Lisa and Hugo Rose
Tiferet Award
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Meet Hugo, a Peru-born, film industry maverick who’s taken the media industry, Beth Jacob, and the Jewish community by storm.  After studying at the Technion in Israel, he began his career as an intern for a production company in Rome, Italy before making the move to the bright lights of Los Angeles in 1988.  In 1990, he founded Televix Entertainment, a company that distributes and markets films and animated series globally.  And if that wasn’t enough, in 2010 Hugo also co-founded Aronnax Animation Studios, producing 3 films that were nothing short of amazing!  But when he is not making cinematic magic, Hugo can be found collecting model airplanes or savoring a fine whisky.
Then there is Lisa, the Miami-raised, Brazil-born creative savant. She earned her BA in Art and Broadcasting at the University of Miami after graduating from Hebrew Academy. After college, she worked with her brothers in their production company before making the move to LA. Now she works as a Graphic Designer and spends her free time hiking, practicing yoga, reading, and sketching.
It is destiny that brought these two creative powerhouses together, thanks to Lisa’s father, with whom Hugo did business.  They’ve been married for 22 years and have 3 incredible children: Natan a junior at USC, Naomi a freshman at The University of Miami, and Tamar, a 10th grader at Shalhevet High School. 
But they are not just an awesome family, they’re also a force in their LA Jewish community.  They joined Beth Jacob in 2001 and have been active members ever since. Hugo served on the General Board and Executive board for 19 years, even serving as president in 2011.  He also previously served as President of the Kiddush Club. Lisa’s a volunteer at Beth Jacob and a host of the newly formed Women’s Parsha Club.  She especially enjoys contributing to Chesed meals and hosting new members at their Shabbat table. During COVID, their home operated as a satellite minyan.  Hugo also currently serves on the regional board of FIDF and Lisa has always volunteered her time to her children’s schools and currently serves as co-President of the Shalhevet Parent Association.

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