn
Dror / Sparrow
Congratulations Adina & Ronit, Tzipporei Shalom and Yael & Yoni! Love, Poppy & Babby Kardos With thanks to Adina, Ronit, and Tzipporei Shalom for the joy you bring to our community. Marcia Minuskin and Jeffrey Zonenshine Mazal tov to Tzipporei Shalom and the Gala Honorees! Leslie & Philip Monchar and Selma Legman Dror / Sparrow
Congratulations to Ronit & Adina for leading Tzipporei Shalom and bringing our congregation 20 years of joy! Ruth Rosenberg
To another 20 years of soaring high and inspiring our community through music. Mazal tov! Rotenberg-Schwartz Family
Best wishes to Tzipporei Shalom and their leaders Fanny & Mordechei Schachter
Dror / Sparrow
Kol hakavod to Adina & Ronit for your remarkable leadership! Thank you for sharing your exceptional talents! Erika Pardes & Lew Schon Mazal tov to the honorees Hilda & Howard Schultz
Yasher koach to Tzipporei Shalom for 20 joyful years Mildred Schwartz
Dror / Sparrow
Yasher koach to Adina, Ronit and Tzipporei Shalom for the joy and inspiration they bring to us. Eva and Steve Sidorsky
Bravo Adina and Ronit! You have done wonderful and inspiring work. Rabbi Gerald Skolnik
Mazal tov to Adina & Ronit and all the Tzipporei Shalom members past and present. Miriam Stern & Michael Chernick Dror / Sparrow
Congratulations to all the young honorees and Adina and Ronit for their vision and loving leadership. Marion and Roy Udwin
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Beth Sholom