In memory of
Dr. Deborah Kantor Nagler, A"H
A true woman of valor.
She is deeply missed.
Sponsored by her
Friends and Family
Congratulations and Thank You to:
Sy Blechman
for his commitment and dedication to:
BCHSJS and the entire
Jewish Community
Myra and Manny Genn
Congratulations and Thank You to:
Fred Nagler
for his commitment
and dedication to:
BCHSJS and the entire
Jewish Community
Myra and Manny Genn
Mazel Tov as the BCHSJS
L'Dor V'Dor recipient.
Thank you for your unwavering support
and dedication to BCHSJS
and Jewish Continuity.
Mazel Tov to all the 2020 honorees
and Thank you to the BCHSJS Board, Faculty and Staff.
Elayne and Ofer Kalina
Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach to Fred Nagler
for your steadfast commitment and dedication
to BCHSJS and Jewish Education.
Mazel Tov to all the 2020 honorees
and Thank You to the BCHSJS Board, Faculty and Staff.
Elayne and Ofer Kalina
Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees.
BCHSJS is truly blessed
for your individual contributions
to its past, present and future.
LB Goodman & Co
Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees.
BCHSJS is truly blessed
for your individual contributions to
its past, present and future.
Steven and Gail Prystowsky
Congratulations to the Board,
Faculty and Staff
for their commitment and dedication to:
BCHSJS and the entire
Jewish Community
Manny and Myra Genn
Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees.
BCHSJS is truly blessed
for your individual contributions
to its past, present and future.
David and Liya Pichkadze
Mazel Tov, Fred.
Educating is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire
-William Butler Yeats
Like the kindling of Shabbat candles dispels much darkness,
educating our children is the way to a brighter future
for them and our community.
Thank you for your years of work educating and rekindling
the divine spark in each Jewish child at BCHSJS.
We could not have chosen a better recipient
to reflect the values and warmth of
Walter, beloved husband, father, and grandfather.
Ruth Ramsfelder, Jonathan and Jamie Ramsfelder, Zach, Max
and Allie, Alan and Miriam Levin, Eric, Jeremy and Rebecca
Congratulations to Jill Strassberg.
May You Go From Strength to Strength.
Alex and Doug Sobelman
Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees.
BCHSJS is truly blessed
for your individual contributions
to its past, present and future.
Connie and Rand Stack
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Mazel tov to all the honorees, with special yasher koach to Fred Nagler on being named Principal Emeritus, and thank you Sy Blechman for everything you do for our school! Rabbi David and Alla Fine
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Congratulations to Fred Nagler. May You Go From Strength to Strength. Marvin Resnick
Congratulations! Our community thanks you for all of your efforts. Many successes in your future endeavors. Gene Rosenberg
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Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees. BCHSJS is truly blessed for your individual contributions to its past, present and future. Heidi & Seth Seigel-Laddy
Fred, Your commitment and devotion to Jewish education has left an indelible footprint for future generations. Incredible accomplishment. Love, Yosepha and Yitzie Solomon Half Page
Mazal Tov Chanan Your devotion to the Jewish Community is exemplary and helps to build a bridge to the future With much pride and love, Your Extended Family Brondy and Ken Strassman
Congratulations to Chanan Strassman. May You Go From Strength to Strength. Ilana & Moshe Wertenteil
Quarter Page
Fred, Temple Israel to BCHSJS and many Shabbatonim; the memories and lessons will forever be with us Mazel Tov & Kol Hakavod Pam Minkin Fishman, Andrew Halperin and Sandie (Sparkman) Presser Class of 1985 Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees. BCHSJS is truly blessed for your individual contributions to its past, present and future. Brandeis Men's Club
Congratulations to Fred Nagler. May You Go From Strength to Strength. Ruth and Leonard Cole
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Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees. BCHSJS is truly blessed for your individual contributions to its past, present and future. Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot Congregation Netivot Shalom Mazel tov and thanks to Fred Nagler for all his dedication, great work and innovations for BCHSJS! Malkie and Michael Karlin Congratulations Fred Nagler for this well deserved honor. Linda and Leib Koyfman
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Mazel Tov to all BCHSJS Honorees and with special appreciation for Principal Fred Nagler. Howard Mazal Tov to Fred A wonderful person and our dear friend Much Love, Ivy and Yossi Podolski
Congratulations on this well deserved honor. Leon and Marilyn Sokol
Quarter Page
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors. Jill and Steven Strassberg Congratulations Fred. May you go from strength to strength. Harold and Suzanne Tepler
Business Card
Congratulations to Bruce Prince for all of your efforts!!!
Thank you Fred Nagler for not only being a visionary,
but for having the strength to make your dreams
into a successful and incredible school!!!!
Becky & Shalom Bronstein
Business Card
Mazel Tov to Jill Strassberg
Thank you for all of your hard work,
dedication and support of BCHSJS
With love from,
Cari, Eric, Rebecca and Sarah Brandon
Business Card
Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees.
BCHSJS is truly blessed
for your individual contributions
to its past, present and future.
The Baer Family
Business Card
Mazal tov on a career well spent, Fred.
We hope your retirement
will be equally gratifying!
Laura & Jonathan Fleischmann
Business Card
Congratulations to
Sy Blechman.
May You Go From Strength to Strength.
Business Card
Congratulations to
Fred Nagler.
May You Go From Strength to Strength.
Mel & Joan Nagler
Business Card
Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees.
BCHSJS is truly blessed
for your individual contributions
to its past, present and future.
Jessica & David Spiegel
Name Listing
Faigy and Daniel Abraham
Josh and Tamara Adler
Rhonda & Jeff Avner
Judith Baslaw
Susan and Larry Cohen
In memory of Deborah Nagler
Rona and Josef Feldman
Irving and Esther Fruchter
Name Listing
Evelyn and Itzie Gellman
Judy and Jules Gutin
Melvin and Haren Haller
Fariba & Emanuel Hedvat
Ephraim & Lori Hoffman
Simcha and Pesh Katz
Goldie and Robert Kikin
Janis and Daniel Klein
Name Listing
Anne & Barry Kornblum
Benjamin and Yolanda Kropsky
In memory of Lawrence Goodman
Sylvia and Alan Le Vine
Peter and Susan Liebeskind
Yocheved & Nathan Lindenbaum
Marion and Ben Bashist
A & E Mauskopf
Name Listing
Mel and Marsha Ness
In memory of Norman Billig
Robyn and Gary Reifman
Barb Feige and Sandy Riemer
Phillip and Ruth Roth
Aaron & Jean Rothstein
Esther and Jacob Schlanger
Sharon and Andrew Silow-Carroll
Name Listing
Cynthia and Abe Steinberger
In memory of Susan Seigel
Reva and Aaron Tokayer
Isaac and Mona Weinberger
Myril and David Zomick
Parent Supporter
Congratulations to
Jill Strassberg.
May You Go
From Strength to Strength.
Elysa Dauerman
and Menachem Pastreich
Parent Supporter
Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees.
BCHSJS is truly blessed
for your individual contributions
to its past, present and future.
Shira, Joseph, Penina,
Mimi and Tammy Steinberg
Parent Supporter
Congratulations to our daughter Ilana
and all of the
Bergen County High School of Jewish Studies
Graduates of 2020
Jeffrey and Lorissa Whittaker