Eva & Jonny Berger
Dor Chadash Award Honorees
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Both Eva and Jonny were born and raised in Los Angeles and have attended Beth Jacob since childhood. The couple was set up by a prominent Jewish Rabbi (AKA "J-Swipe") in 2017, and they were married in 2019 by the one and only Rabbi Topp!

Jonny is a marketing professional in the E-Commerce space where he specializes in advertising and data analytics. He graduated from the University of Maryland where he studied Communications and Marketing. Jonny is on the Beth Jacob board and runs the annual Annual Beth Jacob Basketball Tournament raising funds for Israel. When he's not working, you can find him playing pickleball, hiking, performing improv, relaxing at the beach, keeping up with the latest Oscars contenders, and spending time with his beautiful bride.

Eva is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) and Wealth Strategist at UBS where she specializes in financial planning. She graduated from UC Berkeley, where she studied Economics and International Trade Finance. Eva takes pride in being on the YP Women's Club, a group within Beth Jacob geared towards programming for Young Professional Women. When not at work, Eva can be found reading, hiking, and cooking.

Eva and Jonny’s friendly and inclusive demeanor made them the perfect couple to fill the role of chairs of the YP Welcome Committee at Beth Jacob.  They are so excited to be the Dor Chadash honorees at the 2024 Beth Jacob Banquet, and they look forward to celebrating with all of you!
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