Alisa & Nathan Brooks
Dor Chadash Award
Alisa and Nathan started out on opposite coasts yet found each other and a home at Beth Jacob. Alisa was raised in San Jose, California, while Nathan grew up in Massachusetts outside of Boston.
After graduating UCSB with a degree in Literature, Alisa sojourned in Israel and NYC, where she worked as Editorial Coordinator and Production Manager at Ami Magazine. Alisa’s passion for helping writers find their voices and capture their unique stories led her to found Alisa Brooks Coaching, a coaching and editing business that helps authors write and publish their books. She is also the Director of Publishing for Imagilore Entertainment. If she is not working, supervising a small, adorable tyrant, or reading voraciously, she’s probably crocheting something fabulous. 
Nathan graduated from Framingham State University in Massachusetts with a BA in Geography. He completed Officer Candidate School for the Army National Guard while at college and branched as an aviation officer. Nathan has been a Goodyear Blimp pilot, a Blackhawk helicopter pilot, and a commander in the military, including while deployed in Afghanistan. He enjoys running on the beach before sunrise, reading about history, and conducting video interviews of couples pregnant for the first time, capturing their transition from couple to family. He currently works at Riot Games as a Producer & Manager on the video game League of Legends. 
At two-and-a-half, their son Gidon loves his Mama, Papa, and music (especially the classics: The Beatles and Prince). His hobbies include jumping, drumming, and being the absolute light of his parents’ lives.   
Alisa and Nathan connected at a Beth Jacob young professionals dinner. Beth Jacob has become central to their lives: Rabbi Topp married them, their son had his bris in Shapell Sanctuary, and Nathan can be found in shul weekly, where he has served as gabbai in the YP minyan. 
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