Welcome Letter from Gala Chairs
We are thrilled to welcome each of you to Beth El's 2022 Gala: A Night Under the Stars!!
We are gathering to thank past-President Mark Silver and the President's Ne'emanim Award recipients Alan and Allison Kellman for their leadership.
Beth El is our community –  a place where we celebrate simchas, are moved by singing and words of Torah, and form deep friendships.  We are excited to be together, in person, and enjoy this festive time out in the tent schmoozing, celebrating eating and dancing.  We can't wait to toast the honorees and thank them for all that they do to make Beth El the second home that it is for all of us. 
We are excited to chair this great fundraising event to help Beth El continue to thrive.  The amazing Gala committee and Beth El professional staff and maintenance team have spent countless hours helping to make the evening incredibly special, meaningful and fun. Special thanks to past presidents and former Gala Chairs who gave us lots of advice (and bags full of old gala materials!)
We'll see you under the tent on June 2!
Lauren Freeman-Bosworth & Brian Bosworth
Gala Chairs
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