Amanda and Ben Roth
Dor Chadash Award
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Introducing the dynamic duo, Ben and Amanda Roth! These two New York transplants have taken Los Angeles by storm, quickly making a huge circle of friends since moving here just 3.5 years ago.
Ben, a Brooklyn native, is a star associate at Latham & Watkins and a sports fanatic. He graduated with honors from Touro College in 2014 and Harvard Law School in 2019. When he's not working or watching sports, you can find him at the gym or playing in one of the three softball leagues he's a part of (work, shul, and even filling in for Ari Shandling). He may have left Brooklyn, but he still roots for his home teams and has even picked up some local sports allegiances.
Amanda, a Queens girl, spent 8 years working in the Diamond District and was also involved in many chesed (charitable) organizations like Bais Ezra, Yachad, Friendship Circle, and Masbia. She's a baker extraordinaire and recently started her own cake business, check out @cakebyamanda on Instagram for her amazing cake designs. Amanda is also back in school pursuing a degree in Business Administration, and her talents don't stop there. She's an amazing singer, artist, and cook, and though this makes for a pretty full plate, Amanda loves nothing more than to curl up with a good book whenever she can find the time.
Ben and Amanda met in 2013, fell in love and... well, not exactly. They didn't speak for three years after their initial meeting, but boy did they make up for lost time when they finally did (ask Yitzy Frankel, mechitza police extraordinaire). After two years of talking every day for hours on end, Ben’s courting efforts finally paid off, and in 2018, Ben and Amanda finally made it official, and it was Amanda’s turn to “chase” Ben. From Harvard in Boston, to an internship in LA, to a Passover program in Punta Cana, and a semester abroad in Sydney, all culminating when Ben proposed to Amanda on top of the magnificent Fox Glacier in New Zealand. The chase may be over, but the journey has just begun for these two lovebirds. Since moving to LA, they've continued to feed their love of travel - to Italy, Switzerland, and most recently, Hawaii. They also love to take advantage of the great weather to go on hikes all over LA and bike around to places like Culver City, Santa Monica Pier, and Malibu.
These two shul leaders are shaking things up and leading the charge for increased opportunities to integrate Young Professionals into the greater Beth Jacob community, having served on several committees for various shul programs. Amanda, in particular, has been instrumental in making sure the women of the shul have just as much fun as the men. Thanks to her, the Kiddush Club is now a lively and inclusive event where women come out in full force. And let's not forget, many Men's Club events are now open to everyone, thanks to Amanda's efforts.
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